• Published 18th Jan 2022
  • 876 Views, 23 Comments

Diamond Hard - Betty_Starlight

After ten years, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon meet again...

  • ...

Chapter 9: Deflection

Puke green again! Why is it still puke green? Does she not have other coffee mugs? Diamond Tiara groggily thinks to herself as she sits at the table again, while Silver Spoon fried up French toast on her pristine chrome stove on the other side of the kitchen.

Silver releases the panhandle from her jaws and lifts her neck to say to Diamond behind her, “Rest well, baby?”

Diamond starts as she suddenly realizes that she and Silver Spoon have been joined at the flanks for the past three days when she sits straight up and says robotically with wide-open blue eyes under a disheveled wisteria purple and white mane, “YES! I slept very well, thank you!”

Silver looks over her left shoulder at the pink mare, “Uh, you okay, darling?”

Diamond shakes her head and looks down at the blond coffee in her mug as she thinks to herself that they’ve also been sleeping together… Naked… Without pajamas… She and Silver Spoon have been sleeping naked together and she’s fine with that… “Yeah, I’m fine!” The pink mare says before using her forehooves to take a mighty gulp of the warm caffeinated beverage and she soon felt it go down her throat. She looks back at the silver mare, still cooking to her right, “Sorry I don’t have much food in my house! Uh, I really need to go grocery shopping!”

Silver smiles while staring at the mostly done French toast, “That’s fine too, sweetie! We can do that later today if you like?”

Diamond widens her blue eyes all the way and her mouth shrinks in bitter confusion when it suddenly occurs to her that Silver Spoon just asked to go grocery shopping with her, as if… As if they were living together now! She opened her mouth to object! She opened her mouth to protest! She opened her mouth to deny! But instead, all she could do was say, “Yeah, that’s fine sweetie! How about we chillax this morning, and we’ll hit up the market after having lunch in town?”

Silver chuckles, “Sounds good to me, baby!”


Diamond unconsciously moves the fork held in the cleft of her right forehoof to cut off another piece of her French toast, now smothered in syrup with a square of butter on top of it. She stares blankly as she brings the food to her mouth and bites down to begin chewing…

Silver stares at this catatonic pink pony from the other side of the darkened polished round wooden table for a moment with open concerned eyes and a narrow mouth before finally saying, “You okay, Diamond?”

Diamond sighs before cutting a larger piece off the morsel on the plate and bringing it to her mouth to bite down and chew it all up quickly. She eventually swallows and says, “Yeah, I’m fine Silver Spoon!”

Silver frowns, “Well, you’ve been acting off all day, ever since we were talking while I was cooking, and so I started to wonder if you’re alright?”

Diamond smiles blankly at the silver mare, “Oh, I’m fine!” before cutting another chunk of food off her toast and bringing it back to her mouth…

Silver blinks, “Okay, but uh, alright!” she breathes in and out of her mouth, “I was just wondering if I was moving too fast for you again or?” she smiles, “But I mean, you’re fine, right?” she lightly chuckles.

Suddenly, Diamond lowers her fork and sets it down on her plate before scooting off her chair to begin trotting around the right side of the table from Silver Spoon, towards the gray mare, as her blue eyes stare forward in iron determination.

Silver watches this with open worried eyes and asks nervously, “What are you doing?”

Diamond turns her neck right to look at Silver Spoon as she’s on all fours and suddenly hugs the silver mare in a tight warm embrace and kisses her passionately on the lips!


Diamond lays on her back in Silver Spoon’s soft plush purple bed with her head on the pillow as a smile forms on her face and her blue eyes look to the cute mare on her left, “So, was it good for you too, baby?”

Silver looks over from the side of Diamond with wide violet eyes, no longer sporting glasses, as she timidly replies, “Uh, yeah! Fantastic as always, baby! But what has gotten into you? Why the sudden burst of affection?”

Diamond smiles about halfway while staring blankly at Silver again, “I just love you, baby!”

Silver frowns at the insane mare, “But uh, you don’t wanna talk about anything or?”

Diamond widens her eyes again before leaning all the way to Silver on her left to wrap her right forehoof around her lovingly and kiss her on the lips again…


Suddenly, after all the sex, Diamond really wished she hadn’t given up smoking! She lay on her back on the mattress, while halfway covered in sweat as she wiped more from her brow with her right forehoof, and suddenly, she heard the water stop in the shower across the hall from Silver’s room.

Silver Spoon soon emerges through the door of her bedroom with a damp white mane and a towel around her gray shoulders and she says to Diamond as she trots forward to the bed, “Alright, I’m done! Your turn to shower, Diamond!”


Diamond takes the juicy-looking hayburger in her forehooves and brings it to her mouth for a hearty bite. She chews on it as her eyes narrow and she suddenly realizes just how hungry she had gotten! She found it strange, because she had eaten the French toast just three hours prior when she suddenly remembers what she did in-between her meals. She takes another large bite as the silver mare looks on from the other side of the patio table, with its red and white checkered tablecloth and square shape, roughly 5-feet wide..

