• Published 26th Dec 2011
  • 2,375 Views, 46 Comments

Not in Minnesota Anymore - Troypony

How can a brony adapt from Minnesota to Equestria, when everything has changed around him?

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Being a Hero Never Seemed to Cause Mental Sickness Before...

Honestly, I cant tell you exactly what happened after I got out of that library. Everything was a blur; I was just so focused on reaching the source of the scream, I didn't care what ponies I ran into, or who yelled after me. I rounded a corner and found an alleyway, and I could see movement from inside. There were about 4 ponies, as far as I could see. There were three ponies surrounding one, presumably the one who had screamed. The three ponies had created a semi-circle around the one, who had been backed into a corner. Obviously, the single pony was in some trouble, and I felt inclined to help. Quickly, I rushed forward, trying to put myself between the one in trouble and the ones causing trouble. With a flying leap, I jumped over one of the troublemakers and planted my hooves into the ground in front of the lone pony. I stared down the three ponies, attempting to intimidate them to leave. If my intimidation tactic failed, then I would have a tough fight ahead of me. It might be a fight I wont walk away from either.They were like any stereotypical group of ruffians. They wore dirty, ragged clothes. Most of them were covered in dirt, scratches, or both. All three of them were stallions, and two of them looked pretty burly. One of them, however, looked young. I wouldn't be surprised if he was the son of one of the other two. As I continued to stare, the middle stallion took a step towards me.

"Well well well. What do we have here? Somepony trying to be a hero? How heroic! If only there was somepony to show this pony how much of a hero he actually was...Oh, right, there's three ponies willing."

The other two ponies took a step forward, closing the distance between me and them. I could feel my heart start to race. I wanted so badly to keep this unfortunate pony safe, even if it meant severely hurting myself (again). With every step taken towards me, my heart rate increased a few bpms. As they began to close in on me, I turned my head to the pony, not facing it, but enough that it could hear me.

"You might want to leave."

A feminine voice responded. "But, I cant just let you-"


After some hesitation, the pony galloped away, and it's hoofsteps began to echo through the alley. As the echos diminished, I turned my attention back to the ruffians. They had moved much closer without me knowing, so I tried to take a couple steps back to even out the distance. Bad news was, I couldn't. I was already pressed up into a wall, no where to go. With the ruffians closing in, I started to look around for options. Unless I could climb the wall like a spider, it seemed that the only way out was to fight.

Now I started to become afraid. More than afraid, really. Terrified. I had just entered this world that many would be awestruck from, and I was about to die in it. Not exactly something I had planned on doing, but then again, I dont think anyone would. At least, if I do die, I should die fighting. Cant change the world without sacrifice, right? Sacrifice didn't really have to mean death, though. I could weaken them, and save my life in the process. Or, perhaps I could-

I wasn't allowed to continue my rambling thought. I rediscovered myself laying face first in the dirt, pain seeping through my muzzle. Trying to recover from the cheap shot, I started to get up onto my forehooves. That attempt was quickly ended, as my face was forced back into the dirt. I heard a snicker from one of the stallions, then the same stallion from before started talking to me again.

"Look at you. Cant even get yourself off the ground! Did you even think you could take all of us? Or were you just trying to save your marefriend over there? Some useless marefriend, just running away while you're stuck here, hopefully despising yourself for even bothering to help at all. You couldn't possibly-"

Just like when I couldn't finish my thought, I didn't let him finish his sentence. As he ranted, I took the liberty of placing both my forehooves right above his hoof and throwing him backwards. He landed onto his back with a thud, and struggled to get to his feet. As he lay helpless, his two lackeys moved in towards me. Staying on the defensive, I decided to allow them to make the first move. I didn't have to wait long. The bulkier of the two took a swing with a forehoof, barely grazing my fur. Regaining my balance from the dodge, I pulled a right hook and landed a hit square in the jaw. He staggered back, trying to regain his balance. Making use of opportunity, I rushed forward and uppercut him. His body didn't seem to want to handle anymore, and he went out cold. I spun around to face the other lackey, who seemed to be having second thoughts about picking fights. He seemed to not want to be here, fighting others who did no wrong. If he didn't want this anymore, so be it. I had to make sure to scare that thought into him, to make sure he would never forget. I charged at him, head lowered, and tackled him as he stood paralyzed with fear. I held him down, and stuck my face right up to his, staring him down as if I could see his soul.

"I'm letting you off with a warning, since you look pretty young to be involved with these groups. But I swear, if I see you doing anything like this again, you are going to end up much worse than your friend over there. Are we clear?"

