• Published 13th Sep 2012
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Wonderbolts... Yeah, Right. - Littlecolt

After failing the test to get into the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash remembers the events of the day.

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Wonderbolts... Yeah, Right.

Image by http://bronyartist.deviantart.com/

Wonderbolts... Yeah, Right.
By Littlecolt

Rainbow Dash lay in her bed, her face buried in the cloud she called a pillow. She wrapped her front hooves around the cloud and pulled it firmly against her face, muffling the sound of her sobbing.

I was so sure I’d make it, she thought to herself. I can’t believe this happened.

She flipped over onto her back and wiped the wetness from her face. Her eyes were bloodshot and still shedding tears, which rolled down her cheeks and onto her pillow. She looked around her room. Everything looked gray and drab, which would be normal for a room made of clouds, except it seemed even more gray than usual to her. A sort of oppressive black and white gray that sucked what little life she had left out of her. She sat up in bed and looked down at her tail, which was sprawling out from underneath her. Even the colors of the rainbow, so radiantly represented in her hair, was drab and lifeless to her eyes.

“Wonderbolts...” she said to herself, “Yeah, right.”

She thought back to the events of the day. She had finally been invited to try out for The Wonderbolts. She figured it was about time, too, considering the fact that she was the only pegasus in Equestria who could perform a Sonic Rainboom. Not to mention she had saved three of The Wonderbolts’ lives after pulling the stunt off at the New Young Fliers Competition the previous year.

Her raw talent never seemed to be enough, though. She had been turned down time and time again due to the fact that she’d dropped out of flight school. Without a Cloudsdale flight certification, she was stuck doing menial weather work in the small town of Ponyville. Not that she didn’t love Ponyville and her friends there. In a way, dropping out had led her to the wonderful place she was currently. If she had graduated from school like Fluttershy had, she might never have even moved to Ponyville, might never have stayed in touch with Fluttershy, and might never have met the rest of the group that she now considered as close as family. However, her dream was to be a Wonderbolt, and her lack of a certification held her back from it in a way that she’d just not foreseen back when she was younger.

That all changes today! she told herself as she stood before a team of six Wonderbolts, dressed in a plain blue flight suit. A pair of goggles hung around her neck, and the suit’s hood laid loosely at her shoulders as she stood at attention before the panel of pegasi.

A mare stood at the center of the lineup. Even in full uniform, Rainbow Dash recognized her instantly as Spitfire, the captain of The Wonderbolts. The mare raised a piece of paper and read from it.

“Rainbow Dash, pegasus mare from Ponyville, age twenty-two. Attended flight school in Cloudsdale, did not graduate. Employed as a weather pegasus in Ponyville. You are here today to show us if you have what it takes to be a Wonderbolt,” she said, and then put the paper down.

“The test will consist of three parts,” she continued, “speed, agility, and style. These are the three qualities which a Wonderbolt must have complete understanding of and mastery of. The first two are simple, the third is a bit more challenging. Are you ready for the first test, speed?”

Are you ready to eat my dust? Rainbow thought to herself, but responded with a simple nod.

“Good,” said Spitfire. “For this test, you will be up against one of our best racers, Fleetfoot.”

Fleetfoot? thought Rainbow Dash with a smile. Sure, she wins derby races, but this is a drag race! There’s no way I’ll lose to her!

The two racers lined up, and the other five Wonderbolts stood behind them to observe. They crouched at the starting line. Rainbow Dash flipped the suit’s hood over her head and pulled the goggles over her eyes. She wasn’t used to wearing this much gear while flying, but she knew it was specially designed to reduce drag and improve a flier’s field of vision. She glanced over at Fleetfoot, who was coiled back like a spring, ready to explode from the starting line. Fleetfoot stared ahead, not even seeming to notice Rainbow Dash’s glance.

“On three,” said Spitfire.


This is easy, Rainbow. You’ve got this! Rainbow thought to herself.


Rainbow Dash pulled herself low to the ground and shook her tail with excitement.


The two mares launched from the starting line, flapping their wings furiously, accelerating at an astounding rate. Rainbow Dash saw the halfway marker cloud ahead, speeding towards her as she closed the distance. Rainbow glanced to her left and did not see Fleetfoot.

Oh wow! I really blew her away! Rainbow thought as she pushed into the cloud. The specially designed cloud acted as an inertial dampener to assist her in flipping her body and then bursting back out in the other direction without losing much speed. As she exited the cloud, her eyes shot wide open as she saw Fleetfoot, a trail of cloud vapor blowing off her hind hooves, ahead of her. She had exited the cloud first.

I’m losing? thought Rainbow as panic started to set in. She hadn’t even noticed when Fleetfoot had passed her, but it had surely happened! Rainbow Dash pressed forward, beating her wings as fast and efficiently as she could, extending her hooves in front of her to further lower drag. She was slowly approaching Fleetfoot, but the finish line was fast approaching as well.

I could speed up more, do a Sonic Rainboom... This would be over, then! Rainbow Dash thought, but struck the idea down as fast as she had formed it. No! I have to save the Sonic Rainboom for the style test! It gives me a huge speed boost, but I have to do this without it! I can’t rely on it like that!

Rainbow Dash gritted her teeth and pushed forward, throwing her wings back with each beat so as to catch as much air as possible, and then sliding them forward again by halfway folding them in as they went so as to catch almost no air on the return.

The two racers approached the finish line neck and neck, blowing past the judges, who were carefully watching for who hit the line first. Rainbow Dash and Fleetfoot, both breathing heavily, landed and galloped back to the other five ponies.

“We have unanimously agreed that the winner of that contest was Rainbow Dash,” said Spitfire. Rainbow Dash’s heart nearly jumped out of her chest, but she contained her emotions and stood silently.

“By a nose, might I mention. A very close and exciting race, you two,” she continued. “That is exactly the kind of excitement we like to deliver, Rainbow Dash, so remember this moment and how you feel. This is the Wonderbolts, and we only deliver the best. I am being truthful when I say that that was one of the best drag races I’ve seen in a long time.”

Rainbow Dash and Fleetfoot glanced at each other and smiled. Fleetfoot raised a hoof and tapped Rainbow on her shoulder before stepping forward and rejoining the group. Rainbow continued to stand at attention, awaiting the next test.

Back in her room, Rainbow Dash stared blankly at her hooves. She raised one of them to her shoulder where Fleetfoot had tapped her and sighed, trying to remember the joy she felt upon winning that race. She couldn’t do it, though.

“I had the drag race! No one can top me in speed, so of course I won!” Rainbow said to herself. “How in the world did the other two just end so.. terribly?”

She started to cry again, falling forward and burying her face in her pillow as she recalled the second test, agility.

Rainbow stood at attention before The Wonderbolts. Spitfire glanced to her right and nodded to the stallion who was standing next to her. His name was Soarin’, and Rainbow Dash knew him well. Out of all of The Wonderbolts, he was the one she had always looked up to the most. He was also someone who Rainbow had always wanted to go up against in a race like the one she’d just had with Fleetfoot. Soarin’ was a real speed demon, just like her.

Soarin’ stepped forward and extended a hoof to Rainbow Dash. She hesitated but raised her hoof back, tapping it lightly against his. He chuckled quietly and turned, standing next to Rainbow before the lineup.

“Soarin’ will be your competitor in the agility test,” said Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash nodded, but was actually very confused. They put me up against who I thought was the most agile member for the speed test, and now I’m up against their fastest for the agility test? This is too weird, she thought, but wait... I nearly lost to Fleetfoot! If a Wonderbolt that I pegged as much slower than me can push me to my limits...

Rainbow turned her head and looked up at Soarin’s face as he nodded in response to Spitfire. Her eyes widened as she realized what was happening.

This isn’t just a test! she thought. It’s a demonstration! It’s to really drive home the point that a Wonderbolt has to be amazing in every aspect of flight! If Fleetfoot’s speed was that much greater than I thought, then Soarin’s agility must be...

She cringed as that thought sunk in. This was going to be much harder than she had thought. Any ideas she’d had about leaving anypony in the dust or flying circles around anypony vanished completely.

I really shouldn’t have expected any less from them, though, she thought as she and Soarin’ walked towards the starting line for the agility course.

The course was practically a maze of clouds twisting and weaving through the air. They looped in on themselves, had tight corners, obstacles, and sections of cloud tunnel that waved all around. Getting through this was going to take not only agility, but quick thinking.

I won’t be able to see very far ahead in those tunnels, Rainbow thought, and if I want to get through them as fast as possible, I’ll have to react quickly to each turn. It’s too complex to memorize from out here.

