• Published 12th Aug 2022
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Forgotten: The Crystal Princess - milesprower06

After rescuing Princess Flurry Heart from a frigid limbo with the help of the Crystal Heart, Sunny wonders where to go from here with the first alicorn Equestria has seen in centuries.

  • ...


Without the blizzard that had obscured every possible sightseeing opportunity the last time they were here, Sunny, Flurry, and their traveling companions were enjoying their first evening in the far north with an absolutely stunning night sky, with a small campfire and dinner to keep them somewhat warm.

"Pretty good first day, wouldn't you say?" Sunny asked Flurry.

"Absolutely. I'm thrilled that so much of the library's contents are still intact. So many works that will be made anew. That is, if more modern research hasn't overridden what we knew back then," the alicorn replied.

So far, they had loaded nearly half the trailer with books from the library that were in good enough condition to be scanned, copied, and possibly redistributed if there was enough demand for ancient Equestrian reading material. Flurry had gathered what personal effects she wanted for this trip, and began to sort what she would want to possibly collect on the next, as there would be at least two more trips to completely clear out the library of books.

"So," Sprout said, as he was warming his hooves in front of the fire. "What do you think of the odds of this place getting repopulated?"

"Um, Sprout, are you sure that that's not, you know, a bit disrespectful?" Sunny asked.

"Probably not in the way that you think, Sunny," Flurry replied. "We completely evacuated the city. As for repopulating, I suppose that would depend on all the snow melting, but even if the weather does mellow out a bit, this place was inhospitable without the Crystal Heart. That's not the only hurdle to clear, either. It's a two-and-a-half day drive to get here in that vehicle of yours. Unless Equestria's ancient railways are replaced, I don't see ponies moving here to be a very realistic idea. But at the end of the day, I hardly know what the future holds."

"Yeah, that's a good point. Even after reunification, there's still a lot of recovery and rebuilding to do," Sprout admitted. Maybe if the snow does clear, and we get all of the important artifacts out, we could make it a ghost town attraction."

Sunny just shook her head with a smile.

"I think we're considerably far away from that, Sprout. But you never know," Sunny told him. No doubt there were many more ancient places to explore, or, perhaps settlements that Maretime Bay, Zephyr Heights, and Bridlewood had merely fallen out of contact with.

After dinner, Zipp and Pipp decided to do one more trip into the library to get another container into the trailer. Once they had done that, they were just over half loaded, and if they kept a good pace, they would be ready to head out sometime tomorrow evening, towing several tons worth of books back to Maretime Bay. Flurry had already collected all of the personal items that she wanted to keep, so would likely help Sunny in the castle library tomorrow. But for now, it was time to get some shut eye. With their bellies full, the tiredness from the last day of work now quickly set in. With everything put away in the hidden compartments, there was more than enough room for everypony to stretch out in their sleeping bags, and Sunny had half a mind to ask Sprout what the timetable would be for getting a glass roof for the Scouticus, because falling asleep under the stars would be awesome, were it not for the still considerably freezing temperatures outside.

As the interior lights were dimmed, the vehicle's occupants quickly drifted off to sleep. Except for Flurry, who couldn't seem to get her mind to settle. It was like the first night camping with Sunny on the way to Maretime Bay again. She consistently felt a presence tugging at her. The discomfort seemed to ebb and flow, and just as it seemed like it would fade entirely, it would return like the tide.

'Flurry Heart... Come to me...'

Flurry's eyes shot open at the sound of the voice. She quietly sat up, and looked around the cabin, finding everyone else sound asleep. Getting all her gear on wouldn't be possible with the sleeping ponies, so she carefully stepped around her resting companions, and opened the side door as quietly as she could, stepping out into the snow and slowly pushing the door shut again, looking around.


The voice almost seemed like it was being carried on the wind, towards the castle. Lighting up her horn, she cast a warming spell so she wouldn't get chilled, and began trotting towards gargantuan structure. The sky was still clear, with countless stars dotting the night sky, with snow blowing up from the numerous drifts into the wind of the night.

Rather than go into the front entrance, she took to the air with a few flaps of her wings, and landed on the front balcony, stepping through the half-frozen curtains to the Crystal Heart chamber.

'Come... Embrace your heritage.' The voice called as she headed up the second floor staircase.

"Hello?" She called, her own voice echoing down the empty, frozen corridor. She walked towards the large doors of the throne room, and pushed them open, revealing the iced-over interior of the seat of the Empire, and her throat went dry as she saw who currently sat on the throne.

The purple alicorn stood from her sitting position, her curved horn crackling with magic.

"Embrace your birthright!" She shouted, shaking the walls.

Flurry's eyes widened.


Flurry Heart shot up in her sleeping bag with a gasping breath. She looked around, finding herself right where she had fallen asleep in the Scouticus. She calmed her breathing as she breathed in relief that it had just been a dream. She glanced up at the dashboard of the idling vehicle, seeing that there was still three hours to go before the sun would rise.

But before she laid back down, the realization hit her; that it may have been more than a dream.

She once again, got up, for real this time, and grabbed her saddlebags with a few snacks in them; she'd need something to eat. She stepped outside, and quickly lit a fire in the empty stone pit as she began warming the kettle of water for a cup of coffee. She would get an early start in the library, hoping that what she was now looking for wasn't packed away in the containers in the trailer.

The flames of the early morning campfire danced in her eyes as she tried to shoo away the very disturbing possibility that Princess Twilight's fallen student was still out there; still hunting for the magic that she had been denied.

The magic that had just been returned to Equestria after generations.

Author's Note: