• Member Since 5th Jan, 2015
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


do not throw souls


Dating a celebrity is hard, for both parties. Rainbow and Cherry aren't the types to shy away from things that're hard.

Written for Emotion Nexus for Jinglemas 2021.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 9 )

This was really cute!

The prose is this is absolutely gorgeous, especially the first half. All the ways that Cherry describes Rainbow fit perfectly, and it's such a great breakdown of who she is.

Speaking of, you really nailed how I see their relationship. Cherry admiring Rainbow and her flight while Rainbow enjoys spending time with Cherry. The painting is a really cute addition that flips the roles around, Rainbow being the admirer and Cherry enjoying the moment.

The ending is hilariously adorable, and Rainbow actually withholding her gift because she doesn't think she can live up to Cherry's is such a Rainbow move that I shouldn't even be surprised.

Really, really nice story, and I'm glad to see someone write this pairing, because it's really underrated. Great work!

Glad you enjoyed it, thank you for saying so! I was pleasantly surprised myself by what the pairing ended up turning into, and even more so that it lines up so well with you see it, since while I thought about reading some stories about Cherry Berry, didn't get around to doing that, so all her character traits were made up on the fly here. Definitely a more appealing prompt than I gave it credit for at first, so thank you for that.

No problem! Also I went into full review mode and forgot to say thanks, so thanks!

I missed your writing, Naiad. Glad to have this today.

I did too, apparently. Might need to do more of it sometime.

Thanks for saying so, hope you've been well.

Author Interviewer

very nice :)

Hello! I reviewed this recently, so here is your courtesy note. I wallowed in the prose for this one. It's lovely, and Cherry's way of seeing Dash is beautifully expressed. Favourited!

Under 200 views for this is a crime.

Tthanks for letting me know! I think this is the single Jinglemas story I've written that I actually like, so while I can't say I'm surprised a story about Cherry Berry didn't get much attention, I think it would've been lovely if it did, and I'm really glad you enjoyed it <3

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