• Published 22nd Dec 2021
  • 1,217 Views, 5 Comments

A Rainbow Surprise - Sunset Awesomness17

Sunset is really angry and upset. She does not want to be around anyone or be bothered, and of course that’s not how it went.

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Author's Note:

Thank you for reading this! I don’t know if I will extend to this, but if you would like to see more of this, let me know! Thanks! Sorry for any grammar issues! Hope it’s not too bad!:twilightsheepish:

I walked through the halls of what used to be my territory. The very place I just loved to torment anyone that was even remotely better than me. Little did anyone know, that I, Sunset Shimmer was so fucking obsessed with them, envied them, hated them, was jealous of them, and……I hate to admit this last part, but that I secretly admired them all.

But you must understand, I WOULD RATHER DIE than let a SINGLE soul learn the real me or even have the chance to find my weaknesses. I am very wealthy and very very smart, and my mother has always told me that I must act and look like it, not to mention the fact that I am a princess. She said that I had a reputation that I needed to keep in. I only knew my mother for a small part of my life in Equestria before she was sent to exile by the order of Princess Celestia.

Now you may be very surprised to hear this, but my mother is Queen Chrysalis. Believe or not, my mother didn’t always used to look the way she does now, she used to have beautiful amber fur and beautiful deep red with a bit of white and aqua locks. She had beautiful monarch butterfly wings and single golden horn. Used to be Queen of the infamous Crystal Empire. Seated at the right hoof side of King Sombra, who is also my father. (I know, word to think this is how I came to be, but it is. They both ruled the empire relentlessly and harshly to the core, making sure to let every pony know just who was in charge.

Princess Celestia dealt with them of course and something happened, I am not too sure because mother never had the chance to finish what she had to say before she was ripped away from me, BUT before the guards was able to successfully pull her away from me, she did say, “Sunset, I need to tell you, that you are a princess. Whether anyone else see it or not, that is what you are. You were born as one. I also need to tell you, that in Equestria you do have the ability of a changeling. But because you are half unicorn, you will only be able to change or transform when your magic is at its most powerful state!”

With that she was gone. A very quick interaction and I never saw her again. I was never allowed to see her again. Fast forward to the present, here I am currently going down these halls. Now let me catch y’all up to date on a where I am at in life. Last Friday, was the day that ratchet flanken Twilight Sparkle manage to beat me from my very powerful state in the sky and within a good 3 minutes was able (with the help of her annoying little friends, like seriously barf) shoot me down with their little powers of laughter and loyalty and kindness. (Like what the buck?)

The did this in front of the ENTIRE SCHOOL! After I had just successfully had everyone at my feet ready to serve me like royalty. But did they dare let me even have a minute of victory? To finally for the first time in a long time actually find some sort of emotion other than hatred and disgust. No. Of course not, of course they had to be good little angels and save the world from my rule again. (Which to be fair was never going to work cause who the hell was I going to boss around 2000 little zombies and somehow manage to do anything with these undead walking, brainless little idiots? Nothing.

Honestly, I guess I kinda deserved what I got because I do have to admit how stupid of an idea that was. I have no idea what I was thinking, maybe I just really wanted someone to finally give me some sort of attention or maybe even make them suffer just for my enjoyment, because life as far as I can tell is really boring and I don’t have any friends to do stuff with. I am NOT saying that I was lonely or anything CAUSE I TOTALLY WASNT! But……uh…….I do have to admit that I have always longed for someone to like suddenly come out of the walls of these lockers and hug me tightly, rocking me back and forth whilst telling me how everything will be okay. *My face slight darkens as I think these things in my head, before I shook the feeling and reminded myself to put on a tough girl face.

Having such an embarrassing and horrible and somehow very painful defeat like that was enough to break me. I could not hide my emotions the way I would have wished to, as the huge gashes in my back from the giant bat demon wings last were. Then there was this sudden rush of emotions that I guess after the pretty harsh lecture Twilight gave me while I was in that stupid hole, I did felt a great deal of guilt and regret. I did not mean for anything to go this far, I was just doing what my mother told me, to keep up my reputation. And……as bad as it may sound, we have been known to be very VERY dangerous and scary to every pony ever known. We planned to keep it that way. That night though, I could not help but break my little evil princess act and show them my inner weaknesses and my true emotions.

