• Published 28th Jan 2022
  • 554 Views, 3 Comments

Feeling the Rhythm - DougtheLoremaster

What if you were told to create a dance, that it was important? Sounds silly, right? For Twilight, it could mean the fate of the world. Join her in an adventure across an Equestria where dancing to the music can perform incredible feats of magic.

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Chapter 1

The Unicorn stood on two hooves, alone on the hardwood floor of the massive room. On her hind hooves, she wore specialized horseshoes; tapered to a point, the polish of the black heels shined in the candlelight.

She wore a tailored tuxedo, a gift from her instructors. The fabric was light and easy to move in, rising up in a V-shape towards her neck; the would-be exposed tuff of chest fluff covered up by a pristine white undershirt and a black bowtie around her neck. She took a deep breath in and closed her brilliant amethyst eyes as she gave a gentle exhale.

Her ears perked up as the sweeping melody of an indeterminate ¾ waltz seemed to surround her, coming from nowhere. Holding out her hooves as though reaching out for a partner, the lavender-furred Unicorn gave a smile as she felt the familiar touch of hooves on her own. Opening her eyes, she saw nothing. There was no doubt she was alone in the room, and yet she could feel it; the gentle clasp of hoof on hoof, and as the music continued playing, she felt her partner take the lead.

Feeling herself pulled forward, the mare watched in amazement as her hooves were separated, quickly she stepped forward and felt her invisible partner step to the right, and swiftly she followed. One-two-three, three steps to the right before turning slowly, before repeating the steps once more. With each step, she slowly saw a glowing outline of a mare materialize; the reason for the music, the one she was dancing with: the Melodius Harmony of Equestria.

The rhythmic melody from which all dance was contrived; the dancing that when the rhythm flowed and the dancer became one with the melody produced the magic that Equestrians used daily. Everything from baking, to harvesting. Sewing to rainstorms, dancing was the heart of Equestria. All could dance, though few were compatible enough to dance with the Harmony; to cast the most potent of spells.

Twilight’s hooves kept time as her partner gracefully swayed to the music as it rose to a crescendo; the dance was reaching its climax. One, two, three, turn, one, two, three, turn. The tempo changed as the form, now nearly solid, glowed with a dazzling light; it was time for the big finish. Twilight swiftly, and flawlessly, took the lead and pulled towards her, causing the glowing mare to twirl inward as the music’s last notes played, allowing Twilight to stare into the mare’s formless eyes.

The glowing orbs seemed to sparkle in delight and the mare’s muzzle sported a smile before a bright flash filled the room; causing the candles to glow brightly in all the hues of the rainbow. The two stepped away from each other and as Twilight gave a courteous bow, the glowing mare gave a regal curtsy before vanishing entirely.

Twilight’s barrel heaved in and out as she laboriously drew breath. The sweat caused the exposed parts of her body to glisten, and she took an unsteady step as a wave of nausea washed over her. One…hundred. The world slowly faded as her legs gave out and the darkness of unconsciousness overtook her.

One of the castle’s many maids swayed and hummed to herself, as she made her way down the Royal Hall, the braziers on the wall sparkling and shining as the dust on them vanished. She could hear the upbeat saxophone, the trumpets, and the swinging beat of a jazz instrumental, and it caused her to want to move in an energetic Swing Dance. The maid was so taken by the melody that she failed to notice the towering figure before her, that is until she bumped into it and fell square on her flank.

Wincing as she bumped her tailbone, the maid looked up and blanched. Gazing down at her with a mischievous twinkle in her seafoam-green eyes, was none other than the Creator of the starry expanses of the night; Princess Luna, herself.

The maid was mortified. The youngest of the staff, she had only gotten the position thanks to her older sister’s insistence that she was more than capable to do so. And she had bumped right into one of two rulers of the known world. The staff of the Two Sisters was guaranteed their positions for life, that is if they followed the rules presented. And she had bumped into Princess Luna; the younger of the two sisters. Closing her eyes in fear, as Luna reached out a hoof towards her, the maid waited for her swift punishment that Luna would inflict but it never came.

Slowly the maid opened her eyes, and her fear gave way to embarrassment. The navy blue-furred Alicorn stood there, smiling gently down at her. She stood there, clothless; clothing was reserved purely for dancing

The maid could see every detail; the black patch of fur that graced her flank, on which rested a crescent moon. The mane and tail of the princess were legendary for not just emulating but containing the actual stars of the night sky, itself. And as the maid’s cheeks flushed a bright pale pink against her own alabaster-colored fur, she watch as Luna gave a playful wink and held out an upturned hoof. The maid couldn’t believe it; Princess Luna wanted to dance with her.

With her heart rapidly pounding in her barrel, she rose slowly from the stone floor as the maid recalled something her sister told her last week on her first day:

“The princesses love dancing; they even seek out seemingly random staff on a whim to assist in their chores in return for a magical rendezvous. Nopony knows when it will happen, or even why or how they choose their partners. Night or day, the time doesn’t matter, when the mood strikes them. if you are approached, remember to respond in a courteous manner and take the outstretched hoof.”

