• Published 26th Jan 2022
  • 724 Views, 4 Comments

The Masquerade - Marina Stars

Two strangers dance after a chancce encounter on a mysterious night, kept secret by the masks they wear. Written for Day Seven of Fluttercord Week 2022

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The Grand Masque Ball.

An evening flooded with mystery and intrigue, one of the most anticipated events in all of Canterlot. Like every year, it was held within the grand palace and overlooked by Princess Celestia herself.

Of all the balls she had to attend, the masque was Fluttershy’s favorite. Most balls required diligent socialization, and far too many dances. She was important in Equestria. She was one of it's protectors. She had roles and duties to play, a title in the kingdom. But in this crowd and with this mask, she was the same as any other. For one night she could loose herself in mystery. Nameless unless she named herself, one of many. Tonight she could hide and no one would be the wiser.

Truly, a masked ball was one of the few places she could simply exist.

For one night she could observe and take a step back from things. And just one night meant everything.

She'd be fine.

No, better than fine.


Her smile was only vaguely shadowed by her elegant golden mask; decorated in paints and gems that glinted in the abundant candle light. From the center of the top bloomed an array of peacock feathers that adorned the crown of her head. Like many of the women present, she was a vision, turning heads as she passed. She floated with grace unmatched leaving many to wonder if she was walking at all.

She continued on a steady path nodding at any who greeted her, yet spoke not a word. She was as silent that night as she was mysterious.

At last she stepped out from beneath the balcony that overhung the ballroom and nodded towards the grand dias where Princess Celestia, the only person she could see without a mask, watched the evening’s proceedings. The princess nodded back in acknowledgement of her arrival but nothing else, leaving her to her night.

For a while, she simply observed the dancers swirling across the polished floor, accepting the few dances she was asked to participate in, speaking now and then with the occasional guest; some vaguely familiar as they were bound to be. But oh, the disguises were magnificent and sophisticated to the point she could scarcely tell one soul apart from another. (She only knew her fellow Elements as they had seen each other's costumes, but she avoided them to keep any chance of recognition minimal.)

Still, the crowds wore her down quickly and the ballroom grew hot from all the dancing bodies. Her gown had been made light but full, an off the shoulder piece for the mere practicality of not overheating, but she knew when she needed a break and a breather. So, as soon as she was able, she lifted the layers of shimmering teal fabric that made up her skirt and glided towards the double doors that would lead her to the wonderful gardens that Canterlot was known for.

She expertly maneuvered the crowd, despite her ballgown, moving swiftly through the sea of color any fancy on course for her charted destination.

However, just as the gardens were in reach, and the cool night air was practically at her fingertips, what should happen but her plans coming to a halt. She attempted to slide through an opening just a little too tight for her, right as another guest was accidentally forced into her.

What she didn't expect was the sheer force a passing stranger could exert on her as they collided inelegantly; pressed together within the crowded room.

She cried in surprise nearly toppled by the impact and preparing for the inevitable crash that would follow her.

It was moments like this she was grateful for her mask…

But she never hit another soul, never met the ground. Instead, she felt a strong arm wrap around her waist holding her safe and steady.

"Apologies, my dear," a smooth, deep voice rumbled by her ear leaving her shivering in his grasp.

"It's fine," she squeaked. If she wasn't wearing the mask, she might have been more ashamed of herself. As it was, she was flustered. Too flustered to even meet the gaze of the man holding her.

Out of her peripheral, she saw him set a glass down on a passing tray, before moving his other hand to her waist, setting her right.

“Certainly not.” Only when he was sure she had her balance again did he release her. “It was my own fault you went tumbling.”

“Oh really, nothing was hurt,” She blushed, smoothing out her skirts. “Thankfully for the both of us, you were quicker than gravity,”

When she finally gathered the courage to look up at the stranger, she noticed him watching her intently and her blush deepened. For a moment she wondered if he could see it despite the mask.

His stunning red eyes as framed by a shimmering black mask softened towards her, as did his voice when he spoke again, “I’m glad to hear it.”

