• Published 25th Jan 2022
  • 898 Views, 21 Comments

Not The Way It Was Before - SpiritOfDancingFlames

Sunset Shimmer, defeated by Princess Twilight Sparkle, runs away to regroup and figure out a new plan. Accept friendship? Why would anyone do a silly thing like that?

  • ...

Chapter 1

The gentle tapping of rain on glass wasn't what woke Sunset Shimmer, nor the faint scent of gasoline and stale air. Instead, that which disturbed her sleep was the voice of a very irate man standing over her, arms crossed and expression somewhere between annoyed and worried. "Young lady, this is the last stop for the night," he gruffly informed her. "You need to exit the bus."

Sunset stirred, blinking herself awake, only to cringe as the bright lights overhead stabbed into her eyes. She reflexively raised a hand to block them out as her eyes began to adjust, and she pulled herself upright. She quickly took stock of her bags; thankfully, nothing was missing. "Last stop?" she questioned groggily, squinting at the driver. "Hang on, what time is it?"

"It's ten in the evening."

"Oh." That woke her up. "Oh, no. Shit," she hissed, squinting out of the rain-soaked window into the darkness, trying to pick out any familiar details. "Where am I?" Only the muted reflection of the bus lights greeted her from the glass of the covered bus stop to her right; she could see little past the looming driver to her left, but it was clear that the two were the sole remaining occupants of the vehicle.

"Hollow Falls," he informed. "Just on the outskirts, east side." He stepped back, gesturing towards the exit in an exaggerated manner. "Your chariot has run its course."

"Alright, alright," she growled, picking up the backpack that had served as her pillow for the ride. She scooted out of the seat, slinging the bag over one shoulder and stepping past the man, who still held the sarcastic pose. "I'm going. Chill the fuck out, old man."

"I've been 'chill' for the last few hours, I'll have you know," came the response. "Normally we don't allow people to use the bus as their personal naptime nook, but you looked like you could use a break. With that kind of attitude, however, I don't think I'll be lending that courtesy again."

Sunset snorted quietly. "Whatever." Making her way forward and down the stairs, she stepped out of the bus, with immediate regret hitting just as swiftly as the rain swept away the warmth of the bus, the cold and wet sinking into her in the few hurried steps between the open bus door and the covered stop. She couldn't help but shiver at the sudden difference in temperature.

The man glanced out at her from the open door, then turned away. A moment after taking his seat at the front, the interior of the bus went dark, and the door closed. With a rumble, the bus hurried along on its way, leaving Sunset alone.

A dozen yards away, opposite of the lonely bus stop, the falling rain was brought into sharp view, illuminated by the first in a long line of street lamps. Their light revealed rows and rows of small, cramped houses with high fences separating neat and orderly postage-stamp yards. In the distance, Sunset could pick out the rain-blurred lights of an 8-Twelve as the only sign of real civilization. "Great. Just great. Last stop, Middle of Fucking Nowhere. Thanks for nothing, asshole." She grunted, slipping the other strap of her backpack on. Time to figure out where I'll be sleeping for the night.

Sunset grimaced and ventured into the rain, the lack of a hood and the gaping holes in the back muting her worn leather jacket's efforts to keep her warm and dry as she took hurried steps down the street, her eyes drifting from one darkened home to the next. It's going to be hard to find anything that's abandoned for sure at this time of night. I guess I could see if there's a shelter in this fucking nowhere town, if by a miracle it's not hours of walking away. A breath of wind sent a deeper chill into her. I wouldn't make it. It's so fucking cold. At least it's not snowing, I guess, she bitterly scowled.

Sullenly stepping on, she passed house after house, the pitter-patter of the rain and the gentle sploosh of boots on wet sidewalk being the only sounds filling the silence. With little else to distract her, Sunset quietly seethed. Goddess damn that pony princess prick. I was SO CLOSE! I almost had it all. I mean, sure, my plan had its flaws and I was winging a good bit of it... she reflexively winced. Ugh, I'm sorry, Heather, she idly projected her thoughts to her somewhat destroyed faithful jacket. Those stupid wings put holes right through you. Remind me to find a good place to get you fixed once we get settled in, alright?

Her thoughts settling to mostly quiet fuming, her eyes passed from poor target to poor target until her gaze landed on a mailbox full to bursting - enough soggy envelopes and advertisements to keep the front from closing properly. A-ha, here's a possibility. Unless this person is just really lazy. ...Worth a shot. She shivered. Not like I have options.

She examined her possible prize; a tiny grey-toned house practically no different from any other that she had passed on her way here, with no car in the drive and all the windows shuttered and dark. With a quick glance around to make sure she wasn't being watched, she stepped closer, out of the light of the streetlamp. A careful look around the front revealed some potted plants decorating the covered porch, clearly beginning to wilt. This would be so stupid. She carefully tipped a few of them, checking beneath for a key. On her fifth pot, a small glint rewarded her for her efforts; a quick poke at it confirmed that it was, indeed, a key. Okay, yeah. That's stupid. Who does that anymore?

She circled the darkened home, looking for signs of life. Finding the fence circling the backyard to be unlocked, she slipped in as quietly as the thankfully not-very-creaky gate would allow. With the yard as dark as her own sins, she creeped forward, almost blind as she headed for the back door she could just barely make out. A few steps away from it, however, her foot met something she hadn't seen in her approach. The sound of a shattering pot filled the air as she landed hard on her knees. Panic gripping her chest, she scrambled to get herself upright. Nope, fuck this, I am not getting caught here. She rushed back to the gate, opening it as quickly but quietly as she could, and let herself out. She returned to the sidewalk, trying to keep her pace looking natural; at least, as natural as a teen skulking around at night could be.

Well, that went fantastic, she cursed to herself. Whatever, the middle of a neighborhood is a little too conspicuous anyway. She looked down the street, her eyes once again struck by the fluorescent sign of the distant 8-Twelve. I need to get out of the rain, even just for a little while, and have something hot to eat. That'll have to do, I guess. She heaved an annoyed sigh and once more her footsteps carried her on.

Author's Note:

I've been almost exclusively reading Sunset Shimmer stories for the past few months and I couldn't help myself - I'm making my own, with blackjack and hookers*.
*Might not contain blackjack or hookers.

Edited 12/7/23 at like four in the morning because why did I put everything in present tense.