• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 2,250 Views, 104 Comments

Devil May Cry: Demons in Equestria - GeekMaster101

Demons have been sighted across Equestria, so Discord decides to summon the greatest devil hunter in existence. Unfortunately, he's stuck in Hell at the moment, so Discord will have to settle with Nero for now.

  • ...

Swarm of the Century

Nero burst out of Sugarcube Corner's kitchen, coughing in an attempt to breathe through all the smoke that had been filling the room.

Guess I'm not as great of a baker as I thought. That time I stopped a sleep-deprived Applejack from ruining the muffin sale must have been a fluke.

The reason why the devil hunter was currently attempting to make baked goods was because Princess Celestia would be visiting Ponyville tomorrow. Everypony in Ponyville was helping prepare for her arrival, and Twilight had asked Nero to pitch in. He was supposed to be helping Mr. and Mrs. Cake prepare the desserts for the banquet, but he wasn't doing a great job, as evident by the current state of the kitchen.

"Oh Goodness! Nero, are you alright!?" Mrs. Cake rushed over to him after hearing his coughing fit.

"Yeah, I'm good. Just gimme a sec to clear out the kitchen." Nero turned to face the entrance to the kitchen, smoke pouring out of it. He levitated Red Queen off of his back, focused his demonic energy into it, then swung his sword. The swing was powerful enough to create a large gust of wind that blew through the kitchen, forcing the smoke out through the open windows and airing out the kitchen in seconds.

"There. The kitchen is once again safe to enter!" Nero stepped back in and approached the oven. After opening it, he used his magic to pull out a muffin tray filled with nothing but charred ashes. "Can't say there's any hope for the cupcakes, though."

Now that Nero thought about it, perhaps there was a reason Kyrie insisted on handling all the cooking. The half-demon didn't even want to think about the time he set fire to their own kitchen while trying to make a salad.

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Cake! How's the banquet coming?" Nero overheard Twilight's voice as he exited the kitchen, still carrying his failed attempt at baking. Twilight had poked her head through Sugarcube Corner's main entrance to check up on them, and gave Nero a wave once she spotted him.

"W-Well, not that great, actually. Nero's having a bit of... difficulty in the kitchen, and Pinkie Pie is..." Mrs. Cake pointed to a large table containing all of the desserts that were made for the banquet. While a couple remained untouched, most of them had large bites taken out of them, if they hadn't been eaten entirely.

Pinkie, while wearing a crown that she got from... somewhere, was currently demolishing a giant two-layer cake in just a few bites. A large chunk of frosting remained on Pinkie's face, looking a lot like a beard. As expected of the pink pony, she promptly licked it off of her lips before eating that too.

Welp, their goes hours of work.

"Pinkie!!! What are you doing!? Those sweets are supposed to be for the princess!" Twilight expressed, an understandable look of shock and horror on her face.

"I know, that's why I'm tasting them! Somepony needs to make sure that everything is tasty enough to touch the royal tongue!" Pinkie stuck out her tongue and pointed at it to emphasize her point. She then marched out from behind the table and started speaking in a much more regal tone of voice. "And I, Pinkie Pie, declare that these treats are fit for a King! Or a Queen! Or a Princess!"

Pinkie then caught a glimpse of Nero's burnt cupcakes, causing her to grimace. "Except for that. That is definitely not fit for royalty... or anypony for that matter." Nero groaned at Pinkie's criticism as Twilight stopped her from chowing down on another cake. Just then, the front door opened again.

"Twilight, Pinkie, Nero! You won't believe-!" Fluttershy had run through the door, clearly excited about something, before skidding to a stop. "O-Oh, I'm sorry. Uh, am I interrupting?"

"No, not at all! Come on in and make yourself at home!" Pinkie answered. Since Twilight was distracted by Fluttershy's entrance, the pink pony took the opportunity to grab another cake with her tongue and swallowed it whole in one gulp. "What's goin' on, Fluttershy?"

"You won't believe what I found at the edge of the Everfree Forest! Come on out little guy. It's okay." On Fluttershy's cue, a small, blue, sphere-shaped creature with transparent wings popped out from within the shy pegasus' mane. It also had four stubby legs and big green eyes, and its appearance made it look pretty adorable.

