• Member Since 10th Aug, 2021
  • offline last seen May 27th


She/Her | 19 | FanFic Reader | Dyslexia is my biggest weakness.


After Twilight Sparkle moved to Ponyville, it left Moondancer in a low state of depression and ends up locking herself away from everypony.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 25 )

Wait what???!!! Your aren't serious??!! 😨

DON'T do that!

yo bud. if you really are planning to really do that at least give this number a call
worst case scenario no picks up, so where's the harm in at least trying to talk it out once?

Please don't take your life.
I believe that life will turn around for the better.
Please don't give up.

Please don't do this! Please call 1 800 273 8255, talk to them, talk to someone but please don't even think about this! It won't make anything better!

You're allowed to have bad days but just remember tomorrow is another day. Please reconsider! I hate the thought of this world not having you in it. Call these people and try talking with them, or anyone for that matter. There's never any harm in trying right?

You're here for a reason, never forget that. I know we don't know each other but hey, I love you.

please listen to everyone commenting here; there will always be someone to talk to and you have nothing to lose by doing so

1-877-330-6366 (Staffed by trans people [Canada & US])
1-833-456-4566 (Canada only)

As someone who has interpersonally failed 1001 times throughout school, I've come to learn that mistakes are always formative; struggle will lead you to growth (regardless of how visible it is or how gradually it comes).

You're at a crux point; another chance to grow stronger. Relationships can be mended and amended. There are people who love you, who are touched by you and are counting on you to not let this mistake be the reason you can't be friends with anypony else

I'm not going to pretend that your life ending now or later makes a difference in mine. However, as a survivor of three suicide attempts of varying types, I do feel obligated to inform you that whatever you're planning on doing has a high chance of failing, no matter the method.

I’ve felt similarly on occasions and even made a couple of my own stories relating to it. Although, truth be told, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t a little jealous. The reason for the two stories I wrote is my way of trying to fantasize what your feeling in this moment. I have a question, is it normal for someone to wish they felt worse then they already do? If you know that answer, I’d like to hear back from you.

These are the stories I was mentioning, I found it surprising that not long ago they actually made somebody’s day I hope they do the same for you.

EPlastic Smiles and the Strength They Hide
It’s easy to mask your problems with a smile but that doesn’t always fix them
Element of Malice · 2.1k words  ·  25  2 · 482 views
TIf Words Left Scars
Scootaloo has always dreamed of flying alongside her idol. Today she plans to do just that at any cost.
Element of Malice · 3.7k words  ·  21  0 · 1.1k views

DONT YOU DARE KILL YOURSELF! Do you even know how many people would miss you ;( please stop thinking like this.

Please, don't kill yourself. Suicide is never the answer.

As someone who's felt various degrees of suicidal for about half my life now, here's something that I'd think about that would help me.
Please, try to live? It might not get better now, it might not get better soon, it might even get worse before it gets better, but chances are it will get better. There's ways to get help out there and there are so many little and big things that can make life worth living. In the worst case scenario, you'll end up dead like you originally intended, but isn't it better to die trying?

Also, whichever suicide method you choose, if it fails, which, statistically, it is likely to do, there is a high likelihood that you'll end up in a situation even worse than your current one.

Yes, there’s the elephant in the room, but I want to take the time to examine the wallpaper first. This story is actually really good on a conceptual level. I know you’re using Moondancer as an author avatar, but her entire story seems fairly believable. I believe Moondancer would actually think this way in the show, and that’s really cool.

However, if she, for example, thought this way in the show, it’s important to note that she never did it.

That’s important to realize here, she never did it, and her life turned out way better in the end. Twilight came back, Twilight said sorry, and Moondancer ended up happier for it. Now, if Moondancer just committed suicide, then it’s highly likely that Twilight would’ve returned to Canterlot, viciously blamed herself, and put herself in a worse mental state because she then would’ve blamed herself because her efforts to be with Moondancer were ultimately pointless.

Now, if Twilight is supposed to be a stand-in for anybody, but if it is someone, like Ian you mentioned in that blog post, then reach out to them. They seemed to have helped you before, so I’m sure they’ll do it again.

You mentioned something about feeling like you don’t really contribute to society, and I’m 17 and feel the same way. However, that line of thinking devalues your achievements. Sure, I may not have contributed much to actual society, but the fandoms I’m inn, the stories I’ve written, they all influence people in other ways.

And honestly, seeing another trans girl (I presume, but really, any trans person) on here writing stories is so simple, but it always makes me incredibly happy, because I know I’m not alone, and that there’s more of us being proud of who we are. Killing yourself isn’t the correct answer, you’ve touched more lives than you’e realized, and they’d be broken if you did.

I enjoyed the story even though it had dark content. Though I might be highly biased since Moondancer is my favorite pony and I love reading stories about her. In my headcanon, this is happening before her episode Amending Fences and that she decided against doing suicide. My hope is that you also decided not to do it so that you have the chance that your life gets better just like her.

I also read your previous story Suport from Pinkie Pie and liked it. My guess is that you struggled also by then and wrote it mainly for yourself. My hope is that it can also give you some strength.


To bring perhaps something bright in the dark I would recommend seeing the video Party of Four by Space Reverse. It is, in my opinion, one of the ten best mlp animations of all time and certainly the happiest one. Every time I see it brightens my day and I hope it will have a similar effect on you.