“On three,” said Spitfire.


Stay cool, Rainbow. Don’t be too headstrong! Rainbow thought to herself.


Rainbow Dash pulled herself low to the ground and stood completely still as she awaited the third count.


Soarin’ and Rainbow Dash flung themselves forward and quickly entered the first set of jagged hairpins and corkscrews. Rainbow Dash took each in perfect unison with Soarin’, staying neck and neck for the entirety of the first set.

No problem! she thought as she recited the moves she was reacting with in her head. Flip. Spin. Dive. Backflip. There’s the exit!

The two ponies shot out of the exit like cannon balls and simultaneously entered a dive, plummeting down to the second set of the course. Rainbow looked to her left at Soarin as he dove. His form was majestic. Stallions are known to have greater difficulty with flight. Despite their greater strength and larger wings, their large, more angular bodies are less aerodynamic. A stallion like Soarin’ never let anything like that hold him back, though, and that was apparent by the way he was perfectly nose and nose with Rainbow Dash in this dive. His eyes, behind his flight goggles, were locked straight ahead. Rainbow quickly returned her eyes to face forward as well, realizing she was getting distracted.

You can be his fan later! she thought to herself. Right now, you’re his rival! You have to beat him!

The two entered the the tunnel that started the second set. The course quickly spun and then sharply curved upward. Climbing inside of a cloud tunnel beside a stallion was not easy. The gusts of wind from his flapping wings nearly pushed Rainbow Dash into the walls. She pressed harder and steadied herself, but it had caused her to lose valuable centimeters. Soarin’ was now in the lead, but only barely.

Once we’re out of here, I’m going to have to get those back somehow! she thought. No, I’ll have to get those back and then some! I’m gonna pull ahead!

After several abrupt turns and a corkscrew, the two exited the tunnel. Soarin was winning by an entire head, now. Rainbow knew she had to do something. The course was now cloud pillars in a row. The two weaved between them, moving left and right. Rainbow Dash was very familiar with this type of obstacle course from her performance at the Best Young Fliers competition. Since Soarin’ wasn’t completely ahead of her, she had an advantage every time they had to dodge to the left of a pillar. Being on the inside of the weave meant gaining a tiny bit of ground. Due to her smaller body size, she was able to squeeze past the obstacles just inches closer than Soarin’ could. Likewise, when they were dodging to the right, she could stick a couple inches closer to Soarin’, making the turn tighter in that direction as well.

By the end of this obstacle course, the two were neck and neck again. The third and final section loomed ahead of them. It was a maze-like course with some tunnels mixed in. Turns would have to be taken at very sharp ninety-degree angles, sometimes forcing a change in direction entirely.

They pressed into the maze, zigging and zagging, sticking to one another like glue, always neck and neck.

At the halfway point, Rainbow Dash noticed Soarin’ tilting his head towards her. She glanced at him, confused. He smiled, and then with a giant beat of his wings, surged in speed.

What! Rainbow thought. He can’t go that fast in here! He’ll hit a wall!

Rainbow watched in amazement as Soarin’ accelerated and continued to push his body through every turn as perfectly as before. His speed would decrease a bit at the sharper turns, but then he would blast forward, resuming his acceleration.

This is insane! Rainbow thought, but knew she had to at least match his speed, now.

Rainbow flapped her wings and began to gain on Soarin. She would slow down at the tighter turns, just like he did, but blazed forward on any straight-aways that existed. The final exit point was just ahead of the next sharp turn, a vertical hairpin, after a gently curving lane of cloud half-pipe. That half-pipe was where she would have to make her final move. She was actually lucky it was a half-pipe and not a fully enclosed one. Soarin’s wing strength would do him no favors, there.

They entered the half-pipe and Rainbow began to pick up more speed, closing the distance between their noses. All told, she was only half his body length behind, but for a race, that might as well be miles. Still, she pressed on, going faster and faster. They finally were approaching the last turn as she pulled alongside him evenly.

Now I just have to pass him! she thought.

Soarin’ glanced to his right and smiled at Rainbow Dash, then accelerated once more, pulling ahead of her. Before them was the final sharp curve at the end of the gentle slope. Soarin’ increased his speed quicker than Rainbow Dash thought he would. The wall of the curve was approaching at break-neck speed.

“No! Wait!” Rainbow screamed, pushing herself to go even faster. She pulled alongside him again, almost nose and nose, and then Soarin’ pulled up. His body, as if it was jerked upward by an invisible puppeteer, changed direction even at their current crazy speed.

Rainbow Dash tried to pull her body up with his, but couldn’t. Inertia would not let her go, and she crashed right into the cloud wall, blasting through it and into the open sky.

Soarin’ blew past the finish line as Rainbow flew up towards it and finally crossed, several seconds later.

“A perfect performance, as usual, Soarin’,” said Spitfire. “Rainbow Dash, you have failed the agility test. Don’t lose heart, though. It’s not over, yet.”

Rainbow’s heart sank in her chest, but she kept her composure and nodded. Soarin’ walked over to Rainbow Dash and raised his hoof to her again.

“Great flying out there, Rainbow Dash,” he said. “It was really close!”

Yeah, right! Really close! You could have blown me away at any time, and you know it! she thought to herself, but just smiled and bumped her hoof against his. That’s totally unfair!

“Yeah! It was!” she said with a nervous laugh. Soarin’ smiled and walked back into formation with the other Wonderbolts.

Back in her room in Ponyville, Rainbow gritted her teeth as she remembered that smug smile on Soarin’s face.

What a showoff! she thought. I had totally misjudged him! What a total big-headed...!

Rainbow pushed her face into her cloud pillow and screamed, the pillow muffling the sound. A moment later, she threw the pillow across the room. It slammed into the door more loudly than one would think a cloud could.

“Idiot!” she yelled.

“Oh... I’m sorry...” said a timid voice from behind the door to Rainbow’s room. “I can accept that, though, if you want me to...”

“Fluttershy?” said Rainbow Dash as she sat up on her bed and wiped the tears from her eyes. “Is that you?”

“Yes,” said the voice from behind the door.

“How long have you been standing there?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“I don’t know... a long time, maybe?” said Fluttershy. “I wanted to come in, but I was really scared to because you were so upset... I mean, I wanted to go in because you were upset, but your upsetness scared me, and...”

“Come in, Fluttershy,” said Rainbow Dash with a sigh. The door opened and Fluttershy peeked her head in.

“Are you sure? I can come back later,” said Fluttershy.

“No, it’s fine, I guess I could use the company,” said Rainbow Dash, knowing that Fluttershy must be concerned about her and wanting to cheer her up. She was honestly in no mood to be cheered up, though.

I’ve spent enough time wallowing in sadness, anyway, thought Rainbow Dash as Fluttershy floated over to Rainbow’s bed and sat down next to her.

Fluttershy tapped the clouds that made up Rainbow’s bed. “Your bed is wet...” she said nervously.

“It’s a cloud! It’s made of water vapor!” snapped Rainbow Dash, knowing that Fluttershy meant it was wet from tears.

Fluttershy shrunk down. “I’ll just come back later...” she said, and moved to fly back out of the room. Rainbow Dash raised a hoof and pulled her back down onto the bed.

“No, I’m sorry,” said Rainbow Dash. “I didn’t mean to snap at you like that. I’m just...”

Fluttershy turned and looked into Rainbow Dash’s eyes. She could see Rainbow was doing everything in her power to keep from crying.

“Just what?” asked Fluttershy, placing a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder.

“Just...” started Rainbow Dash as she fought her tears back. “Just so...”

Failure. A single tear escaped from the corner of her eye. It slid down her cheek as she stared back at Fluttershy. Fluttershy threw her hooves forward, wrapping them around Rainbow Dash. She pulled her into an embrace and extended her wings, wrapping them around her as well. Rainbow Dash, her head pressed against Fluttershy’s shoulder, cried and hugged her friend back.

“I’m so pathetic,” Rainbow Dash sobbed as Fluttershy gently held her and stroked her mane.

“That’s not true,” said Fluttershy. “You’re the most amazing, wonderful pony I know.”

Rainbow Dash laughed sadly and shook her head, which was still pressed firmly against Fluttershy’s shoulder.

“Now you’re just saying stuff to make me feel better,” said Rainbow Dash.

