• Published 13th Sep 2012
  • 524 Views, 0 Comments

Upon the Wings of Lies - CadmanSW

Equestria has for to long been born aloft upon the wings of Lies and they are soon to fail.

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The train hummed with the sound of passengers as Ponies entered or departed from the carriages. The station, which the train was resting in, was small in comparison to the majority of that particular train's route. In comparison to its size the crowd that thronged the platform was massive. The station was part of the small town of Bridle-down. Though small and quaint, it annually displayed the mechanical work of engineers from all over Equestria. This competition was what had caused the crowds at the station. This had continued though out the day, until the exhibition had started to close up for the day.
The Sun was sinking beneath the horizon and the majority of those ponies who had traveled into town for the exhibition had made their way back home. The station was mostly quite in the dimming light. A cat hopped from rail to rail across the tracks, pausing every now and again as if to temp a train to materialize before it. But it soon made it over to the platform and with a small leap scaled the two-foot platform. It sat contentedly as it leisurely looked up and down the tracks. Further along the platform a young light grey Stallion was scanning the station timetable in frustration. The timetable slowly rotated on its gears, flicking through the train time as steam escaped the mechanism. This same stallion was also the first thing to disturb the station silence.
"I don't believe it."
The stallion said in annoyance "Not again." He turned sending a kick in the Timetables direction. Though half hearted the kick still connected with the gears, jamming the mechanism. The stallion shook his head trying to get and unruly lock of his midnight blue main out of his eye, before walking down the platform. He sat down with a sigh on one of the benches lining the platforms back wall and preceded to tap himself on the head while he could be heard muttering the word 'stupid' under his breath. He had missed the train; he was always doing stuff like this. Never more than once a day, but it was always vital. In the distance a pressure release whistle went off dragging the Stallion out of his self-loathing. He got up and went over to pick up his saddlebags from where he had dumped them whilst consulting the timetable. Grabbing them in his mouth his slung it over his flank. Once he had adjusted it his gaze then fell upon the jammed timetable. He gave a smile sigh. Bringing a hoof up he bumped the jammed cog. The mechanism whirred into life, scrolling threw missed updates with a loud clicking that echoed around the empty platform.
The stallion waited and read the updated train timetable hoping he'd misread the damnable the first time round. With little change to the train times that affected him he gave a grumbled of annoyance. He was about to kick the timetable again when the stationmaster walked onto the platform. The stallion quickly made as if he was just stretching and not breaking station property. The stationmaster looked at his quizzically before heading over. The stationmaster was a much older stallion, his graying mustache and his slowly wrinkling face giving his age away.
"Are you Blueprints?" The Stationmaster asked walking over, his mustache twitching above his slightly open mouth, framing in yellowing teeth.
Blueprints nodded with uneasy, curious as to why the stationmaster would know his name.
"Ah, good. A telegram arrived for you." The stationmaster said before reaching into his well kept though aging, blue uniform to bring out the telegram. Blueprints took it from him, unfolding the shabby piece of paper. Once open he recognized the rail networks symbol meaning that the telegram had been sent to through the stations telegram office. He then returned his attention back to message and began to scan the lines of typed text. The stationmaster continued peering at his pocket watch, which he had retrieved from within his uniform "I'm curious why you're on my platform this late, we don't get another train through here till tomorrow morning." Barely able start reading the telegram Blueprint looked and with a sigh said "Don't I know it."
Blueprints again turned his full attention back to the telegram in his hoof. Not even a line in, he new it had come from his overprotective mother. He couldn't blame her; he was the only member of the family who didn't have wings. He had been told repeatedly that his wingless state was due to a great, great, great, grandfather on his father's side, it had been an explanation repeated so many times, he knew she was going to say it even before she said herself. Though unable to fly he had been able to walk on clouds, which had given his father all the justification he needed for not moving out of Cloudsdale. Looking back keeping an eye on a son that with one wrongly placed hoof could fall out of the sky; his wingless life ending before it even began. Blueprint presumed that a mum in the same situation would have been 'slightly' overprotected, although he did hate it even if it was for his own sake.
The telegram was just a prime example of his mother's overly protective attitude towards him. But in this case he was grateful for it. Blueprint chuckled; his mother had predicted his forgetfulness and had booked him onto the inter-settlement airship. He slipped the telegram into his saddlebag, before letting a smile of relief grace his lips. His eyes wondered across the platform falling upon the stations clock. Its specifications was similar to the station cloaks commissioned by the rail network for Celestia's 500 year jubilee, but to Blueprints trained eye the majority of its brass parts had been replaced leaving it a ghost of its former self. It was then when he finally noticed the time on its face.
"Oh, sweet Celestia, I'm going to miss the flight!" He stated galloping past the stationmaster his hooves clattering against the stone platform as he began to gain speed, shouting back his gratitude at the confused stationmaster for passing on the telegram. Exiting the station he quickly disappeared into the rustic streets of Bridle-down.
The cat hadn't really taken any notice of the commotion and had lazily continued to watch the world go by from his position on the edge of the platform.