Fluttershy gasped as two more creatures that were identical to the first also popped out of her mane. The only difference with these two was their color, one being yellow and the other being brown. Seeing as how Fluttershy's calming smile had been replaced by a look of shocked confusion, Nero assumed she didn't know about the other two creatures.

"They're amazing! What are they?" Twilight approached to get a better look at the creatures.

"I'm not sure. I'm also not sure where these other two came from." Fluttershy pointed to the yellow and brown ones as they flew around the room.

"I'll take one off your hooves. I've never seen anything so adorable!" Twilight cuddled the yellow one. "Besides, it'll be nice to have a companion for Spike so he won't bother me so much while I'm studying."

So, we're just not gonna question how two more of these things mysteriously appeared in Fluttershy's mane without her knowledge?

"Pinkie, Nero, do either of you want the other one?" Fluttershy addressed the other two ponies.

"Ugh! A parasprite!? Are you kidding!?" Before Nero could answer, Pinkie had shown her apparent disgust for the creatures as she made her way to the exit. Nero, Twilight, and Fluttershy all shared confused glances. "Ugh! Now I've gotta go find a trombone!"

"A trombone? ...Wait, hold on a sec, Pinkie. What the heck are you talking about?" Nero voiced his confusion first.

"A trombone! You know..." Pinkie did her best to imitate the sound of a trombone while pretending to play one. Before Nero could question her further, the party pony had hopped out of the building.

...Ok, that was random. Then again, that's nothing new when it comes to Pinkie.

"Typical Pinkie." Twilight sighed as she gave the creature, what Pinkie had called a 'parasprite', more nuzzles. "What about you, Nero? Do you want the other one?"

"Nah, I'm good. I'm more of a dog person, anyway. Appreciate the offer, though."

"Alright then. I need to go check on Rarity over at her boutique, so I'll see you two later." With a final wave goodbye, Twilight left Sugarcube Corner. Once she left, Nero looked at the sorry excuse for cupcakes he had made, as well as all the other sweets that Pinkie had eaten. He gave a tired sigh, knowing how much work they would have to do over.

Because he had stayed to help the Cakes remake all the sweets Pinkie had eaten, Nero hadn't gotten back to his shop until after midnight. At that point, he had been so tired that he went straight to his room, flopped down into his bed, and passed out. For a couple hours, he was able to get some sleep.

Emphasis on 'a couple hours'.

Nero was jolted awake in the middle of the night by the sound of the shop's phone ringing. He checked the clock to see that it was 2:43 in the morning. Groggily, he got out of bed, left his room, went over to his desk, and answered the phone, wondering who was crazy enough to be calling at this hour.

"Devil May Cry..." Nero answered. His tone wasn't very professional, but considering what time it was and how tired he was, he couldn't care less.

"NERO!!! I NEED YOUR HELP FINDING AN ACCORDION!!!" Pinkie Pie screamed on the other end. Nero was both surprised and somehow not surprised.

"Wha-? Pinkie? How are you calling my phone?"

"Whaddya mean?" She asked.

"To call my phone, you need to cast a certain spell. Only unicorns can use it. How the hell are you even calling me?"

"I have my ways! But that's not important right now! If I don't gather the right instruments in time, all of Ponyville could be in danger! I was busy wondering how I was going to find all of the instruments I needed all by myself and then I remembered 'Hey! Nero does a bunch of different jobs for everypony if you call him and ask him to help you! Normally you have to pay for his help, but we're friends, so he'll definitely give me a free pass!' So that's when I got the idea to call you and ask for your help collecting all the instruments I need and I couldn't help but think to myself, 'Pinkie Pie, you are such a genius!' and then I was like, 'Thanks, Pinkie Pie!' and then I was like 'No problem, Pinkie Pie!' So then I called you and asked for your help finding an accordion, and then you asked how I was calling your phone since I'm not a unicorn so I said, 'I have my ways!' and then I retold every detail on how we got to this exact point in time! Talking over the phone like this is really fun, by the way!"

"...Pinkie, do you have any idea what time it is?"

"Hmm, I'm pretty sure it's around 2:45 a.m. right now. Why do you ask?" Pinkie wondered innocently.

"...The fact that you see nothing wrong with that is the problem." Nero let out an exhausted sigh. "...Listen, I'll help you with whatever you need as long as you let me get some sleep. Whatever it is, can it please wait until morning?"