“No, I mean it!” said Fluttershy. “Do you remember when you first came to Ponyville? If it weren’t for you, I never would have made any friends at all. You were the one who helped me finally start to really live my life here.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and thought back to those days. Before coming to Ponyville, she’d stopped attending Flight School all together. She and Gilda, who was her best friend at the time, had both decided to buck their responsibilities as students and live only on their terms. They were too much for the instructors at the school to handle, anyway. By the time they stopped coming to school, the staff was surely thinking of expelling them for their poor attitudes and constant slacking on written work. At the very least, they’d fail and be held back again.

They’d been living out of a room that Gilda had rented with some bits she came upon mysteriously. Rainbow Dash knew it was stolen money, but needed a place to stay, so she didn’t say anything. During the day, the two continued to train, pushing each other to their limits and improving greatly. At night, Gilda would disappear for hours on end to “make ends meet” as she put it. Rainbow Dash would be left alone at the apartment.

Sometimes she’d visit Fluttershy, though she had to sneak into the dormitory. It wasn’t hard, of course, since she could just fly in the window.

“Won’t you come back to school? It’s lonely there without you,” said Fluttershy as she sat on her bed, leaning against Rainbow Dash, who was perched at the end.

Rainbow Dash sighed. “I told you, Fluttershy, they’d just kick me out, anyway,” she said. “Besides, I’m getting way more out of training with Gilda every day than reading some dusty old book and writing a report on flying.”

“Why don’t you ever bring Gilda with you, here? I’d love to meet her, since she sounds like she’s so nice to you,” said Fluttershy, changing the subject as she realized she would get nowhere trying to convince Rainbow to come back to school.

“You want to meet Gilda?” asked Rainbow. “That’s a surprise, you’re not usually one to seek out new faces. I don’t know, she’s not very... sociable. And I don’t think she could keep quiet enough to sneak around in here, anyway.”

Fluttershy laughed. “Well, it sounds like you two are having fun, anyway,” she said, then returned to a serious tone. “Just, please, Rainbow Dash... think about what I said, about coming back to school. I’m sure something could be worked out.”

Rainbow Dash sighed. She’d lost count of how many times Fluttershy had tried to get her to go back to school. Fluttershy never gave up on her, no matter how many times she was told no.

Rainbow leaned over and hugged Fluttershy. “Thanks for letting me visit. I should get going,” said Rainbow Dash.

“Okay,” said Fluttershy. “Come back soon. I’ll be here.”

Graduation day eventually came, and Rainbow Dash was able to talk Gilda into going to see the ceremony, despite her constant complaining.

“Why are we here, again?” asked Gilda as she and Rainbow Dash landed on a cloud high above Cloudsdale. The city stretched out all around them. Directly beneath them was an auditorium packed with pegasi.

“I have to at least see Fluttershy graduate, Gilda. I told her I’d be here!” said Rainbow Dash.

Gilda smirked. “Yeah, but we can’t even get into the auditorium. What’s the point?” she asked.

Rainbow Dash shrugged. “I guess just to show her I’m there for her. She always cheers me up, and I feel kind of guilty after telling her to come back and finish school, considering I quit going.”

“Okay, so then what?” asked Gilda. “She’s totally in love with the ground! I bet she goes and lives with earth ponies or unicorns somewhere, and takes care of those little animals you tell me she never shuts up about.”

“Oh come on, she’s not that bad,” said Rainbow Dash. “I hope we can stay in touch, even if she leaves Cloudsdale. Hey, I know! When I become a Wonderbolt, I’ll invite her to our shows!”

“Whatever, Dash,” said Gilda as she laid back on the high cloud the two were perched on. “Like you’ll ever be a Wonderbolt.”

“You doubt me?” asked Rainbow Dash as she leapt over to where Gilda was laying.

“We stopped going to school. How can a delinquent like you be a Wonderbolt?” asked Gilda with a shrug.

Rainbow Dash scoffed. “Like The Wonderbolts would care about something as meaningless as a diploma from this joke of a place!” she said. “They only care about skills, and I have those in spades!”

Gilda rolled her eyes.

Rainbow Dash spotted Fluttershy slowly walking up the stairs to the stage beneath them, her head bowed low and her cheeks as red as apples.

Fluttershy approached the Principal, took her diploma, and smiled. The Principal said something to her, but Rainbow Dash couldn't hear what was said. Fluttershy turned her head upwards, directly at the cloud that Rainbow Dash and Gilda were sitting on, and smiled. A tear rolled down her cheek, and then she walked off stage.

(Original image by Yoshimon1 here: http://fav.me/d5d3vvb)

Rainbow Dash smiled, holding back her own tears, as her friend graduated.

“Way to go, Fluttershy. You did it,” said Rainbow Dash, her voice cracking slightly.

Gilda sighed and leapt back to her feet.

“There, she graduated. Can we leave this sappy spectacle, now?” Gilda asked. Rainbow Dash nodded, and took one final look at Fluttershy.

“Good luck,” said Rainbow Dash as the two flew away towards the lower levels of Cloudsdale’s residential complex.

Rainbow Dash didn’t see Fluttershy in person again after the graduation ceremony. Fluttershy moved out of the dorms at the school, but left a note for Rainbow Dash on the windowsill of her dorm room. Rainbow Dash found the letter several days after the graduation. She pulled it from where it had been stuck into the cloud and read it.

Dear Rainbow Dash,

Thank you for all of your help the last two years. That actually doesn’t even begin to express my gratitude to you. Back in Junior Flight Camp, on the day we got our cutie marks, you stood up for me against those bullies. I know you probably don’t remember much from that day other than getting your cutie mark, but I do. It was the first time in my life that I knew I had a friend, and that you were there for me no matter what.

I was so happy when I saw you at Flight School three years ago. You already know this, but I didn’t have any friends at all other than you, so I was sad when Junior Flight Camp ended and I had to go back to school. My parents are the ones who made me go to that camp, and also to flight school after I’d graduated from my old school. I was nervous, as usual, but there you were, as if you’d been delivered specially, just for me. Even better than I could have hoped for, you remembered me.

When I was losing hope at the end of that first year, and was ready to throw in the towel, you cheered me on and made me see that I had to keep going no matter what. Not for my parents, not for the teachers, but for me. For my own future. I only wish I’d been able to do the same for you.

I’m moving someplace you’ve probably never heard of, now. It’s called Ponyville, an earth pony town south of Canterlot. It’s far away, but I hope you can come visit sometime. I would really love to see you again.

Your friend forever,

Rainbow Dash sighed, having missed the chance to say goodbye to her in person. Maybe it was better this way, though. Fluttershy wasn’t good with words, and a written goodbye was probably more suited to her. This way there were less emotions involved. Rainbow Dash wasn’t one for sappy goodbyes, anyway. Even so, she neatly folded the letter and tucked it under her mane for safe-keeping.

A year passed. Gilda and Rainbow Dash lived in that apartment together. Rainbow Dash worked on a construction crew, laying cloud bricks and repairing cracked roads and structures. She hated it, but it was a living. Gilda didn’t work, but still came up with money for rent and food every month. Rainbow never questioned it, but it made her nervous all the same.

One day, Rainbow Dash was headed home, when she saw guards standing around outside her apartment building. She hid and watched as another group of guards walked out of the front of the building, hauling Gilda behind them. Her legs and arms were cuffed and chained, and she was loaded into a wagon and hauled away towards the city’s center.

Rainbow Dash shook her head. She flew over to the building and went up the stairs to her apartment once the coast was clear. Inside the apartment, she walked over to her bed and sighed. She laid down and placed her hooves under her pillow. She felt a crumpled piece of paper there, and pulled it out and. She uncrumpled it and read the note that was scribbled upon it.


If you’re reading this, they’ve either hauled me off, or I’ve ditched this place. Either way, you’re on your own. Guess those are the breaks.


Great, Gilda, just great, Rainbow thought to herself as she crumpled the note back up. Now I really am all alone...

After a couple of months of dealing with the guards investigating her, Rainbow was cleared of being involved with Gilda or the gang she had been running with. However, Rainbow Dash couldn’t afford the apartment by herself on her measly pay from her construction work. One day, an eviction notice was put on her door. She decided to pack her things and hit the open skies, leaving Cloudsdale behind. As she flew away from the city, she pulled Fluttershy’s letter from her saddle bag.

“Ponyville, huh? I guess I’ll head that direction,” Rainbow said to herself.

After a day of flying and a night of camping, Rainbow reached Ponyville. She landed in the center of town. There were carts set up selling goods, houses all around made of wood and brick, and roads of dirt. It was a lot different from Cloudsdale on every level imaginable.

Rainbow Dash trotted up to a cart that was selling apples. An orange earth pony with a hat on was behind the stand. She smiled as Rainbow Dash approached.