(By the way, I can recommend the channel Space Reverse in general)

To sum up, I do not know if this comment is any help since I never lived through a similar event. But I certainly hope it does the job and you reconsider doing suicide.

It's not worth it. This has been said a lot of times to the point of it being predictable, but it's the blunt truth of it all.
There is no rest to be found in death. You'll find far better relief in living than dying or being dead.
Bemoaning, crying, even curling up into a ball is a far better method of finding relief in one's lot in life.

In fact, it's a lot faster.

please dont.
i know how it feels like, when it looks like there is no hope, ive had pretty dark thoughts myself, but now i´m happy that i didnt do anything reckless. if you need help, let others help you, talk to people. were here for you.

Ya got people looking out for ya.

Someone just made a post in a group of mine, of course everyone'll flock /)

Suicide is not the answer. Getting help and talking to a therapist is the answer.

Not to sound pessimistic (though it most likely will), but that, to a degree, could take too long in some situations. Really the best thing to do is find someone or anyone really (that includes a therapist) who will listen and feel with you, if not for you. This is my personal belief, I don’t agree with a lot the monotonous answers stating “you’ll be fine” because that’s only true once you get over it. What gets overlooked too often is the journey to get from A to B, the ones giving that advice are looking at something they themselves don’t have to go through. In reality, it will sometimes hurt even more to come out with it than the reason for feeling that way to begin with, and sadly it doesn’t always last.

To SonicChao, I can’t say I know what you’re going through. The closest experience I can relate to is when I knew I was going to fail my third trigonometry test despite putting my all into it. I’m not great at keeping in touch with old friends. I wish I knew how to be, but I’m not. And moving away didn’t help much either. That doesn’t mean I don’t miss them or think about those times. In fact, the last day I cried for more than a minute, if at all, was the day I moved away. The point I’m trying to make is, I’m the Twilight in your story, and I wanted to give you something Moon Dancer never did. A look at the opposing perspective.

I'm sorry it took so long to repy but honestly I've felt it a lot through my battle

Thank you so much for enjoying the story along with the other one! I made this story mostly as a vent but also made it to hopefully connect with others who struggle with depression like I do. And with the Pinkie Pie one, that was made for a YouTuber named Snugbug who does MLP ASMR's. They recently started hiring people to help write scripts for them and I thought why not make a scripit for them and submit an aplucation despite me not being 18 at the time of me writing it. In the end it worked out since not only did they end up viewing it and really enjoying it, but also gave me another story to post on here.

It’s all good, I’m rather adapt to extended wait times. It’s nice to know that it’s not entirely an abnormal feeling. I wouldn’t have known if I hadn’t asked.

Hi, and I know it's been a few weeks, but I wanted to chime in and relate some of my own experiences (if you don't mind). It's not exactly the same, and there's no need to draw parallels where they don't exist and I don't want you to feel as though I am speaking for your own experiences either.

The closest thing I can relate is to when my first girlfriend left me. It was because long-distance was a strain, and our emotional closeness made it worse. It's not something that either of us could have really been blamed for, but it was a good relationship even if we idealized it.

At this time, suicidal ideation did cross my mind, multiple times. In some ways, there was an aspect of selfishness, a thought of finally getting back some attention that I dismissed and never attempted on the basis of how utterly self-centered that action would be. In a way, I could say that I had lost my best friend and it felt as if that could never be let go of, and it seemed a monumental task to 'move on' so to speak.It's not easy to think about all the complexities and nuances of it even now when I've gained a good amount of emotional distance from the whole affair, and it's been over a year. But for a while, the first thing I had to come to terms with was that I couldn't do anything about it. Secondly, letting go of hoping, emotionally depending on whether we would ever reconnect and resolve the bad air the relationship had ended on. These are things that I thought of as simply the logical way to go. However, I don't feel as though the latter really clicked until I realized that the thought, the idea that 'it will get better' was acting as a toxic form of positivity in my mind. Maybe the way I would feel about it would get better. But whatever I had or could have with her wouldn't necessarily get better. For all I know, it would probably never change or get even worse. I had to accept that the relationship wouldn't get better. It wasn't reasonable to assume it would. As an extension, I had to come to peace with the reality that there isn't any overall 'righteousness' associated with what happened. It wasn't necessarily for the better. It can't really be said if either myself or her made the right choice. But that's okay. There not necessarily any order and fate in how it was meant to go or how it will change. It just was what it was.

I'm in a relationship again now, and it's difficult. It's hard to navigate around the emotional baggage. But it's possible, and it's worth it.

I sincerely apologise for what you had to go through and the fact you were this close to ending you life, just tears my heart into pieces. I know I don't know you but none of my fellow man should ever have to pushed so far to think that life is not worth living.

Sometimes when I reach out to people who have been through a situation I'm unfamiliar with, I feel like I can't do anything since I don't know the pain they must've gone through, but I have learned that just saying some kind words not only makes the person in question feel better about themselves, but it makes me feel better that I have said something to said person since I feel like I've helped.

The fact you have dyslexia and you consider that as something that holds you back, doesn't deter you from continuing doing what you love which is a massive credit to your determination, challenges are what makes us human, embrace the fact you have those challenges and how you are able to overcome them time and time again, because if you managed to get out of a depressed mindset and convince yourself that life is worth living, then you have overcome a trial that many people have lost over the years

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