Blueprints made good time, despite his poor start off, through the small streets of Bridle-down, the clattering of his hooves echoing around the quite houses. As he rounded another corner he thought back to the throng on ponies that had previously filled the town to bursting point earlier that day for the exhibition. Luckily for him the town center was off his route letting him avoid those ponies staying in town, by going round the main cafes and bars.
He had been amazed at the prototypes he had seen from mono-winged planes, to new high-powered miniature steam engines. He had found it all inspiring, giving him new ideas for his own future projects. He looked up over the slated rooftops to the airship-docking tower starting to rise above the surroundings. Glancing at a row of clocks in a jeweler's window as he passed, he grimaced seeing the time. Though making good speed he could only hope that the airship was either waiting for him or had been delayed by some unforeseen event.
Blueprints reached the edge of Bridle-down and was greeted by the sight of his transportation. The airship was waiting silently, giving out little puffs of steam from its coal-fueled engines, which, to Blueprints eyes, made it seem that it was impatient to take off. It was small in comparison to some of the large passenger ships that traveled between the cities, but that didn't matter. Its size and shape could only mean it was a supply ship, most likely a modified Kestrel class. This conclusion was backed up by the large crates being loaded in by the dockworkers that he could see moving over the boarding ramp high above him. Smiling with relief he galloped over to base of the docking tower, its gothic, brass and steel architecture seeming to touch the sky.
Once he had entered the docking tower he made a beeline for the elevator that sat idly at the core of the building. He was stopped however by a cough, which echoed around the pipe covered walls. He turned to see a maroon colored pony sitting behind a ticket booth, her large green eyes staring daggers at him. Unable to think of a reason for how he could have upset the mare he trotted over.
"Good evening Ma'am, I was…" Blueprints began to address the elderly mare before he was cut off.
"Don't you 'Good Evening me," She almost growled "do you expect to just prance in here with out presenting your ticket. And worst of all…" She pointed menacingly at the now completely confused Blueprints. "You've ruined 'my' entrance hall!"
Blue prints just gave her a blank look before saying "Do you treat all passengers like this?" As soon as the words left his mouth he knew it had been the wrong thing to say. The mare just stared at him again making the stallion shrink back away from the booth.
"Don't you DARE back chat me young'un. For your information I only treat those try to enter the docking levels without a ticket like this. Let alone those who also trail mud across my entrance hall."
This was the moment Blueprints looked back. In his haste to make up time he had cut across a field to reach the tower. This meant that the marble floor from the open front entrance, to the elevator and then to his current position at the ticket booth was covered in muddy hoof prints.
He slowly turned back to the ragging mare giving her a sheepish grin. "I'm so sorry."
"So, what is it that you're here for?" she asked calming down a bit, now that the offending stallion had apologized.
Taking a deep breath, hoping to Celestia that he didn't ruffle the mare's mane more than he already had done, he began to talk. "I'm here to catch a flight."
The words were barely out of his mouth when the sharp tone of the ticket desk operator cut in. "All passenger for the day have finished, if you'd like to get a room in town you can catch a flight in the morning."
"You misunderstand; I'm here to catch a private cargo flight."
The mare sighed giving him yet another displeasing look before she opened a book on her desk.
"The name of the vessel you'll be departing on today, please." She asked
Blueprints took out the telegram and scanning the lines he found what he was looking for, "It's Her Majesties Ship, Moonlight." He said slipping the telegram back into his saddlebag.
The mare looked up from the book, before returning to scanning the pages for the vessel. Her hoof stopped over the ships details. "Hm, I see." She said to herself before she opened one of the draws in her desk bringing out a ticket. "This was left for you." She said handing it to him. "They are on level 42, at docking station 3." she dipped down below her desk to grab some documentation out of another ornately embossed draw. "You just need to fill this out and you can…" She looked up only to realize the stallion was already closing the polished brass gates on the elevator. "Damnable stallion, just wait till I get my hooves on you." She growled around the papers in her mouth.
From his position in the elevator he peered at the dock main clock above the main entrance as he ascended the flaws at a steady speed.
He gritted his teeth "For Celestia's sake, if I'm late due to that mare I could just…." He left it open ended not knowing what exactly he would do, just that it wouldn't be pleasant.
He slowly rode the elevator up, marveling at the towers design through the bared gates. The sky docks had been built 267 years prior when airship flight had become more affordable and thus enabling the creation of commercial flight. The docking towers where a government funded venture in the hopes to better unify Equestria. The scheme had worked and in a few short years it had become the one of the most used forms of transport, only second to the rail network. The towers had also become a symbol of national and regional pride. Though each tower was based upon the same basic blueprints, each town personalized their own, meaning no two were alike. The one Blueprints was currently traveling up was in a romantic gothic style, utilizing sweeping arches and engravings of famous scenes from Equestrian history. The elevator shuddered as the breaks where enabled, bringing him to a halt on floor 42. Flicking a lever with his hoof the elevators gates parted with a jolt before slowly opening with a hiss of steam. Exiting onto the floor he took stock of his surroundings, seeing that only activity around one of the docking stations he guessed that that was docking station 3. He trotted over hoping that he wasn't too late.