“Hooo-wee!” said the earth pony. “I’ve never seen a mane like that before! You new ‘round these parts?”

“Yeah,” said Rainbow Dash as she pulled a pouch of coins from her saddle bag. “How much for an apple? I’m starving!”

“Aw shucks, no charge. Think of it as a welcome to Ponyville!” said the earth pony. “Name’s Applejack! You gonna be stayin’ here in Ponyville for a while?”

Rainbow Dash smiled and pulled an apple up from the cart, biting off a large chunk. “Thanks! I’m Rainbow Dash. I just got here from Cloudsdale, and I honestly have no idea how long I’ll be staying. I’m sort of looking for somepony,” she said.

“Well, I know just about everypony ‘round these parts,” said Applejack. “Who is it yer lookin’ for?”

“Her name’s Fluttershy. She’s a pegasus, like me,” said Rainbow Dash. “She’s yellow with pink hair and a cutie mark of three butterflies.”

Applejack scratched her forehead and thought for a moment.

“Hmm, I don’t reckon I’ve ever seen anypony fittin’ that description,” she said with a nervous laugh. “You sure she’s here in Ponyville?”

“Well, I’m not completely sure, but she said she was going to move here,” said Rainbow Dash. “She should have been living here for a year by now.”

Applejack nodded in acknowledgment, and raised a hoof to point behind Rainbow Dash. “Well, I can’t say I know her, but you might want to turn around now. You’re about to meet Pinkie Pie.” she said with a grin.

Rainbow Dash turned around just in time to see a pink blur approaching her at an impressive speed, accompanied by a gasping sound.

“Oh my gosh, you must be new around here! I know you’re new around here because I know everypony in town, and I don’t know you yet, so you must be new! Am I right? Am I right?” asked the pink pony that now stood before Rainbow Dash.

“Pinkie Pie?” asked Rainbow Dash.

Applejack nodded. “Yup! Pinkie Pie!” she said happily.

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Yeah, I am definitely new around here, Pinkie Pie. Nice to meet you,” she said. Pinkie Pie grinned.

“I knew it!” Pinkie yelled with unbridled excitement.

“So, hey, what was that you said about knowing everypony in town?” asked Rainbow Dash as she bit off another piece of her apple.

“Oh, I make it a point to make friends with everypony I meet!” said Pinkie gleefully.

“Well, do you know a pegasus pony named Fluttershy?” asked Rainbow Dash, hopefully.

Pinkie Pie nearly jumped backwards at the mention of Fluttershy’s name. She gasped even louder than she had when she first saw Rainbow Dash.

“Blue pegasus pony! Rainbow-colored mane! Totally cool looking!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed each item loudly. “You’re Rainbow Dash! Am I right again? Am I?”

Rainbow Dash’s jaw dropped, and she dropped her apple on the ground as well.

“Wow, how’d you know that, Pinkie?” asked Applejack with astonishment.

“Because Fluttershy told me all about her, silly!” said Pinkie Pie as she bounced up and down with hyperactive glee.

“So you do know Fluttershy!” said Rainbow Dash, a smile now beaming across her face. The sight of Rainbow’s smile just made Pinkie bounce even faster.

“Yes! But...” said Pinkie as her voice took on a sad tone and her bouncing abruptly stopped, “I’ve never actually met her. She never comes out of her cottage, so I’ve never even seen her. She’ll only talk to me through her closed front door.”

“What?” asked Rainbow Dash, her jaw dropping once again. “How’s she even eating if she never comes out of her house?”

“She told me her animal friends bring her food from the Everfree Forest. It’s no fair that that she lets the animals in there, but won’t let me even see her,” said Pinkie Pie, a pout forming on her lips.

“Oh, I’ll put a stop to that!” said Rainbow Dash. “We have to go see her right away!”

Pinkie Pie jumped towards Rainbow Dash, smiling and nodding her head. “Exactly! You have to go see her! She said you’re her best friend, and she’s always saying how much she wishes you’d come visit her!”

Rainbow Dash was taken aback from the whole situation.

Fluttershy’s been living as a shut-in for an entire year? Rainbow thought. What is she thinking?

“Well, come on, then!” yelled Pinkie Pie as she started to walk down one of the dirt roads that led away from the town square. “We have to go see Fluttershy!”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “You got that right,” she said. She turned her head back and nodded to Applejack. “Nice to meet you, Applejack!”

Applejack waved to the two ponies as they walked away. “Right back at ya! Don’t be a stranger!” she yelled.

As the two ponies walked down the road, Pinkie continued to talk.

“So, are you really the fastest pegasus in all of Equestria?” asked Pinkie with excitement. “Can you really do a Sonic Rainboom? Fluttershy said it’s really amazing and colorful!”

Rainbow laughed. “Of course! I’m gonna be in the Wonderbolts, someday, too!” she said. She looked at Pinkie Pie, who was now staring at her with wide, sparkly eyes.

“That is so amazingly cool! Fluttershy was right, you really are totally cool!” said Pinkie Pie who was bouncing up and down again instead of walking.

“She talked about me a lot, to you?” asked Rainbow, blushing slightly.

“Yeah. She said you were her best and only friend in Cloudsdale,” said Pinkie. “The poor thing is so shy, and I was hoping to break her out of it, but I just couldn’t do it, no matter how many balloons and streamers and confetti I used.”

“Balloons and confetti... what?” asked Rainbow Dash, completely puzzled as to how any of that would help Fluttershy stop being so shy.

“Never mind,” said Pinkie Pie, “We’re here!”

The two ponies crossed a bridge and walked up a winding path that led to a cottage built into an old tree. The front door’s hinges were rusted and the windows were all tightly blocked by dark blinds. Pinkie Pie knocked on the door. There was no response. She knocked again, and again there was no response.

Rainbow Dash sighed and banged on the door as hard as she could. The door shook so hard that flakes of rust broke off of the hinges.

“Fluttershy!” yelled Rainbow Dash loudly. A moment later, there was a sound of hooves stumbling down a flight of stairs and running quickly towards the front door. In a flash, the door swung open, the rusty hinges squealing after a year of not moving. Fluttershy stood in the doorway, out of breath, staring at Rainbow Dash.

“It’s you,” said Fluttershy, not even blinking. Her mane was long and unkempt, and her face was slightly thinner than Rainbow Dash remembered it.

“It’s me,” said Rainbow Dash, staring in shock at how her friend now looked.

Fluttershy leapt forward and tackled Rainbow to the ground, hugging her. She began to cry.

“I thought I’d never see you again!” said Fluttershy, pressing her face to Rainbow Dash’s chest.

“Don’t be ridiculous!” said Rainbow Dash, waving her hooves in the air, not knowing whether to try and stand back up or hug her back.

Pinkie Pie smiled and laughed. “This is such a beautiful reunion! You two really are best friends!” she said.

Fluttershy jumped up and scooted back towards her front door. “Ahhh! P-p-p-pinkie Pie! H-h-hello...!” she said, ready to jump back into her cottage and shut the door.

Rainbow Dash leapt into the air and swooped down behind Fluttershy. With a single kick of her hind hooves, she smashed the door right off its hinges. Fluttershy stared at the door, which was now lying at the bottom of the hill to the right of her cottage.

Fluttershy laid down as close to the ground as possible. She hid her face behind her mane and made herself look as small as she could.

Rainbow Dash laid down next to Fluttershy and wrapped one of her wings over her back. She leaned her face down and looked into Fluttershy’s eyes through her mane.

“You don’t have to do this anymore,” said Rainbow Dash. “You need to stop being so scared of everypony. Don’t worry, if anything happens, I’ll be here for you.”

“You promise?” asked Fluttershy. “What about when you go back to Cloudsdale?”

“I’m not going back to Cloudsdale,” said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy gasped. “Really? You promise?”

Rainbow Dash nodded. “I promise. As of today, I am moving to Ponyville.”

The two pegasi stood up, and Fluttershy wiped the tears from her eyes. She flipped her mane back from off of her face and turned her head to look at Pinkie Pie. Pinkie Pie looked back at her with a smile bigger than should be able to fit on her face.

“I’m... glad to finally meet you, Pinkie Pie,” said Fluttershy, quietly. “I’m... Fluttershy.”

Pinkie Pie leapt forward and hugged the two pegasi simultaneously. “This is the best day ever!” she declared loudly. “We should throw a party!”

“A party?” asked Fluttershy.

“Of course!” said Pinkie Pie. “A ‘Welcome to Ponyville Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash’ party! We can have it at Sugarcube Corner, where I live!”

