• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 534 Views, 4 Comments

Retirement of a king - Askre

King Sombra returns and offers Private and his friends a chance to convince him to retire his ways. Meanwhile, Celestia gets a familiar visitor from an alternate world.

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Chapter 1 - The King returns

Foxy Stripes trotted down the stairs with a mighty yawn, the maroon pegasus was the last to awaken this morning. In the kitchen, Dew Doe, Private and her daughter Coal were already up and eating breakfast.

“Moooorning,” Foxy greeted them cheerfully, her white muzzle cracking a grin. The others in the room greeted her back.

Dew Doe glanced at her sister while munching on her daisy sandwich. Private was currently very occupied. The dark gray unicorn was stuffing his face with pancakes. Coal was chomping down on cereal.

“Hiii. How is my niece or nephew doing,” Foxy then promptly addressed Dew Doe’s widening stomach area. This caused Coal to giggle, even Private glanced up before shaking his head and returned to his breakfast.

“Foxy, I know talking to the baby while still in the womb is natural, but come on, that’s my job,” Dew Doe grunted and pushed her grinning sister away.

“Sure, like you didn’t complain about me to Coal while she was still in here.” Foxy stuck her tongue out as she patted her own stomach. This caused her daughter to nearly choke on her breakfast from laughter.

“Shush.” Dew Doe gave her a mock glare, only to receive a wider grin from her sister, who got seated by the kitchen table.

“By the way, the pegasi weather service sent us a summons. Fillydelphia is supposed to supply this year’s water supply for the clouds,” the blue pegasus told her.

“Oooh,” Foxy spread her wings and her grin grew wider. “You think we’ll keep our record?”

“Considering they specifically mentioned you and made a real pleading case that they hoped you would be available to attend, I think they certainly want to try,” Dew chuckled. Neither sister was the speediest flier, but Foxy was pretty strong and if properly motivated could make powerful gusts with her wings.

“I guess you’ll be sitting this one out?” Foxy asked and helped herself to some of the sandwiches on offer while glancing at Dew Doe’s abdomen.

“Oh yes, baby on board does not the best flier make. Besides, you know I get all tangled up in my mane and tail if I try flying in a tornado.” Dew Doe patted her stomach while also referring to her long lush candy cane-colored mane and tail.

“You could cut it shorter,” her sister pointed out. “But good point about the baby.”

“Not happening.” Dew Doe looked aghast at the mere suggestion. Foxy shook her head, chuckling, and started eating her food.

“You could braid them up or tie them in a knot,” Foxy then suggested. “Probably need to do that anyway, when junior pops out.”

“Okay, fine. I’ll join next time Fillydelphia is up,” Dew grumbled, not wanting to admit that her little sister had a good point, rolling her eyes at the victorious smirk coming over Foxy’s face.

Coal giggled at her mother and aunt. This often happened when it was Fillydelphia’s turn to supply Cloudsdale with water. Foxy always seemed to enjoy this challenge. Dew was always more reserved and not one to show off. The black filly also knew that Dew really felt this was Foxy’s time to shine. Her mother seldom got opportunities to show some of her strengths.

“On what plate is he?” Foxy remarked, glancing at Private who was oblivious to the current discussion as he continued eating his pancakes.

“You know I stopped counting a long time ago.” Dew eyed her coltfriend with an amused smile. “It’s not the first though.”

“Of course it isn’t.” Her sister rolled her eyes and her daughter giggled some more. Then Foxy noticed what Dew was actually eating and made a face. “Dew, please don’t tell me that sandwich consists of sour pickles, ketchup and… sweet Celestia, is that licorice?”

“Erm… among other things,” Dew Doe shrugged and continued eating.

“My cravings were not that bad.” Foxy decided to just focus on her own sandwich, which had what she considered far more sensible toppings.

“Nope, they were worse,” her sister teased and just smiled sweetly at the glare she received from the maroon pony.

The four ponies continued to enjoy their breakfast without further words. Foxy mostly wanted to forget what other culinary abominations Dew was eating. Private wisely never commented on them and Coal just found everything too hilarious for words.

They were interrupted when there were three sharp knocks on their front door. Even Private looked up. All of them were a little surprised that someone was knocking at this early hour.

“I’ll get it.” Foxy shrugged and rose up since she was the closest to the kitchen entrance anyway.

Foxy left the kitchen and entered the front hall. She stepped up to the door and opened it. Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped, and the mare screamed. Dew Doe, Private and Coal came rushing out of the kitchen, but all screeched to a halt when seeing who was standing outside.

