• Published 17th Jan 2022
  • 2,663 Views, 126 Comments

Mane Mothers - MASTERMIND360

For getting kidnapped many times by the Dazzlings, Sunset was being treated like a kid by her own friends because of their paranoia through their mom act, to protect her. But this leads to madness.

  • ...

"Hamster" ball

"I got something perfect to guarantee Sunset's safety," Twilight announced with excitement tingling in her veins.

The girls were gathered in front of the CHS building. It has only been a day since the girls, minus Sunset, declared to make sure Sunset was never in harm's way again. Ever again. Not again. They even used extreme measures if they wanted to be super sure whether Sunset is safe. That also means no one should leave Sunset by herself, no matter what it is.

Sunset was tiring of their "mothering" and "protective" behavior a while back when she was constantly getting kidnapped by the Dazzlings. Sure, she understands why they're doing this and why they are acting this way, but this is getting out of hand. And every time Sunset tries to reason with them, the girls silenced her, calling her names that a parent would call their daughters, and every time she tries to argue with them, they always told her off with a strict tone. Well, if Sunset had not been kidnapped so many times, she wouldn't be in this situation right now.

So Sunset tries to reason with them once more. "Girls, I understand you're worried but-"

Rarity waved it off. "Oh, no, no, no, no, darling," she fretted. "Ever since the first attempt they kidnapped you, we were worried sick! It gets worse every time they kidnapped you again, and again, and again! Our efforts in keeping you safe remained fruitless no matter what we do!"

Sunset just simply shrug. "Well, they'll never get information out of me no matter what they do."

Applejack stepped forward. "But it ain't good enough," she objected. "They kidnapped yah for like, fifty-five times already. It seems like we're not doing good enough to protect yah! But this time, we're gonna try even harder, even if it means we should never, ever, leave by yer side until we deemed yer are safe."

Sunset let out an annoyed sigh. "And again, girls, I am fine. Really, I am-"

But Pinkie let out a finger to her lips. "Nope! You are not fine!" She countered. "We just need to be super, duper sure that you're extra safe!" She spread a wide grin on her face.

Twilight cleared her throat to get reclaim their attention. "As I was saying," she continued. "I got us something perfect to guarantee her safety. And this is something that I've been working on." She dig her hand into her skirt pocket and brought out a small plastic rubber, she threw to the ground next to the Wondercolt Statue and next thing she knew, the small plastic rubber formed into a giant sphere that they can easily see through it.

The girls even Sunset are astonished at Twilight's latest project, while she on the other hand, formed a confident smirk across her lips.

"This right here is the Super Sphere 2.0," Twilight introduced it to them. "It's bouncy, and it's made out of rubber, but, this thing can protect Sunset. No one is taking her away if she's in this thing!" She gaze over to the redhead. "Now, Sunset, I want you to step inside of the sphere, please?"

Sunset can't help but started to giggle. "I mean, if you want to protect me so badly, are you even sure is perfectly safe? For me?"

Twilight scowled. "Yes, yes it does," she replied with a stern tone. "I worked very hard for this, and for you." She pointed at her. "So please, be a good dear and step in the sphere?"

Sunset just shrug. She can't help but see how utterly ridiculous Twilight's idea is, so without a word, she just steps in and Twilight zips the ball.

"Okay," Twilight said smiling. "Now that you're fully secure, we shall make our way to our classes."

So Sunset just nodded and went in first. This was a bad idea, but if she can't reason with her friends, then maybe being in this sphere can show them why it's so ridiculous in the first place. But actually, maybe being in this sphere is not a bad thing to her at all, even though it's so ridiculous.

But attending school in a hamster ball (Rainbow Dash) calls it, seems a good idea to the girls, a ridiculous idea to Sunset, but an odd situation to the rest of the student body. Well, breaking school property on accident is one of those problems with the ball, even if Rarity is to generous enough to cover for her. As much as Sunset is concern, reasoning with her friends out of this is still not an option. At least they're fair enough to let her out of the ball to use the restrooms, and when it's lunch period.

But other than that, the hamster ball seems fun for Sunset since it's bouncy and all.

At least it couldn't get any worse during soccer practice.

"Gilda, cross!" Rainbow called out, running towards to the goal with Lightning Dust.

