• Published 5th Jan 2022
  • 1,151 Views, 5 Comments

Maretime Bay Hard Cider Incident (SFW Version) - MasaStormyPonez

After Sunny's lighthouse gets repaired, she's throwing a housewarming party with her friends. During the event Zipp challenges Hitch into a drinking competition. Of course he knows what he's doing...

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One Drunken Sheriff Coming Right Up!

”Aaaand done!” declared blue-maned purple unicorn as she swiped the one last stroke of paint to the wall. Sunny’s lighthouse was now completely repaired and ponies outside were cheering.

It was a peaceful summer day at Maretime Bay as the Sun shined it’s warm light everywhere. The magic had returned to Equestria a couple of months later and everypony was still getting to used to it after its long absence.

After Sprout’s war-machine had crashed into Sunny’s lighthouse, it had collapsed and was deemed beyond repair, but with effort from Sunny’s friends, citizen’s of Maretime Bay and fundings and machinery from Canterlogic they were able to reconstruct it. Now it was as good as new and Sunny was able to move back to her childhood home.

”I… I don’t know what to say!” said teary-eyed earth pony as she watched her freshly new lighthouse gleaming in the sun. ”Thank you everypony!”

”You know it!” Izzy smiled and hugged her friend tightly.

”No! Thanks to YOU, Sunny!” Green-maned sheriff of Maretime Bay, Hitch Trailblazer, moved closer to Sunny along with their other friends, pegasus sisters Zipp Storm and Pipp Petals, joining the hug. ”It was you who believed in all of us. Your father would be so proud of you!”

”Yeah,” Sunny sighed smiling, ”I wish he could see this…”

Izzy took hold of Sunny’s hoof and encouraged her to follow inside. ”Come on, let’s go see your new home!”

As they entered the lighthouse, Sunny took notice that everything was like they used to be: all the furnitures that survived the collapse were put in their previous place or replaced with new ones. Even his father’s elevator was repaired and worked perfectly fine. It was just like before, even better than Sunny had imagined. She couldn’t hold back her tears as they started to flow, it was just too emotional.

Her friends were standing there, not wanting to interrupt. Sunny was sobbing in front of them, wiping her eyes with her hoof. Finally Hitch decided to walk closer to Sunny. He put his hoof on her shoulder and whispered: ”Welcome home!”

Indeed, Sunny was finally home.


”NOW WHO WANTS SOME FRIENDSHIP CAKE?!” Izzy bounced up and down as she floated a tray with her magic. She put it on the table, revealing a heart-shaped cherry chocolate cake. Table in the dining hall was filled with different kinds of treats and beverages. There were even those same unicorn cupcakes Sunny used to make when she was a filly, now having actual friends to enjoy them with.

”Hello Pipsqueaks! This is your princess Pipp Petals talking!” Pipp had taken out her phone and was live streaming the event. ”As you can see, we’re having a housewarming party at my friend’s new house. And HERE’S my friend!”

She grabbed Sunny in her armpit to introduce her to her audience. ”Meet Sunny Starscout! The one who returned magic in all of Equestria!”

”Uh… Hi!” Sunny said timidly and smiled. She wasn’t sure if she was ready to be filmed like that.

”And here’s the lovely banquet we’re having!” Pipp kept talking as she released Sunny from her hold and walked to the table. It all happened so fast and Sunny was seemingly dazed.

”Does she ever put that phone away?” she asked Zipp, whipering in her ear.

“No, she likes that thing WAY too much.” Zipp just rolled her eyes and chuckled. “She even takes it to the bathroom. And keeps on recording!”

”What?” Sunny was a little shocked of the revelation, ”That’s something I don’t want to know…!”


The night was growing older. Sunny and her friends were having a lovely dinner together, eating treats and chatting. Suddenly Zipp whipped out bottles of hard cider and started encouraging everypony to take part of a drinking competition.

”Alright guys!” Zipp exclaimed while opening the bottles. “Let’s see who lasts the longest!”

”I’ll pass!” said Pipp with a blush. ”My sis would TOTALLY drink me under the table.”

”You bet!” Zipp smirked and looked at Sunny, knowing she wouldn’t resist the challenge. ”How about you? You’re game?”

”Well, I don’t play…” Sunny replied and then flashed her a grin. ”I win!”

”No, you don’t!” Hitch rose up and hit his hoof on the table with a loud bang. He seemed to be ready for some action. ”You have already done your part, Sunny. But, as the sheriff of Maretime Bay, I will show this pegasus what we earth ponies are made of. I’ll take this challenge!”