It was a tall pony - a unicorn that was darker gray than Private, with a red curved horn. His mane and tail were black and flowing with unseen power. Wearing a red cape with white trims, his hooves and chest clad in steel armor and on his head rested a spiky crown. King Sombra smirked down at the shocked and terrified ponies in the house.

“Quite a different reaction than when I was here a few short months ago,” the king remarked with a wry chuckle.

“What are you doing here?” Private finally found the nerve to speak, really wanting to shrink to the ground when the king laid his eyes on him.

“I have decided to offer you all a chance,” King Sombra said as he pushed past a petrified Foxy and walked right in. He didn’t stop in the front hall. The Dark Pony went straight into the living room.

“A chance for what?” Dew Doe looked at Private. Yes, it had been easier almost a year ago to be quite a bit braver around the king. Then he had been depowered and security methods had been in place. Even after he had been granted release from the manacle that constrained his powers, their interaction with him after that had been nearly non-existent, except for Private’s brief visit to Saddle Arabia. But Princess Celestia had also been around to keep the king in check.

This time, however, no such restrictions were in place. The pony who had just invited himself in was full to the brim with his powers and no doubt ready and willing to use them. Sure Celestia had assured them she would be keeping a subtle watch on everything while Sombra was loose, but knowing the king there was a big chance he had managed to slip past the radar.

Yet, nothing came from the living room. Foxy finally recovered from her shock and looked back at the rest. Fear was slowly being replaced with mild confusion and uncertainty. Finally the four ponies, one by one, peeked into the living room, but remained in the front hall. The king was casually glancing around as if this was a completely normal visit.

Private took a deep breath and dared himself to fully enter the room. He stopped though before going too far in. At that moment Sombra turned around to face him, still smirking.

“What chance are you going to give us?” the unicorn asked.

“To convince me,” the king said and sat down. He glanced at the mares and one filly who were still only peeking in. Then he returned his attention to Private. “Convince me that I should stop being your enemy. Do what Discord did.”

“Y-you mean… reform yourself?” Dew asked, confused. Sombra frowned a little at that.

“Hmm, I like the word ‘retired’ better,” the Dark Pony said. “But yes, convince me that I should turn good.”

“Why us?” Foxy just could not understand why this pony would come here for that.

“What? You thought I would go to Twilight and her friends for that? I am still a little bitter about that whole 'blowing me up' incident, though I will grant them that… they had a good reason, I suppose,” King Sombra grunted. He clearly did not want to admit that at all. “And I suppose we worked well enough together when we captured my mother.”

“That does not answer her question.” Private felt a little braver since nothing really was happening. He was still painfully aware that they were utterly powerless to throw Sombra out. Granted they could try and demand it, but he had a strong feeling it would not work.

“Let me put it this way, of all the ponies in Equestria, two of you stand the best chance of convincing me to stop being an enemy. I will accept no others. However, do what you think you must. Alert the princesses of this situation, I do not care. But you are the only ones I’m extending this offer to,” King Sombra responded and smiled.

“He wants to do what!?” Princess Luna all but shouted. Princess Celestia who stood next to her was frowning in concern. Before them in the throne room were Dew Doe and Private Iceland, having just reported who was currently back and in their house in Fillydelphia.

Shortly after King Sombra’s unexpected arrival and very odd offer, the ponies in the house had practically run out and straight to the nearest train station. They were still amazed that Sombra even allowed them to do that. They took no chances - Foxy and Coal went straight to Baltimare where the sisters’ mother, Sky Dive, lived. Dew and Private went to Canterlot.

There the couple had been granted an audience quickly once they had reported their situation. Luna was roused from her sleep so she could listen to the explanation of the two very shaken ponies, who still couldn’t believe they had actually made it this far.

“Hold on a minute,” Princess Celestia said gravely. She summoned two scrolls and a quill, then quickly wrote on both before sending them with magic. “I’ve alerted both Twilight and Cadance of this.”

“What is that fiend planning now?” Luna looked at her sister, her shock changing into a scowl. “After managing to escape after we dealt with his mother, he just suddenly turns on their doorsteps and claims he wants to reform?”

“I wish I knew. We still have his mother in custody and going through her own rehabilitation, so he clearly isn’t fleeing her.” Celestia looked at Private and Dew Doe. “Perhaps we should go and just chase him out of there.”

“I sense a ‘but’ in there.” The Moon Princess narrowed her eyes. Celestia appeared a bit uncertain.

