• Published 3rd Apr 2022
  • 596 Views, 15 Comments

Spike Pie: Season 2 - Silver Butcher

Spike and Pinkie continue their adventures in Season 2, The two-party, fight bad guys, party some more, and have mis adventures with their friends and family

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Discordant-Pinkie Vs Maud-ified Spike

The Town of Ponyville was overflowing with chaos as most of the elements of harmony returned, all but Twilight now in a monotone gray, and Rainbow Dash no longer accompanying them. Twilight very quickly lost track of her friends after an initial failed attempt at Discord, She now walked down the Chaotic roads with Owlisious, trying with all of her might too figure out a plan to bring her friends back around when the ground beneath her hooved began shaking and the entire chunk of land was lifted from the earth, Owlisious quickly caught her and they watched as a mare in a Hawaiian shirt threw the piece of land over her head with one hoof and tossed it over the Ponyville skyline.

"This is getting out of hand," Owlisious noted before spying the puppet on the end of the Mare's tail, seemingly holding on for dear life as she jumped around laughing madly and destroying the ground beneath her as she did so, "Why does that chick have a Puppet of Spike clinging to her,"

"Owlisious now is not the time to try and make sense of our surroundings," Twilight snapped, the stress of the day slowly tearing her up from the inside out "Applejack's a liar, Rarity's in love with a rock, Rainbow Dash if who knows were, Fluttershy is the rudest creature in the world, and Pinkie is acting like she's a pie made from Salt and Vinegar instead of sugar,"

"Ooo, we talking about Pinkie?" Owlisious and Twilight looked to their right where the Strong mare with the Spike Puppet was now floating next to them with the aid of Ballons, the Spike Puppet waved at them and in a very monotoned voice, Spike's voice greeted them.

"oh hey guys, crazy day ain't it?" Owliious quickly snatched the Puppet and Twilight teleported to the soapy roads.

"Spike, buddy he got you too?" The Mare laughed at Owliious like he was mad as the Puppet hung lifeless in his claws.

"Owiliious your crazy bird, that's just the Spike-ified Maud Puppet, it can't really talk, it's just a puppet," As the Mare howled with laughter at the thought of Owliious mistaking the Puppet to be alive, Twilight was stirred on by the name Maud to recognize the mare vaguely.

"Hey, your Pinkie's sister aren't you?" Twilight questioned.

"Don't be silly," Maud-ified Spike laughed back "I'm her brother, I just look like our sister now,"

"Spike!?" Owliious demanded in pure confusion as Maud-ified Spike used her tail to snag the puppet back.

"Obviously," Maud-ified Spike replied as she sunk back to the ground "I met this Chaos dude and he made all my dreams come true,"

"You dream of being your sister!?" Owlisious questioned before looking over the Twilight and cocking his head "Hm... you know I kind of get it,"

"Check it!" Spike cheered as she reared back and slammed the ground with her front hooves, breaking the earth beneath her 'Finally, I have the Pie family Strenght, oh Limestone always said I'd be able to swim through rock like it was water, and I finally can!" Spike rapidly punched through the earth and was gone in a flash, leaving a cartoony trail of upturned soil along the ground above him to leave a visible mark of his travel behind him.

"Oh this just gets worse by the second," Twilight sighed as she looked out across Ponyville, the town a mess of chaos before her, "Can I even do anything without them here to help me!?"

A small handful of Ponyvilles residents were huddled in Sugar Cube Corner, trying to hide from the Chaos erupting across their town.

"Now, now," Mayor Mare said as she hid beneath a table, shaking in fear as she spoke up "Let us remain calm, we have food and shelter, all we have to do is wait for the Elements of Harmony to return and put things back into place,"

"Well, I hope they get back soon," Aloe whispered as she and her sister huddled behind the counter in fear, The Cutie Mark Crusaders and their two bullies could be seen huddling together in one of the booths near the back, having called a truce due to the threat of being driven mad with chaos.

"I'm sure they're all working their hardest to defeat that mishmash of creators," Scootaloo declared confidently from the center of the huddle "With Rainbow Dash on the case it's only a matter of time until he's six feet under," Scootaloo's passionate declaration was met with a bang as the front door to Sugar Cube Corner Burst open, breaking apart in the process as it had been locked. The Refuges of Ponyville watched in terror as a pony walked in, Lotus however quickly perked up when she recognized who it was.

"Pinkie," She cheered "Oh thank goodness you're ok," the atmosphere grew soft and for a few seconds fear was replaced with relief, their hopes however were squashed when Pinkie merged from the smoke, her entire body monotone, and her face sporting a very Un-Pinkielike expression as she glared at the Ponies in the sweet shop with unadulterated Hatred.

"Oh, look at this, it's a party, what a waste of time and energy," Pinkie walked past Lotus, who had fainted at the words.

