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MLP Depressing Story

Author's Note:

Funny thing: this is a continuation of Old Memories, Older World. Do with that what you will.

Order and Chaos.

Those two things are what all of the multiverse is built on. They are the foundation for everything.

But there is a third force, more powerful than both of them.

Harmony. Perfect balance between all things.

And right now, there were a lot of places out of balance.

Every world, somewhere, had a portal that any of the three forces could exploit for their own use. Harmony was going to do just that, with the two magical powerhouses now at its disposal.

Twilight Sparkle and Flurry Heart, if properly trained and without restrictions, could be two of the most powerful beings in any Equestria, easily capable of challenging Discord on their own. And these in specific were extremely powerful and skilled.

But they were still just two mares.

Against an entire world, that should be enough.



Unlike the previous times she had used the mirror, all that Twilight saw was a blinding white flash, and then she lay sprawled on the ground.

Next to her, Flurry groaned. Twilight silently thanked fate for that. She wasn’t sure either of them would have survived being apart for long.

‘’Oh… was it always that bad?” Flurry japed weakly as she got up to her hooves.

‘’No,’’ Twilight replied, before looking around. This was not CHS, unless it had really changed. They were in some sort of cave. Looking behind her, Twilight saw the portal was a glowing door, nestled in a rocky archway. However, it disappeared a second later.

‘’Well, so much for going back,’’ Flurry quipped as she brandished her spear. ‘’Let’s shed some light on where we are.’’

Both mares blinked once, and when they opened their eyes again their pupils had turned slitted. Alicorns, as a godly race that had the qualities of every pony tribe, also had the perfect night vision of thestrals. Something that both alicorns had used to their advantage many times before, and it served them just as well now.

‘’Right, wind’s blowing that way, so it’ll probably lead to the exit,’’ Flurry reasoned aloud.

Twilight nodded. ‘’Let’s go. I’m eager to see where we’ve ended up.’’

‘’So am I,’’ Flurry replied.

They walked together through the cave, following the path that steadily led upwards. A few turns later, they stood at the exit. Bright sunlight shone outside.

‘’After you,’’ Flurry said.

Twilight raised an eyebrow, before walking out of the cave and looking out over the land.

And groaning.

Desert, as far as the eye could see, with a massive mountain range that they had just emerged from being the only thing apart from sand.

Flurry stepped outside as well and let out a similar groan. ‘’I swear, if this entire planet is desert…’’ she growled.

It wasn’t the heat that bothered them; they had gone diving in white stars. Nor would it be the lack of food or water; while unpleasant, alicorns could survive indefinitely without food, water or even oxygen.

Mostly, it was just the bother of having to cross a large desert or a high mountain range. More specifically, how boring flying over such a landscape was.

‘’Let’s hope it’s not,’’ Twilight said. ‘’Shall we check what’s on the other side of these mountains first?’’

Flurry nodded, already spreading her wings. Together, they took off into the dry, hot sky. The mountains rose high into the sky, almost touching the clouds. Not that it mattered; Twilight and Flurry flew between the peaks.

After half an hour with no end to the mountains in sight, Flurry called out to Twilight, ‘’We should go higher!’’

Twilight shouted back, ‘’Good plan!’’

They climbed up, beyond the clouds and into the upper atmosphere. From up there, the mountain range seemed so very small.

‘’Is it me, or are those continents weirdly rectangular?’’ Flurry asked Twilight.

‘’That has to be magic,’’ Twilight said. ‘’The chance of the continental plates naturally forming together like that is nigh-zero. Something formed them like that. See those isles there?’’ She pointed her hoof at a collection of brown specks between the two largest landmasses. ‘’I can feel the residual magic from here. In fact, the entire world is coated in all sorts of various magics.’’

Flurry nodded. She might have more power, but Twilight was still the foremost expert on magic, and Flurry had never been very good at separating different types of ambient magic from another. But even she could feel the difference between the various places.

‘’What are we studying first?’’ she asked.

Without looking away from it, Twilight pointed her hoof at a peninsula that looked like it had been shattered by some cataclysmic event. ‘’There. It’s saturated with blood magic.’’ She involuntarily shuddered. ‘’I want to find out what caused it.’’

‘’Then let’s go,’’ Flurry said, before diving forward in a burst of speed, leaving a pink-purple and turquoise trail behind. A few moments later, Twilight followed behind her, chuckling.

Within ten minutes, they were roughly above the peninsula. They fluidly dove down, going even faster.

Now, alicorns could travel well beyond the speed of light if they wanted to, so the speed they had as they dove to the ground was nothing impressive to the two ancient mares.

But to the inhabitants of this world, more specifically two people in a rowboat, the speed was unbelievable.

Jorah Mormont and Tyrion Lannister both stared in astonishment at the twin streaks of light that were falling from the sky at a speed they had never seen anything move before. ‘’What in the Seven Hells is that?” Tyrion asked.

The streaks of light disappeared into the mist. After a few seconds, Jorah slowly began to paddle again, though Tyrion kept on staring at the air the lights had passed through. Then he turned to Jorah. ‘’Do you know what that was?’’

‘’No idea,’’ Jorah replied, ‘’and given where we are, I don’t want to know.’’

‘’I do,’’ Tyrion said brightly. ‘’Just imagine what it could be? A falling star? A dragonling?’’