"Really?! You'll help!?! WOOHOO!!! Okie-dokie, I'll see you tomorrow! Meet me in front of Sugarcube Corner at 8 o' clock sharp! Bye!"

Before Nero could respond, Pinkie disconnected the call, leaving Nero to listen to a dial tone. He hung up the phone and dragged his hooves back to his room. He flopped back into his bed, falling back to sleep soon after.

Typical Pinkie.


Once morning came, Nero was once again rudely awakened by Pinkie Pie. Instead of calling this time, she woke him up by bouncing up and down on his bed and yelled for him to wake up.

The devil hunter rubbed the sleep from his eyes before locking them on to the pink pony, feeling very grumpy. "Pinkie, I thought you said you would let me get some sleep. Didn't you say we were meeting at Sugarcube Corner? Why are you here?"

"Yeah! I said to meet me at 8 o' clock! You're late!" She exclaimed louder than Nero's still-sleepy brain was comfortable with. To confirm Pinkie's words, Nero looked over at his clock to check the time.

It was 7:54 a.m.

"No, I'm not. It isn't 8:00 yet." He grumbled.

"It's almost 9:00, and you aren't even out of bed yet! Now c'mon, time's a wastin'!" She zoomed out of his room and left him to get up. Reluctantly, the half-demon got up out of bed, grabbed his weapons, and followed. He found Pinkie outside the shop hopping in place, looking like it would be torture for her if she had to stay in one place for more than five seconds.

At least one of us is a morning person.

"Alright, let's get down to business!" Pinkie pulled out a checklist from who knows where and began listing off items. "I managed to find the trombone and the accordion already, so we don't need to worry about those. I still need a harmonica, a banjo, a pair of maracas, a tuba, some cymbals, a flute, and as many tambourines as you can find! Hopefully we can find everything in time to stop the parasprites before the princess gets here!"

"...Run that by me again?"

"Here, just take the list! I've already got it memorized! Find as many items on the list as you can then meet me in the center of town!" Before Nero could ask any more questions, Pinkie ran off at the speed of light. With a sigh, Nero reviewed the list for himself.

...Okay then, guess I'm going on a scavenger hunt for instruments. Well, it's not the weirdest job I've ever taken. Shouldn't be too hard.

It turned out to be harder than Nero thought.

The devil hunter had figured the simplest answer was to go to a music store and buy the instruments. However, this plan was shot down pretty quickly once he got to the music store. As for why, there were actually two reasons:

The first reason was that the store was miraculously out of stock for every instrument on the list.

The second reason was that even if the instruments were in stock, Nero didn't have nearly enough money to afford them.

What kinda music store runs out of stock for seven different instruments!?

Thankfully, Nero was able to find a couple of alternatives. He had gone to Sweet Apple Acres, remembering having seen Applejack with a banjo once. The apple farmer was happy to lend it to him, but she also asked if there was some sort of music event going on, since Pinkie had shown up earlier asking for her harmonica. Nero assured her that it was just Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie.

He hit up a couple of other places before eventually finding himself knocking on the door to Rarity's boutique. Instead of Rarity answering the door like he expected, he was met with a young unicorn filly. Nero noticed that the filly had a bit of a resemblance to Rarity, and he realized why when the filly introduced herself as Rarity's sister, Sweetie Belle. According to her, Rarity left a little while ago to take care of something. When Nero showed Sweetie Belle the list, the filly told him that they had a flute, and was kind enough to let him borrow it.

That's two instruments down. Three if I count Pinkie getting the harmonica. Now, where else can I find-?

Before the devil hunter could finish his thought, he felt someone bump into him. He turned to see Twilight carrying a pair of saddlebags, both of which were stuffed to the brim with... something. The bags jostled around as whatever was in it most likely wanted to get out.

"Oh! Sorry Nero, I didn't see you there!" She quickly apologized.

"No problem. Say, you wouldn't happen to know where I can find some maracas, a tuba, some cymbals, and a tambourine, would you?" He asked, and Twilight just blinked at him in confusion.

"...Wait, what? I'm sorry Nero, but I've got a serious emergency right now! I don't have time to go looking for instruments!" Before Nero could ask what the emergency was, Twilight ran past him in a hurry, leaving him alone.