"Pinkie," Mrs.Cake said, fear and concern etched across her face as Pinkie glared back at her with an unpleasant look on her face. "What happened to you,"

"I woke up," Pinkie snapped back "I'm just a joke to you ponies, now your all the joke to me, I'm gathering up my belongings and heading back to the rock farm, at least there I won't have to look at anyponies ugly face save for that worthless family of mine," Pinkie took several steps towards the stairs before stopping and looking around angrily "Spike," She yelled out "Get your useless self here now," The Residence watched in terror as Pinkie stood in front of the stairs, staring out at the broken door she had entered, waiting for brother to come to her side and be the tool she needed him to be.

The distant sound of a Mare laughing began filling the air, the longer it went on, the more unhinged the laugh became, and the louder it got. As the Laugh peaked in volume the ground below them began shaking and the Laughing Mare burst forth. leaving a hole in the floor that was comically perfectly shaped like the mare as she walked towards Pinkie.

The Mayor had gathered up the 5 children and had been slowly moving them towards the door while Aloe and the Cakes dragged the unconscious Lotus away from Pinkie, All Ponys Present stopped when Pinkie spoke again.

"Spike why do you look like that?" Pinkie demanded, hostility never leaving her tone as she spoke.

"Chaos is weird," Maud-ified Spike chuckled back "So, what did ya need my help with Sista?"

"No," Aloe cried out as she dropped her Sister "No not my Spike," Aloe began hyperventilating as Pinkie went up the stairs, motioning for Spike to follow her, Maud-ified Spike, however, turned on the spot when the Spike Puppet poked him and he quickly ran to and promptly picked up Lotus, who had been left on the floor as the Cakes tried to calm down Aloe. "Everypony, stand back, she's out for the count," Spike looked at his tale, where the Spike-ified Maud Puppet shrugged at him.

"Try CPR," It recommended calmly.

Aloe's ears immediately went straight up "No, waits she's just-" Aloe watched in abject horror as Spike, without hesitation, showed his lack of understanding of what CPR really meant and began kissing the Unconscious Lotus in a misguided attempt to resuscitate her. After a moment Spike pulled away when she felt breathing and looked at Lotus, who was utterly red-faced at what she had just woken up to.

"CPR Worked," Maud-Spike said in shock as the Puppet nodded.

"Told you," It said casually.

"My first kiss," Lotus said in shock, she smiled slightly before noticing the look of rage on Aloe's face and quickly pulled herself away from Spike. Aloe's anger reached a tipping point when Spike patted Lotus on the back and informed her with a merry tone.

"Oh, no worries it was mine too,"

"I'm gonna kill that Chaos God," Aloe declared with shaking rage as she began frothing at the mouth.

"Spike," Pinkie called out, returning most of the attention of the room to her as she stormed back down the stairs, save for Aloe who was busy coming up with a plan on how she was going to end the God of Chaos "Leave that Exotic mare alone and get over here, we're going home,"

"Pinkie, not to rain on your parade, but we live here," Spike chuckled back. Pinkie walked towards Spike but stopped when a Monotone voice spoke up.

"Your looking Grey today Pinkie," Pinkie shivered and her angry facade gave away briefly to Abject terror as she quickly backed away From Spike.

"Get rid of that Stupid Puppet," Pinkie demanded as the Spike Puppet raised its hand up and began wiggling its tiny fingers toward Pinkie.

"I love you Pinkie," The Spike-ified Puppet said before Pinkie rushed forward and smacked the puppet away from Spike's tail.

"Oh, why do you always do tha-" Spike's complaint was put on hold when Pinkie turned and punched her brother as hard as she could in the face, Spike was sent flying into, and subsequently threw, the front window of the store.

"Shut up," Pinkie said, now seething with unfocused rage "That stupid Puppet is staying here, now pick up your broken carcass, get upstairs, and pack, we are going back Home to the rock farm," Pinkie watched as Spike got himself up and trotted in through the broken front door. Pinkie pointed behind her towards the stairs "Go, Now," Spike began walking past Pinkie as she looked over at the Cakes," What? You got a Problem wit-"

Pinkie was harshly pulled away from her own sentence as Spike somehow used his hooves to grab hold of Pinkie's Tail and began spinning in Place, Spike Spun until he and Pinkie were just a Grayscale Tornado before launching her back out the door she had broken and using his momentum to shoot out after her at high speeds, just as Pinkie hit the Building across the street Spike hit her in the belly at full force and the two flew through the building. Spike landed on his feet and Pinkie skidded across the ground, sliding to a stop, Pinkie feebly got to her hooves as she used all her willpower not to spit up her own lunch.

"Tha's...not possible," She managed to say as she fell back to the ground, "My Pinkie Sence...why didn't it warn me," Spike chuckled as he merrily skipped over to Pinkie, and produced the Spike-ified Maud Puppet from the stands of his tail. The Puppet drew in close to Pinkie and whispered to her in its emotionless tone.

"I retconned it," The Puppet said simply.

"You...you can't..."