He was trembling as I spoke, and could barely get words out as he tried to speak. "Y-y-yes s-sir! You w-wont see me anytime soon! I p-p-promise."

With that, I got off him, and he proceeded to get up and gallop off at full speed down the alley. I started to trot out after him, until I reached a familiar pony still flailing around on his back. As I walked up to him, he turned his head, and locked eyes with mine. I could almost see his pupils shrink in fear. I leaned in towards him, so he was just within hearing range.

"I believe you should start think about the consequences of your words before they come out of your mouth. They seem quite hypocritical."

I trotted off, and I swear I heard him faint at that moment.


As I excited the alleyway, I caught a breath of cool night air. Scanning about, I found that I was inside the Ponyville square. With a location pinpointed, I headed in the direction I hoped was the Ponyville Library. I had no intention of going exploring now, maybe tomorrow. While I trotted down the streets, I couldn't help but try to sort out the events that had happened. I had just won a three-to-one fight. Me, a measly stallion who almost got his flanked kicked by three stallions. How I managed to defeat said three stallions, I had no idea. Well, two stallions. I didn't really fight the youngest one, he seemed to have learned his mistake without help. He seemed like a good-hearted pony though, so I hope he can get his life straightened out. All some ponies need are a good scare.

That had a sort of ring to it. Where have I used that phrase before? It seems so familiar to me...I cursed my brain for forcing me to forget everything I had known, as that I could've mastered some fighting techniques or something. That would've been REALLY helpful about 5 minutes ago. The fight would've ended a lot faster, that's for sure. Maybe I could've also seen who that mare was, instead of letting her get away. I could've had a chance with her...wait, really? I'm thinking about love at a time like this? Not something that ponies think about after a fight they might've DIED participating in. They usually thank their lucky stars that they aren't dead yet. I already did that though. So, would it be appropriate to think about love at a time like this? I mean, that mare-

I couldn't stand the war my brain was in with itself. I felt so tempted to just smash my face into the nearest wall. This shouldn't seem right at all! But, why did it? Oh, Celestia, I just wanted to go to bed. After I cleaned myself up first. That fight completely caked my fur in dirt, and it felt pretty uncomfortable. Still, it was just a small price to pay for my life, and for that mare to be safe. I dont know what I would've done to myself if she...

That time, I did smash my head against a wall, opening up a few wounds. I just couldn't STAND it! Why was I having all of these sudden feelings?! It just doesn't make any sense! How could I possibly have feelings for somepony I had just met? I couldn't even be love at first sight, since I didn't even know what she looked like! Just what was it about her? I never felt her, saw her, smelt her, dont even get me started on tasting her. If none of those four, then...

Wait. I heard her. Was that it? Could I possibly have fallen in love with her voice? Is that even possible? She only said one word to me, but I felt as if I heard so much in it. I heard a thanks, an apology, and a deep caring I haven't heard before. A complete stranger had appeared before her, to save her, and she had immediately cared for him. Me. That would take extreme amounts of character to trust and care about a random stranger you've never heard of. I dont think I've ever seen that much character in anypony, especially...

Wait, what was that place called again? Where I came from, where is that? Is it...Earth? Does that sound right? Am I still there? Or someplace different? I dont think this is Earth, it just...doesn't seem...

I tripped and fell over a curb. The whole time, my mind had been wandering everywhere, and so was I. As my mind jumped from topic to topic, I jumped from street to street. Now I had no idea where I was. it didn't help that my vision was blurred either. I had no idea why it could've been blurred, until I felt my face. There was blood everywhere. I was surprised I could've even thought straight, with all the blood I lost and was still losing. I told my self to get to Twilight's house, and fast. Even though a hospital could've suited my needs, I came across Twilight's house first. Just barely standing, I slammed the door open, and took only a few steps inside until I collapsed to the floor. I felt too weak to move, and just felt so tired. My eyelids started to become heavy, and began to droop. Right before I fell into what would be a fantastic night of sleeping, I heard loud hoofsteps, and a voice cry out, "SPIKE! Get my first aid kit and book back out!"


I woke up to a beautiful afternoon. The sun was shining, and I could hear the birds singing. It felt as if I died and ended up in Fluttershy's heaven. Only problem was, I wasn't dead. I had my face scrunched up into the floor instead. I started to push myself off the floor, took a look at my hooves, and surprised myself into dropping my face right into the floor again. Tilting my head, I got a look at my hooves again. I was like this yesterday, yet why did it surprise me now? Was it because I used to be a human? It would make sense, since they might've been pretty different. I didn't know for sure, maybe I could ask Twilight today about humans. As I started to get up, I heard a laugh behind me.

