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Saitama v Eternal Centipede

The caretaker showed Saitama the headstones. A group of six familiar names adorning them.

"Don't know how a human knows about them but it's only fair you can say goodbye." The grey and black stallion said.

"Do you know how they passed?" Saitama asked as he approached the first marker.

"Sad thing really it seemed that they were all connected to eachother. That one there lasted the longest but it wasn't like she could enjoy that time what was being in a depression-based coma and all before her parents pulled the plug." The headstone in front of the bald man read "Pinkamina Diane Pie May she rest In peace and bring joy to the angels" "she went into that coma after learning about the others"

Saitama moved to the next and the caretaker explained "This poor filly had to walk home from Manehatten and by the time she got here she was starved dehydrated and very weak. Even with the best medical care we could scrounge up it was too late she died in her Grandmothers hooves." The inscription here read "Applejack Apple. Her honesty shall be the judge of the gods. May she rest with her parents." This caused the human to start to feel uncomfortable as if the situation was somehow wrong. The feeling only grew as he moved onto the next marker.

"The story behind this one is simple yet tragic. She had just gained her cutiemark for finding a Massive geode of gems when a group of local diamond dogs trampled her And tore her apart just to get at the geode. They couldn't even hold open casket funeral her body was so mangled." The word on this one read. "Rarity Belle may your generous soul make angels sing." That uncomfortable feeling began to change to anger as he moved onto the next two markers.

"Oh those two" The caretaker said simply "The left one is in a similar vein to the last. Simple yet tragic. She fell from a great height you see. While Pegasus are crash resistant they are not crash immune. The landing broke every bone in her body and she slowly bled out. Her family had double funeral with the other one so I might as well explain both at the same time. The one on the right Doesn't even hold a body for the filly it represents. She created a Sonic Rainboom in her last moment before she turned into a red mist due to the strain of the high speeds and blow back from her magic overloading." These markers were a double headstone the left one reading "Fluttershy Breeze in life her kindness outshone her timid nature may she find peace in death" the right reading "Rainbow Danger Dash loyal to those she loved" moving to the final marker that Anger and wrongness began morphing into a unknown, dark cloying feeling as the Caretaker explained its presence.

"This little one was the worst of them all. The Rainboom affected her magic As she was going through to the Entrance exam for Celestia's school. As magic surged Her body slowly burnt to a crisp till nothing was left of her. All that power used for hatching a dragon and making it grow to full maturity. By the time Celestia had reached the epicenter of the surge She was gone and all that was left was the will from the filly itself. Something she easily dispelled." This marker read "Twilight Sparkle A caring, loving, honest, joyful, generous, and loyal filly Who was been a great friend to any she met. May the magic of friendship carry her to rest."

Saitama recognized that feeling now. That dark cloying feeling was rage. Rage at how everything was wrong with this situation. Pinkie Pie, Rarity Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, and Twilight each of them good friends to him in this world. All dead before even met them. This was wrong and it was pissing him off! That rage caused him to lash out with his fist. Slamming it into the Twilight's headstone. Turning it to dust as the caretaker groaned in pain.

"Hey now!" The stallion said "You Can't just break something because you're mad at it! Calm down!"

But Saitama just ignored him as he moved on to the double headstone and smashed it too making the caretaker groan in greater pain that caused the human to start noticing.

"Come on this supposed to be in memorial!" The now visibly bruised stallion said. "Don't start smashing it up!"

The reaction that he hoped for never came as Saitama smirked and used both his fists to smash The headstones for Rarity and Applejack at once leaving only Pinkie Pie's standing for the moment. This caused the stallion to howl in pain as he looked bloody and beaten.

"You do any more smashing and I'll have to get serious with you! I only let you see these because you said they were your friends! Normally this memorial is off limits to everyone!" The stallion said as Saitama just flicked Pinkie Pie's headstone Shattering it just as easily as the others shattering the illusion around him. Revealing that the stallion he was with was nothing more than a shambling undead corpse being controlled by a gigantic centipede Monster.

"So you were able to break my illusion!" It said. "No matter. You may have beaten Elder Centipede hero but I am the Eternal Centipede! I am truly immortal And you will never defeat me! So come test your skills."

"Normally I don't take anything seriously." The hero commented. "Due to this and my overwhelming power my emotions have dulled over time. I rarely feel anger or annoyance but here in Equestria while I may be overwhelmingly powerful I have great friends to share my day with. You used those friends against me which made me feel a feeling I thought I'd never feel again! Rage and the fire to defeat something for the thrill of it and the satisfaction. So I'm going to give you my all Show you just why I'm called the "strongest hero" by my friends." With that the human got into a stance. His right hand covering his left fist as it was pulled back ready to strike. "Killer Move Serious Series 100% Serious PUNCH!!!!!!!"

With that Saitama rocketed forward as his fist struck the monstrous Centipede right in its face. The force of the blow creating a Mach 10 Sonic Rainboom breaking through the cavern wall as the pressure wave split the sky around the entire planet moving the clouds away in a straight line from the point of impact to right behind Saitama who felt the wave of air pass over him before dissipating. The ring of color expanding just as fast. Wrapping the world in Aurora temporarily. The Eternal centipede was gone. It's body Completely vaporized within moments of Saitama's Fist making contact.

"That settles that." The now calm human said as he picked up the broken body the monster had used to interact with Saitama in its illusion. "Hopefully I can find where this guy's grave is so that he can rest and then I'm gonna have to report to Twilight about a monster from my world getting to theirs. Since it knew of the Elder Centipede it must be something that came from my world." Suddenly The spirit of the gray and black stallion appeared. "Thank you young one I have no true grave. My soul has not been able to rest while that beast controlled my body. I was the caretaker of the Ponyville Graveyard while I lived. My name is Solid Stone. I had already purchased the land with my headstone on it before I passed. If you would be so kind as the place my body there I can finally rest in peace."

"Will do so ghost dude" Saitama said as he exited the cave near the graveyard. He quickly noticed a lone headstone and walked over to it the inscription read only "Solid Stone" But after placing the body down in front of it Saitama picked up a sharp stone from the debris and quickly tapped out a Epitaph for the stallion. The Headstone now read "Solid Stone A Caretaker of the dead. May he help those pass on as he has in death. May he rest in peace."

"Fitting" Solid Stone said as his soul faded "My thanks young one when you find your way to deaths domain I'll put in a good word for you!" With that the stallion passed on completely.

"Ok I beat a giant beast from my world and helped the soul of the stallion It was controlling with his last request. Now to report the Twilight about the whole situation." The hero muttered "Hopefully I haven't been gone too long. Both Twilight and Dash don't like it when I wander off."

Comments ( 4 )

Plot twist: Twilight is now the princess and all her friends are old and have foals.

That's not the plot twist this is before she took the throne, but well after the current chapter of "Your Saitama and You" think season 8, the real plot twist is that all the spelling mistakes are on purpose as the Eternal Centipede is altering the perception of the speech, if you notice after the illusion in shattered the spelling mistakes go down drastically meaning Saitama is still feeling the after effects but is shaking it off rapidly I positioned this chapter to be somewhat in the future and since it's been revealed in the manga that there might actually be another centipede monster this Eternal Centipede could show up and be canon

I wonder if Spike was still alive when the Mane 6 were "dead"?

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