...Well, that was odd. Anyway, it looks like I'm gonna have to search elsewhere. I hope Pinkie's doing better than I am.

Since his run-in with Twilight, Nero had only found one more instrument. For some reason, somepony had thrown a tuba into the trash. Nero thought it might have been broken, but after checking it, the tuba seemed to work just fine. As for why someone would throw away a perfectly good tuba, he had no idea.

Not having any luck with the other instruments, Nero stood in the center of Ponyville to wait for Pinkie like they had planned. He tapped his hoof impatiently as he waited, wondering why the pink pony was taking so long.

Hope she didn't get distracted by some cupcakes or something.

He started looking around for something, anything interesting enough to keep him occupied. Unfortunately, he couldn't find anything of the sort.

...Until he looked up, that is.

Slowly raining down from the sky were several little creatures with wings. Nero recognized them as the creatures Fluttershy had shown them at Sugercube Corner yesterday. Instead of just the three, however, there was an entire horde of them. There were so many that Nero couldn't even attempt to count them all.

What the hell...?

None of the other townsponies seemed to be worried about the creatures. In fact, they looked upon them with awe and wonder, too focused on how adorable the creatures looked to question what they were. A couple ponies even held them in their hooves to admire them. For the first few seconds, everything seemed calm.

Then all hell broke loose.

The creatures began swarming the entire town like insects, eating every crumb of food they could find. Ponies' lunches were quickly stolen from them, food carts had their entire stock ripped from them, and gardens were devoured in seconds. It was pure chaos.

"Hey! Schoo! Get out of here!" Nero summoned a spectral fly swatter with his horn and swatted the pests away as best he could, but it was having little effect. His first thought had been to just pick them off with Blue Rose, but Discord's no killing rule kept him from doing so. Even when the draconequus wasn't around, he still managed to get under the devil hunter's skin.

"What do we do? They're eating all the food in town!" Nero's ears perked up when he heard Fluttershy's voice. Looking around, he spotted the usual group of gals, minus Pinkie Pie, gazing upon the scene.

I should've known they were involved in this somehow.

"My apples!" Applejack gasped just as Nero approached. The farm pony took off in the direction of Sweet Apple Acres, most likely to defend her orchard from the creatures.

"I'm assuming this was the emergency you were talking about earlier?" Nero questioned Twilight, getting their attention.

"It's a long story, but we don't have time to explain! We've got to do something about these creatures! If we don't get rid of them before Princess Celestia arrives, it'll be a complete disaster!" Twilight responded first.

"Can't you use your powers to do something about these things!?" Rainbow Dash pointed at Nero before trying to swat one of the creatures away.

"I hunt demons, remember? I can't just go killing things willy-nilly. Twilight, is there some sort of spell you could use?"

The purple unicorn put a hoof on her chin in thought before a light bulb seemed to turn on in her head. "I've got it! I'll cast a spell to make them stop eating all the food!"

Twilight's horn glowed and cast forth a burst of energy. Purple glowing rings spread throughout the entire town, moving through all of the creatures. The creatures themselves all stopped in place once the rings had passed over them. Not a single soul moved as they waited in anticipation to see if the spell worked.

"HEY NERO! LOOK! I FOUND A BUNCH OF TAMBOURINES!" The devil hunter turned his head to see Pinkie running up to him with saddlebags filled with tambourines. "How did things go on your end? Did you find all the instruments we need?"

"Uh, yeah, I found some, but not all. Here, take 'em." He handed the pink pony the banjo and flute before returning his focus to the creatures. "I'll help you with the rest later, but as you can see, we're dealing with something more important than that right now."

Pinkie's eyes widened in shock. "What!? But Nero, that's what I'm trying to-!"

"Not now, Pinkie, I said I'll help later." He simply told her.

"I-! But-! Wha-!? GRRRRRGH!!! IF ONLY YOU WOULD ALL STOP AND LISTEN TO ME!" Pinkie yelled in frustration before running off with her instruments.

Ignoring her, Nero and the other girls watched as one of the creatures flew near a basket with a single apple inside. It gave the apple a sniff, and they all held their breath, waiting to see if it would ignore the apple. After a couple seconds, the creature turned away from the apple, having no interest in it.

