• Member Since 7th Jan, 2022
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Comments ( 49 )

What's an earth Pegasus?

??? I looked back over the chapters to check on that you are talking about. But I didn't see earth pegasus. Where did you see it? I might have missed it, auto correct fumbled it or missing punctuation.

1: I'm trying to build up to the action.
2: After I finish with the remaining Elements of Harmony I might put a chapter of there private times in more detail. (At least from the viewpoint of the ponies)
3: once the shit hits the fan there will be a lot going on
4: spoiler: the count down to the fan already started

Hope you're enjoying the takeover.


Oh lol I understand. That happens to me too sometimes.
Fixed. Don't really know how that happened.

Don't know how eath pegasus happened but fixed

Is this going to have an evil ending?

Good question. But unlikely. I can do an alternate ending chapter. But as of now, I was thinking of getting things set up for the final conflict. If you have any interest in seeing a chapter of what is happening in each region that fell, let me know. I'm currently considering waiting till the end to do a flashback chapter for each. But I'm not against doing some sooner.

I think it was in the synopsis, actually. But it's gone now.

Update: I'll post updates here and clarify on the warnings.
Fetish; (mostly place holder till the chapter comes)
Suicide/self-harm; mostly self-harm that leads to death. (No spoilers on why though)

Why didn't you elaborate on the rest of the red tags?

Thank you for reminding me of that. The truth is I've been focusing on my other story for a bit because folks seemed to like it more. But I will update it.

And I will add more to my other stories as they gain more views.

great chapter finally got caught up

At this point, the hard part is deciding on either...
1: look into events of one or more of the other locations.
2: back story extended over the different groups.
3: continue to Twilight's advanced lessons.
4: Skip Twilight (letting it be a surprise) and start the next event.

But I'll think of something.

Thanks. Still think on what the lineup should be for the big showdown. But till then, I thought I'd share a glance into the other towns.

Is this really just a straight-up romance story? If it is, then why does it have so many red tags?

*evil laughter* are you trying to ask me to up the level already? But the war barely got started. *evil laughter*

great chapter just found out about it

Glad you like it. There's still things I'm unsure quite a bit I don't know yet. But I'm sure I'll find out when we get to that part of the story.

Thanks. I had a lot to think about for this chapter. And I had several ideas for alternative ways this group would get this far... do you think I made the right call? And what do you think Shining would do? Because again I can think of several ways it would go.

It was hinted at throughout the story. But to clarify. It's a tale as old as time. Good vs evil. I can go into more detail if you want. But that'd mean stopping the action.

Glad you think so. And if you like what's happening in the different locations. You'll LOVE what's coming up when they start to cross paths.

Thanks. Any other thoughts on the chapter?

Thanks. Now I have to decide on the mom and/or dad. Lol

Glad you liked it.

Thanks. I didn't want to focus on the sex for this part. Mostly because I felt it'd sway readers votes opinion on who should be his mate. And I haven't decided yet either. Lol I also wanted to tease a possible royal wedding.

Why don't you just tell me in the comments?

Kinda hoped leaving it vague would inspire readers to cone up with theories. And I didn't want to come across sounding desperate for the readers to come up with things. With constantly asking people to tell me what they think should happen next.
Also hearing ideas from others is fun. It shows that not only do people want to see if what they think should happen will. (Yes I consider the input of my readers) or if I'll take a hard left into Pinkie vill.
Plus... did you mean author's notes?

What do you think will or should happen next?

Comment posted by midnight arrow deleted Oct 18th, 2022

I know right? I get a small idea in my head like. "What if Dash tried to get Spike to sleep with him." And stuff like this is the outcome. Can't wait to see what happens next. Lol

I was thinking more a PM, if absolutely necessary.

A passage in her book mentioning a pegasus that made lightning.

Can't all Pegasi do that with a storm cloud?

There's a difference between kicking a cloud to make lightning and making it on their own. I thought it'd be neat tossing that in. Considering the show has earth ponies growing plants in seconds in FIM.

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