Since then I’ve not been the same. I find myself fighting with my emotions constantly. Though I’ve only been locked away in my house until today, so it’s really just been me moping around and hating every bit of myself for showing the whole school that even this little brute princess can produce tears. Real tears might I add. No one has seen me since that night. The whole weekend I have been locked up, in the dark, in my room, alone. That’s how I wanted it. I just wanted to be left alone because for some reason after everything that has happened, I just found it easier to break down. My mother and father must be so disappointed in me. Not because I made the whole student body miserable for so long, but because I let them see such a vulnerable part of me. To be honest, I never really meant any real danger, but I guess sometimes I may have been a little harsh at times. I can’t say I don’t feel sorry for any of it, cause………I guess I do. At the same time, I’m not willing to admit it. I’m not willing to admit the nightmares I now get to suffer through every night. (I’ve always been a victim of depression every sense I’ve been away from Mother and learning about who my real father was.) My depression has been worsening, my sanity……I’m sure was plummeting. I was a total train wreck and just mustering the strength to even come to school today has literally drained what little energy I had today, which was Monday.

I felt a a fit pit of dread building within me as I walked through these halls. This was actually bad news because it meant……that I could potentially hit someone if I’m caught off guard. I have a bad reflex of swinging my arms at anything at the corner of my eye when I am anxious or nervous. Today, I was all that and more. It was alarming of how bad I wanted to hit everyone I saw. At some point I could not handle it and I dashed to my locker swung it open and I threw my tight fists at this tiny punching bag in my locker. (Since I had this feeling every now and then, I never want to take my anger out on anyone, so this has always been a successful alternative.) Today however, it was not giving me the same kind of stress relief. Instead it made me angry….

I knew exactly what I needed to do. I didn’t want to do this one, I have never had to but the urge today was WAY too much. I NEEDED TO RUN! I ran as fast as I could to the track field. Which is so unlike me. Everyone knew how much I HATE running and so seeing me run through the halls freaked a lot of kids out as the moved out of my way, but curious as too why I was running. I burst outside and ran towards the field.

“Hey she-demon, what are you running from?” She heard a familiar voice call out from behind her. She glanced over her shoulder to find Rainbow Dash running along side her with a wide smirk spread across her face. I rolled my eyes and kept running.

A second later I saw Rainbow catch up to me long enough to jump into my side, throwing me down. “HEY!” This made me furious, because my run was being interrupted. “Shoot!” I exclaimed as I tried to get up, but found that I had scrapped my knee. I let out a frustrated sigh. “There goes my perfect skin.” I said more to myself, but I had forgotten that little athlete girl was still there. Who heard me. “Haha, Aw did I hurt a little brat?” I groaned in annoyance before getting up and started running again, this time I somehow picked up the pace by stretching my legs out fully and because I used to be a unicorn, I was able to use that as a technique to run fast.

“HEY! STOP IGNORING ME!” Rainbow shouted from behind me, right on my heel. “ Damn, you’re pretty fast. No one has ever been able to be so hard to catch up to like you have.” I was getting even more annoyed, I desperately just wanted to be left alone. To get to the field you had to go through the gym or go around the gym, (which takes longer) so I made the decision to just go through the gym.

I barely got my hand on the gym door handle, before I felt Rainbow Dash crash right into me, slamming the school bully into the glass door. “AH SHIT!” I exclaimed as I expressed my frustration again. I felt two strong hands pin my arms down again the door. I tried to break free, but these hands had such a strong grip on me, that I was unable to free them, nor could I fight off the weight being pressed against me. “RAINBOW DASH LET ME GO RIGHT NOW!” I shouted angrily to the person behind me.

Little did I know, that while I was running to the gym, there had been a couple of other girls that chased me down as well. So when I heard the next voice, I stopped surprise and stopped struggling completely to look over my shoulder to see who it was. “Or what?” Said the voice. “What are ya going ta do about it?” I looked to see Applejack pinning down my arms an angry look on her face. “W-What?” I said. After I finally stopped fighting them off, curiosity getting the best of me. Curse my curiosity. Applejack, moved her face closer to mine. “What are you going to do about it?”

I refused to answer, because I wasn’t sure how to respond. I didn’t want to admit I couldn’t move, so naturally, I defiantly puffed air out of my nose and said, “Bust your lips of you keep me like this for much longer!” To my left, I saw Rainbow move herself so I could see her out of the corner of my eye. “Oh really?” She asks sarcastically before she turns to her friend. “Help me good her down, AJ.” She says with a wicked smirk. I saw Applejack adjust herself to pin me further into the glass door. My back facing them.

Suddenly, I felt two hands on either side of my hips. I didn’t really know what was going on at first, since I am from a different world and I’ve never seen this happen before, I was caught unaware of what was about to happen. Until, I felt Rainbow’s hands grip my skirt and yanked them down to my ankles. I yelped in response. My face burns red as soon as I realized I was bottomless. Not so much because it happened, because of what was underneath.

I heard Rainbow and Applejack gasp in surprise when they saw what they saw. I felt my shirt being lifted up over my head to reveal the full outfit that was hidden underneath my clothing.