“A party for us?” asked Fluttershy, her eyes blinking in confusion.

“Yeah! You two better get ready for it, because it’s gonna be tonight, and you better be there or be square!” said Pinkie, and then she dashed off.

Rainbow Dash put a hoof on Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Let’s go inside and get you cleaned up a bit. You don’t look so good,” she said.

Fluttershy blushed. “I’m sorry...”

Rainbow Dash laughed as the two walked into the now doorless cottage. “Apologize to yourself, first!” said Rainbow.

Rainbow Dash helped Fluttershy brush and trim her mane. She’d never been much of a pony for doing this sort of stuff, which is why she kept her mane short and easy to manage. Fluttershy’s hair was so thick, though, and looked like it hadn’t been cared for properly for several weeks at least.

While they were at it, Rainbow Dash told Fluttershy the story of how Gilda had left suddenly, leaving the part about her being arrested out of the story. She told her about how she’d met Applejack earlier that day, and that she was sure Fluttershy would be able to make friends with her if she’d just try.

Fluttershy told Rainbow Dash about how she’d been trying to take care of the animals in the area, but couldn’t do much for them since she was so afraid to leave her cottage. In the end, the animals ended up taking care of her more than she took care of them, and she felt bad about it.

“Don’t worry, Fluttershy,” said Rainbow. “That all changes as of today!”

Fluttershy just nodded her head nervously and glanced out the window at the door that was still lying on her lawn.

That evening, the two of them walked into town. It was Fluttershy’s first time ever going there, and she was very nervous. She stuck close to Rainbow Dash. They eventually came upon Sugarcube Corner. They stepped inside, and Fluttershy almost immediately wanted to step back out.

Pinkie Pie greeted the two as they entered. “Welcome to your party, girls!” she yelled over the loud music that was playing. She then leaned over to Rainbow Dash and whispered something into her ear. Rainbow Dash glanced around the room briefly, and then back to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy had backed up against the wall, her ears folded down and her knees shaking. Rainbow Dash walked back up to her and tapped her on the shoulder. She pointed towards a corner in the back where Applejack was standing.

“Hey Fluttershy, that’s Applejack, the pony I told you about earlier,” said Rainbow. “Why don’t you go say hi to her, I have to, um, go use the little fillies’ room.”

“Okay. I’ll do it. I just have to be... confident,” said Fluttershy, nervously.

“You can do it!” said Rainbow. “I’ll be right back!”

Fluttershy walked nervously over to Applejack, and Rainbow Dash ducked towards the front door, where Pinkie Pie was waiting. Rainbow Dash whispered something in Pinkies ear, and then flew out the door at top speed once Fluttershy was distracted.

“Well, Howdy!” said Applejack as Fluttershy approached. “You must be Fluttershy! It’s nice ta finally meet ya! You really been livin’ in Ponyville for a whole year?”

Fluttershy shrunk down a bit, but then gritted her teeth and stood back up tall. “Yes. Well, kind of. A little.” she said, quietly.

“What’s that? I can’t hear ya!” said Applejack. “The music’s kinda loud!”

“I said ‘Yes, a little!’” said Fluttershy, a bit louder.

“How do ya live somewhere ‘a little’ pray tell?” asked Applejack.

“Well, I’m just... shy, and... I was just in my house... and...” said Fluttershy. She glanced around for Rainbow Dash, who was nowhere to be seen.

Applejack reared up on her hind hooves and grabbed Fluttershy’s front right hoof between hers, and shook vigorously. “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet ya all the same!”

Fluttershy smiled nervously, and pulled her hoof away, now turning and walking towards the front of the room a few steps.

“Hey, where ya goin’ all the sudden?” asked Applejack.

“Rainbow Dash?” she said nervously as she looked for her friend.

“Oh, she’ll be back in a jiffy, I’m sure...” said Applejack, who was cut off by a booming voice coming from outside the building.

“FLUTTERSHY!” Rainbow Dash’s voice yelled very loudly. Fluttershy ran to the front door, with Applejack and the other ponies that were inside right behind her. They all stopped and stared at the sight before them.

In the middle of the road, Rainbow Dash hovered over a pile of hay and sticks, holding Fluttershy’s front door. A circle of ponies stood around the pile, all of their eyes locked on Fluttershy as she exited the shop.

“What are you...” said Fluttershy, but was cut off by Rainbow Dash.

“Fluttershy! I want to show you with more than just words that I’m here for you! And it’s not just me! It’s every pony here! Today, while we were at your house, Pinkie Pie was spreading the word here. She was telling everypony about this party, about you, and about me.” said Rainbow Dash as she dropped the door onto the top of the pile. “Just like I said I would be there for you, so are all of these ponies. They all want to be your friends, Fluttershy! You just have to let them! You just have to open the door to your heart! Don’t let it keep you locked away like that ever again!”

With that, Rainbow Dash struck a match and tossed it onto the pile. The hay caught fire in a flash, and soon the sticks and wooden door were burning. Rainbow Dash walked over to Fluttershy, who was now sitting on the ground, staring into the fire, speechless.

Rainbow extended her hoof to her friend. “Ready to have an awesome night at this awesome bonfire party?” she asked.

Fluttershy looked up at Rainbow Dash. She placed her hoof on Rainbow’s, and nodded her head. “Yes. I am!”

Rainbow Dash grinned and lifted her friend back to her hooves. “Just don’t expect me to say anything that sappy ever again!” she said.

Fluttershy laughed. “Deal.” she replied, with the biggest most genuine smile of her entire life.

That night, Fluttershy made more friends than she had ever dreamed she could have in her entire life. She sang songs, toasted marshmallows, and basked in the warmth of not only the fire, but also the warmth of friendship.

As the last corner of Fluttershy’s old front door burned to ashes, she couldn’t help but reflect on everything she’d been through with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow had never given up on her. She had stood beside her, had shown her what friendship meant, and had opened her heart to its magic.

Fluttershy stared into the flames of her past self and made an oath upon them that night.

Back in Rainbow Dash’s room, Rainbow and Fluttershy sat together and remembered the night of the bonfire party. Fluttershy held her friend closely as she cried into her shoulder.

“That night, when you showed me what it meant to be the loyalest of friends,” said Fluttershy, “I made a promise to myself.”

Rainbow Dash listened silently as she tried to stop crying. Being held in Fluttershy’s wings was warm and soothing, as if it were able to push the sadness away somehow.

“Into those flames, I swore that I would always be there for you, just like you were always there for me,” said Fluttershy, “and that someday, somehow, I would help you, too.”

Rainbow Dash sighed and shook her head. “I don’t think anyone can help me this time, Fluttershy,” she said.

“Well, why don’t you tell me all about what happened, and then we’ll surely be able to work something out,” said Fluttershy.

Rainbow Dash slowly pulled out of Fluttershy’s embrace and sat back. She took a deep breath, and then began to talk. She told Fluttershy about her meeting with The Wonderbolts, and about the three tests she had to take.

She told the story about the first test, speed, and how she had nearly lost to Fleetfoot.

“That sounds exciting!” said Fluttershy, after Rainbow had finished describing the race with much excitement.

“It was the most intense race I’ve ever been in!” said Rainbow Dash, her eyes showing no sign of sadness as she told her friend all about it. She even remembered how she had felt after the race. “It was exhilarating! Adrenaline was pumping through my body like I’d never felt before! I’ll never forget that feeling for as long as I live!”

She then stopped and realized that this was a whole new experience upon recalling it, now. Before, she’d just felt sad because of what had happened afterwards, but now she thought back to it and saw just how amazing it had been to race with Fleetfoot. The only sadness she felt was that she might never be able to do so again.

Rainbow Dash continued, and told the story of the second test, agility, where she had raced against Soarin’ through a maze of obstacles and tight turns.

“Then, just when I thought he was gonna hit a wall, zoom! He pulls up and zips toward the finish line!” Rainbow Dash recalled. “I couldn’t possibly match that kind of maneuver, though I bet I could with a little practice... but anyway, I slammed into the cloud wall!”

“Oh, my!” said Fluttershy. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine,” said Rainbow Dash, her voice taking on a bit more of a sad tone, “but I lost! I failed the test.”

“Well, it sounds like Soarin’ is a really amazing flier, and you held your own in a race with him up to the end!” said Fluttershy.

“Yeah, I guess, but you should have seen the look on his face!” said Rainbow, throwing her hooves out in front of her. “What a jerk! He was like ‘Hey! That was really close!’ with this smug grin on his face! What a total egomaniac!”