"Wow, you really keep getting yourself into trouble, dont you?"

Getting to my hooves, Spike wandered into my view and looked me over. "Well, you definitely got yourself busted up again. What happened to you?"

I began to tell my whole story to him, even what I had thought about on my way back. He had only one expression on his face the whole time, which started to unnerve me a bit. After I finished, he just shook his head. "Well, you sounded like you had a horrible night. Worse than Twi's even!"

My ears perked up. "Why? What happened to her?"

"Well, after you sprinted out the door, I knew I couldn't have kept up with you, so I stayed here. A few minutes later, Twilight came back home. She had tears flowing down her face, and kept talking at a speed I'm sure nopony could understand. After about fifteen minutes, I had finally calmed her down, but then you burst back through the door. She got worked up again, and we had to fix you back up. She was dead tired after, so I sent her off to bed, saying that I could keep an eye on you. She hasn't woken up since."

"What time is it now?"

"Almost 6 in the afternoon. It's been well over sixteen hours of sleep for both of you!"

"Twelve hours? Doesn't Twi sleep for half of that usually?"

"Yeah, it's unlike her to sleep late. Do...you think we should check up on her?"

"Think so. Something could be up."

I got up off my hooves, and we both walked quietly up the stairs to Twilight's bedroom. There was no sound coming from up there as far as I could hear, which could be either good or bad. Spike cleared his throat and called up, "Hey, Twilight? Are you ok up there?" Some shuffling was heard, and hoofsteps started approaching the edge of her bedroom. Once they reached the edge, I saw them fling themselves over the edge and hang there. Then, Twilight's head hung over the edge too, looking over the dragon and the pony standing below her bedroom.

She looked as if she had just gotten out of bed. Her hair was disheveled, sticking out in every direction that could've been thought of. Her eyes were half-opened, barely keeping her in the world of consciousness. Sleepers dotted themselves all over her eyes. The worst part was her eyes themselves. They were blood red, a combination of soreness and bloodshot. Obviously, she hadn't had much sleep recently, no surprise there, and she had been crying about something, a whole lot too. The mix of red and purple forced my eyes away, hoping that this situation couldn't get worse.

Once again, fate turned against my hopes. I looked back up to find those eyes locked onto mine. I became paralyzed, wanting to look away but afraid to. Her eyes seemed to swallow me up, and I fell through a terrifying spectrum of red and purple until my eyes felt as if they were about to cave in on themselves. I finally felt my gaze shift away, and almost broke down right there. Instead, I took a few steps back and lowered my head, attempting a retreat. I took one last look into her eyes, and I experienced something completely different.

The once counteracting colors seemed to flow and mix together, creating this scene of serenity. I felt as if I was standing on a beach, watching the sun go down in a array of colors that couldn't be matched. Standing next to me were two people, one male, the other female. They both had one hand on my shoulder, and were staring at the sunset along with me. Suddenly, they were gone. Just, gone. I felt so helpless, so scared. The sunset began to disappear, leaving me alone in a darkened world. I started running, the one thing I could do. I ran and ran and ran...

...right into a bookshelf.

I staggered back, dazed. I was back in the library, away from the sunset and whoever those two people were. I felt utter sadness, like suffering the worst mental pain you could think of. Whoever they were, they must've been a huge part of my past. Not anymore though. They're gone now, along with my past. If I actually remembered my past, I'm sure I would've broken down right then and there. I forced myself not to, in order to not make this situation anymore awkward that it currently is. I tried looking back up to where Twilight was, only to find the area vacant. Glancing around, I couldn't even find Spike anywhere. Did everyone just abandon me? I was just about ready to buck something until I heard sobbing. I followed it to the bathroom, where I found Spike standing right outside. He gave me a hopeful look, expecting me to do something to fix the situation. I could only sigh.

"Spike, can you tell what's wrong?"

"N-no, she just keeps sobbing and...I dont have any idea. She's never been like this before. Can you do something?"

"I dont have any idea. I can try to talk to her, I guess..."

He nodded, and stepped away from the door. I stepped up to the door, and the sobbing became louder than before. It started to become more of a wailing now, sending chills through me. I tried to open the door, which turned out to be locked. I knocked, trying to gain her attention. It seemed to work, as her wailing quieted down, as if waiting for someone to speak. I sighed once more, and said,

"Twilight, what's gotten into you? You've never acted like this before. Can you at least tell Spike and I what's the matter?"

Some more crying ensued before a response. "What...do you know...about how I act?"