“What if he is being genuine and serious about this offer?” The Sun Princesses couldn’t help but wonder, granted she would never have figured Sombra could even consider doing something like this.

Princess Luna didn’t get a chance to respond, there was a flash of magic and suddenly Twilight Sparkle was in the throne room. In her magic, she held a scroll and the purple alicorn looked about as confused and startled as the rest of them.

“What is this about King Sombra wanting to reform?” Twilight snapped, then looked at Private and Dew Doe and cringed a bit. “I’m sorry, are you all alright? Foxy, Coal, where are they?”

“W-we’re fine. We sent them to mom,” Dew Doe quickly told the Friendship Princess who sighed in relief.

There was another flash of magic as the fourth princess teleported into the throne room. Cadance looked more winded since she had to travel a greater distance than Twilight. Before the angry-looking Love Princess could utter a word, Celestia raised her hoof to stop further commotion.

“Alright, everypony, calm down. Let’s all go sit down so we can discuss this,” she declared sharply. She could already see the mood was rather tense and volatile.

Soon enough, all four princesses, Private and Dew had gathered in a private parlor in the castle. Cadance and Twilight sat next to the unicorn and pegasus, while in front of them were the Celestial Sisters. For a little while, the royal ponies just took a moment to try and calm down the two civilian ones.

“Why now and why them?” Twilight finally asked once the mood had softened a little. Cadance was still scowling a bit, matching Luna’s own expression.

“He said something about only two of us in the house stood any chance of convincing him,” Dew Doe muttered. She was feeling a little better now that there was some distance between them and King Sombra.

“Which two?” Luna eased up on her scowl. She eyed Celestia who had so far offered no further comments.

“Well he no doubt means Private,” Cadance snorted, but then looked at Twilight, unsure. “But who is the second?”

“How about we go and find out,” Celestia finally spoke, glancing at Private and Dew. “Cadance, you and Twilight attend to Dew and Private. Luna and I will go and discuss things with King Sombra.”

“Ugh, I need coffee before I do that,” Luna grumbled and took off to the kitchen.

“Make it a double,” her sister mumbled and trotted off after her, leaving the four remaining ponies alone.

The Celestial Sisters did not waste time with flight to arrive in Fillydelphia. They teleported straight to the front of the house. Both princesses were on guard, with their magic ready as Luna opened the front door. They heard movements in the kitchen.

The alicorns stepped inside the front hall and made their way to the entrance and looked inside. Neither of them could hold back the surprise on their faces when witnessing what was happening. King Sombra was busy washing up dishes, having cleaned up what was left of the breakfast that had been abandoned upon his sudden arrival.

“If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t believe it,” Luna whispered, never in her life could she picture this pony doing something so mundane.

“Ah, I was expecting you.” Sombra stopped his work and glanced at the two sisters. “No, I’m not quite telling the truth.” He looked around. “I was expecting the other two princesses as well.”

“They are friends with Private and Dew Doe and are doing what friends do,” Celestia said and walked in. “What are you up to now?”

“I do believe I made myself clear to the residents of this house,” the king said and started drying up the dishes and glasses he had just washed.

“Are we to actually believe that you have any intention of reforming?” Luna snorted as she stepped up beside her sister.

“I look at it more as a retirement, but if you must use that terminology, I suppose I can’t stop you,” Sombra sighed, rolling his eyes and finally turned to face them. “But I am serious when I say I’m offering them a chance to convince me that it is something worth doing.”

“We have offered you chances before,” Celestia pointed out.

“Exactly. You have offered.” The Dark Pony frowned and threw the dish towel he had been using to the sink. “And you would probably employ that Friendship Princess of yours to do it, or one of her five friends. Keeping those elements all primed and ready, aiming them at me while doing so. I’m sorry, I’ve been blown up once. I have no intention of being blown up again.”

“So you want ponies who can do absolutely nothing to you, to do it instead?” Celestia didn’t sound too impressed.

“Celestia, if I had wanted to harm those four ponies, I would have done so months ago before any of you could even render any assistance. I wouldn’t have allowed them to go all the way to you to tell you about my offer,” the king growled and narrowed his eyes. “I’m extending this offer to them, and only them.”

“And I suppose you want to keep all your powers intact and unchecked,” Luna said with a heavy frown.

“You did alright with Discord,” Sombra remarked.

“As you said, we had the elements ready and aimed at him,” Celestia pointed out, though she wasn’t sure Sombra was that worried about the elements. They hadn’t turned out to be too useful against him or even his mother. “We will not allow them to accept this without contingencies in place. I’m sorry Sombra, but if you are truly serious about this, you must give us some guarantees. Because this will be your final chance.”