“I don’t know,” said Fluttershy, “are you sure he wasn’t just being sportsmanlike? He sounds like a nice pony to me.”

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes and thought for a moment. Maybe he wasn’t so smug after all, now that she thought about it.

“Well, anyway, that doesn’t change the fact that I totally blew it! And that was only the second test, let me tell you about the third one.” said Rainbow Dash.

“Oh, please do,” said Fluttershy as she listened intently.
Rainbow Dash sat back down on the bed next to Fluttershy and began to tell the story of the third test, style.

Rainbow Dash stood before the six Wonderbolts, awaiting the assignment of the third and final test. She had won the speed test, but lost the agility test. All that stood between her and a place in the ranks of The Wonderbolts was the style test.

Spitfire stepped forward. “Rainbow Dash, are you ready for the final test?” she asked.

Rainbow Dash nodded, trying to push back her anger from losing the agility test so she could concentrate.

“Very well, then,” said Spitfire. “For this test, you will be flying against me.”

Rainbow Dash’s eyes shot wide open and her heart began to beat faster and faster. How is this even fair? How can this really be part of the test? she thought. Did she already decide I can’t cut it, and is just going to destroy me in the style test? Oh my gosh, I’m about to fly with Spitfire! This is too much! How can I possibly win? She’s the best all-around flier in Equestria! Probably the whole world!

“Oh, wow!” said Fluttershy, interrupting the story. “You’re right, that seems kind of scary!”

“Kind of scary?” said Rainbow Dash. “That doesn’t even begin to describe it! It was totally crushing!”

Fluttershy nodded, and continued to listen.

“For this test, you will have to perform moves as they are called out. We will be in the air at the same time, and will have to work in unison to complete some maneuvers. I am sure you will do just fine,” said Spitfire. “Just stay calm and pay close attention.”

Rainbow Dash nodded. The two ponies stood side by side and watched Soarin’ as he counted to three.


“Are you ready?” asked Spitfire as she flashed a grin at Rainbow Dash.


“I was born ready!” said Rainbow Dash, confidently.


“Then, let’s dance!” yelled Spitfire, as she shot straight up into the air, her fire-like mane and tail waving behind her.

Rainbow thrust into the air as well, keeping pace and form adjacent to her.

From the clouds below, Soarin’ began to shout out moves.


The two pegasi climbed higher and then came swooping down at a sharp angle, crossing each others’ paths just inches apart, creating a large diagonal cross in the air. The two both left trailers as they flew. Rainbow Dash created a streak of rainbow colors as she flew along, and Spitfire left a trail that looked like the very air was aflame. When the two crossed, it created a colorful flaming effect that even left the Wonderbolts standing below speechless. None of them had ever seen anything like it before.

Soarin’, still impressed by the visuals above him, stammered as he shouted out the next maneuver.


The two pegasi flew back towards the center where they had crossed and collided, slamming their front hooves together and going into a fast mid-air spin. The two spun faster and faster, streaks of colorful light shooting out from them like a firework exploding in mid-air.

Barrell roll!

Spitfire and Rainbow Dash both instantly fell into a dive, and then just as they reached the clouds below, pulled up and shot directly overhead of the other Wonderbolts. They locked their front hooves together and spun in unison as they blasted horizontally along the clouds. A spinning corkscrew trail of fire and color blazed in their wake, and then faded.


This was it. Rainbow Dash knew she had kept up with all of the Wonderbolts’ signature moves so far, and now was her time to shine! She released Spitfire and pulled up. She had managed to do a rising Sonic Rainboom for Cadance and Shining Armor’s wedding, and could now do one fairly reliably. She flapped her wings and picked up speed. She could feel the air around her compressing as she came closer and closer to what she referred to as the point of impact. She pushed her hooves forward and felt the air push in, forming a tight cone all around her body.

Just as she was about to release into a Sonic Rainboom, a flash of light caught her eye, and she looked over at Spitfire, who was barreling towards her. A ball of flame-like light surrounded Spitfire’s body, and streaks of light as bright as the sun were shooting out from her in random directions. Rainbow Dash stared in awe for just a second, and then she felt the air around her decompress. Another second later, and she hit a very solid wall of air, and was launched backwards towards the clouds.

She landed roughly and rolled along the clouds for a dozen feet before finally coming to a stop. She looked up just in time to see Spitfire stop in midair as a pair of flaming wings seemed to form on either side of her, and then vanish like a fire going out.

Rainbow Dash dropped her head and stared at the ground. She knew what was going to happen now. She knew she had failed. Her dream cracked apart and fell to shards in her mind. The Wonderbolts walked over to her, and Soarin’ reached down with a hoof.

“Are you all right?” Soarin’ asked. “That was quite the fall you just had.”

Rainbow Dash pulled her goggles from her face and threw them across the clouds. She looked up at Soarin’, held back her tears, and gritted her teeth.

“Yeah,” Rainbow Dash said. “I’m fine. It’s just a fall, not like I haven’t had bigger bails in the past. Besides, I hit clouds, not ground.” She patted the clouds with her hoof, and then stood back up.

“Rainbow Dash, you were absolutely stunning up there,” said Spitfire.

“We were all impressed at how well you flew with Spitfire,” said Soarin’, “and more to the point, how amazing you two looked performing together.”

Rainbow Dash managed a smile. Maybe I didn’t fail after all! she thought.

“However, you did not finish the course of moves, and for that, I am still sad to tell you that you have failed the style test,” said Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash felt her will to keep going fall right out of her. A lump formed in her throat.

“I’m sorry, Rainbow Dash,” said Spitfire. “I can not, at this time, admit you into our ranks. I’m sorry.”

The six Wonderbolts bowed to Rainbow Dash, and then one by one, they took off and headed towards the city of Canterlot, below. Rainbow Dash just sat on the cloud, staring into the distance blankly.

“I eventually managed to find the strength to fly back home,” said Rainbow Dash as she flew back and forth above her bed. “It was just so pathetic. I can’t believe I blew the Sonic Rainboom just because I got distracted by Spitfire’s flying pyrotechnics!”

“I’m so sorry, Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy. “I know you tried so hard.”

Rainbow Dash landed back on her bed. She felt like crying all over again, but was completely out of tears to cry. Her chest just moved as she sobbed and fell forwards, pushing her face into her bed. Fluttershy crawled over to her and laid her forehead against the top of Rainbow’s head.

“I guess...” said Rainbow, between sobs, “I just have to... give up on being a Wonderbolt. I just can’t do it!”

Fluttershy pulled her head back up. Her eyes narrowed and a stern look formed on her face. She grabbed the sides of Rainbow’s head and pulled her up to face her. She stared right into Rainbow’s eyes and shook her head.

“No, Rainbow Dash!” Fluttershy yelled. “You can’t give up just from this! We’re going to do something about it!”

“But what can we do?” asked Rainbow, hopelessly.

Fluttershy stood up and pointed a hoof towards the door.

“We’re going to Canterlot!” yelled Fluttershy.

“Right now?” asked Rainbow Dash, shocked at how stern Fluttershy was being.

“Right now!” said Fluttershy, stomping her hoof back down.

“What’s the point? They’ll just tell me I can’t join them again!” said Rainbow Dash.

Fluttershy frowned and then put a hoof on Rainbow Dash’s shoulder.

“Remember when you said the same thing about coming back to school?” Fluttershy asked. “How you said they would just kick you out?”

“Yeah, and it was true!” said Rainbow Dash.

“No!” said Fluttershy, seriously. “It wasn’t! I had been pleading with the staff at the school the whole time. I had gotten them to understand how you felt, and how you needed to come back!”

“Fluttershy, I...” said Rainbow Dash, but was cut off.

“But you never came back! I could never convince you!” said Fluttershy, her voice cracking as she fought back tears.

Rainbow Dash stared silently at Fluttershy, unable to even think of what words she could say.

“I... I failed you! I won’t let it happen again! I won’t let you give up this time!” Fluttershy yelled.

The two ponies stood in silence for several minutes. Fluttershy breathed heavily as Rainbow Dash stared in disbelief at her friend. In disbelief of what she’d just said.

They... would have let me come back? Rainbow thought.

Somewhere, from deep inside, Rainbow Dash found more tears. She cried out as she threw herself towards Fluttershy and hugged her tightly.

“I swear,” said Fluttershy as she hugged Rainbow back, “I am not going to let you give up. We’re going to Canterlot, and we’re going to make them give you another chance!”

Rainbow Dash nodded and wiped away her tears. “Let’s go, then! To Canterlot!” she yelled.

