• Published 24th Jan 2022
  • 101 Views, 0 Comments

Song of the Deep - Cloudy_Quartz_Cakes

Two ponies, one being a techer, the other being her student come to find a something strange... Something that will change their lives forever, and make living conditions a whole lot more difficult....

  • ...

Chapter 3: Storage Chamber

"What nonsense!" the angry changeling threw his young son's clay sculpture to the ground and smashed it to bits.
"I said you may only BOTHER me when you have something IMPORTANT to say or something VALUABLE to give.", the King thundered, towering over the little half changeling colt that shook with tears in his eyes as his father cast a menacing shadow over him.
"B-but papa....." the scared little son stuttered, "M-mama said that it w-was valuable, papa..".
"She said I d-did a good job... I made it for you.. p-papa"
"You are not my only child Enoch!
I don't have time for this, I have so many colts and fillies that I don't know more than 10 of their names out of the THOUSANDS! Just because you are my second born son doesn't mean you are entitled to waste my time! Only your older brother Vasumori gets my respect because he's the next heir! You, you filthy little rat are just like all my other thousands of spawns, all you are to me is a soldier and a servant! Now get out of my sight!"
The king kicked his son to the side roughly, royal guards pointing their silver spears at him to lead him out of the king's room as he cried.
"Papa please," he yelled at the door as it closed, "I worked so hard!".
Enoch's cries were met by silence, neither of the guards even flinched. He fell silent knowing it was no use, hung his head low and waked to his mother's room on the other side of the Mansion.

The small colt busted into his mother's room with tears in his eyes.
A pregnant Pegasus mare lay there on the bed, her hair cherry pink and her coat tree trunk brown, along with her messy bun and big heavy golden hoop earrings. She sat up immediately.
"Oh no baby! what's wrong?!" The gentile pregnant Pegasus exclaimed in a quiet tone.
The changeling colt jumped onto the bed and immediately buried his face in his mother's chest as she hugged him in an unusual position so her pregnant belly wouldn't get in the way.
"You're a liar mama! Papa hated it and I worked so hard!"
The mare lifted his chin up to look at her.
"Hey... It's okay... papa is probably just stressed..." she sighed.
"H-he said I don't matter to him!"
"Oh nonsense Enoch, you must be overreacting."
"No! Mama I swear! He said that he only wants my older brother!" Enoch whimpered.
His mother's chains rattled and clinked together as she went to sit in another position.
"Enoch..... this is the first time you told me this... where is this whole 'older brother' nonsense coming from?! You are the oldest child he has, with me." the mare sighed.
Enoch exclaimed in disbelief, "Mama no! I-I told you many times before and even showed him to you! Don't you remember?!"
"No no no, go to the nurse baby, you are talking nonsense, did you perhaps hit your head on the way here?"
He sat there and stared at her.
"The bad doctor came again didn't he?..."
The confusion on his mother's face was visible. Enoch expressed his annoyance while walking out of her room and closing her door in a rather harsh manner.

As Enoch trotted along he kicked the carpet frustrated. Half way down the hall the doctor passed him. He opened his mouth but nothing came out except the sound of a small inhale. He knew where the strange doctor was headed and shivered at the thought of it. he felt along the carpet, and felt a rather symmetrical bump. His hoof creeped under the carpet and lifted it to reveal a basic non decorative metal handle that had already tarnished. The handle was attached to a dry wooden floor hatch that had already started to crumble when touched or manipulated. The hatch opened half way as Enoch lifted the handle. He sighed at the increasingly decomposing hatch door and wiggled into the gap before it closed behind him again.

"Ngh!" The changeling fell into the tunnel from above rather ungracefully.
He stood up to find that the side that has touched the ground of the tunnel was covered in the light brown powdery dirt. Soon he shook it off with a little wiggle and a buzz of his wings. The tunnel leaded into a vast network of caves with big crystals, small tide pools and massive stalactites and stalagmites that ever so slowly built upon each other as centuries passed. All that was audible though the silent cave was the water drops which hit the ground similar to the sound of slowly blowing wind chimes. He covered the tunnel with rocks and set off. His iridescent wings shone it the low light of the crystals like they were made of delicate glass. He walked along rather slowly enjoying the serenity of the cave's calm beauty. After a while of admiring the crystals his hooves stopped right at the edge of a glistening crystal lit cave lake. His wings started to flutter in an irritating manner as he touched the water. The bottom on the lake was not to be seen. With a quick jump that looked more like a trip, he was surrounded by water and looked around himself hesitantly. He started paddling down, still holding his breath with an irritated expression. The deeper he went, the darker and cloudier the water got, receiving less and less of the light that was given off by the crystals on the surface of the water in the cave. Quickly, Enoch shut his eyes tightly and swam full power towards the deep. The water got thicker and thicker as he swam though it, and finally became the same density of molasses. He struggled only a bit before he broke though the dense substance. As it broke he fell into a voluminous cavern the size of Canterlot, filled with air, in fact an underground city of changelings. Water spilled out from the roof where he had riggled in and slowly closed back up like it was a living, self repairing organism. There was a constant sound of the buzzing of wings that echoed far. It was filled with living spaces, which in other words, were the holes in the walls of the cave and in the pillars, elevated above the ground. The ground consisted of slimy changeling eggs and fat changeling larva, still trying to navigate the world they had just come into. The mucus around the eggs and larva glowed overwhelmingly and disappeared into darkness as Enoch at last, had reached his hole of residence, cuddled up with some of his half brothers and sisters and fell asleep.

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