• ...

One week later + an upcoming threat

A part of me want's to say that Granny Smith was alright by the time Caramel's uncle and his trauma team arrived on the scene and is currently resting in the hospital, but alas as like the Apple family tradition of never telling a lie. I'm afraid this incident has no positive resolve, by the time the paramedics arrived on the scene there was little they could do...................the apple family matriarch was gone. Doctor Stable however wouldn't except that and attempted CPR and multiple pushes with the defibrillator, but sadly those attempt's would only lead to disappointment. Knowing that there was nothing else they could do for the poor women, Doctor Stable sadly announced to his nephew and to the siblings that Granny Smith has left this world. Tear's were shed amongst the trio knowing that she wasn't coming back, they cried on each other's shoulders at the news of Ponyville's oldest and wisest resident has passed away from this world. But non took it more harder than the Element of Honesty who's cries even outmatched fluttershy's.

1 Week Later

Silence and heartbreak was amongst the crowd of ponies and other creatures during the eulogy, no one was in the highest spirits or had a hint of happiness in their faces as this wasn't the appropriate time to be happy hell even Pinkie Pie the happiest gal in town would agree as well. Not even a hint of sunlight was amongst the sky, it's was nothing but dark cloud's and light drizzles of rain as each member of the crowd displayed an array of sadness into the atmosphere, it was bad enough that the CMC were still missing but now they lost a beloved member of the community. every single citizen in town was there ranging from mares, stallions, fillies, zebra's, and donkeys. The entire apple family was their as well to show their condolences to the long time matriarch of the entire family even the pear family was there as well, despite Grand Pear and Granny Smith having their moment's they nothing less showed their condolences to her as well. Grand Pear couldn't help but shed a tear wishing that he and Granny Smith could have gotten a chance to make amends with each other, as the eulogy commenced each member of the apple and the pear family walked up to say a word about the dead matriarch. Each showed their sadness and shed a tear as memories of Granny Smith played in their minds as they gave their speeches about how great a women she was, and Grand Pear even took a moment and stood close to her casket and apologized after years of a bitter rivalry wishing that he took back all his harsh words and to start over with the mare. The rest of the townsfolk, caramel, Big Mac and the five members of the element's said a few words about how much they loved Granny Smith and all of her famous apple products and how her apples brought joy and happiness into the community, Doctor Stable was there as well to say a few words all while praying to the sun goddess that he could go back and save this poor women but sadly it wasn't possible no matter how much he wished it . However Applejack remained seated during the whole eulogy believing that she doesn't deserve to walk up and face her grandmothers casket knowing that her harsh word's are what drove her to the heart attack. What's worse she hasn't even told her friends the whole story , all she said was Granny got stressed out and it led to her heart attack. While lying went against everything she was ever taught and the element of honesty, she just couldn't tell her friends what really happened cause who knows how they'd react and think about her if they found out about the cruel words she said to her grandmother out of anger.

As the eulogy came to an end the attendees took the opportunity to each say goodbye to the Apple family matriarch before heading their separate ways. The apples and the pears took the chance to say goodbye to one another giving each other hugs and their condolences cause they knew Granny wouldn't want them to continue this bitter rivalry, they were a family no matter their differences and it was about time they started acting like one, the pears even promised to keep an eye out for Apple bloom and would let them know if they see her anywhere. The families soon went their separate ways but not before Braeburn walked up and gave his cousins one more hug before heading back home, Aj's friends then walked up and brought the farm girl into their famous group hug however the farm girl riddled with guilt accepted it but didn't return it thinking that she didn't deserve it knowing that she was partially responsible for her death. As much as she wanted too she just couldn't muster up the courage to tell her friends the whole story behind Granny Smith's tragic heart attack, all she could do was silently accept the group hug all while staying silent and ashamed.

Later that day

We find Applejack sitting gloomly out on the open field not even caring that the light rain poured all over her, honestly a cold is what she wishes would happen to her as she thought that getting sick is what she deserved after her harsh word's. As she continued to sit in the same spot collecting her thought's she find's the chance to pray to Celestia that Bloom was safe and sound and hopes that she would come home with her eagerness to apologize to her so badly increasing in size. after sitting for a few minutes nearly drenched the element of honesty felt the dripping rain suddenly stopping, she surveys her surroundings and finds that it's still raining all while wondering why the rain suddenly stopped pouring on her. She soon found her answer as there sitting right in front of the farm girl was Big Mac carrying a large umbrella keeping anymore rain from dripping onto the farmgirl, Applejack while grateful to her older brother for stopping the rain from pouring on her said nothing. after a few seconds the older sibling broke the ice.

"Sis " He began. " Come inside already, it's been 10 minutes you'll catch a cold"

"Honestly a cold is what I deserve right now Big bro" Applejack replied sadly.

There was a long silence before Big Mac spoke again.