"Not forever," The Puppet agreed "but anything is possible when you're overflowing with Chaotic Power," The Puppet began waving its fingers at Pinkie as Spike put her hoof on top of Pinkie's head and pushed her into the dirt.

"You might be stronger than Spike, but I'm not Spike, I'm Maud now," Maud smiled at the statement as she picked up her sister "Come on now Pinkie, Smile for your favorite Sister," Maud chuckled as she cocked back her hoof and aimed it at Pinkie "If you won't smile I'll force you to," She warned before spotting a purple light "What the heck is-" Maud was hit full in the face by a blast of purple magic and sent flying into the distance, leaving the Spike Puppet to Spin in the air before shrugging and falling softly to the ground. Maud-ified Spike was laughing madly as she flew through the air.

"Look at me I can fly," She cheered before slamming into yet another budling that turned into a flat cardboard cut out as soon as she hit it.

Pinkie sat up and winced slightly before noticing her friends. "Oh, look who's back," Pinkie just managed to roll her eyes before Applejack held her down and Twilight pressed her horn to her head. After a Second Pinkie Pie bounced back to her hooves, her body devoid of any damage "Retcon," She declared before pointing at Maud-ified Spike "Ha, I can do that to you stupid cursed doll,"

"Isn't that your sister?" Applejack asked when she got a good look at Maud as she howled with laughter "The Haywaiin shirt is a little weird but-"

"Oh no that's Spike," Pinkie said casually before whistling to get her sibling's attention "Hey Spike, you should throw Discord a Chaos Party," Spike stared at Pinkie for a few seconds before letting out a howl of laughter.

"That's a great idea, I'm gonna throw a Pie in his face," Maud merrily skipped over to Pinkie and used her tail to pick up the Spike puppet, Pinkie shivered slightly as the puppet waved to her.

"See you at the party," Spike's emotionless voice called out from it, The Spike Puppet waved a tiny handkerchief as a farewell and Maud-ified Spike slammed face-first into the earth and rushed away.

"Chocolate rain isn't worth it," Pinkie decided the second Spike was gone "Let's go squash that Draconawhatsit,"

"Draconequus," Twilight corrected, earning a laugh from Pinkie. "And we still need to find Rainbow Dash,"

"That's such a silly word," Pinkie giggled.

Aloe lay on the ground in front of Sugar Cube Corner, The Cakes and the rest of the group had changed tactics and were now taking shelter in the store's walk-in fridge, Lotus was watching her sister from the other side of the broken window.

"You're mad," Lotus decided.

"Not. At. You," Aloe stated, doing her best not to sound angry as she spoke. Lotus simply frowned at the response, "OK I'm a little mad at you, but I'm smart enough to know you didn't actively try to steal a kiss.

"My first kiss," Lotus noted, as she looked wistfully out at the chaotic world surrounding them. "It was...nice,"

"Making it worse," Aloe barked back angrily before feeling the ground shake slightly, Aloe lay on the ground and shut her eyes as Spike popped out of the ground.

"Discord did not like my party," Spike noted merrily before noticing Aloe and quickly picking her up "Everypony stand back, she's out for the count!"

"Quickly, use CPR," The Spike puppet cried out without any noticeable emotional standing about the matter. Aloe smiled as she waited for her moment to come.

Before Spike could do anything a bright Rainbow lit up the center of Ponyville.

"Hu?" Spike turned to it as the light seemingly exploded and sent out a shockwave across all of Equestria. Aloe instantly felt the hooves holding her turn into hands and opened her eyes as Spike looked at the Maud puppet on his tail. He stared at it without saying anything before it pointed at him.

"Wait, you don't know CPR," It noted calmly. Spike immediately turned red and turned to Lotus, who was looking out at him from inside the now undamaged Sugar Cube Corner.

"Oh Sweet Celestia I kissed Lotus," Spike realized before hooved wrapped around his neck.

"And now you're kissing me," Aloe demanded before pulling Spike in "Give me some sugar lover boy," Spike Failed to reply to Aloe as she pulled him into a kiss and quickly down to the ground, the Maud Puppet rose above them both and put it's felt hooves to its face.

"That's kind of Hot," She noted blandly.

"Did that thing just speak on its own?" Lotus demanded as she backed away from the Window, now slightly scarred Lotus watched as the Puppet turned to look at her and held a hoof to its face to shush her before it was pulled away as Aloe and Spike began rolling in the dirt.

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry, This chapter was finished months ago and I totally forgot to Publish it. My bad peeps

Comments ( 6 )

Come on I waited a long time for this
and it's too good

Great work! Spike pie finally updates! Praise to the butcher!

I'm a month late, but my goodness this got hot and steamy. Not sure when or if the next updates going to happen, but I can't wait to see the end of discord.

Please sir, may I have some more?

well I'm currently on a writing holiday until March while I try to improve my grammar skills, but on the other hand you did say please, I'll see what I can do about a new chapter but It may take a week or two

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