Through docking station three's entrance it opened up to a landing platform from which the Moonlight was tethered. He walked out onto the platform, nodding in greeting to the dockworkers as they passed. Now that he was directly under the airship he was able to clarify that it was a Kestrel class, or at least it was. The airship before him reminded him of the Bridle-down station clock, upgraded and modified so much that it was nearly unrecognizable. It had been its shape that had given it way though; the kestrel class was named for the shape of the main balloon. Its balloon shape was originally designed for the Hawk class, which was developed as a light frigate during the Celestria-Luna war a thousand years prior. Attached to the sides of the balloon where two stubby wings, styled on those of the Pegasus, which housed the two high output propellers. Beneath the main body of the ship was the gondola. Its large size it comparison to the relative size of the balloon was a credit to the efficiency of the design. This was where the Moonlight had been modified heavily at some point in its long service carrier. The original basic, lightly armored steel Gondola had been replaced with a highly ornamental brass and Gondola in the style of the ship class namesake. Each steel feather was inlayed with brass making the moon light dance across its surface as the air ship swayed within it mooring. He walked round the outer edge of the landing platform taking in the intricate exterior of the ship. His eyes took in every detail of the craft, drawing a mental diagram of its design. It wasn't too long till he had gone right around the exterior of the craft and reaching the boarding ramp he spotted three ponies he hadn't noticed before. They were dressed in the official brown leather flight vests of Celestia's Aerial Corps. The lone mare of the group was a small statured Pegasus, he vest accommodating for her wings. She was Black in color, striking a contrast with the worn tan colored leather of her flight vest; with her cutie mark of a sextant drawing his attention. Her fellow crewmembers were near identical stallions. Both were light blue with white manes without the slightest variation between them. Their cutie marks where the only difference between them. One had the image of a cannon while the other had image of a telescope on their flanks.

"Thank Celestia I made it before you left." he stated, breathing heavily.

The ponies just gave each other a confused look before one of them replied. "But we don't leave for another hour."

