• Published 19th Jan 2022
  • 251 Views, 16 Comments

Fluttershy the Tortoise - GhostRider1996

Fluttershy accidentally gets turned into a tortoise.

  • ...

Coming Out of Your Shell

“Oh, dear! I don’t like this place! Not at all! Where am I?” I spluttered, both out of fear and out of confusion.

“Fluttershy? Is that you?”

The voice was too soft to frighten me, but just loud enough that I could hear it.

“Yes, I’m Fluttershy,” I answered. I was curious whom her visitor was.

“But… who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Princess Luna,” the soft voice replied.
“Will you help me, please, Fluttershy?” Princess Luna asked.

“But — I don’t know how!” I answered, very much frightened!

“Don’t worry, my dear; it’ll be easy,” countered the Princess of the Night.

Princess Luna carefully explained how I was to help her. She told me to inhale as deeply as she could. So I obeyed.

Next, Luna told me to hold that breath for as long as she could. Which I did, as well.

Then, finally, Luna told me to exhale as slowly as she could. Once again, I obeyed.

We repeated this process as many times as I could handle, until — finally…


My fright burst like a balloon!

There I was—wide awake—standing up right in front of Princess Luna, who had just rescued me with those breathing exercises.

I was back in my old Pegasus body, and beside myself with pride!

“Congratulations, Fluttershy. You succeeded,” the princess stated.

The very next morning, after the princess had lowered the moon, her elder sister — Princess Celestia — had raised the sun, which woke me up in the Golden Oaks Library, where I’d fallen asleep.

“I am very proud of you, Fluttershy,” Celestia told me. “Because you have banished the last vestige of Nightmare Moon.”

I beamed with pride and blushes intensely.

“I did it — I really did it!” I cried.

The princesses and Spike were very proud of me. And all of my pony friends were equally as proud of me, as well.

Comments ( 15 )

I think this was great! But you might have forgotten to mark it as complete.


I had. I’m still figuring out the controls and how to do stuff involved in posting stories. This was my first.

This was a nice story. I liked the direction you took the theme of coming out of your shell.


Thanks, friend.
A friend inspired me to make this story. Seems like something that Fluttershy would need.
What’d you like about it? Do you see anything that I could improve for next time, as this is my first story?

What I enjoyed was the play on the pun. That was nice. As for what can be improved. This isn't going to sound fun, but you'll get better with practice. I don't think I can explain better than EverfreePony did in their comment, so I'll add to what they already mentioned.

First, the story, especially the second part, has a lot of promise. The fact that part of Nightmare Moon still survived and traveled through dreams lends itself to serval possibilities, ranging from adventure to horror. That is something you can expand on by having Nightmare Moon visit other ponies' dreams. Perhaps, she wants to be freed and is looking for help. This could lead her to Fluttershy's dream.

As far as her condition, I kind of like how it's not explained how she got that way, but sometimes things like this shouldn't be kept a mystery. Perhaps it could be due to Nightmare Moon or something related to her. Regardless of the reason, it should be linked to Nightmare Moon somehow.

You did well with the dialogue. It worked, but you could include action between each character's dialogue.

The last part is the pacing. This can be a tough one because some readers enjoy fast stories while others enjoy stories that lay out all of the details. This is something that you will develop as you write more. This can be frustrating since each writer is different. A good tip is to try and visualize what the character is doing.

For example, when Twilight began to cry because she missed Fluttershy, why did she miss her? Fluttershy was still there, just as a tortoise. Was it that she couldn't speak or that Twilight missed the pegasus? And when she began to cry, was it a quiet sniffle, a sob, or a Pinkie Pie-style wail of sorrow?

These will give more insight into the characters and keep the story from moving too quickly.

For now, that's all I can think of, but please take all of this with a grain of salt. I'm no expert, and I have my own writing shortcomings to work out. I hope you continue to write, and as you do, you will improve.

I see.

Thank you for your input. I’m still fairly new at writing.
As for Twilight’s crying, she was sobbing because Fluttershy was remaining in her shell out of fear.

I am working on improving my writing, so I’ll take your input into consideration in the future.
Thanks for checking this story out!

Happy to help. I appreciate you clarifying why Twilight was crying.

I'll be glad to share my two cents in the future. Just remember that you'll get better the more you write. If you're consistent, you'll find that you'll be willing to take more chances and try different things. One of my favorite things is rereading something I wrote and finding a scene that I'm pretty much okay with.

Okay, that's a bit of an exaggeration. Keep writing. From both chapters, I can see that your ideas show promise, you just have to come out of your shell a little.

That, I do.
2020-2021, I had to put up several walls because of a lot of emotional trauma. Last summer was when things finally started to change for the better. I still have a lot to work on, though.

Hmm, I feel the beginning is rather clumsy here, in that RD just knows the tortoise is Fluttershy (avoiding a potentially interesting figuring out scene with Fluttershy talking to them), and we don't really get an idea why it happened. It gets better after that, but also feels a little short, as very little is done with the premise (shouldn't at least there be an issue with somepony like Rainbow Dash trying to handle the animals and struggling, since Fluttershy can't do it in her small and slow body?)


Thank you for pointing that out.
This is, after all, my first fanfic. And another author was helping with the writing. I suppose we both overlooked that fact. Maybe the remaining Mane 5 are taking turns caring for Fluttershy’s animals during this crisis. I’ll leave that up to the speculation of the reader.

As for how RD knew the tortoise was Fluttershy, she looks like a tortoise but retains her natural colors as her pony self. Plus, the necklace with the Element of Kindness would’ve been with her still. So it wouldn’t have been hard to figure that out.

Ah, I had been imagining her looking like Tank, and also misread Twilight's line. I suppose in both the case of this and somepony else out with the animals, these are things that wouldn't be a problem in a visual medium (they'd be visually apparent while things are happening), but in writing, you really do need to spell out things a bit more.

I’ll keep that in mind. Thank you for your input. I’m still fairly new at this.

Cute story, I really liked the theme here. I would have liked for her to be cured while the others were present so we could see their reactions, but other than that it's good. Great job!

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