• Published 31st Jul 2023
  • 769 Views, 8 Comments

Burn Baby! - Zeo-13

A geek goes to a con dressed as his favorite character from Kingdom Hearts only to end up in the world of MLP.

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Chapter one: Dive into Equestria

Author's Note:

Welcome to my first displaced story! I hope you enjoy it and the soon to come chapters for it!

Also! music is added! Green text is the start of the music and Red text is when you stop music!

Hope you enjoy!

Do you know the saying, ‘Curiosity killed the cat’? The saying that someone tells a person they shouldn’t try to find out about something that will get them in trouble. The original saying was, ‘Care killed the cat’ but the meaning is, all the same, I never believed it until one day when my life changed forever! Oh? What’s my name? it's Axel.
What? No, it is! My dad was a kingdom hearts fan so they named me Axel and my sister Xion, and I found out I have a little brother on the way so they already called him Roxas. Anyways, where was I? Oh yes! What am I talking about you ask? Well, let me tell you how my life got turned-flipped upside down.

In the country of Ireland, in the beautiful city of Dublin, Axel was getting his cosplay ready. Today was the day of a cosplay convention. He saved up as much money as he could and even his parents and sis helped him buy some of the stuff he needed to make his cosplay. He was going as his favorite and hilarious character from his favorite game kingdom hearts, Axel.

His mom found it funny, Axel going as Axel. And it was kind of funny. So he got everything he needed ready, the cloak, the hair. He had everything ready, well, almost everything, he didn’t have the keyblade or the chakrams, so all he had was the wig, Organization cloak, and some makeup on his face with the purple upside-down tears.

But what are you going to do, shrugging his shoulder before walking out of the bathroom and grabbing his wallet, and walking out the door, as he was he realized he didn’t eat lunch yet.

“Oh well, I’ll just eat at the con. The food probably isn’t that pricey”

Twenty minutes later

“Fuck I was wrong, I was so wrong!”

As soon as he got to the con, he went straight to where the food was, he was about to get a small meal until he saw the overpriced food there. Not wanting to do the con on an empty stomach, he ordered just a tiny burger and drink, but fuck they are expensive as hell. Now he has a little less of what he had but he can get by.

He continued to walk around the con, seeing everyone taking pictures, some with him, and seeing all the cool stuff everyone had. He bought a few souvenirs and stuff for him to show his friends and family, a few hours later he saw that it was getting late and saw that he had been there for almost the entire day.

“Damn, where did the time go?”

He even looked around to see very few people, so thinking that he had done all he could for today, he was just about to walk out of the con when all of a sudden, he saw something in the corner of his eye. Looking to see what it was, he saw a weird-looking both that looked pretty basic, a simple-looking table, with a black cloth over it, as well as a small wall to hang some stuff. But even though it looked simple and all, he could see that they had a lot of stuff. But he has been around this place and never seen them here once before, maybe they set up shop when people are leaving, that way for someone can come over to buy stuff on their way out.

So with that piquing his curiosity he started to walk over to a guy dressed as the merchant from Resident Evil, a game Axel didn’t like that much but still played it but hey that's not the point. When Axel stepped up to the table the guy standing there saw him and chuckled a bit looking at the newcomer.

“Ah! Well if it isn’t the Flurry of Dancing Flames!” the man said in a raspy voice, that sounded just like the guy from the game, “Organization XIII’s number VIII, Axel”

After the man said that, Axel was about to say something but the man held up a finger to stop him. When he did he looked at the man confused, before he pointed to a sign on the wall behind him-

’Wait, when was that there?’

that said ‘Must Act in character’, making an ‘O’ with his mouth, Axel cleared his throat before speaking.

“Hey there! I see you already know who I am, I was wondering if you got anything useful here” Axel said as he moved his hands, arms, and body as Axel would.

Smiling at this the Merchant spread his arms out to show his table and all the other stuff he had, “Then please my friend, have a look at what I have to offer” He said in his raspy voice again.

Axel started to look around the table before he saw something behind the table, it looked like some spikes connected to something, “What’s that?” he asked, pointing towards the spikes.

The Merchant smiled before reaching down and pulling out what it was, when he did Axel’s eyes widened at what he saw. It was Axel's chakrams! Well, not Axel’s but Axel’s from Kingdom Hearts, and they looked so cool and…bigger than he expected they would be, the merchant set them down with them making a clinging sound that only metal can.

