• Published 22nd Jan 2022
  • 774 Views, 14 Comments

Records of Scientia - Morgan83

In an effort to preserve the past I Twilight Sparkle have made efforts to recover and explore the last works of one Starswirl the Bearded

  • ...

Lapia 65

"I'm telling you Spike, she is too obsessive over this project of hers.

"Yeah yeah, I'm well aware she gets like that about a lot of things. But to watch her get all sad and depressed going through all this stuff is rather heartbreaking don't ya think? I mean, it hasn't been that long since...

"I suppose you're right. She needs something to do."


"Oh hey, Twilight!"

"The Lapia is recording."

"Oh.....buck me....sorry..."

"Its fine, its fine. After last weeks dissertations on airship flight principals, I feel like this is the norm for these types of recordings. Lets just find a Stone and begin our own. It is a new day, and we are barely scratching the surface of what Starswirl has left for us. Spike?"

"Thank you. Let's...begin.

"Good afternoon, This is Princess Twilight Sparkle. This is Lapia re-recording number sixty-five. As per previous recordings, this one will be done in one go as I and Trixie have yet to come up with a solution to edit these lapias with any meaningful success. The last had self destructed in a rather explosive manner."

*giggling sounds*

" It is not that funny Spike, Pinkie had not intended for her cake to land on top of the Stone. Perhaps Orion...was right. It may be that we will need to consider the medium in which we record..."

"Uh Twilight?"

"Hmm? Oh yes, sorry. Here we go."

"Let's just hope it isn't another one of those."


"Spike, please leave the room. I'll call you in once I know it's safe. No buts. I understand you're older now, but I don't believe you're ready for some of the things on these recordings."

*grumbling thuds, door slam*

"You know, he's eventually gonna hear one of these on his own. Right? I've caught him six times going through the ancient unicorn mating rituals lesson."

"Please, Starlight, I just don't want to think about that right now. Let's just...begin."



*loud clanking noises*

"Is it...working? Ah ha! The crystal is a glow! Call a Reparare Incantator my left bollock! I did not become an Incantator myself to take the back coach to some mare belittling my efforts!

"I don't want to hear it, Clover! It's all your fault as it is! I asked for you to simply handle the lessons on pegasi battle tactics. Not a difficult task, as I had already written the lessons for the course. And what do I come back from my vacation to find? You! Splayed out on the floor like a common whorse! Covered in shredded paper! Belly swollen in gluttony!

"I am well aware that it was your Marcamsol last week, but I had planned that vacation for months. MONTHS! Those mares in Oco-pony were not going to buck themselves.

"No, I do not believe you. There is no scientific OR magical way a rift opened in MY lab! Nor do I believe the idea that an all pink mare, tumbled out of the so called rift, wanting to celebrate your special day.

"Well, no. I cannot explain where those presents came from. Yes, it would be hard to get a cake that size in here, especially with all the wards in place I acknowledge that. But you cannot keep insisting on this fool of a hoax.

"Ah ah! I have no more time to argue with you, the Stone is recording. But we will have words about this later. Yes, the cake is delicious, you did very well on it.

"Alright, fine, the "mysterious pink party pony" did very well on it. Happy?

"Of course you're not. You're never happy.

"Ahem. Apologies for that. Pay no mind for the aforementioned conversation. Let us begin.

"I am Starswirl the Bearded. Today's lesson is a special one. The Elements of Harmony.

"The Elements, as many of you are likely aware, are the most powerful defense at our people's disposal. Notice the wording I used to refer to them as? That is correct, they are not a weapon, but a means of defense.

"During the Battle of the Broken Sky, at the end of the Chaos Lord's rule, they did not kill the chaotic spirit. From my examination of his...prison shall we say, it appears that his very essence, his soul, has been ripped from his body. The body itself was petrified beyond any kind of spell-work I have ever seen before or since.

"The soul however, is not gone. As I had said before, they are not a weapon, they do not kill. Instead what seems to have happened is the very soul of the creature was shunted into the space betwixt realities. Locking his power from his form, thus denying his ability to effect our reality in any way. Its really quite fascinating, to-

"What? How do I know? Oh...well done, Clover. I had not explained how I knew that. Well don't look all smug about it.