To her surprise, he extended a gloved hand offering a warm smile, “Allow me to make it up to you with a dance,”

He waited patiently for her response as she considered his offer. On one hand she’d been on her way to the gardens, on the other this was a ball, and she had nothing to lose by accepting a simple dance. Her reprieve could wait two minutes or so, and she did so hate being rude. After only a slight glance into the night, she made her choice and graciously accepted his invitation, placing her hand delicately in his.

Of all the things Discord expected that night, crash landing into a fair young maiden was not on that list. Not that he really minded. He was all for chance. Besides, could he really complain about fate gracing him with such a lovely dance partner?

Lovely indeed.

Behind her mask, he could see her vibrant teal eyes, soft and comforting, yet sparkling with curiosity when their gazes met. Her lips held the softest smile as she followed him into the crowd, causing her eyes to dance even more.

Careful of the surrounding guests, he led her towards the dance floor. As they stepped to the edge, the previous waltz ended with a light applause by those in the surrounding crowd. Some couples stepped back into the crowd as new ones took their place. The two followed suit and stepped up to the floor.

Discord placed his hand on her small waist once more, as she lay her hand on his shoulder with almost a feather light touch. Then, taking her free hand with his other, the waltz began. He led and she followed, stepping in time with him and all the couples around them in perfect harmony with the music.

He could tell almost immediately how practiced she was. Familiarity to a variety of waltzes was essential to an event such as this, but she swayed so naturally and effortlessly he knew her skills moved past familiarity and more into expertise. And his mind began to wonder all the reasons why. Just how often did she attend these balls? Even with the mask, she had a beauty that stole his breath away and left him with little doubt that she’d have a shortage of dance partners on any given night. Was that perhaps the reason? Or did she have an enthusiasm for the art of dance, devoting herself to more than simply learning the skills?

There was beauty in mystery as he imagined the possibilities. Even so, he found himself asking without second thought. "May I know the name of the lovely woman with whom I'm dancing?"

She offered a coy smile that surprised him, "Oh, but sir, that ruins the point of a masked ball, does it not? Where is the fun without the mystery?"

He chuckled warmly, delighted by her response. A like-minded soul, it seemed. “Too true, my dear.”

Still, his mind tingled with fascination as he found himself willing to learn what little he could.

“You seem to know this dance well,”

Her earlier grin shifted to something more humble at his remark, “I’ve had a lot of practice.”

“I could have guessed that,” He laughed though not unkindly, “You move to the music so easily, practice is only the start to the skill you’ve got.”

He could have sworn he saw her blush behind her mask. “It helps to have an equally practiced partner.”

“You flatter me,” He smirked deviously. Despite What her outfit had suggested, she was not so prideful as a peacock but rather refreshingly humble and genuine. Ladies of nobility could be overwhelmingly full of themselves at times, as much as he regretted saying so. Not her.

It almost made meeting her in such mystery unfortunate. Perhaps that’s where her costume befitted her; she was as elusive as the regal bird, and perfectly regal all the same.

“I take it you attend the ball often?” She hummed

“As often as I can. I’ll admit tonight is my first ball in Canterlot, but I’ve been to my fair share of stately events.”

Surprise flicked through her eyes, “Truly?” to which he nodded, “What brings you to Canterlot, then?”

“Oh, you know, this and that. Duties within this city… and possibly a personal invitation from the princess herself.”

It almost made her stumble, the revelation. A personal invitation?

While it wasn't uncommon for Celestia to speak of inviting people from all over the land as well as neighboring kingdoms, Fluttershy knew that a personal invitation most often went to people of great importance.

While knowing he had never been to a Canterlot ball and therefore had next to no chance of recognising her, if he was here on any sort of official business it meant their paths were likely to cross. She didn't know which was worse: the thought of passing him by and never knowing it, or being recognised at a later time as the woman he saved from nearly falling.

“Don’t tempt me, sir,” She teased despite her irrational concern, “Give me too much and I might solve your mystery.”

