• Member Since 18th Jan, 2020
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I like women

Comments ( 22 )

Planning to read this soon (and also those automatic downvotes are a crime). But first, can you share the art Derpi number? I feel like I know that artist but can’t quite place them.

Anyone who downvotes this is an idiot. I feel you on the world being in a bad place. *Cyber0hugs* Loving this so far.


Coverart sauce: https://www.deviantart.com/iojknmiojknm/art/Pole-dancer-Twilight-904703785 (a little spicy dressed, but nothing that breaks the rules of Fimfic—nor is it flagged as mature on DA)

I liked this a lot! Some excellent sex scenes, and yeah I can see how this is dark, but not how it's the darkest thing you've written.

Seems to me that what we need now is a sequel dealing with Sunset. Doesn't even have to be mature, just something to resolve that subplot, one way or the other.

great story. I'd love a sequel where the sirens and Sci-Twi confront the human 5 and Sunset and prove they really changed and it was all thnx to Sci-Twi. Starting with Fluttershy and ending with Sunset. Even if they have to throw in how Sunset had been a villain and got another chance to change for the better so why not they (the sirens) get another chance for the same redemption

That is... definitely not where I believe it would end up.

I called this a dark ending for a reason.

It’s like she never even was really my friend and just wanted- wanted a pet! Someone she could control!

Oh, the irony. If I'm reading this right, anyway.

While you don't see that ending I do agree with 11210446 that the Sunset plotline deserves some kind of resolution.

In my view, Sunset and everyone else are the bad guys here to Twilight. Have the Dazzlings visibly hurt Twilight in any way? Not really, it's not like they got her plastered then egged her to fuck her mom ("hint hint" through tightly gritted teeth). The most you can say about them is that they're a bit zealous with their affections. Have Sunset and her friends sat Twilight down and explained their history with the Dazzlings? Admittedly that particular B-plot doesn't really get any attention but going by the limited information, it doesn't seem like it, and even then Twilight could just reply, "Yeah, and I nearly ripped apart reality itself. Your point?"

But most importantly, Sunset seems completely unwilling to meet Twilight halfway or make an attempt to understand her angle. Yes, it's reasonable to be concerned about your friend's changing behavior, but as Twilight herself explains in the fic, that can easily become a vicious cycle. According to this fic, it's been a few months since the first fic, and while I've never been in a relationship, I know that I would get sick of hearing about how evil my girlfriends are.

Or maybe I'm completely misreading this whole fic and am talking entirely out of my ass. I don't even particularly get why you think this is dark.

Don't need torture to turn someone against your enemies if genuine pleasure works just fine.
Funnily enough, though, it might be the one thing that bites both of them. After all, isn't love a giving of one's self to another?

Ah, I see. Of course, the fact that the Dazzlings actually are into Twilight really helps them suck her into their pace, but Sunset is really the one doing most of the leg work for them. One thing that occurred to me after reading your reply is how the Rainbooms seem content to keep Twilight stationary in this fic, neither challenging her or pushing her boundaries. The Dazzlings by contrast do challenge her, they look at her boundaries and say "cross it, I dare you." This makes the Dazzlings seem adventurous and her friends telling her she shouldn't only makes them more tempting to Twilight.

Something that keeps jumping out at me, however, is when Sunset says, "This isn't like you," to Twilight. It's like Twilight isn't allowed to change or that any change is inherently bad. It seems like the Rainboom's past with the Dazzlings has blinded them to the fact that they're playing right into their hands. The harder they try to bash Twilight back into line the harder she's going to resist.

All that said, that doesn't mean Twilight should neglect her parents or brother. If she could get them on her side, Sunset and other others would lose further credibility.

Better assessment than I expected to see. Nicely done.

Let's be honest though, Rainbow would totally accept an offer to join in if she thought she could get away with it.

I get the sense that she's being duped and used by the Dazzlings to get back at the others. I haven't read the prequel, so I may be wrong. But that's my impression from this standalone.

So I decided to read this again and wow that flashback was worse than I remembered.

But you’ve not been yourself since you started going out with them,” Sunset had protested. “You’re not studying as much, you haven’t applied for that research grant like you said you would- doesn’t that bother you?

You were the one always saying I should try something new,” She’d said in reply. “That I should be more outgoing. Haven’t I been?

With them! Not with us, your friends! Twilight, they’re not good people, they-

They are perfectly sweet, lovely people,” Twilight had fired back, perhaps a little hot under the collar when saying so. “Stop being so mean to them. Do you think I’d date them if they were bad girls?

“I think you’re being naïve. If you’d just listen-”

Sunset literally said, "Get out, try new things, but only in ways that we approve." Like, what!? Tell me Sunset, what were you and your friends doing that was so adventurous? You're not her damn mom Sunset, don't be so controlling. Leave that to her actual mom.

There is, however another angle that a sequel can go: rope Princess Twilight into the relationship.

we please get a sequel where the everyone gets back to getting along? i like good endings like that

It will get a sequel. But expect some issues.

Nah...The prequel actually had the three falling for Sci-Twi and asking her out. Originally they wanted revenge but they fell in love with the nerd nuch to Sunset and the Rainbooms shock

I LOVE IT SM. like omg dazzlings x scitwi is just what i need. AND I NEED MORE OF IT. write some more of it one day if u dont mind. i'll be rereading and thinking abt it for next few months. its really really good.
also people if you know ANYWHERE where i can find dazzlings x scitwi fics let me know pls.

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