Gilda dribbled the ball past a few cones on the left wing of the pitch. She gaze over to the two strikers running for the box, she kicked it high to their direction. Both Lightning and Rainbow readied themselves for the pass, if either of them gets the ball.

However, both were knocked off by the sudden impact of the hamster ball, Sunset bounced herself in the ball and leaped, bouncing the soccer ball all the way to the goal net.

Rainbow and Lightning quickly picked themselves up as Sunset went to them. "I'm so sorry about that," she apologized. "Are you two alright."

Lightning scowls at her. "Yeah, no thanks to you."

Rainbow shrugged. "Eh, no big deal. If we perform like that, then Crystal Prep won't stand a chance."

Lightning snorted. "How do you expect us to play properly with Shimmer in the hamster ball, captain?" She sneered at her.

Rainbow gave her a scowl for that sneer. "We will think of something. Trust me."

Gilda rolled her eyes as she regrouped with them. "Yeah, and everyone's gonna ask questions why one of our strikers is in a "hamster" ball." She scoffed.

Rainbow placed her hands on her hips and gave her a glare. "Look, if you don't want that, then you can sit on the bench for all I care."

Lightning let out a groaned. "But why?" She complained. "Why do we need our striker to be in a "hamster" ball without telling us? Are you, like, obsessed with her or something?"

Rainbow stomped like an immature child. "Hey! I'm just protecting a friend here!" She growled.

Not wanting this to escalate further, Sunset went forward to defuse the situation but failed to realize that she's still in the hamster ball, thus knocking Rainbow to the ground on accident. Again.

Sunset winced at hurting her friend again. "Sorry, Dash!" She immediately apologized.

Dash picked herself again and dusted herself off. "It's okay, Sunset," she replied, turning to the redhead. "Why don't you just wait by the goalpost and let deal with them?"

Sunset looked at her with hesitate in her eyes. "Are you sure?"

She nodded in return. "You had to take crap from Lightning and Gilda because you're in the hamster ball, and it's not right. So please, let me handle them."

Sunset took a moment to think about it, until she hesitantly nodded. "Okay..." she whispered.

Rainbow smiled. "Don't worry too much, just have fun with the hamster ball or something." She encouraged.

Sunset complied without question, when she's already by the goalpost, Rainbow turned back to her teammates with a scowl. "You two better chill out, my friends and I got it under control."

Lightning gave a sarcastic chuckle. "Really? You and your friends literally put Shimmer in a ball, made her attend school with that thing, broke some stuff, ignoring our pleas to take that thing away, and you still have the nerve to keep her in that thing for practice?"

Rainbow fumed, her egoistic teammate's giving her the nerves. "Like I said, we got it under control."

Meanwhile with Sunset, trusting her friend that she handled it, she observed the sphere she's inside of. While she had some guilt for damaging school property and had Rarity to cover for her, this hamster ball was still ridiculous to an extent and yet, it seems kind of... fun for her. It's soft, bouncy, and just as soft as Adagio's breasts.

With the desire of fun driving, she decides to take a few bounces with the sphere, and yeah, it is bouncy. And hopefully as soft as breasts, Adagio's most likely.

While Rainbow and the others are oblivious with Sunset's antics with the ball, Sunset bounced high and even on the goalpost, after taking a few bounces, she leaped over the small fence and to the edge of the parking lot, she needed a break from her overprotective friends every once in a while of course. As long as she doesn't take long for them to realize she's gone.

After taking a minute, bouncing with the hamster ball, she stopped for a breather and think, getting kidnapped for fifty-five times to the point she doesn't care anymore, not that she doesn't care if her home world was at stake if she ever squeal, of course she won't, it's just that their goal in kidnapping her repeatedly was getting old, boring, very quick. And as for her friends, they get crazier and paranoid every time she got kidnapped, and their efforts in protecting her were always fruitless, and she gave up trying to reason with them but instead, went along with to make them see that this hamster ball was a bad idea, even though it seemed fun to herself.

Speaking of fun, looking back now, every time her friends were "protective" of her and "babying" her, she always felt this feeling, something unnatural and yet, not so bad at all that she acted it out, thus fueling the girls' "motherly" attitude towards her. This feeling that tingled, making her somewhat childish to take their overprotective ways seriously. She can't point a finger to it but if she took a guess, maybe it's because she had a rough childhood back in Equestria, especially with Princess Celestia even though she enjoyed magic but had no friends at the time. So maybe her inner child was trying to break free from all this time? The more she looked back those times her friends were overprotective of her, and the times she responded with silly behaviors, the more it makes sense to her why she's acting this way.