“I see you are without your chakrams my friend, I’ll normally give these out for a thousand,” he said as he rubbed his chin and looked at Axel and nodded, “But for you friend, I’ll give you them for 500,” He said while seeing the look on Axel’s face.

“Really? Sweet! You got a deal” Axel said pulling out his wallet and giving the man the money.

“Thank you, stranger, you should find them useful on your journey. Hehe,” the man said as Axel took the weapons and started to leave.

“Umm okay,” he said as he started to walk away.

He didn't get five steps away from the both before feeling dizzy, “O-Oh my head…w-why do I feel so...tired..” he said as he continued to take shaky steps before he then started to fall backward, as he did the word was slowly fading into black.

Before he hit the ground he heard one last thing from the Merchant, “Be safe on your adventures, number VIII” and then silence.

Axel didn’t even feel the ground when he fell backward, he just felt like he started to fall backward and a feeling like he was going down, and falling, falling, falling and falling. Axel couldn’t even open his eyes, even though he was conscious, he couldn’t bring the strength to wake up, he just kept on falling before he could finally open his eyes, what he was greeted with was nothing but darkness, he tried to say something, but no words came out of his mouth. He tried moving, but all he could move is his eyes, as he continued to fall into the darkness, but for some reason, he wasn’t scared, he was calm. Why? Why is he so calm?

As he fell he saw something appearing, it was hard to tell what it was but a few seconds later he saw what it was. It looked like some sort of pillar/platform, it had a glass stain look to it, and what was on it was a girl. But she looked different, She looked like a pony, but had a body of a human, she had the arms and hands, legs and feet of one too. But her face and ears were ones of a pony, she had purple skin/fur. She had wings and a horn on her head, and finally, hair and a tail that looked like a mane with both being a deep purple and a pink streak in both of them, as he looked more, she also had a crown of some sort too, as he fell more, more of the pillar came into view, and around the girl were pictures of others like her, two had a crown, one looked like a dragon, and other was a male pony person.

Around the top/edges of the pillar were five more pictures of some girls that were different but looked kinda the same as the purple one, as he fell closer to the pillar he heard something from the darkness.

“So much to do…So little time…”

Upon hearing the voice he tried to look around with his eyes, but he didn’t see anyone, the voice sounded like it was coming from all around him, and it didn't sound male or female.

“Take your time. Don’t be afraid”

’Why does this sound so familiar?

Axel would say to himself in his head, as he got closer to the pillar it was starting to be surrounded by light that shined brightly, closing his eyes from the sudden light as his eyes adjusted to the darkness around him. He could feel the warmth of the light surrounding him as he fell closer to the light.

“Your adventure begins. As long as the sun is shining, and you keep those who you hold dear close to your heart, your journey should be a pleasant one.”

With that said Axel fully fell asleep, as his form started to catch fire, but it wasn’t hurting him, instead, it was changing his form. As Axel's sleeping form goes into the light, he, along with the light, disappears.

1 AM Twilights Castle

On the night of Equestria, Twilight was just looking at the stars through her telescope, making a record of the stars in the sky, seeing all the constellations in the sky, and recording what she could see from her castle. As she was focused on the night sky, she didn’t hear Spike wake up and walk behind her, still rubbing his eyes from just waking up to see his friend/big sister.


Hearing the sudden voice behind her, she quickly went wide-eyed and immediately jumped back from fear of who was behind her, turning around the anthro purple pony looked to see who it was…only to see nopony before looking down to see a small purple and green dragon boy in light blue pajamas and a light blue sleeping hat that was going over the purple and green dragon's shoulder.

“Oh Spike, you scared me,” she said as she rested her hand on her chest to calm her heart from the rapid beating it was giving, “what are you doing up this late?”

“*yawn* I can ask you the same thing Twi, it’s in the middle of the night and Luna is probably going to lower the moon soon”

As he said that Twilight looked to see that he was right, in a few hours the sun would be coming up soon.

“Oh gosh, I didn't see how late it was”

“Because you focus on your studies too much that you stay up all night…again,” Spike said as he then let out a yawn again before going back over to his room to go back to sleep.

Seeing her tired number one assistant and hearing all that yawning made her yawn and feel tired too, she then looked back at her telescope and started to weigh out her options, on one side she can continue to look at the stars and study them, and on the other, sleep. While she wanted to keep studying the thought of sleep overweighed the study part.