“Me? Dance with a princess?”

“They don’t seem to care about compatibility; stallion or mare, upper or lower class. The Sisters just seem to enjoy the time together, regardless of the partner or the spell cast.”

“Have you danced with them?”

“A couple of times. And trust me when I say little sis, it’s like nothing I’ve ever felt. It was as though the entire world stopped as music played all around us.”

“Oh, wow. That sounds magical.”

“It really was.”

Princess Luna gave a tender smile as she stood there, in an elegant bow, just waiting, her hoof outstretched. The maid remembering her classes gave a curtsy, gasping in surprise as her own frock transformed into an elegant ballgown, though it had been high-cut, as though made for rapid movement. As her hoof connected with Luna’s own, it became clear she wasn’t the only one. Though originally bare-furred, Luna now sported the same tuxedo design as the same one Luna had given Twilight; it materializing from nowhere, as if by magic. That’s when the maid heard it.

From nowhere, the melody of an unknown Jazz/Waltz-hybrid began to play; a ¾ timed piece played by an unseen orchestral symphony, unusually accompanied by a saxophone, percussion, and trumpets to a hoof-tapping rhythm, causing it to be upbeat, uplifting, though somehow in tune with an actual waltz. Luna tapped her hoof in time for a moment, suddenly breaking out in a broad grin as she exclaimed.

“Ah, a swing dancer, how delightful! It’s been a while since I’ve encountered one of your style.”

Taken by surprise as Luna expertly pulled her forward, the maid found herself twirling like a ribbon into Luna’s embrace. Exhilarated and startled by the sudden movement, the maid squeaked out.

“You know about Swing Dancing?”

Gazing into her eyes, Luna chuckled as she spoke to the young mare, their muzzles mere fractions of an inch from touching. With rhythmic agility, Luna flicked out the same forehoof, causing the maid to twirl outward, stopping just short of being out of reach, and facing the joyous face of Luna, was told as she was spun forward once more.

“I should, Darling, after all; I invented it.”

The young adolescent couldn’t believe how nimble and sure-hoofed the ancient princess was. It was well-known Luna and Celestia were many thousands of years old each and yet, Luna moved with an energy that would make even a filly on a sugar rush blush. Swaying and bobbing to the ever-quickening tempo, Luna seemed to be having the time of her life.

The maid couldn’t help it, the mood, that vibe was infectious and she felt a strange surge of the rhythm take her and was amazed as her body performed moves and steps, she hadn’t even known.

Her hooves slid effortlessly as she the two mares spun and twirled, switching sides each time; neither was still for a second, and as the maid felt the melody of Harmony rising around them, she realized only she and Luna were moving, and the moment seemed to last forever, she secretly hoped it would.

As the music reached its climax and Luna gave one more pull, this time taking her in both hooves and as she came forward, Luna expertly swung down, causing the young maid to slide between her hind hooves, before Luna twisted her upper body and expertly stepped over her, pulling her up; launching the young mare into her arms and staring into her eyes, before gently kissing her cheek.

A massive flash of blinding light filled the entire royal hall as the maid panted in utter exhaustion, a wave of emotions washing over her sweaty body, as she stared into Luna’s warm gaze. The Alicorn Princess didn’t appear to have expended any energy, as she calmly whispered to her young employee.

“Very nice.”

Weak in the knees, the maid looked surprised at the vast hallway; every stone was polished to gleaming, the braziers sparkled without a hint of dust and even the massive strip rug was perfectly cleaned of any hoofprints. Luna nodded approvingly as she too inspected the hall.

“You are quite an efficient cleaner. Good work. I’m proud of you.”

Turning away, Luna called back as she started walking.

“I quite enjoyed that. We must do this again.”

Reaching her hoof up to her cheek, still in disbelief, where Luna had kissed her, the maid struggled to catch her breath. Swiftly she reached out to grab the banister, turning her head to look at the pristine surroundings. It was then she noticed the still form of the Unicorn on the hardwood ballroom floor through the open doorway on her left. Turning in a panic she called out to Luna.

“Princess! Help!”

In less than a minute Luna had raced back, staring at the spot the maid had been pointing. Her eyes grew wide, there on the floor lay Twilight, barely breathing. Luna shouted out.

“My sister! Get her, now!”

As the maid ran off, Luna rushed into the room and surveyed the precious student of the Two Sisters. Lifting her up in her forehooves, Luna sighed as she looked down at the unconscious Unicorn, softly lamenting as she observed the worn path etched in the maple floorboards and the radiating rainbow-colored flames lining the walls in bronze sconces.

“Pushed yourself too far again, didn’t you?”

The sounds of frantic shouting and galloping of hooves, told Luna her sister was on her way, as she whispered with a chuckle to the exhausted creature resting in her hooves.

“You really have no restraint, do you? Don’t worry, Twilight, help is coming.”