The two friends leapt out of Rainbow Dash’s door and took off, flying as fast as Fluttershy could manage, towards Canterlot. As they flew, they reminisced about the time they had spent together when first arriving in Ponyville.

"You were pretty shocked when I burned your door back then, weren't you?" asked Rainbow Dash with a grin.

“Burning that door was a great symbol, Rainbow Dash,” said Fluttershy, “But you could have at least put a new one in afterwards!”

Rainbow Dash laughed. “Yeah, I guess it just slipped my mind!” she said.

“Poor Big Macintosh had to come over and put a new one in,” said Fluttershy. “It was my first time really meeting a full-grown stallion outside of the teachers at school. I was so nervous!”

“But you did fine!” said Rainbow Dash. “You made friends with him, just like I said you could.”

Fluttershy nodded. “Yes, yes, you knew all along that I could make friends,” said Fluttershy. “I was just too scared to see it for myself.”

“Yeah, you might have made too big an impression on him, though,” said Rainbow Dash with a grin. “Have you noticed how he looks at you sometimes?”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh come on, now, Rainbow Dash!” she said. “He’s just a good friend, I’m sure he doesn’t look at me like that!”

“Yeah, whatever!” said Rainbow Dash. “I guess it’s no different than how all the guys in town look at you!” Rainbow Dash snickered as she watched Fluttershy’s face turn redder and redder.

Fluttershy pushed Rainbow Dash in mid-air. “Oh, stop teasing!” she said. “You know I can’t handle that kind of talk! It’s embarrassing!”

Rainbow Dash laughed and spun around a couple of times before returning to Fluttershy’s side.

“Maybe that’ll have to be the next step we take, huh?” Rainbow said with a snicker. “Getting you to accept the fact that you’re a knockout!”

“No, I think the only thing I could knock out is your gloomy attitude!” said Fluttershy.

The two friends laughed together as Canterlot approached them from the horizon.

“Are you ready?” asked Fluttershy as she flashed a grin at Rainbow Dash..

“I was born ready!” said Rainbow Dash, confidently.

“Then let’s do this!” yelled Fluttershy, pushing herself to accelerate as much as she could. Rainbow Dash matched speed with her and they were soon flying over Canterlot.

They landed at the city’s entrance and were stopped by the guards.

“Ah, its you two,” said one of the guards. “What brings you back to Canterlot so soon, Rainbow Dash.”

Fluttershy stepped forward. “We’re here to see the Wonderbolts.” she said sternly. The guard cocked an eyebrow at Fluttershy’s assertive tone.

“Well, you two are always welcome in the city as friends of the Princess, though this kind of late night visit is a bit unusual. The Wonderbolts may be at their clubhouse, but at this time of night, I would think they’ve all turned in.” said the guard.

“We can’t leave without checking,” said Fluttershy.

The guards shrugged at one another and then let the ponies enter the city. The streets were empty and all the shops had closed for the night. Lights and sounds were still coming from the west side of town where the club district was, but their business was in the north end. The two ponies galloped through the streets towards The Wonderbolts clubhouse.

They arrived a few moments later, and found that the lights were all out, but the front door was unlocked. They went inside and walked down the main hallway.

“Hello?” called Rainbow Dash. “Anypony here?”

There was no response. The place was dark and silent.

“They must all be gone. We’ll have to come back some other...” said Rainbow Dash, but was stopped by Fluttershy pointing towards a door at the top of a stair case. There was light shining from under the door. The two ponies climbed the stairs, and Fluttershy pushed the door open.

The room they walked into was long. Bookcases and shelves lined the walls, holding various trophies and many books on every aspect of flight imaginable. And the end of the room, sitting behind a desk and writing in a large hard-bound book, was Spitfire. She glanced up at the two ponies.

“You came back,” said Spitfire. “What brings you back here, Rainbow Dash?”

Fluttershy trotted right up to Spitfire’s desk. She put her hooves on the desk and looked at Spitfire with a calm but serious expression.

“We’re here to talk,” said Fluttershy.

“And you are...” said Spitfire, raising an eyebrow.

“Fluttershy,” said Fluttershy. “I’m a friend of Rainbow Dash’s.”

“All right, Fluttershy,” said Spitfire, “what do you want to talk about?”

“You should give Rainbow Dash another chance,” said Fluttershy. “She deserves it more than anypony.”

Spitfire sighed and leaned back against the back of her chair.

“What makes you think I should listen to you?” Spitfire asked, glaring at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy felt herself begin to shrink down, but stopped herself. She raised her front hooves up and put them onto the desk, leaning in towards Spitfire.

Rainbow Dash stared in awe as Fluttershy stood up like this to someone like Spitfire. She had no idea where Fluttershy was pulling this confidence from, but it took her breath away. She could only watch in silence.

“Rainbow Dash is the most amazing, wonderful, loyal, and nicest pony I know,” said Fluttershy. “I used to be so scared of everything in this world, and I would just hide all day. I would never talk to anypony, I never had any friends, and I never had any confidence in myself.”

Spitfire nodded and studied Fluttershy carefully as she listened.

“But then, one day, I met Rainbow Dash, and that all changed. Oh, it didn’t happen overnight, but eventually, thanks to Rainbow Dash, I was able to finally truly live!” said Fluttershy. “She showed me what it meant to be a true friend, and she showed me how it felt to be loved. So, now, the least I can do for her is to stand here and ask you... no, tell you, that you have to give her another chance! She’s never had any other dream but being a Wonderbolt, and she deserves to be one!”

Fluttershy stared at Spitfire, who sat silently looking back at her for a minute or two. Rainbow Dash stood behind Fluttershy, still unable to speak, half out of fear of being shot down by Spitfire, and half out of awe at Fluttershy’s words.

Spitfire finally leaned forward onto the desk and sighed.

“And what does all of that, beautiful as it is, have to do with Rainbow Dash’s skill as a flier?” asked Spitfire.

Fluttershy frowned. “You know how skilled she is. You’ve seen it for yourself plenty of times. I don’t need to tell you a thing about Rainbow Dash’s flying! There’s nothing I could tell you that you don’t already know.” she said.

Spitfire looked down at the book she’d been writing in. She breathed out, and a smile came across her face. She closed the book, making a solid thunking sound. With that sound, a door off to the side opened, and the other Wonderbolts who had been at Rainbow Dash’s tests earlier that day emerged. The walked over and stood beside Spitfire behind the desk. Spitfire rose to her hooves and looked at Rainbow Dash.

“Rainbow Dash,” Spitfire said loudly. Rainbow almost jumped and stiffly stood at attention as her name was called.

“You have passed the final tests,” said Spitfire. “Tenacity and camaraderie.”

Rainbow Dash blinked with confusion, and Fluttershy nearly fell backwards as she pulled her hooves off of the desk.

“Final tests?” asked Rainbow Dash. “Tenacity and camaraderie? What’s that?”

“Hidden tests,” said Spitfire. “Every Wonderbolt must pass these two tests without being told that they exist, and you have done so with the help of you friend, Fluttershy.”

Rainbow Dash stood speechless as Fluttershy ran over to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. Fluttershy bounced up and down with excitement.

“The final tests determine if you can fit in with us,” said Spitfire. “The first is tenacity, that you have the determination to keep going against all odds, which you showed by returning here after failing. The second is camaraderie, that you have friends who will stick with you through anything. A lot can be seen by observing a pony’s friends, and Fluttershy has beautifully shown how much she cares for you.”

“Rainbow Dash! She said you passed!” yelled Fluttershy. “Does that mean you’re a...”

You’re a Wonderbolt, Rainbow Dash!” yelled Spitfire as she bowed her head. “We are honored to call you a part of the team.”

The rest of the Wonderbolts bowed their heads. Rainbow Dash breathed in deeply and held her breath for a moment.

“I’m a Wonderbolt!” she finally yelled at the top of her lungs. Fluttershy almost fell backwards again, and grabbed onto Rainbow Dash, pulling her into a tight hug.

“You did it! You did it, Rainbow Dash! You really did it!” yelled Fluttershy as she squeezed her friend.

Rainbow Dash smiled and hugged Fluttershy back. “No, Fluttershy. You did it! If it weren’t for you, I never would have made it! It was your never-give-up attitude that made me see that I had to give it another try! And you were right!” she said, tears streaming from her eyes.

Fluttershy just smiled and held Rainbow Dash tightly. I’ve finally been able to repay you, Rainbow Dash, she thought. I was finally strong, just like you always were for me.