Yes, it worked! Now we can-

The creature opened its mouth wide and ate the entire basket instead, leaving the apple untouched. Similarly, all the other creatures had begun eating inanimate objects all over town. Signs, streetlamps, storefronts, even houses. The only thing they didn't eat was the food.


"Hey, it worked. They're not eating the food anymore." Rainbow grumbled sarcastically, giving Twilight the stink eye.

"...Oh no! If they get inside my store...!" A look of horror quickly found itself on Rarity's face as she came to a realization. "EVERYPONY FOR HERSELF!!!"

Rarity took off, racing back to her boutique to save her dresses. The others all came to the same conclusion and ran back to their own homes, hoping to stop the creatures from eating their stuff. Nero did the same, using his demonic speed to get himself back to Devil May Cry. He didn't have anything important besides his weapons, and he was already carrying them. Still, he'd rather not have to pay to replace anything.

With the current state of his wallet, he probably wouldn't be able to afford it.

Nero burst through the double doors to his shop and found the place swarming with the creatures. half the couch had been eaten, the jukebox had been consumed in its entirety, and they were about to start munching on the desk.

"Oh no you don't!" The devil hunter summoned his spectral fly swatter once more and started swinging wildly at the pesky creatures. After a few minutes of constant swatting, the creatures gave up and flew out of the shop, narrowly avoiding the half-demon's wrath. Once they were gone, Nero inspected the damage to the shop.

"Man, how the hell am I gonna replace all this? Damnit!" He groaned. He was especially upset about the jukebox being eaten. That thing was expensive, after all.

Alright, come on Nero, think! There's gotta be a way to get rid of things! Maybe if I-

Nero's thought was cut off by the sound of... music?

The devil hunter could clearly hear the sound of an orchestral band playing music. From the sound of it, the music was coming from outside. Curious, Nero poked his head outside to find the source of the music. He didn't have to look far, seeing Pinkie Pie of all ponies marching down the streets of Ponyville, carrying all of the instruments she had gathered. What was even more bizarre was that she was somehow playing all of them at once! What really made Nero's jaw drop, however, was the effect the music was having on the creatures.

The little pests seemed to be mesmerized by it, following Pinkie in a single-file line.

What. The. Fuck.

Nero spotted Twilight and the rest of the girls at the end of the line, all holding equally surprised expressions. He exited the shop and joined them, following Pinkie and the creatures out of town. After walking for a bit, they soon found themselves just outside of the Everfree Forest.

"Look!" Twilight got everyone's attention and pointed to the sky. A golden chariot being pulled by two royal guard ponies, both pegasi, was flying down to their location. Sitting inside the chariot was none other than Princess Celestia herself. Everyone except Pinkie ran to where the chariot had landed to greet the princess. Once Celestia stepped out of the chariot, the girls all bowed down before the princess. The only one that remained standing was Nero.

"Twilight Sparkle, my prized pupil!" Celestia greeted her student.

"Hello, Princess!" Twilight returned the greeting, though the tone of her voice didn't hide how nervous she was. With their bowing finished, the girls all stood back up.

"So lovely to see you again, as well as your friends-" Before Celestia could continue, her attention was drawn away by the sight of Pinkie Pie and the line of creatures passing by. Going by her wide eyes, even the Princess of the sun had been taken off guard by the miraculous sight.

"So, uh, how was the trip? Hit much traffic?" Twilight attempted to change the subject.

"What is this?" The Princess couldn't help but ask. One of the creatures landed on her wing, giving her a closer look at it. Celestia couldn't help but chuckle at the sight. "Oh, these creatures are adorable!"

"They're not that adorable." Rainbow muttered, glaring at the creature.

"I'm terribly honored that you and the good citizens of Ponyville have organized a parade in honor of my visit." Celestia complemented.

"Parade? Actually Princess, this isn't a-hrgh!" Nero clamped his mouth shut when Twilight elbowed him in the side to shut him up.

"Of course! The parade! That's what this is! All according to plan! No trouble here!" Twilight forced a smile as she chuckled nervously, not wanting to worry the Princess with the chaos that had just occurred. Whether Celestia bought Twilight's act or not, Nero couldn't tell.

"Unfortunately, my visit is going to have to wait for another time. I'm afraid an emergency has come up in Fillydelphia. Apparently, there's been some sort of infestation." Celestia explained.

"An...i-infestation?" Twilight stammered.

"Yes, a swarm of incredibly bothersome creatures has invaded the poor town."

"Is it demons?" Nero questioned her, his tone becoming a little more serious.

"Thankfully, no, it's nothing that serious. I should be able to handle it with the help of the royal guard." She reassured him before turning back to her student. "I'm sorry, Twilight, to have to put you all through so much trouble."

"Trouble? Heh heh, what trouble?" The purple unicorn chuckled apprehensively.

"Before I have to go, would you care to give me your latest report on the magic of friendship in person?"


"Haven't you learned anything about friendship?" Pondering Celestia's question, Twilight's gaze soon found itself on Pinkie Pie, still playing the instruments and leading the creatures back into the Everfree Forest.

"...Actually, I have." She answered with a confident smile. "I've learned that sometimes the solution to your problems can come from where you least expect it. It's a good idea to stop and listen to your friends' opinions and perspectives. Even when they don't always seem to make sense."

"I'm so proud of you, Twilight Sparkle, and I'm very impressed with your friends as well. It sounds like your all learning so much from each other." With that, Celestia stepped back onto her chariot, and the pegasi prepared to take off again. "Oh, I almost forgot. I trust you'll be attending the Grand Galloping Gala as well, Nero?"

"Yeah yeah, if I don't have anything better to do." He shrugged, and the princess gave him a smile. She and Twilight said their final goodbyes, and the chariot flew off into the sky. Once it left, the group all made their way over to Pinkie, who had just finished leading the last of the creatures into the forest.

"Hey, what happened to the princess?" The pink pony asked curiously.

"Emergency in Fillydelphia." Twilight replied.

"Some sort of ...infestation." Rainbow Dash added.

"Oh no! Have they got parasprites, too!? Well, have tuba, will travel!"

Pinkie went to play her tuba again, only for Twilight to stop her. "I think the Princess can handle it."

"So, you knew what those critters were all along, huh Pinkie Pie?" Applejack asked.

"Well, duh! Why do you think I was so frantic to get my hooves on all these instruments? I tried to tell you!"

"We know, Pinkie Pie, and we're sorry we didn't listen." Twilight apologized first. Everyone else followed with their own apologies, even Nero. "You're a great friend, even if we don't always understand you."

"Thanks guys! You're all great friends, too! Even when I don't understand me."

"You saved my reputation with Princess Celestia, and more importantly, you saved Ponyville!" Twilight cheered.

"...Or not." Twilight sighed, staring at the ruins of what was left of Ponyville. The parasprites had done a number on the town, having eaten most of it. It would take a while to rebuild everything and fix the damages. Saying that Pinkie 'saved' the town was definitely an exaggeration. At the very least, she prevented more harm from being done.

...Y'know, now that I think about it, Pinkie said she had gotten a trombone to use with the rest of the instruments, but I didn't see her using it when she was leading the parasprites out of town. Why did she-?

Suddenly, Pinkie popped up in front of the group, holding the trombone. She placed her lips on the mouthpiece and...

Oh, that's why.

Author's Note:

And that's a wrap, ladies and gentlemen! Well, it is for this chapter at least. Now, I came up with an idea for what I could do for the next chapter, which leaves me with two different choices.

The first option is that we progress normally, meaning the next chapter will be Winter Wrap Up, and we'll get to see how Nero handles Ponyville's tradition of cleaning up winter. Since this chapter didn't happen during the winter, there's going to be a large time skip in between so that Nero doesn't wake up the next day, find out it's suddenly winter, and everyone is acting like it's been winter for months.

The second option is that we have a sort of intermission chapter. Don't worry, this doesn't mean we'll be skipping Winter Wrap Up, it just means that I'll write that chapter after the intermission.

The intermission chapter will focus more on Nero and finding out more about the big bad demon that's responsible for causing the demonic invasion on Equestria. This will also give me a chance to establish the beginning of winter. That way, while there will still be time skips, it won't be as big of a gap as it would be if we decide on option 1 and go straight to Winter Wrap Up.

Let me know in the comments which option you would prefer I go with. Personally, I'm leaning more towards the intermission chapter, but if you guys would rather go straight to Winter Wrap Up, that's fine by me.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter, and as always, stay SSStylish!