“Would that be so bad?” He wondered, absentmindedly pulling her closer, “What is better than a mystery but the solving of such by your own devices?”

“Not tonight,” She whispered, “I do not wish to know your name tonight,”

“And if we met again?” He leaned in, his own eyes sparkling mischievously. She didn't know if it was that look, or the way he posed the question; eager and curious of the possibility, but she trembled inside, her own anticipation getting the better of her.

“I hope you would be kind to such a clumsy maiden as I,”

He twirled her for the first time, leaving her breathless as she reentered his embrace, “How could I be anything but?”

The only response she could give was a simple shrug. Truthfully she did not know him enough to judge. Could anyone truly know another without first knowing their name?

“You are a beauty my dear, like a rose in bloom. How could one reprimand a rose for the slightest imperfection on one of it’s many petals?”

“So you’re a poet?” she raised a brow, enjoying his smirk

“I dabble. And you?”

“I suppose I enjoy the prose of many gifted writers. But if you’re asking where my true passion lies?” She paused, earning a nod asking her to continue, “It is in flowers, their simple beauty and determination to thrive. To me, flowers are like poetry.”

He delighted in the tidbit, perhaps saving it for the day they might cross without the masks. It was only fair she did the same. “Spoken like a poet, if I do say so.”

“This time it is you who flatters me,” She giggled lightly, “You are too kind, sir.”

He had yet to hear her laugh, he realized. He adored that laugh already. Delicate as chimes on the wind, pure as the sweetest song.

He knew he shouldn't get too attached to a lady he did not know, within a kingdom he barely visited, but she was refreshing. She was a far cry from so many ladies of noble birth, and while he couldn't say he’d never met a woman like her, her kind were rare as a precious stone. How lucky was he to be blessed by fate that night?

“One can never be too kind,” He replied good naturedly, unaware of her true delight at hearing her mysterious stranger speak such words.

Unfortunately and all too soon, the song came to a close. Slowly, intentionally… almost seductively, he dipped her as the final trails of music faded away.

Time paused a moment as once again she was in his arms, leaning for support, trusting his hold. Her arms wrapped around his neck as he began to pull her up, surprising both of them.

Somehow breathless, they stared as gentle applause rang around them and when they came to, new pairs were ready to take their place.

He slowly, almost hesitantly released her waist, taking a step back from the mysterious beauty. Her hands slid down his arms till only their fingertips met, and ever so gently he lifted her hand to his lips, bowing at the waist to leave her with the softest kiss.

“It was a pleasure, dear paeonne,”

“All mine,” She curtsied, before he released his firm but gentle hold.

“I did so enjoy your company, and wish you a nice evening in the gardens,”

Her head tilted slightly in surprise that he knew her intentions. But he’d seen the brief glance she’d given the double doors, and heard her speak so beautifully of flowers. Canterlot’s gardens were legendary for its flowers. It hadn't been a hard conclusion to make.

Still she did not question it, only nodding. “You as well, enjoy the dance,”

She bowed again and slipped through the crowds as she had done before, making a beeline towards the exit. He watched her disappear out the door, smiling as she made it safely this time.

Just like that, she was gone.

A chance encounter on a splendid night.

The only thing that left him wondering, was that knowing smirk Celestia offered him when he happened to look her way.

Comments ( 4 )

This was incredibly interesting to read. The shift in perspectives was well executed as well. I appreciate how much care was taken in concocting the right mix of information-gathering and remaining unknowns. Honestly, despite the fact that this was written specifically for an event, I feel like a continuation of this story would be extremely interesting. However, it's not my place to say whether or not there will ever be one. Nonetheless, I want to compliment your amazing work and the interesting story you've chosen to tell.

Ooh, I love a good first meeting when they don't know each other's identities! This was a good read, with well-executed shifts in perspective. The two of them got to know each other enough to form a small connection, but there's still enough mystery to imagine the various ways they could meet again and interact in the future...

Enjoyed this. :heart: :upvote:

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