It was now Blueprints turn to look confused. "But it says here…" he began as he reached in to his saddle bag to bring out the telegram "That you leave at 8pm sharp." He then held it out to show the group.

In response they lent in to get a closer look. It was the small black mare that spotted Blueprints mistake and said, "The ink has run turning the nine into an eight." Turning the telegram round Blueprints quickly realized that in his rush to not miss it, he had only glanced at the timing for the airship's departure and thus missing the mistake. He laughed sheepishly at his stupidity.

The Pegasus then asked "I presume you're the last minute passenger then?" To which Blueprints could only grin nervously.

"I'll take that as a yes then." She chuckled at Blueprints discomfort "Do you have your ticket? It's a bore I know, but its protocol." Taking the ticket out of his saddlebag, Blueprints handed her the ticket. "It'll be good old squeeze getting you in," she then continued glancing over the ticket "but I think we'll manage it."

"Thank you, I really appreciate this."

"Don't thank us; thank your Mommy." She giggles accompanied by the chuckle her crewmate. Blueprints waited for her to finish, he was used to it. It wasn't the first time his overprotective mother had gone this. Once the mare had calmed down again she asked "Who is she anyhow to be able to commandeer a place on my ship?"

Blueprint lowered his head with a sigh, before he murmured something under his breath. Unable to hear the mare took a step forward "Sorry what did you say? You're quieter than a startled filly, speak up."

Blueprint shifted his weight from side to side nervously. Looking back up he asked "Why do you need to know anyhow? Will your curiosity not let it go?"

The mare gave him her best thinking look, raising her right hoof to slowly tap her chin. "Partially that, but also because we have a bet on who it is. I have 20 gold pieces ridding on who your mother is. So tell me or I'll strap you to the outside of the balloon for the entirety of our journey."

"Fine," Blueprints said, the mare biting her lip in anticipation. "She's Bright Flash."
There was a breath silence before the Pegasus broke it with the explanation "I told you! Only someone close to the princes could call in this favor. Who is more likely the prince's military adviser and head of the guard."
Her two crew members just kicked the ground in disappointment. "I thought of Bright flash, why didn't I go for her?" said one of the stallion to himself.

"Should'a, Could'a, Would'a Cannon." The mare teased.
She turned and headed up the boarding ramp. Half way up she turned to look down at her passenger "Well come on then, or are you just going to stare at my ass?" she joked.
In response Blueprints face turned as red as an apple, as his cheeks filled with blood. He pawed the platform jokingly wishing that it would swallow him whole. "I wasn't looking… not that you don't have a…." he stopped himself taking a deep breath "'I'll come up in a minute."

The Mare just smirked before walking into the airship. Blueprints blushing fit came to an end when Stallion with the cannon cutie mark gave him a nudge.

"Don't Mind Storm Chaser, she does that to everypony. I'm Cannon Ball by the way and this," pointing to his double "Is my twin brother Optical." Said the stallion who had just nudged him and was now holding out his hoof.

Blueprints turned toward stallion giving him a cheesy grin trying to hide his nervousness, while shaking the out stretched hoof. He then realized that apart from the mare and the two stallions next to him, he hadn't seen any other crew. So to try and draw the attention away from the mare's teasing he asked. "Is there just the three of you crewing this ship?"

"Yep, say's it means we can take on more cargo, but I'm sure that she just doesn't want to deal with the extra paperwork that comes with a larger crew….Ever since Luna's return the monarchy has been creating new laws, like the Free Marital Act. Personally I couldn't care less about whether somepony wants to marry a pony of the same sex." Said Optical.

Chuckling Blueprints hoped that the stallion had just got confused and finished with the tail end on the conversation the crew had been having when he interrupted them. If not, he worried for the stallion's sanity.

See the concern on Blueprints face he whispered "Don't worry; he says some random things sometimes. It's best just to skip over the his ramblings."

Blueprints chucked lightly. "It's great to meet both of you. I better get after Storm, from what I've seen I better not keep her waiting."

The two brothers nodded with a smile. "We just need to get the rest of our cargo aboard, so we'll see you later." Said Optical.

Blueprints started up the gangplank, his hooves clicking against its wooden boards.