”Right back at ’cha, buddy!” Zipp replied and passed a mug on Hitch so they could get started.

”And you Pipp!” Hitch looked at Pipp who was already taking her for phone out. ”No footage! There are minors watching your streams!”

”Mmm, fine!” Pipp sighed and put her phone away. She started filling up their mugs with cider so their race could begin.

And so they started.

”Chug! Chug! Chug!” Izzy and Sunny were cheering as Zipp and Hitch were emptying mugs after mugs of cider, leaving more and more empty bottles after them. Pipp had hard time staying in the rhythm but managed to pour them more drinks without any long pauses.

After a while they have drunk almost all the cider there was.

”Woo-phew, I’m out!” Zipp finally blurted out, letting out a long burp afterwards.

”And winner is… HITCH TRAILBLAZER!” Pipp shouted cheerfully. ”Winner gets a kiss!”

She kissed Hitch on the cheek, making him blush.

”Weeelll, thank youuu, Pipp!” Hitch slurred, seemingly drunk from all the cider he had been drinking.

Zipp on the other hoof seemed fine, something which Sunny remarked. ”Wow, Zipp! You really took it like a champ!”

”Well, actually…” Zipp raised one bottle that was already empty, showing it off to Sunny. Under the label there another one, which stated: ”Kid’s Party Cider”.

Sunny was confused.

”What I was drinking the whole time wasn’t HARD cider, it was just plain!” Zipp pointed at her sister, who was snuggling Hitch right next to her. ”Pipp was also part of this. Just a prank, bro!”

”What?!!” Sunny was shocked. ”You were drinking the regular cider this whole time?”

”Duh, like I said…” Zipp replied scrathing her neck. Wasn’t that obvious enough?

”And you guys made Hitch drink REAL alcohol?” Sunny pointed at Hitch who was leaning on the table, a weird smile on his face.

”Well, I don’t like hangovers!” Zipp was starting to look worried. This was just supposed to be a joke.

”Were you going to prank me too?” Sunny asked with a sad tone in her voice, “What if I got sick? Or Hitch, for Celestia’s sake?!”

Zipp shrugged and put her hoof on Sunny’s shoulder, ”I wouldn’t have gone that far if it were you.”

”I hope so!” Sunny replied offended. She was not amused by the prank, knowing there could have been serious consequences.

”Relax, Sheriff’s a big pony,” Zipp reassured, “He wouldn’t possibly get THAT drunk!”

”Well… I guess…” Sunny raised her head and looked at Hitch once more.

While Sunny had known Hitch for a long time, she had never seen him drinking and wasn’t sure how he would take it. But Zipp was right, Hitch was still an adult pony. Of course he knew what he was taking part of.

”Well, that was fun!” Hitch broke the silence, drunk beyond believe. All the alcohol had gone straight into his head - and he found it hard to balance himself as he rose up. ”Ah wish ah cood… *hick* …stay for longer with you LOVELY ladiessss but…”

He started to stagger away, his tail swinging from side to side. ”Ahm gonna go for a walk!”

”What? A walk!” Zipp chuckled, ”You’re gonna go far, kid?”

”To infinity and beyond!” Hitch replied, making Pipp squeal in delight.

”Hey, I know that reference!”

Sunny laughed and shook her head. While she had been worried how Hitch would feel after Zipp’s prank, he sure looked hilarious walking around the room. Girls were giggling as they watched Hitch swaying in all directions as he tried to navigate his way around the living room.

After a while he stumbled into the room on his right, making Sunny a little worried.

”Hitch! Where are you going!” she shouted. ”That’s the kitchen!”

”Hopefully he doesn’t think it as a bathroom,” Zipp smirked. ”He could pee in the sink and ruin it for good!”

”I would totally watch something like that!” Pipp admitted, making Zipp glance at her with a disturbed look.

Sunny decided to rose from her chair and followed Hitch into the kitchen, hoping he wouldn't do anything dangerous or stupid. As she entered the room, she saw Hitch by the sink, trying to turn the faucet on.

”Ah just wanna drink some water…” Hitch slurred, not being able to figure out how the faucet worked, ”But this thing’s BUSTED!”

Sunny sighed in relief and walked next to her drunk friend. She filled a glass with faucet water and gave it to Hitch.

”Why THANK YOU Ssssunny…!” Hitch rejoiced and drank the water. Then he leaned on Sunny and hugged her tightly, making her blush, ”Ye'r such an angel!”