But before she decided to go back, she heard sounds of boots clasping on the concrete, added with a devilish chuckle. Sunset groaned in annoyed, knowing who exactly had come for her.

"It seems my suspicious are correct, you are rolling in a hamster ball," A voice behind her taunted.

Sunset turned around with an annoyed glare. "When will you give this up, Adagio? It's getting old, and boring, very quickly."

Adagio let out a faux chuckle. "Oh please, we will never give up. Our only way in to Equestria is you," she pointed at her.

Sunset crossed her arms over her chest. "Well what are you gonna do about it?" She dared to ask. "I mean, how can you get me? I'm in this "hamster" ball after all."

Adagio gave her a devilish smirk. "Oh really? You think that's more than enough to keep you safe?"

Sunset blinked for a few moments. "I mean, Twilight said this guarantee for my "safety" even this seems silly, I don't seem to care. Except for damaging school property on accident even though Rarity covered for me."

"Okay, enough with the chit-chat, Shimmer," Adagio said with a hint of blunt in her tone. "I'm taking you away again."


Sunset found herself being pushed away from the building by Adagio, with the lead siren pushing and kicking the hamster ball to make it quick, even Sunset never bothered to flinch with each push and kick. She just stayed still, with her arms crossed and remained numb to this situation.

"This is stupid." She muttered.

Adagio caught up with her. "This is too easy." She bragged, giving her another hard kick, sending her another good distance from the school. And catching up with her again. "Your friends made this way too easy for us to get you again."

Sunset rolled her eyes. "Like I know you'll fail again." She said with a tired tone.

Just as Adagio continued pushing Sunset to their van, there are three freshmen from across street, they witnessed of what's going. And terror soon filled in their veins when they saw one certain girl who they thought they'll never see again, and especially the situation Sunset was in.


"I hope I made it clear this time and I don't have to repeat it," Rainbow grumbled.

Lightning Dust and Gilda groaned in annoyed, giving up to get their captain to see reason.

Lightning held her hands up and spoke with a calm tone. "Alright, captain, fine. But just so you know, all of that will bite you back in the butt, big time."

Rainbow sighed. "Let's just go back to practice."

But before they do, the rest of the Rainbooms showed up. Rainbow noticed them and greeted with a smile on her face.

"Oh, hey guys! You here to see us practice?"

Rarity offered her with a smile. "Oh sure, and we're also here to keep on Sunny."

"And I'm the only one who knew the password of the sphere," Twilight added. "If she needs to use the restrooms, I'm here."

"Anyway," AJ said. "It seems that the three of yah had some sort of argument, care to explain what's going on?"

But before the three Wondercolt players to explain the issue, their heard cries for help. Knowing it's the voices of the CMC, and trusting their instincts, Rainbow, Rarity, and Applejack rushed over to the three girls panting and drenching sweat by the goalpost, they've must ran all the way here.

"What is the matter, girls?!" Rarity fretted, checking over her sister while the others do the same.

But Apple Bloom answered it for after she gasped for one long breath and blurted out in a rapid pace; "It's one of those sirens again from The Battle of the Bands and she's taking Sunset away!!"

The news send them to deep shock and terror. Horrified for Sunset, they once again failed to protect her. Their recoiled in realization of the last person who was suppose to keep on her, and all eyes turned to the Wondercolt captain.

Rainbow hit her head in frustration. "I'm such an idiot! I'm supposed to look out for her!"

AJ narrowed her eyes at Dash. "Dangit, Dash! Yah got one job! This ain't putting a smile on my face!"

"But wait!" Pinkie intervened. "If the Dazzlings just took Sunset, then that means it's not too late. We can still save her!"

"They went that way and they shouldn't be that far!" Scootalo guided them, pointing the direction where they came from.

And before the CMC knew, the girls rushed to where Scootalo pointed. And all of them shouted, "SUNSET! WE'RE COMING!!"


"Aria! Sonata! Is the bus ready?!" Adagio called to them, slowly pushing Sunset to the parked van by the corner of the street.