Silver smiles at the pink mare while taking her own burger close to her mouth with her hooves, “Guess that builds up an appetite, right?”

Diamond swallows, grunts affirmatively, and takes another bite of her sandwich.

Silver narrows her eyes, “Well, if we’re doing that, then I guess our relationship is solid, right?” before smiling dimly.

Diamond looks at the gray mare wide-eyed and nods before smiling blankly and then bringing her half-sandwich to her mouth for another bite.

Silver widens her eyes when she suddenly realizes that she needs to catch up and so she takes her own sandwich in her hooves for a bite of her own.

Diamond hungrily bites into one of the last bits of her sandwich before bringing the rest of it into her mouth to swallow it all! Her eyes narrow again in satisfaction as she chews the food in her mouth.

Silver starts to take more bites of her own food as Diamond brings her white paper soda cup with lid and straw to her face from her right to sip some of the cola inside. She sets her cup down before her and narrows her eyes as her tongue hangs cutely out the left side of her mouth as she’s satiated.

Silver lowers her sandwich, “Honestly, I’m just glad you’re okay! I was worried for a second there! So uh, I guess we’ll go grocery shopping after this?”

Diamond smiles when she remembers the dreaded grocery shopping event on their itinerary and says, “Oh yes Silver Spoon! Uh, “she ponders a test question in her mind, “I suppose we should also get some food that you like, yes?”

And suddenly, Diamond’s fears are realized when Silver Spoon smiles and replies, “Of course!”

Diamond swallows before saying, “Well uh, you don’t have a lot of sandwich left! Go ahead and finish up while I pay sweetie and I’ll meet you back here!”


Diamond trots on the left side of Silver Spoon down the cobblestone streets of Ponyville as they head east, toward the market square…

Silver turns her neck that way to see the pink mare trotting as if to her own execution and widens her eyes as she asks nervously, “You okay, baby?”

Diamond turns her head right with the same awkward blank blue eyes as before and smiles dimly, “Oh yeah! I’m fine!” before turning her neck back forward.

Silver blinks, “Well uh, you know I’m right here if you need to talk, right?”

Diamond’s mind had been mostly blank for the morning, when suddenly it couldn’t help but chime, Yeah, you’re always there now, right Silver Spoon? Always! Always right there, by my side, now! As Diamond Tiara herself blinks and says mechanically, “I know baby…”

The two mares begin to trot through the heavily wooded park area of Ponyville as the forests and trees pass by on their left, while the right has busy shops and various merchants. Silver Spoon smiles dimly and replies, “Okay Diamond! Uh, “ she leans towards the pink mare on her left slightly as they continue to trot, “I love you!”

Diamond blinks as she smiles robotically, “I know! I love you too baby!”

Silver stops trotting and Diamond reciprocates. The silver mare with the white mane turns her body left to face Diamond Tiara there and says fiercely, “Alright, look Diamond Tiara! I know when something is bothering you! Are you gonna talk, or what?”

Diamond turns her neck and widens her blue eyes vacantly as she stammers out, “Okay! Okay! But uh, can we do this in the woods, please?”

Silver blinks and lowers her gaze, “Uh, well alright! If you aren’t comfortable here, that is?”

Diamond widens her blue eyes all the way as she blurts out, “Oh no, Silver Spoon! We DEFINITELY need the woods for this!”


Silver stands on her hooves on the dirt road, leading into the wooded area behind her. She cranes her neck right to look at Diamond Tiara standing there, also on her hooves, and says lowly, “Diamond! We just had sex in the park!”

Diamond stares blankly at the cobblestone thoroughfare before them, as earth ponies and unicorns walk left and right across their vision and she smiles blankly and bitterly, “Yes Silver Spoon! We most certainly did!”

Silver frowns, “Uh, you okay, baby?”

Diamond smiles wider in an almost psychotic way, with wide-open eyes again, “Oh, I’m fine! Hey, we really should be getting to the market now!”


Diamond looks at all the food she and Silver just loaded into her pantry closet blankly as she stammers out, “You uh, really have a thing for chocolate, don’t you?”

Silver looks at the pink mare while she stares into the now chocolate laden white pantry shelves and smiles as she blushes slightly, “That obvious? I uh, like chocolate more than is legal! He he!”

Diamond widens her eyes, “Yup! You really like chocolate! And now, you’re gonna be eating it here, with me!

“I know! Isn’t it great!”

Diamond turns her neck right to look at the silver mare, while saying, “Oh yeah! Wonderful!”

Silver frowns, “Anything wrong?”

Then, Diamond leans her neck towards the gray mare to plant another soft warm kiss on her lips!


Silver is laying on her back with her four legs up in the air and a grin on her face as she says to Diamond, currently on her left doing the same thing on the kitchen floor with her, “What was that?”

Diamond blinks and frowns as she stares at the ceiling vacantly, “That was us having sex on the kitchen floor, Silver Spoon!”

Silver blinks, “Right! And so, to recap: all kinds of freaky nasty lesbian sex is fine! But don’t you dare talk about feelings!”