”Um… thanks!” Sunny replied and pushed Hitch away gently, ”And you sir, have drunk WAY too much!”

”Ah guess so…” Hitch admitted, ”Ah better head home then!”

It was only then he collapsed on the floor with a goofy grin on his face.

”Um, Hitch…” Sunny looked at her friend with a worried look, ”You okay?”

Hitch didn’t reply as he closed his eyes and started snoring. All that alcohol had finally taken its toll and he had passed out.

”Well, that’s depressing!” Said Zipp who had just arrived to the scene with her sister standing next to her, ”Looks like our sheriff is out for the night. He’s gonna feel that in the morning!”

”Well, catastrophe averted!” Sunny thought to herself.

”Hey guys!” they heard Izzy’s voice coming from the living room, ”Let’s play some board games!”

Girls looked at each other and shrugged. Hitch seemed fine sleeping on the floor, there was no reason trying to wake him up.

”Ok, we’re on it!” Zipp shouted back and walked away from the door, Sunny deciding to follow her. It was her night anyway, so better make the most of it!


Hitch’s eyes shot open in the morning. He woke up on the floor, with a pillow under his head and a blanket over his body. His head and whole body ached like no tomorrow. He felt an urge to vomit, answering the call by throwing up in the kitchen sink. He couldn’t remember anything that had happened that night, but he had a hunch it wasn’t anything pleasant.

What had happened last night?

As he was resting by the sink trying to put his thoughts together, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around to see Zipp and Pipp standing there.

”Well good morning, Sheriff!” Zipp greeted Hitch trying not to chuckle, ”Did you sleep well?”

”Um… I guess so…” Hitch replied, trying to remember what had happened.

Seriously, what had happened last night?


”I’m sorry if I caused any trouble last night!” Hitch apologied as all the ponies were gathered around the table to have breakfast. They all looked at Hitch, not looking angry at all.

”Aww, you don’t have to be sorry!” Sunny replied and put a hoof on his shoulder. ”I was worried you’d hurt yourself, that’s all.”

”I… I think I also owe an apology…” Zipp added and looked at Hitch, ”I’m sorry I made you drink all that cider without thinking.”

Hitch sighed and shook his head. How could he be angry at his friend when he himself accepted her challenge overestimating his abilities? He still had his pride and didn’t want admit his fault.

”You were trying to poison me? The sheriff of Maretime Bay?” He flashed a cocky grin at Zipp. ”I could hold you accountable for your actions, you know!”

”Hey, it wasn’t poison!” Zipp defended herself, “It was just 5% hard cider!”

”Well, not gonna do that anymore!” Hitch held his head with his hoof, ”I just hate hangovers…”

”Hey, we have something in common then!” Zipp chuckled and munched on her toast.

”And you, Pipp!” Sunny looked at Pipp who had her eyes locked in her phone, ”You better remove those videos you took!”

”What? What videos?!” Hitch looked at Pipp with a worried expression on his face, ”Did I do something crazy last night?!”

Pipp giggled and turned her phone towards the others. They saw footage of drunk Hitch flailing around the living room, bumping into furnitures while the rest of them were laughing at his antics.

”Oh no!” Hitch buried his face in his hooves in embarrassment and wanted to sink into the ground, ”You had me good!”

”Aww, don’t worry, Sheriff!” Zipp consoled Hitch, ”At least you didn’t pee in the kitchen sink!”

Sunny laughed and rolled her eyes. She knew there wouldn’t be any boring moments with her friends. She felt she was finally home and that her father would have been proud of her.

This was the magic of friendship!


Author's Note:

This is an edited version of my previous story, which was pretty graphic. I noticed there was a demand for a SFW version of it, so I decided to remove all the sexual stuff and rewrite the ending. It was fun actually, because I loved the character interactions in the previous version and it challenged me to avoid profanities and such. :pinkiesmile:

Comments ( 5 )

So it looks like Zipp challenge hitch to a drinking contest which that's always not a good thing because drinking alcohol is a little bit too much besides for me I can not hold my alcohol anyway it looks like Zipp call it quits but unfortunately she was just pretending she didn't really drink any alcohol but hitch is having a little trouble walking straight and acting a little bit funny and after a few hours he was knocked out but later in the morning they also claim to him why was he been doing and zipp apologize for tricking him man that was crazy and pretty funny this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

That’s about it. Thanks for the feedback! :twilightsmile:

I've read this for an audiobook version to come soon.

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