Sonata popped out from the window of the driver's seat. "We're ready, Adagio!"

Adagio let out a sinister chuckle. "Good, now, Sunny honey, I hope you buckle up your seatbelt for a ride back to our house."

Sunset just rolled her eyes. "Great..."

But just as they're about to get her in the van (or bus), somehow, they heard loud voices incoming. They turned back only to see the Rainbooms running after them, seeing them coming for them send shivers in their spines and making them panic.

In panic, Adagio frantically find the zipper of the ball. "Quick! Let's get her out of this thing and stuff her in the bus!"

"HANG IN THERE, SUNSET!" Twilight's voice boomed as they're getting closer.

Both Adagio and Aria yanked the zipper but to no luck. "Why we can't unzip this thing?!" Aria growled.

Sunset just shrug. "Well, only Twilight knows the password. She told me to look away when she input it."

"STOP RIGHT THERE, YOU MEANIES!" Pinkie Pie screamed, they're closing in alright.

"Oh, forget it! Let's just stuff her in the bus!" Adagio instructed her.

"With the hamster ball?!" Aria replied back.

"Just do it!" She shouted. "And Sonata, start the bus already!"

Sonata buckled her seatbelt. "You got it!"

So they pushed the "hamster" ball into the van as hard as they can to a fruitless effort, but they kept going.


Sonata just realized something that made her dead nervous. "Uhm, girls," she spoke with hesitate in her voice. "I.. kind of... lost the keys..."

Aria's eyes shot at her. "You WHAT?!"

Sonata gulped, sweats begin to fall from her head. "I'm so sorry..."

"WE'RE ALMOST, THERE, SWEETIE! JUST HANG ON!" Rainbow shouted from a distance.

"Well, that's just great, Sonata!" Adagio growled, her eyes were filled with anger. "Now we once again, failed to kidnap Sunset Shimmer and get information to take over Equestria!"

And suddenly, the Rainbooms appeared behind her. "Hold it right there!" Applejack halted, stopping them dead in their tracks.

The Rainbooms had caught them, their blood boiled once again. How dare they attempt to kidnap Sunset again?! Deadly glares shot at the Dazzlings, clenching their fists together in a complete tightness. The sirens never dared to move now that they're outnumbered.

"I think you got someone that belongs to us," Twilight spat at them, her gaze remained deadly as she could muster.

The van couldn't handle the size of the hamster basl, and thus bouncing Sunset off of the van and soured over her friends and she landed smoothly on the concrete.

"Sunset!" The girls exclaimed, rushing towards her. Twilight typed the password to unlock the ball and let Sunset out. And soon, she was met with a warm embraced and cries from her friends.

"We're so sorry, we didn't do well enough to protect you!" Fluttershy cried.

"I'm the one who should be sorry!" Rainbow added with a sob. "You and I had practice together, and I told you to wait for me as I spoke to Lightning and Gilda! I'm so sorry, Sunset! Please don't be mad!"

As much as Sunset never felt being danger for getting kidnapped so many times, she hated to see her friends cried like this, and it makes her feel sad too.

"Look, girls," she spoke, making them stop, and letting go of them. "I understand but you are not the blame here, well-"

"Well nothing, darling!" Rarity interrupted her, putting a finger on her lips to silence her. "We promise, we will do better this time around!"

Pinkie nodded, wiping away her tears. "We will do super, duper, and extra duper, better to keep you safe, Sunny!" She added with a worried look. "We promise!!"

AJ gently took her hands. "At least yer okay! Thank goodness!" She sighed in relief. "As they said, we promise it won't happen again!"

"I appreciate it, girls, but-"

"Say no more, Sunset!" Twilight immediately spoke. "Just say no more, I think it's time for us to return to school before the teachers catches us skipping class in the next few minutes."

"But first, let's deal with the Dazzlings," Rainbow declared as she turned around but to find them gone already. "Hey, where did they go?"

Pinkie adverted her gaze to her left and spotted them. "Oh! There they are!"

The Dazzlings are seen pushing the van from the back and the all the way to their house.

"You prevailed, this time, Shimmer," Adagio grunted. "But next time, we will get you..."

Author's Note:

Okay, I got tired rewriting this chapter... :pinkiecrazy: