• Member Since 15th Aug, 2020
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When Twilight arrives Sunset's door the day before her Christmas Party, the girls think it’s going to be a fun-filled evening of laughter and joy. The same can’t be said of the awkward, newly-reformed Starlight. But Sunset has an idea. An idea that might help them both overcome their past mistakes.

Written as a gift for Applezombi, the man behind the curtain of the Reviewer's Mansion's Secret Santa.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 17 )

Sweet Celestia, this was just beautifully written (chef's kiss). I loved it. Who better to teach Starlight a bit about the road to redemption than someone who has already been through it (AKA. Sunset Shimmer)

Thank you. Glad you enjoyed. A romance involving one of them was the prompt. So I did both.

Very well written.
I did not notice an glaring spelling or grammatical errors like missing words or jumping between tenses.

Thanks. I'm really trying to work on the tenses thing.

Welcome back! And ohh a sweet gift for us! Nicely done!

Yeah, I know the rewrites are taking a long time. I'm currently at chapter 50. So, hopefully it will be done soon.

And it clearly shows, keep it up!

“Why is this fat man here?” she asked, holding up a glass figurine of Santa Clause.

“That fat man is Santa Claus.” The blank look on her face told me that my answer meant nothing to her. “He’s one of the big figures for Christmas. He goes around on Christmas Eve and delivers presents down the chimneys of good boys and girls.” I closed my eyes, thinking back to the first time I’d heard the story myself. “He rides around the world on a sleigh, pulled by his team of magical flying reindeer.”

When I opened my eyes, I realized Twilight and Starlight were staring at me with wide, terrified eyes. “So,” Twilight began. “He rides a flying sleigh and breaks into people’s homes?”

“Not . . . exactly.” I chewed my tongue. “Okay, yeah, it’s a little weird,” I admitted, bobbing my head back and forth. “But he’s an integral part of Christmas.” I paused to clear my throat. “Also, I don’t think he’s real.”

Twilight pursed her lips. “That story does seem a bit far-fetched. I mean, just thinking about the time it would take to–”

“Twilight.” I frowned. “We’re magical talking ponies from another dimension. Should anything really be far-fetched for us?”

I love pony commentary on human traditions.

Sweet fluffy story.

Thank you. I also agree that it can lead to some fun and interesting explanations.

Well, this was just wonderful. I love unsure and struggling Starlight, I love the gentle commentary on Santa. Fun and cute and lovely.

Thank you so much.

Glad you enjoyed it.

I would love to bear their commentary on the origin of Christmas. The birth of Jesus.

Could be fun. Unfortunately, I feel that would also somehow stir up a religious debate, and I don’t have the required fortitude to deal with that.

Channeling my inner Mud Briar: The birth of Jesus likely would have been in April, Roman tax season. The holiday we know as Christmas is a combination of pagan winter solstice traditions from across Europe as Christians consolidated their converts' former beliefs into one festive season.

If you want to get super technical about the history of the holiday.

“It wasn’t that bad,” Twilight said, rolling her eyes. She turned her attention back to me. “Well, I guess we can stay, then.”

It's bad if you ask me, I mean the part where your body changes is a bit shocking but if it's how the portal works then there's nothing to argue about ghere. :applejackunsure:

“Twilight.” I frowned. “We’re magical talking ponies from another dimension. Should anything really be far-fetched for us?”

She has a point you know.

“I’m kind of surprised you knew what a vacuum was, Princess.” I said, adding a whole lot of snark to my voice. Twilight stared at me seriously, but it didn’t take long for her facade to crack into a shy grin. Christmas was a time to be happy. And a little thing like this couldn’t change that.

As much as I do love Christmas this year I'm not feeling the brightest just like last year, and the reason is because of family and losses.

The rest of the day hadn’t gone much better. Once we finished the tree, we moved on to the rest of the house. Hanging wreaths on doors, setting up poinsettias in the vases, burning the first batch of cookies, putting out a small fire, and eventually making a second batch of cookies. And through it all, I relished Twilight’s company. But I couldn’t ignore Starlight. Wherever we went, she followed, just to stay silent and try her best to stay out of the way.

She probably didn't want to make another mistake like she did with the Christmas ornament. :fluttershysad:

Starlight didn’t seem to hear me. “And as much as she and the others claim to be my friend, they’ll always have that knowledge in the back of their minds. Heck, I think Twilight only keeps me around because she’s worried I’ll try something else.” Starlight put her back to the rail and slid down until she was sitting in the snow. “I’m not her student, Sunset. I’m just a pet she keeps on a tight leash.”

I think your worrying yourself a bit too far there starlight. 🙁

I tried desperately to save her. In doing so, I became just another casualty, though. Together, the two of us crashed back down onto concrete. Luckily, the snow broke most of the impact. Unfortunately, that meant I now had cold water running down the back of my shirt. The two of us lay there beside one another, staring up at the starry sky.

Oofity. :fluttershyouch:

“It doesn’t. The plant is another tradition. Here, let me show you.” I rolled over until I was close enough to reach Starlight. There, somewhat underneath the mistletoe, I brushed my lips softly against hers.

Dang, i did not expect to see the story end with this. :pinkiegasp:

I take it you enjoyed? Glad to hear it. I’m sorry for your losses this year. Hope next year is better for you.

Thx and I did. It's hard to feel happy during the holiday season while most of the time your spent thinking about something your missing dearly.

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