“OH MY GOSH! HAHA! You wear LINGERIE?!” Rainbow exclaimed as Applejack burst out laughing. I felt my face burn uncontrollably red. My black lacy lingerie revealed to two of my most hated beings of this school. It had black leather that connected the bottoms to my bra. Topped with a cute little black bow between my boobs and one at the front of my panties. Then I felt one of them harsh tug on the underwear attached to the lingerie.

I let out a very embarrassingly high pitched squeal as I felt the garment dig itself into my sensitive area. This cause the two to laugh harder. “Oh meh goodness! She’s actually so light!” Applejack says.
“Hah! Yeah, and her face looks so cute all crunched up from the pain in her little flower.” Rainbow snickered.
The two began to start bouncing their school bully up and down with my undies tightly slicing through my private area. I felt intense pain going up there and I could not help but let out little squeals and yelps with every bounce.

Suddenly, in my desperation to keep my voice down and do my best unsuccessfully to keep my discomfort from being visibly exposed. To my absolute dismay, I heard what sounded like a moan escape through my lips. My eyes shot open as soon as it happened, and I glanced up to see if my tormentors heard it. My heart dropped when I saw that their faces clearly told me that they totally heard it. My face burning up again,

“HAHA! Did you just……moaned to getting your panties wedged deep inside your butt?!” Rainbow cackled. While Applejack decided to take it upon herself to start bouncing me in my underwear faster and harder. This caused me to uncontrollable let out little moans and squeals of both pain and pleasure.

Next thing I knew, I saw a flash break out in front of me. I paled in horror when I saw through the glass door that a crowd of students that were inside the gym all watching my flank get destroyed by my own under garment. What was worse as I could feel a wetness building up inside as my panties started to rip.

With one last harsh pull, Applejack successfully ripped (my favorite) pair of panties and before I could even react to that, Rainbow Dash gave my booty a nice loud, painful slap. I shrieked as I felt my arousal fall to the ground before me. I closed my eyes, and battle with myself to try my hardest not yo let out a single tear…..for the second time ever. But that was all lost as soon as I felt another hard slap before I heard Rainbow And Applejack gasp.

At first I wasn’t sure why, but then I realized that somehow my hair must have moved or something because now one of my DEEPEST secrets was now being revealed. On my back, right above my bra, hidden by my thick hair, was a tiny little tattoo of a rainbow lightening bolt attached to a little cloud with a heart. Obviously…….this was never meant to be found, let alone to be found BY RAINBOW DASH!

I felt Rainbow Dash’s warm breath brush up against my ear. “Do you like me, Sunset Shimmer?” I could feel Rainbow’s smirk spread even more as she saw just how much I blushed from her question. “Is that why you haven’t tried to fight against us from doing this to you?” She asked me. That’s when I realized Applejack was no longer restraining me. “W-what?! NO!” I tried to sound angry, but it ended up coming in a high pitched squeak. I immediately looked away as soon as I heard how it sounded like, causing everyone around me to laugh.

“Awww, Sunset, it’s okay to have a crush on Dash here.” Applejack teased. I glared at her and attempted to yell back at her, but was stopped short when I felt Rainbow bite down right below my ear and tug on it. This caused me to let out………..a whinny. Like you know, from a horse, but a squeaky one. “Do you like me?” Rainbow repeated the question.

She began to trail sweet little kisses down my neck, biting and suckling on as she went, leaving behind numerous little hickies all over. This made me feel so light but it was so hard to speak or say anything because my mind was just so distracted. I could not function properly. Then I felt a hard pinch in my butt cheek. “OW!” I exclaimed. “If you do not answer, I will not remove my fingers.” I heard Rainbow Dash threaten under her breath, that only her and I could hear. She tightened her grip on my butt cheek and finally, not being able to take it anymore, I caved in and in a small voice I said, “Y-y-yes.”

Rainbow immediately let go of me completely and I was finally able to touch the ground for the first time in a while! My knees buckled as I felt myself fall to the ground, but I was caught moments before I touched the ground by Rainbow Dash. “Wait, what did you say?” She said, holding me up.

My face burned as I looked away, but Rainbow gripped my chin gently and forced me to looks at her in the eyes. I let out a heavy sigh and then I said a little louder. “Yes.”

She smirked at me and said, “yes what?” I rolled my eyes and said back to her, “Yes! I l-l-like you! Ok-“ I was cut off when she caught me off guard as she leaned in and pressed her lips against mine. “MMPH!” Was all I could get out before I found myself melting into the kiss. When she pulled away, she gave me a knowing look with a bit of satisfaction in her eyes. “I like you too. I honestly never thought you’d ever admit it out loud, but I am glad you did. Here.” She gave me my skirt back. “I’ll see you around.” She winked at me before entering the gym with Applejack closely behind her, who gave me an amusing smirk as I blushed furiously.

Today ended up being way better than I could ever have imagined. With that, I slipped my skirt back on and went inside to get out a new pair of undies and went about my day, finding it incredibly heard to focus on any of my school work, with thoughts of Rainbow Dash on my mind. I smiled to myself as I closed the door to my bedroom as soon as I got home and flipped on the bed. My dreams that night were………not clean is all I can say.:unsuresweetie:

Comments ( 5 )
Comment posted by MistyShadowz deleted Dec 22nd, 2021

Yes, hello!
I must say; this was definitely an unexpected read. First I must congratulate you on the awesome lore/backstory you gave Sunset here. It was quite unique, adding Chrysalis and Zombra as what they are in this. I would love to see it expanded upon, not sure if you took inspiration or something,but it's still a really good touch, *chef’s kiss*
I had seen the latter half... a bit coming... to an extent, but I wasn't expecting the rest. Though surprise is a major key in storytelling/writing.

A comment I have to put out there is the unattatchment we have towards all characters here. Sunset just seemed unlovable... to some extent, she seemed to have not forgotten her old ways, which sure, can be credited to her not truly changing, but I don't like to think it that way. The only thing in my head, separating Sunset Knitter and Starlight Dinner from one another is how they took their reformation, while one completely changed the other still, occasionally, retured to their old ways. So, saying that Sunset remained this way even after her not-perfect-whatsoever reformation is a bit underwhelming to me. (But that's simply my opinion)

Plus Rainbow just doesn't like someone who'd... uh... do that in public, she seems, from what I know of her, to be a girl of secrecy when it's comes to that sort of thing, it's just the sort of vibes Dash has given me (also could my own projection spea,in general up)
Key word there: public.

And Applejack just seemed so... out of place, you could just take her out, and make Dash the one to hold Sunset down, and literally nothing would change. I lieget only read this because I saw the tags Applejack and Rainbow (plus romance) on here, so I suppose it was me getting click acted, huh?
Not that I regret it though, SunDash is a mitey fine ship if I do say so myself (thought Aj wouldn't be pleased:ajbemused:)

Thant being said; I don't hate, despise, unapprove, or dislike this fic at all. I quite enjoyed the first half and even the latter wasn't bad sto me. I just saw some place that might need a bit tweaking or editing or just looking at, and I pointed it out, is all. Character seeming a hpbit out of place/out unlikeable in that moment/replaceable:pinkiehappy: Hope it wasn't a bother:twilightblush:

(Oh and I noticed that you said fuck one second and buck the next, nothing big, just my nitpickey side coming out:

One last, not so critical, thing. I just love how Sunset and Dash are just confessing feelings for one another in front of Aj. Not only is I think awkward for he to just watch two people get together... I think... in such a way, and!! Yes, there's an and! I consider Dash and Aj together in both worlds, plus I saw the romance and the respective character tags, and I was even more cracked up by that fact. The fact that Aj, in my head, had to watch he crush confess to someone else, sad yet hilarious.
Yes, I have a morbid sense of humor, thank you so very much for noticing:pinkiehappy:

Ah I do love a good AjDash but I felt that in here, Ah would actually be with Rarity. I have a huge Rarijack ship in my heart. I could ship them any time. I don’t normally do Sunset and Dash, but idk, for this story that’s where I took it. I am not sure if I’ll continue this story. But I’ll definitely expand on my idea of Sunset being the daughter of Chrysalis and Sombra.

Yeah, Applejack was kinda just thrown into the mix, I added her in so suddenly. I think it’s because I picture Rainbow Dash having a hard time holding down Sunset Shimmer, but the help of Applejack would help her a lot. So I added her for that. I should have done more with her though.

I’ll probably might write another story but in a different setting and probably with a view and expand it from there. See where it goes.

Thanks for reading! I appreciate your feedback! Thank you so much!💕

Ah RariJack, alright. I can't say I ship it... kinda the one I ship the least... or don't whatsoever....
Hm, eh, sure, can't see Dash holding down Susnet for that long either, so I get where you're coming from. Plus, that gives you an excuse to add Aj in this, so I'm pleased:scootangel:
Any fic with Dashie in it, catches my attention quite quickly I'll tell you so much. Especially if it's got Aj in it, as well... with her and Aj not acting like absolute dicks, that is:pinkiehappy:, so I think it is you I must be thanking for the fun, new, Dashie-related read:twilightsmile:
And I was just saying what's on my mind nothing more:twilightsheepish:

Thank you! I appreciate it!

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