“YYAAAWWWNNN, yeah okay he has a point, besides, it is just stars. Like Luna is going to change anything different about them” She said before walking off to her room, ready to sleep herself. Just as she was heading to bed a star started to glow brightly in the night sky before having a light come out of it and started to head towards the forest, fast.

In her cottage Fluttershy was making sure that all of her animal friends were sleeping nice and peacefully, looking around before seeing an empty sleeping pillow for a certain bunny that was nowhere to be seen, looking around she found her little bunny standing near the window, and looking out in the night sky.

“Angel, what are you doing? You know it’s time for bed” the shy pony said before she walked over to her bunny to see what he was looking at.

When she did her bunny friend turned around to look at her and point out in the night sky and made some funny noises.

“What? What is it, Angel? Do you see something?” she asked before looking out the window too, just as she did a huge fireball whizzed past her house at fast speed!

“Ahhhhh!!!” letting out a scratch of tearer she immediately hit the deck as the fireball flew into the Everfree forest and then…


As the fireball went into the forest and hit it, waking up more of the animals, as some were woken up from the house shaking a bit and from Fluttershy’s scream, all animals were looking around scared. Angel then hopped down to the shy pony under the table that was shaking like crazy and was whimpering a little too.

Hopping over to her face he gave her a slight poke to her face, making her look to see it was just Angel, “Oh Angel, are you okay?” as she asked he gave her a nod before getting up she look to see all of her animal friends were scared and shaking a lot.

She quickly got up and started to tend to them to make them feel safe, “Oh it’s okay everyone, don’t worry” she said as she started to pet her bear friend’s head to soothe him.

“What was that huge fireball? M-Maybe it was a dragon? O-or somepony doing magic?” she continued to question what the fireball was before thinking about what she should do, however, that answer came in a form of a book hitting her in the back of the head, “Ow!” turning around she would see Angel looking at her with his hands on his hips before pointing to the door.

Getting the hint she would go wide-eyed and started to shake and shiver in place looking at her bunny friend, “M-Me?! O-Oh no! I-I can’t! What if it was a dragon?! Or worse?! Or- Ow!” getting hit in the head by another book she would see Angel pointing at the other animals then the forest.

“Oooooh Your right Angel, what if some animals did get hurt? Or worse! Somepony!?” she said as she was thinking about what to do before slowly going to the door and opening it, going out to go see where the fireball hit.

Ten minutes later

Walking through the forest Fluttershy was shaking like crazy, she was always scared of this place, no matter how many times she came in it was just so terrifying to her. The trees, the scary monsters, and just everything about the place was terrifying to her no matter how many times she walked into the place.

Following the smoke that she saw before entering the place and some burnt trees and broken branches, she would eventually walk into a clearing that would be just a regular opening in the forest and all but, instead, there was a huge hole/crater in the ground with steam and fire around the edges.

As she saw the crater she slowly started to walk over to the edge of it to see something that made her gasp, looking into the crater she would see a pony in there!

Quickly jumping down and slowly making her way to them, she would be at their side in no time before looking at them. Seeing the ponys body she had to guess that they were male, a tall one at that, and looking him over she would see that he was wearing a full-body black clock with silver chains hanging from the collar, black shoes, and gloves too.

The only thing that wasn’t covered was their head, he had tan-looking fur and a big, long, red spiky mane that went down his neck and to his shoulders. However, what really got her attention was what was laying beside the stallion, it was so hard to tell what it was, at first look it looked to be a sowrd, but its look made the butter color pegasues do a double take.

It had a round handle gaurd, with strips of red around it and a few spikes poking out on the corners and a black handle, with a keychain dangling down from the bottom. The "blade" part looked like it was shaped to look like moving fire, as it even glowed like fire was inside it! But, she was having trouble calling it a blade in the first place, due to the way it was shaped, it actully looked more like an oversized key.