Diamond widens her eyes and shrinks her mouth when she realizes she’s caught again! She frowns as she tries her best to casually say, but can only nervously stammer, “Why Silver Spoon, I have no idea what you’re talking about!”

Silver giggles and says, “Oh Diamond! Don’t try to play me! You know I know better!”

Diamond frowns intently as she blankly says, “Okay! Okay! We can talk about how we feel or whatever… But I want my coffee!”


Diamond looks down at her very own adorable pink mug with her smiling face on it, currently filled with steaming hot blond coffee before her on her square polished wooden table before looking back up to the silver mare.

Silver Spoon sighs and adjusts her fashion glasses with her left forehoof before saying to the pink mare, “So uh, you love me!”

Diamond widens her eyes and smiles blankly, “Yes! And it scares the crap out of me!” before looking down at her cup and taking a swig with her forehooves as she hopes to sweet Celestia that this gets less awkward soon…

Silver leans forward as her violet eyes narrow in concern and her muzzle frowns deeply, “Why in Equestria would that scare you?”

Diamond sighs and looks down to her right as she says lowly, “I don’t even think it’s my past anymore, by this point…” she looks back at Silver Spoon, “I mean, those stallions I dated earlier were all in Canterlot! I uh, “she blinks and frowns, “Don’t even think I’ve ever dated anypony in Ponyville uh, “she looks down, “when I really think about it?”

Silver raises her gaze, “Well, if you want that between my legs, we can buy accessories?”

Diamond starts and widens her blue eyes all the way to the other mare, “NO! It’s not even about uh, that! It’s just that…”

Silver raises her left eyebrow and narrows her mouth, “Is it because I’m a mare?”

Diamond sighs again and shakes her head no before adjusting her gaze back to Silver, “No! I mean, granted, I’ve never actually been in a lesbian relationship, but uh, well I have had sex with mares in the past and I know I can do that, now!”

Silver widens her purple eyes all the way as she stares at Diamond carefully and continues frowning, “Well then, what is the problem?”

Diamond adjusts her blue eyes to meet Silver’s violet gaze and sighs, “It’s because it’s you, Silver Spoon…”

“Me? What about me? What is so bad about it being me?”

Diamond widens her eyes as she says at a louder volume, “You’re Silver Spoon! The most fun playmate and prettiest filly in the playground! I’m not supposed to love you! I’m supposed to play with you and take turns on the swing set! I shouldn’t be…” she blinks, “I shouldn’t be loving you, like that, you know?” Diamond blinks when she suddenly realizes that she just called Silver Spoon, pretty.

Silver smirks, “And yet, that’s exactly what you’ve been doing all day!”

Diamond grimaces, “I know! And it kinda weirds me out, okay?”

Silver gets off her chair and trots around the table to Diamond’s left, when she stares at the pink mare and says, “Alright, let’s do it!”

Diamond knows what she wants and widens her eyes again, “R-really? Now? After all this time?”

Silver widens her eyes and nods, “Yeah! Come on! For old time’s sake!”

Diamond grins foalishly as she gets off the left side of her chair and trots over to the gray mare… She looks at a smiling Silver Spoon in her purple eyes, just beyond the familiar sky-blue fashion glasses, without temples… She gets to her hind legs and throws her forehooves out to meet Silver’s as she reciprocates and as their hooves touch, she exclaims, “BUMP!” before bringing her forehooves in and throwing them out again lower to meet Silver’s down below and saying, “BUMP!” again, before spinning her body around counterclockwise to throw her left hind knee out behind her to meet Silver’s as she says, “SUGAR LUMP!” and then for the finale, she brings her flanks up to meet her friends while saying, “RUMP!”

As the pink mare faced downward, she couldn’t help but feel more connected to the silver mare as they just shared their ancient friendship ritual. She rises to her hooves and turns to grin at the gray mare like a filly because at that moment, she knew she had her friend back!

Silver smiles back at the pink mare, “So, how are you feeling now, baby?” And before Diamond can open her mouth to speak, Silver widens her eyes and says, “Oh no! We’re about to have sex again, aren’t we?”

Diamond smiles and snickers, “Actually, after all, we’ve done today, I’d kinda like a nap?”

Silver nods, “And you want me to hold you, yes?”

Diamond widens her eyes, “Well um, since you like doing it?”

Silver chuckles, “Oh yeah! And you don’t like it at all, do you?”

Diamond frowns, “Um, uh, of course not!”

Silver knows the mare is cornered now and decides to press the advantage, “I was serious about getting us lesbian implements later…”

Diamond emphatically states, “We’re not talking about that!”

Silver lowers her gaze, “Not yet!”


Silver raises her chin, “Oh, so you’d rather I go to the toy store without my marefriend and just hope that I buy something you’ll enjoy?”

At that point, Diamond knew in her mind that she had opened the nasty freaky sex box and that it wasn’t closing anytime soon! She also knew that not only did she have her friend back, but she was also dating the prettiest mare in all Equestria. She smiled because she finally understood that she had nothing to be afraid of…

(To be continued…)