"As I was going to say. The reason I know all this, is because there is still a readable tether from the spirit to his original body. A theory I have, is that with that tether in place, it keeps him from being reborn in our world in some other fashion. Really quite a genius move. Which leads into another topic.

"I believe the Elements are alive in some fashion. I have stood in their presence on occasion when only their abilities would make a goal possible, during testing as well, and there is a sense of will that can be felt from them. It truly is extraordinary. I have only ever observed that feeling and pressure from the Sisters themselves when they are working the moon and sun. Though I've never been able to understand the skeins they use in their castings, it all seemed rather convoluted.

"Its as if the eight are all from the same incredible source of power....almost as if they are one in the same...

*clearing throat*

"I will discuss that another time. Where was I?

"Ah yes. The foul lord's fall wasn't the only time they had been put to use. The taming of the Everfree was thought to be an impossible task. That cursed jungle of mayhem, a lasting reminder of He that we do not name, seemed like it would be the death of all. Till the Sisters bore the incredible power of the Elements down on that terrifying woodland. It was the final triumph of ponykind over Him.

"Now we have built our seat of power there. Where our protectors rule in perpetuity from. In fact, I speak to you from my private labs under the castle itself!

"Yes, it truly is a victory. An incredible show of our own persistence despite the hardships this world throws at us.

"Back on topic, shall we?

"Now, there are six Elements in total. No more have been found, nor seem to be needed. Though why the six we are not sure. There has been no historical record, or even myths, that may allude to what they had been intended for originally. Only what the Princesses have done with them in recent memory is our only basis.

"Yes, Clover, I was getting to that! Now hush.

"Each Element has it's own...feelings? No that's not the right word... While I do believe them to be living entities in some way...yet... Yes, feelings will have to suffice for now. It may or may not be necessarily theirs, but what they invoke in the holder most certainly a topic. You must understand, these artifacts are near useless alone. Capable of very little benefit to the wielder, but there are certain, peculiarities.

"I am getting off topic.

"After much bargaining. No, Clover! I did not BEG! Stop interrupting!

"As I was saying, after much bargaining as Princess Celestia, and Princess Luna, are shrewd negotiators, I managed to be able to study each Element on a one on one basis. I was not allowed to have all six at one time sadly. But my report on them is as follows:

  • Joy- "This element is by far the strangest one of them, and I feel it prudent to talk of the most difficult one to understand.

    "Like all Elements, the blue core has no definable features other than a constant shifting mass trapped in it's golden runic scrawled cage. When directly touched, it feels like stone that is somehow shifting. This is one trait they all share.

    "Because it is so unusual, I believe it should be covered first. Joy, or Laughter as some researchers have described the feelings they get when holding it, has an unusual field of influence. All of them do, but in Joy do we find that field producing feelings of elation, even jubilation in those that find themselves under its sphere.

    "The peculiar effect is noticed most predominantly in foals and young ponies in their teen years. When one holds it, they find themselves remembering a joke they once heard but forgotten, or suddenly ideas for some very unusual pranks formulate in their minds. I myself have felt these effects and it reminds me of my more roguish days.

    "There is also a....chaotic nature within this artifact. As if its very being is randomized. Because of that, results are sometimes skewed in the wrong directions. Thought, one of my researchers, had once found her notes in an entirely different and unknown language. She had been handling the object and writing down her findings. When done and put under review, it was discovered to be unintelligible. The mare cannot even remember what she had discovered.

    "We have put a hazard warning on this particular Element. Just in case.

  • Honesty- "There is no other word that best describes this Element. Like the aforementioned, this Element is orange in color and trapped in a similar style of cage, though the symbolism on its particular latticework is slightly altered different. Same hand that carved it, just a different choice of wording of what we have yet to understand.

    "It's effect is one I find very rewarding. When placed in a room, hidden of course, we have discovered that groups of two or more ponies find it very difficult for themselves to lie to one another. Even showing feelings of guilt when one of them tries. Upon discovery of this effect, Princess Celestia has used the Element on a delegation from Griffonia. Just inconspicuously placing it under a pile of apples that she knew he would not touch. I don't think that poor bird knew what had happened when he signed over the trade agreements that allowed our goods un-taxed passage through their ports for a period of two hundred years. I do believe he was hung after that though, so it was not as best an outcome as one would have liked.