"Quite a bit, actually. I know a lot about your history, too. You were thrown into a very hard position when you were younger, being Celestia's star pupil and all. Most of the ponies expected you to be great, raising expectations far higher than reachable. Greatness takes time, but time is not what was given to you. You couldn't keep up, and everypony began to see that and lose faith. Soon, everypony began to believe that Celestia's attention was misplaced, giving it to a pony who could not live up to expectations. You started losing faith too, secluding yourself from everyone, afraid that you would keep failing to meet expectations. What they didn't see, though, was the potential you had. All they saw was what you were, not what you could become. That's why Celestia chose you as her star pupil. You showed her magic that was supposed to be incapable at your age. She saw what you could be, and chose you without question.

I paused for a moment, thinking of anything else to say. "Look, you may feel alone and seclude yourself, but it doesn't have to be that way. Everyone has gone through their own problems, and most likely feel as alone as you do. And I'm sure that-"

I heard the handle turn, and the door slightly cracked open. She didn't look out, but she spoke, sounding much clearer without anything but sniffles.

"It's...It's not that. I dont worry about my past anymore; I've gotten over that quite a while ago. Thanks, though. It always feels better to know somepony who knows how they felt."

"If that's not it, then what is?"

"It's...It's you. What I did back there, with my eyes, was an attempt to look into your past, just to make sure that you weren't somepony involved in an...incident last night. I must've gone too far, and instead gone a few years back. What I felt was just beyond what my mind could've comprehended, and I broke into a heap of sadness. I'm...sorry if I worried you two."

She finally poked her head out and opened the door all of the way, sniffling, but an improvement from just a few minutes ago. Spike immediately rushed forward and gave her foreleg a hug, grasping with the strength of a few stallions. Twilight giggled, and tried to brush him off, and ultimately failed. She giggled again, and waited patiently for Spike to let go. Once he finally did, Twilight took another look at me.

"Hey, you're pretty familiar looking. Weren't you just here?"

I laughed. "Yeah, I believe I'm the one you've saved twice so far."

Her eyes widened. "You're the same pony? That cant be right...How are you even walking? Your hooves were broken beyond belief!"

We both took a look at my back hooves. They were still wrapped up in their binds, the same ones used yesterday. They didn't feel as if anything was wrong. How hadn't I noticed that my broken limbs had just fixed themselves within 24 hours? I hadn't ever given much thought about my sudden ability to walk, since I've had a lot on my mind. Now that I think about it, it just seems all the more impossible.

"Well, I've been running around a lot, especially last night too...which reminds me, what happened last night? Spike said you were pretty fear-stricken when you came home."

She trotted downstairs, and took a seat on the couch. She motioned me over, and I took a seat on the opposite side, and made myself comfortable.

"Now, what was that about last night?"

"Oh, right. Well, as Spike probably told you, I was out retrieving some more medicine for you, and had just finished shopping when Rarity ran up to me with an emergency. Well, an emergency for her. Sweetie Belle and her friends had managed to steal her mannequins, and needed somepony to model her dresses. I just happened to be the first one she caught. It took many hours, and was finally finished after night had arrived. I started my trek back home, the only ponies being out were me and a few others. As I continued, I noticed that the same ponies had started to follow me. Trying to lose them, I turned into an alley near Ponyville Square. What I didn't realize, was that the alley was a dead end. Soon, after realizing my mistake, I turned around, but it was too late. I was cornered by the three ponies who were following me. I screamed for help, even though I didn't expect anyone to come. Truly, I had no idea what they wanted, but I was afraid to ask. Before they could get much closer, there was somepony else standing in front of me. A stallion, by the look of it. He just appeared as if out of nowhere, even though I know that's impossible. Without much distance between him and them, he told me to escape. I couldn't just let him take them all on by himself, but he didn't want to hear it. Right before I got out of there.I looked for a cutie mark so I could find him tomorrow and properly thank him. Well, he didn't have one, which surprised me, since what stallion doesn't have their cutie mark by now? Most likely none, making it that much easier to find him. I hope I do find him quickly. I wouldn't want to find a friend like that dying in a hospital. That is, if I dont find him in a graveyard first..."

She wiped a few tears away as she said that last part. She was under a lot of guilt from this, which was what must've been tormenting her this entire time. Her guilt was not misplaced, as anypony would probably be wracked with guilt in her situation. I cut myself of there and continued to listen to her.

"Anyway, I had only gotten out of the alley when I started hearing struggling inside. I couldn't look back to see what was going on, afraid of seeing something that would be burned into my memory. I came straight here, almost having a mental breakdown as I burst through the door. I tried to tell Spike everything that happened, but from what I gather, it came out as nothing but useless sounds. I felt really out of it, and Spike could tell too. He recommended that I rest myself, to which I would have obliged. But, then you burst through the door, just as injured as before. Of course I had to help again, not like I had to ask you. Then, well, Spike went to check up on you today, you came to check up on me, and here we are. Now, what the hay did you DO last night to get yourself hurt again?"