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, my best friend, Rainbow Dash, finally accomplished her dream, and I learned something about friendship. I learned that sometimes when a friend is lost in sadness, they can’t see the truth of how wonderful they are staring right at them. In times like this, you just have to be there for them, and maybe give them a push in the right direction. In the end, true friendship will always light the way to better days.

Even though I won’t get to see her every day anymore since she has to train and perform with The Wonderbolts, I know that I have a special place in her heart, just like she has in mine. We will always be the best of friends, no matter what happens. The special bond between us can not be broken, no matter what, and we will always be there for each other through thick and thin.

Your loyal subject,

Dear Princess Celestia,

Today, I learned that something that seems bad at the time might not be as bad as you think. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with a friend can give you a new perspective, and could make the problem that you thought was insurmountable seem easier to face.

My best friend, Fluttershy, showed me that sometimes, when you feel like you are not strong enough to go on, or that the world is against you, a friend can push you forward to new heights and help you overcome anything. I found out that she had tried to show me this in the past, as well, but I was just too stubborn to listen. You should always listen to what your friends have to say, even if you don’t think it will help. Talking with a friend is always worthwhile, and I will never forget that again.

Your loyal subject,
Rainbow Dash


Comments ( 33 )

Righteous! :rainbowdetermined2:

Someone kick Hasbro and DHX... DMX... Whatever... to episode this.

I Cried wow that is just a kick to the emotion box:fluttercry:

:rainbowlaugh: Emotion box! I have never heard of this mythical organ, but I think it must be somewhere near the cockles of the heart.


:pinkiegasp: I don't know about all that. Now I'm just blushing. :pinkiesad2:

OMFG THIS IS SO BEAUTIFUL I THOUGHT THIS WOUD LEAD INTO FLUTTRDASH BUT OW WELL:rainbowkiss::rainbowhuh::rainbowlaugh::rainbowwild::fluttershysad::rainbowderp::rainbowderp::coolphoto::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad::fluttershbad::flutterrage::fluttercry::yay: FOR MAKING SUCH AN AWSOM FIC YOU GET ALL THE FLUTTERSHY AND RAINBOW DASH EMOTICONS AND A NEW FOLLOWR PLUS ALL CAPS ALSO FIRST AND PLEASE SEQUEL THIS FIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:pinkiegasp: Very enthusiastic! I don't have any plans to sequel this, though.

:raritycry::fluttercry::fluttershysad::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad:1266929 maybe can you do a flutterdash fic
:twilightblush: of course i am its a good fic

Then blush like ya mean it!:twilightblush:

very good!! i enjoyed this! :pinkiehappy:

Luv it!

For the love of god make this canon!

This Story has everything that the Story stands for: Friendship, learning to face your fears, dealing with bad things in life, never giving up on the things you love and not one but TWO Friendship Reports :heart::heart::heart:



Yep, I've heard that before, but it was purposely not foreshadowed at all. At least, I am assuming that was the problem you had with it.

Rainbow's shock = Reader's shock, plain and simple. I have had someone say it was sort of deus ex machina, but I can accept that. I knew I was gonna get some flak for it when I wrote it, so hugs to you anyway. :heart:

I am glad you liked it! :twilightsheepish:

Nice! Realizing dreams,best friends,cloud-to-face collisions...Now I'm getting all teary-eyed...:fluttercry:

Bravo! A beautiful story about friendship. :yay:
I actually got somewhat misty-eyed at the ending but I love it.
Can't say anything else besides how much I like this.


Glad you liked it! :twilightsmile: :heart:

I couldn't read this in one day cause I was busy so I favorited it and now that I finished it... Wow :rainbowlaugh:

idk the story was great and all but i cant help but feel like spitfire pulled those "hidden test" out of her plot. again idk still a good story

Yeah, I hear that a lot. I think the lack of foreshadowing bothers some people... You were surprised, though, weren't you? :rainbowkiss:

1878721 yes lol its was a good twist tho lots of times i just want dash to forget the wonderbolts cause that means she would never get to see her friends, and also no way in hell she could be an element and wonderbolt. idk lol well see where it goes. but your story was a good read.

In my mind, she can be an element and a Wonderbolt, but she may find it harder to be a friend and a Wonderbolt. I have not seen any fics about the conflict she'd face trying to balance fame as a Wonderbolt and relationships with her friends back in Ponyville. With a promise to take Scootaloo under her wing, it becomes even more complicated. If a sequel to this fic were to be written, it would surely be about RD being conflicted and learning to deal with it. Maybe even learning that her lifelong dream can't stand up to the love she feels for her friends. In other words, another feels-fest, and I'd be OK with writing it... I just don't see it happening any time soon.

Thanks for all the comments, though. :rainbowkiss:

This was an awesome fic! Very touching!:twilightsmile:

:yay: woo hoo, uplifting as :rainbowwild:

This was a great emotional roller coaster. Though I can't help but wonder- what if RD had passed the agility and style tests? How are the hidden tests supposed to fit in then?:applejackconfused:


A good question, and one that I don't have a great answer to!

Maybe it would go like this...

Let's assume that RD wins all three events - blows the socks off of the judges, shows them all that she's got what it takes. Keep in mind that this is an outcome that they would not be expecting. They would be forced to accept her right then and there, after which she would be told to report to a sort of boot camp. Think like what we saw in Wonderbolt Academy. SHe'd be put through the ringer, and the other Wonderbolts would be under orders to treat her distantly and coldly, being as hard on her as possible during her training. If she doesn't rage quit at that point, it'll be proof enough of her perseverence, and the group would eventually warm up to her if they found she was worthy.

But of course, that's way less fun that having Fluttershy go all rage-face!

1881170 Sometimes I feel like she's too good for the wonderbolts. She has her own life, being a wonderbolt isn't her life, it's a job, and no matter how amazing and fun it may be, ponyville is her home and live.

Doesn't it seem a little unorthodox for RD to be just thrown into the fire like that? She went up against well known ace flyers, and failing one test completely dismisses her from joining? These wonderbolts need to look in the mirror, hard. How about getting water up too the sky? Spitfire sat on her but and didn't do anything at all. Then Spike's greed growth and they couldn't even handle that, they got tossed aside. Lastly, when Rarity fell to the earth knocking them down with her and RD went and saved them. Where do they get off judging her at all?

That's a good point, and I think the answer is actually that the Wonderbolts are inherently full of themselves!

Before I delve into that, also remember that this was written with a season 2 perspective. We hadn't seen Wonderbolt Academy or Rainbow Falls yet, but those episodes do seem to drive home that point that they are full of themselves.

Someone commented here already that Dash might be too good for the Wonderbolts. That's a perspective that I think would be interesting to explore, but this story was just an idealistic sort of dream fulfillment tale... and of course, the story itself was less about "getting into the Wonderbolts" and more about Dash's own feelings of self-worth. Not only that, but the impact she's had on her friends, Fluttershy in particular for this story.

So yeah, she got into the Wonderbolts and everything seems awesome, but that's just the icing on the cake. The real lesson, I hope anyway, was driven home by the letters to the princess at the end.

Thanks for reading, by the way. I really enjoyed writing this one, and I'm actually wanting to do a rewrite since I've grown a lot as a writer since this was published.


Dear Princess Celestia, Today, my best friend, Rainbow Dash, finally accomplished her dream, and I learned something about friendship. I learned that sometimes when a friend is lost in sadness, they can’t see the truth of how wonderful they are staring right at them. In times like this, you just have to be there for them, and maybe give them a push in the right direction. In the end, true friendship will always light the way to better days. Even though I won’t get to see her every day anymore since she has to train and perform with The Wonderbolts, I know that I have a special place in her heart, just like she has in mine. We will always be the best of friends, no matter what happens. The special bond between us can not be broken, no matter what, and we will always be there for each other through thick and thin. Your loyal subject, Fluttershy

Dear Princess Celestia, Today, I learned that something that seems bad at the time might not be as bad as you think. Sharing your feelings and thoughts with a friend can give you a new perspective, and could make the problem that you thought was insurmountable seem easier to face. My best friend, Fluttershy, showed me that sometimes, when you feel like you are not strong enough to go on, or that the world is against you, a friend can push you forward to new heights and help you overcome anything. I found out that she had tried to show me this in the past, as well, but I was just too stubborn to listen. You should always listen to what your friends have to say, even if you don’t think it will help. Talking with a friend is always worthwhile, and I will never forget that again. Your loyal subject, Rainbow Dash

Wonderful lessons on friendship! Way to go Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash:scootangel:!

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