    "Because of that, our Lady of the Sun had restricted their uses on foreign agents without good cause.

    "One last thing to note. Holding the artifact allows one to tell when another is lying. Unlike previous tests, it does not invoke honesty in all parties, rather it reveals to the wielder when somepony is attempting to deceive them. That being noted, one is filled with suspicion about others, and those effects can last hours after use.

  • Loyalty- "I had originally described this Element as Faithful, but Loyalty is a far better verbiage as the feelings one gets when wielding it, is just that.

    "Red in color, which is unusual as red is often associated with evil intent, this artifact has the farthest reaching field effect of any of the others save for maybe the sixth.

    "It's ability to bind ponies together is incredible to say the least. Those at odds, find themselves supporting each other despite whatever differences may be currently dividing them. Researcher Carlton has discovered that during a war game, that the Element caused an entire team that had been bickering and infighting to quite suddenly unite. Winning their match with incredible swiftness and coordination.

    "When taken away, it seems the effects are semi-permanent. As that unit is now one of the most decorated to date, with no issues among them. Truly a remarkable thing.

    "During interviews with select members, it was found that they had suddenly realized all their petty squabbles were just foolishness, that no matter what they held each others backs and would fight tooth and hoof to protect one another. I find myself thinking again how remarkable that truly is. An important relic to be sure.

  • Generosity- "While many consider this to be one of the weaker elements, I believe we may be missing some hidden depth we have yet to see from it. Selflessness might be a better title for this gem, for it invokes the need to act for the betterment of those around them, sometimes at the cost of one's own benefit.

    "Green in color, its association to the color of love among ponies, as gifts of any sort of green are seen as a sign of affection, is not the only feature though it is often felt that the acts performed are for the love of others. It is why I made claim that Selflessness is a better title after all. It's field of influence is the shortest reaching of the group.

    "After initial testing, we recruited the services of a less than...reputable party. Sour Grapes is by far one of the angriest mares I had ever seen. At one-hundred and thirty years old, the spinster of a mare has had no herd, no partner to usher through life with. Making the wine maker the perfect candidate as she has become the most selfish pony I have seen.

    "The effects took a week to manifest. The relic, on a gold chain around her neck, must have had it's work cut out for it for I have not seen any of the elements take longer than an hour. Such bitterness she must have had. I say "had", because not long after the start of the test, her demeanor had begun to change.

    "It was subtle at first, and we were not sure we recorded what we believe we recorded. She gave some fruit to a hungry foal with a smile. From there, small random acts of giving could be seen from her. A compliment, a piece of advice. Even going so far as to get muddy in order to help a mud p- a member of the earth tribe push their cart out of a ditch.

    "Last time we had any contact, she had married a widower whose mares died in the Barker raids to the south. They have adopted four foals from the local orphanage there as well. All seem to be very happy. It has been seven years since the test and the effects seem to be completely permanent. Some of my colleagues believe we may have done wrong in completely altering somepony's life like that. I like to think we gave her a second chance.

  • Kindness- "This element may be considered on the same level of Generosity. However, while seemingly associated with the same things, and while that is true, there is something a bit different between the pair.

    "Pink in color, it invokes feelings of comfort. Ponies under it's influence find themselves seeking roles as care givers, and nurtures to others. It has a singular sphere of influence, meaning it only covers the one who wields it.

    "At first, aside from the feelings of comfort and the desire to help for the sake of it, we hadn't noted much beyond. That was till we happened to be able to pair it with Loyalty. It was a complete accident during transfer of custody. Both Elements spilled to the floor and one of my researchers picked the pair of them up.

    "What happened next we had not expected.

    "Now bare in mind, I left something out about Loyalty on purpose to bring up this similar point. Loyalty, tends to make the holder aggressive. Not bloodthirsty or angry. Just more alive in a way, more willing to volunteer for what is dangerous. It was the first Cornfield had picked up. The change was almost immediate of course, even an earth pony is susceptible to their effects after all. However, the moment she had picked up Kindness, her mood had changed back.