I didn't answer. I couldn't. Not for the life of me. If the mare I had saved was Twilight, then that means...

I took a look at Spike, who looked back in return. I had told him about the mare I had saved, how I felt about her. We were both thinking the same thing. I knew I had to tell her that it was me, but I would have to leave out some choice details. Specifically, the war my brain had with itself. As I was contemplating, Twilight sat impatiently, and finally had to say something.



"Aren't you going to say something, instead of staring into my face all day?"

I blushed a bit. I hadn't noticed where my gaze had shifted, as my attention was in my thoughts. I coughed awkwardly, and began to speak.

Oh, it's really not that exciting. Besides, it's not very much different than yours!"

Twilight eyed me from across the couch. "What? That doesn't make any sense at all..."

I waved her sentence away. "Well, if you dont believe me, check my flank."

Her eyes grew wide with disgust. "Why would I ever look at-"

Her eyes lied to her words, as she took a look anyway. This time, her eyes grew wide with surprise. I could almost see the gears turning in her head as she struggled to put the pieces together. Finally, with a sharp intake of breath, I could tell that she had figured it out. Her mouth flew open, and I could've sworn that her jaw hit the floor. I didn't bother to look, though. I was too focused on Twilight. She had put a hoof over her mouth, trying to cover up how wide it had opened. After what felt like an eternity, she was finally recapable of speech.

"That...that was you?"

"Well, unless you were getting attacked in the next alley over, then yes, that must've been me."

"I...I dont really know what to say. I dont really know if I have to say anything, though."

"Oh? And why is that?"

"Well, actions speak louder than words, of course!"

She began to scoot across the couch towards me, inch-by-inch. Once she finally reached me, she wrapped her forehooves around my neck and gave me a tight hug. I was a bit shocked by the sudden contact at first, but eventually I was able to return the hug. We hugged for a while, much longer than I expected. Eventually, I spoke up, even though I secretly didn't want to.

"Uh, Twi?"

"Oh, right! Umm...sorry. Just kinda...forgot where I was."

She pulled away, and was blushing pretty heavily. I was pretty sure I was blushing too, I just couldn't feel it. After a long awkward silence, Twilight got up off the couch and spoke.

"Well, these last couple of days have been...hectic for both of us. I was thinking that I should give you give you a tour of Ponyville tomorrow, since you're new here. That sound fine to you?"

"Yeah, that sounds fine. I was planning on seeing the town tomorrow anyways, but I'm sure you can introduce most of the ponies to me if you come along."

"Sure, I wouldn't mind. I think that my friends will enjoy seeing a new face around here. Oh, and I'm sure Spike has already introduced me?"

"He has, but he wouldn't have needed to. Also, it will be pretty awesome to meet your other 5 friends."

Her eyes narrowed, reminding me of my first encounter with Spike. "What would make you say that? Plus, what makes you think that I have only five friends?"

"Well, five main friends. One for every Element of Harmony!"

She was giving me the same look Spike did when I started revealing information. She was about to say something, when said baby dragon walked down the steps and up to us. He had caught wind of our argument, and decided to help end it much faster.

"Twi, there was something I had forgotten to tell you about him. For some reason, he seems to know most of everything about this place. The Princesses, the 6 of you, even my, ahem, little secret." Twilight rolled her eyes. "No, I'm serious! He hasn't learned this from anywhere, and he's never been seen here before. It's just too strange..."

Twilight wasn't satisfied. "Well, he had to learn it from somepony or another. Either way, I'm going to see how much you really know tomorrow." As she began to trot off, she stopped and turned around. "If you dont have anywhere to stay, feel free to sleep here for the night. As long as you dont mind the couch, that is..."

I laughed quietly. "No, the couch and I are pretty well acquainted, so it should be fine with me sleeping here another night."

She giggled to herself. "Well, alright then. Goodnight!"


She trotted her way up the stairs, towards her bedroom. As soon as she was out of view, I brought my back hooves onto the couch and pulled up the blanket onto the couch, which had been resting on the floor from this afternoon. I thought about the past few days, and how much I had experienced those days. I couldn't help but feel as if I had a reason for being here, experiencing things so unknown to me, but I couldn't think of anything. I shrugged it off, and instead imagining Twilight's face when she realizes that I know almost as much about her world than she does. I smiled from the mental image I received, and closed my eyes, letting myself drift out of consciousness.