"Applejack this was NOT your fault" He firmly said.

"But I snapped at her Big Mac" She replied. " I said those harsh word's, I let my anger get the better of me, I caused her to get red with fury and snap back at me"

"Sis Granny knows ya didn't mean it" Big Mac reassured.

"Oh really? Yeah she spends pretty much the rest of last year scolding both you and me and tiring us with these numerous extra chores, yeah she defiantely knows I didn't mean it" Applejack shot back. " Sorry that was uncalled for bro"

"It's fine lil sis" Big Mac said and then gently rubbed his sisters back in a comforting motion. " I know Granny was pretty harsh towards us and I cant really blame her, we were pretty harsh towards Bloom and her friends. Honestly if Ma and Pa were alive right now they'd be so disappointed in me for the harsh words I said to those three"

"And me for not even giving them a chance to explain themselves" Applejack replied. " It's bad enough that they're still missing but now Granny Smith's dead. I'm a living curse bro , my stubborn attitude drove my lil sister away and my anger cost the life of my grandmother. Plus I was too much of a coward to tell my friends the whole reason behind her heart attack thinking that they'd despise me for saying such harsh words toward an elder especially the one who raised us ever since our folks died, Granny's right I don't deserve the element of honesty" After that the farm girl said nothing more and just silently weeped, Big Mac then took the opportunity to wrap a hoof around his lil sis and bring her into a hug which she was quick to return.

"Shhhhhhhhhhhhh, it's ok lil sis just let it all out" Big Mac said in a soothing and comforting tone as Applejack continued to cry on his shoulder. " I know how your feeling I'm hurting just as much as you, but listen you shouldn't beat yourself up so much it's not healthy. Look even though she was pretty cross with us Granny still loved us , She would never hate us no matter how much we cross her. Again it wasn't your fault she died, though what you said was way too far I cant really blame you after what we've been through. But I know you didn't mean it and so does Granny, she still loves us AJ so again don't go beating yourself up over this cause it isn't gonna help with anything. Apple bloom is still out there and we can't give up on her, she needs us and while apologizing isn't gonna be a cake walk the least we can do is let her know how sorry we are. Even if she doesn't forgive us right away the least we owe her is to make it all up to her and show her how sorry we are and that we still love her"

After hearing her brothers lecture AJ calmed down slightly and wiped some of the tears away. Big Mac was right beating herself up over this wasn't going to help the situation. Her little sis was still out there and she shouldn't give up so easily, she was gonna find her and she was going to apologize no matter how mad she might be mad at her. she then released herself from her brothers embrace and spoke again this time more determined.

"Your right Big Mac" Applejack said. " It's high time I stop beating myself up over this, my little sis is still out there and she needs us. I'm not about to let anything get in my way from finding my little sister, I will find her and I will apologize to her cause that's what Granny would have wanted"

"That's the spirit sis" Big Mac said proudly which earned him a confident smile from the farmgirl which quickly disappeared.

"But what about the farm?" She asked. " It's gonna be pretty hard running it on our own without Granny"

"We can worry about that later, right now our main objective is getting our lil sister and her friends home safe and sound" He reassured. " Now let's go inside, again I don't want you to catch a cold"

" Ok i'll go inside" She replied while getting up. " And bro.............................................thanks"

"Always happy to help AJ" The older sibling reassured. And with nothing else to say the siblings made their way back into the house umbrella in hand as the rain continued to pour down. However what they don't realize is a pair of mysterious creatures up the horizon of the apple field surveying their presence.

"God I just wanna feast on their love already!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" One of the creatures complained.

"Calm down ya moron, you'll get your chance soon enough" The other one reassured.

"I just don't understand why the queen is waiting this long to strike" the first creature said. " I'm starving she need's to hurry up or I'm just gonna jump right down there and feast on the first pony I see"

"Dude will you chill out!!!!!!?????? Said a third creature that walked up to the duo. " We'll be able to feast soon, we just have to wait one more day and soon Ponyville will be the newest home for the changelings. Besides you really wanna go against the queens wishes and go rogue? Ya remember what happened to the last guy who went against her wishes don't ya?" After questioning the complaining changeling he let out a long gulp forgetting about what happened to the last changeling who disobeyed the queens orders.

"Sorry your right, I'll chill" He said nervously.

"Good" The third changeling said. " Now let's head back to give our report's. Don't wanna keep the queen waiting" With that the other two changelings nodded in agreement and they soon made their way back to their hive to give their report to the queen. But not before the second changeling turned around to take one last look at Ponyville.

"Get ready Ponyville, your love and city will soon be ours" He said in a menacing tone and with nothing left to say he and the others left as the Apple sibling nestled safely in their house remain unwary of their presence.

Author's Note:

The invasion is coming folks:twilightoops: How will it play out? Well let's just wait and see until chapter 4, until then have a goodnight ladies and gentleman.