However, as she was foucesed on the key thing, she was immeditly was brought out of it from a sudden snap of something, making her make a little 'EEP!' noise. Turning her head to the sound, she wouldn't be able to see anything expect the forest around her. As she looked around she could suddenly see yellow eyes start to slowly shine from the darkness of the forest, gasping in fear thinking they were Timberwolves, but immeditly discaurded the thought due to seeing how the glowly yellow eyes were more round then normal nearow Timberwolves eyes. Trying to be brave, the shy pegases slowly, but very shakealy yelled out,

"W-who's there?!"

but as her soft, little yell was spoken, the weird eyes got even closer, and soon, several little shadow-like...things stepped into the moonlight for Fluttershy to see completely. Now able to fully see them, she would see these weird creatures, she saw that they had a round, spherical head with circular, glowing yellow eyes. They all also had two long, twisted antennas sprouting out of the top of their heads. Each of them had hands with three clawed fingers like a dragon would, and they all had two legs, with feet that were large and lacked any discernible digits.

fully seeing these things made Fluttershy even more scared as one, the way that their whole body, except their glowing yellow eyes, was so black and shadow-like, that no light bounced off them, like, they were like real shadows. And Two, not knowing what they were made her more scared of them, but this increased fear of them made these things move more toward her, making her slowly step away from them.

"D-Don't come any c-closer!" Shy tried to keep them away before suddenly, one of them immediately suddenly jump at her, making Fluttershy let out a scream of horror as she fell to her knees and covered her head with her hands, closing her eyes tightly as she waited for the incoming attack. Though, instead of feeling the shadow creature's claws scratch her, she would instead hear something else get hit! Slowly opening her eyes as she looked up, she would softly gasp softly and bring her hands to her mouth.

In front of her was the stallion that was just laying on the ground, holding the key weapon in his right hand, as said stallion was in a pose as if he swung the blade in a downward side strike. As she would see wisps of smoke floating and evaporating in the air where the shadow creature that tried to attack her once was. Seeing this, she would see the others get more erratic with their movements, though, it wouldn't be from the destruction of their friend, but more so on the weapon that did the deed, after a bit, the red-haired stallion would slowly stand up straight with his arms now at his side and his weapon too. Even though Fluttershy couldn't see it, the stallion's face was, well, blank. Almost as if he had no emotion, and his eyes, his eyes looked blank as if he had no pupils in them. As Fluttershy sat there, she saw the shadow things suddenly jump at the strange pony, seeing this, the stallion lifted his head a bit before he saw this, before he, in turn, jumped high into the air too, but as she watched, Fluttershy would go wide-eyed as she saw him jump high above the trees, before seeing him take his right arm and pulled it all the way back before with his arm, and the hand he was holding his weapon with, turning said weapon sideways, before he threw his arm downward and threw his weapon. The sword would, in turn, turn and spin at a fast pace, making a fire-like ring around it as it was heading to the shadow-like creatures, with the blade turning and slicing through three of them, all three disappearing in a puff of shadow smoke like the first one. After that, the last three would land on the ground, with the blade still spinning before coming back to the stallion, who was falling to the ground, like a boomerang the stallion caught the blade with the same hand he threw it with before landing on the ground in front of Fluttershy again.

With the last three looking at the stallion, Fluttershy would see as they slowly melted down into the ground before disappearing back into the shadows, as she just sat there amazed that this one pony could do all that, and he jumped so high! It would have made sense if he was a pegasus, but he didn't seem to have wings, and he had no horn so he wasn’t a unicorn, meaning he was just a regular earth pony! So many questions ran through her head, who was he? What were those creatures?

However, as she was lost in thought, she would see the stallion suddenly fall to his knees and drop his weapon on the ground before he to fell face first onto the ground. Seeing this, Fluttershy would quickly get up and run over to him, seeing that he passed out again. Not knowing what else to do, Fluttershy would slowly lift him up off the ground and put him on over her shoulder, abit having some trouble due to her not being the strongest, but was still able to hold him up.

“C-Come on, don’t worry, I’ll take you back to my home.”

She would say before also grabbing his weapon too, soon she would slowly head back home, hoping to help whoever this pony was.

Comments ( 8 )

Typo in your story chapter title, its spelt Equestria, not Eqestria.

More good

Good start.

Curse my dyslexia

If its of any helpful advice, try reading your story as you type. Its what I do to help reduce typos.. well, assuming my brain's autism doesn't have two thoughts colliding or I get distracted while typing.

Good chapter. More please.

I’m looking forward to to seeing Axel’s Reaction to meeting the mane six in the next few chapters!

Looking forward to see what happens next.

Wonder what is planned for Spike in this?

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