‘’Dragons can’t move that fast,’’ Jorah stated softly.

Tyrion opened his mouth for a witty retort, only to squeak in fright at the twin flashes of light above the boat.

There, floating in the air by way of flapping wings, were two tall, colourful horses, wearing armour and with what appeared to be weapons on their sides, but no saddle or rider.

Flurry and Twilight looked at the two humans with equal parts curiosity and excitement. ‘’Greetings,’’ Twilight greeted them, ‘’we come in peace.’’

‘’You can talk?” the taller of the two humans exclaimed, almost dropping his paddle before remembering it was the only weapon he had.

‘’Obviously,’’ Flurry replied with a roll of her eyes. ‘’What are you two doing here? This place is positively crawling with monsters.’’

The smaller man seemed to have recovered himself, as he answered, ‘’We are but simple travelers, making our way through Valyria so we can visit family in Elyria.’’

‘’You’re a good liar,’’ Twilight complimented absently, mentally reviewing the information she’d glanced from their unprotected minds. She hadn’t actively gone rooting around in their heads, but she’d picked up their surface thoughts and picked extra information from their minds to help complete the picture.

The small man - a dwarf - was Tyrion Lannister, a scion of a great house in Westeros, the vertical continent. He’d been exiled after a show trial for murdering his cousin, which he hadn’t done.

The other man was Jorah Mormont, an exile multiple times over. He was trying to get back to the woman that had exiled him, hoping that bringing Tyrion to her would bring him back in her good graces.

‘’But not good enough,’’ Twilight finished her own sentence, ignoring Flurry’s small smirk or the two men’s incredulous looks. ‘’Flurry,’’ she addressed the mare, ‘’this world is more interesting than we thought.’’

‘’I know,’’ Flurry said, having done some mental sight-seeing of her own. ‘’So, what’s the game plan?’’

‘’Get these two to Meereen, study the dragons, fly to the Wall and see what’s happening there, clean up Westeros and Essos in the process,’’ Twilight listed off.

‘’I beg your pardon?’’ Tyrion guffawed.

‘’Granted,’’ Flurry quipped. ‘’And that lines up with my ideas,’’ she said to Twilight.

‘’Good,’’ Twilight said. She turned to address the two lost-looking men. ‘’I suggest you hold on tight.’’

‘’What do you-’’ Jorah began, but it was already too late.

A wind that would have otherwise blown the boat and both men in it to shreds kicked up around then, and instead of instantaneous destruction the boat began to move forward at an incredible pace, pushed by Twilight’s magic. The two alicorns lazily floated after them, not visibly doing anything to move the boat, yet moved it was.

Fifteen minutes later, and the boat stopped inside of Meereen’s port. Jorah and Tyrion managed to climb out of it onto the docks and promptly started throwing up onto the ground as the two alicorns serenely landed.

‘’Pardon me, sir,’’ Twilight addressed the nearest man in fluid Low Valyrian, ‘’can you tell me where I might find Queen Daenerys?’’

The man stared at her for a few seconds, before hesitantly raising his arm and pointing at the Great Pyramid.

Twilight smiled and inclined her head. ‘’Thank you.’’

She picked up the still-retching humans in her magenta aura, levitating them behind her as she and Flurry walked through the docks.

Two armoured guards stood at the gate into the city proper, but before they could stop Twilight and her hang-ons, Flurry spoke up, just like Twilight, in perfect Low Valyrian. ‘’Gentlemen, be a couple of dears and let us through, please?’’

One of the Unsullied replied by pointing the tip of his spear at Jorah and saying, ‘’He is banished on pain of death.’’

‘’We know that,’’ Flurry replied without missing a beat. ‘’But this is Tyrion Lannister, the son of one of the families that played a major role in throwing the Targaryens out of Westeros. I bet the Queen will be very interested in that, if nothing else.’’

Tyrion, who had finally stopped throwing up, was now staring at Flurry with wide eyes.

The Unsullied stared at her for a few more seconds, before one of the two turned around and began to march away towards the Great Pyramid. The other remained behind, watching the alicorns and their baggage like a hawk.

Eventually, a group of Unsullied appeared, marching towards them. The man at the head of the column came to a halt a few steps away from Twilight. He reached up with his hands and removed his helmet.

‘’What is your business here?’’ he asked.

‘’Good afternoon, Commander Grey Worm,’’ Twilight replied diplomatically, shooting her brightest smile at him. ‘’I’m here to talk to you about the magic of friendship.’’

Flurry smirked. This was going to be fun.


Tommen and Margaery sat together in the gardens of the Red Keep. One of the keep’s many cats was playing with a flower in front of the two.


‘’Are you sure this will work?’’ Jon Snow asked the little horse doubtfully.

‘’Of course,’’ the purple creature replied. ‘’I triple-checked the calculations!’’

This was proven moments later when, as the horde of undead surged forward, the clouds suddenly broke apart and allowed the sun through.

The horse disappeared in a purple flash, and Jon looked up to see it appear next to the white horse. They had spread their wings, with their backs towards the sun.

Then Jon had to look away as a blinding beam of light shot down. When he could look again, the army of the dead was gone.

He blinked, and it was still gone. Just… gone. Turned to dust.