    "I could never get the Princesses to release the pair back into my custody for another testing, but I believe that Kindness balances out the rest. Without that Element, even if the others powers and effects were to be used with only five, I think none of it would work properly. What I mean to say is, I surmise that it acts as a regulator, smoothing the lines of magic between them all.

    "One thing to note I believe is most important if nothing else, is who wielded it when it was needed. Princess Luna, the more reserved and somber of our rulers. I have seen her acts of kindness towards others, though she is often never seen doing it..."

"What? Yes, quite right Clover. I am almost done."

  • Magic- "There is no other word for it. This element is tapped into the very life blood of the world itself. It possess the farthest reaching of fields amongst all of them. It is said to be the strongest, and that is true, however I can also state it is the simplest.

    "Purple, though the thaumic field of the world is colorless, it is Power incarnate, and that is the problem. It is damn near uncontrollable in its strength. Princess Celestia had to be made use of in the testing as no pony else, not even I, could wield it. Yet that is the simplicity I speak of. It is just that. There are no extra effects. Well, no. There are two, but unlike the others these are not feelings. More of, granted abilities instead.

    "The first being the ability to learn everything at an accelerated rate. No, Clover, I will not tell them anything beyond that. Yes, I cheat- Stop. I will not say another word on this effect.

    "The other, and more noticeable by others, is its borrowing ability. To put it bluntly, it takes magic, not just from the world but from Us. Everything around it when it is wielded it takes and uses it. Making it that much stronger. In large groups ponies can barely notice the effect. But in a lab of researchers number no more than ten? Oh yes, we can feel it. It leaves one feeling lethargic for a time afterwards. To date, we have no knowledge of why it does this, and neither Princess has ever explained. But its reach is Vast.

"The age of the Elements is not known. Testing done in the mentioned list was done under the most controlled situations as possible the results might be only one of the possible variables. The latest showing an impossibility of draining magic from us. Researcher Marigold had made claims that they are both ancient as the earth beneath our hooves, and as young as a newborn foal. They defy reasoning, and the source of their power is unknown.

"However, I may have an idea when ponykind may have first stumbled upon, and used these artifacts.

"The gold lattice work that surrounds each essence, while as indestructible as that which they hold, do have a definitive age to them. At best calculations, they are perhaps over twenty thousand years old. There is no known civilization that existed back then!

"But the intricate work into that not so soft metal indicates that there may have been a once powerful culture. One capable of advanced writings as, while we cannot as of yet understand them, runic symbols of incredible quality are engraved upon them all.

"I have heard rumors that deep in the Zebrican Deserts are ruins of unknown origins. No proof of that, but I do wonder if there might be a connection.

"This lesson is shorter than I would like, as we just do not know enough about these fantastical artifacts to really expound on their origins.

"One last note, and this is more for myself than you, my audience. When I was favored to observe our Princesses cast down that ancient beast, I could not be helped but question the strange familiarity that those two had used the Elements. As if they had known of them beforehand, and had worked them.

"This may only speak to their intelligence itself. Again, as I had previously stated, I can feel their will. They just may have informed the pair on their exact use. Which lends to the idea of a once mighty and wise civilization creating them. But, if that is not the case, the claim they made that they had just found them might just be a lie.

"And if that were true...what might it be, to force creatures as powerful as they, to lie."

"Wow, he was certainly close wasn't he?

"Twilight? Hello? Spike, something is wrong with her.

"Ah so the old stallion did figure out what they did to me!"

"GAH! DISCORD! Don't scare me like that."

"Oh I am so sorry about that Glimmy Pants. Cup of fish for the trouble?"

"What? Ew, NO! Just, stop with the pop ups. And can you not just use my name?"

"But your pants, they glimmer."

"They do not....Discord!"

"He heeee. Okay I'm done....What's eating Book Pony by the way? She is just standing there. Bad rutabaga?

"Been like that since the recording. No cl-"


*loud hoofclops*



Author's Note:

Yes.....FINALLY! I have posted something!

Sorry for the delay, I kept getting side tracked by editing, and not being satisfied with anything my brain came up with. So it has taken me longer than I would have liked to get this chapter out.

Thank you all for reading! Leave a comment if ya liked it!