Sombra scowled and sat down, then he lowered his head and raised a hoof to rub his muzzle, clearly thinking this over. The sisters waited and watched, wondering if they had perhaps caught him and already derailed any plans he had.

“Fine then. Do what you must to keep a close watch over this. Consider me on probation,” Sombra offered as he looked up again, easing up his scowl.

“And your powers?” Celestia asked, arching her eyebrow.

“If I use them in a way you find objectionable, feel free to chase me out,” the king told her with a nod.

“You are aware nothing has been agreed to. The final say will be made by the ponies who live here. We will go talk to them, however, they might ask us to remove you instead,” the Solar Princess warned. Sombra just nodded in response.

“Alright, I, uh suppose, he is serious about this. So how would we reform him,” Dew asked, though the idea was still giving her creeps since it meant Sombra would be staying at their house again. All Private could do was shrug. His mind was still reeling.

“Can he even be reformed? He isn’t called the unicorn with a heart as black as night for no reason,” Cadance muttered with a frown. She and Twilight had been spending time now just calming down their two friends. The alicorn looked at her sister-in-law and noticed that Twilight was furrowing her brow in thought.

“Well to be fair, that’s what my friends and I thought about Discord,” Twilight pointed out and looked at the three other ponies. “The only one who even attempted to try it was Fluttershy and… well she did it.”

“How did she do that?” Dew Doe wondered. She was mildly intrigued. Sure, she had read about the reform of Discord in the papers, but never knew any of the details.

“Believe it or not, simply by offering to be his friend. It was a bit of a rocky road until you could say he was fully reformed, but look at Discord now. He even helped with the last changeling invasion. He can be a difficult friend to deal with sometimes, but he’s still a good friend,” the purple alicorn explained.

All eyes turned to Private when he suddenly slapped his own forehead with a hoof and slowly dragged it across his face. The unicorn then sighed in exasperation, clearly something had come to him, but the mares could really only wait until he spoke.

“He even said, do what Discord did,” Private groaned and looked at Dew. “He still looks at me as his friend. That’s why he thinks I can convince him.”

“Some friend he’s been,” Cadance grunted and glanced at Twilight, who nodded in agreement. “But he said two of you.”

“That’s probably Dew Doe, then.” Private looked at the pegasus, who blinked in surprise. “She has a history of helping former criminals go back into society. That was the majority of her work before she opened her own therapy practice a few months ago.”

“So, if he is actually being serious about this, he figures you as his ‘friend’ could convince him to reform and Dew Doe, having a background in assisting former lawbreakers, could help him adjust to modern society?” Twilight counted up then blinked when realizing how much sense that actually made. “He’s willfully putting himself on parole.”

“Probation would probably be a better word for it.” Dew Doe rubbed her forehead tiredly with a hoof, before suddenly groaning in a similar manner as Private did earlier. “Oh, that sneaky son of a…”

“What?” Cadance asked, worried Dew had realized something very bad. The pegasus slowly looked at the Love Princess.

“He knows I like to help and he knows I can barely resist helping ponies. It’s practically been my calling since this appeared,” Dew Doe grunted and pointed at her heart and thunderbolt cutie mark. “His offer can also be viewed as ‘help convince me.’ He didn’t have to say it. The implication was enough.”

“If that’s the case, he’s really done his research…” It was Twilight’s turn to hoof her face. “What am I saying? Of course he did the research. This is King Sombra we’re talking about.”

“So, depending on how things went with Aunt Tia and Luna checking things out, I take it the two of you are going to give it a shot?” Cadance wondered concerned. Then she glanced at Dew Doe. “Even in your condition.”

“Not even out yet and already part of mom’s crazy life,” Dew Doe chuckled weakly and patted her belly, where the unborn foal was developing. Twilight and Cadence smiled before the three mares looked over at Private.

The unicorn sighed deeply, realizing once again it was him who had to make that decision, just like months ago when he agreed to be Sombra’s custodian.

“I’ll only do it if Dew is okay with it,” he mumbled, not really wanting to make that call this time around, especially with Dew expecting their foal.

“Well, with Sombra on the loose, there was always a high chance he would come around to mess up our lives once again. Perhaps if we do succeed in reforming him, he’ll no longer be a plague on our lives,” the pegasus said with a sigh. “A reformed Sombra might just end up agreeing to leave us alone finally.”

“NO!” she then suddenly shouted unprovoked, startling the other three ponies on the couch. “We can’t think like that. If we are doing this, we need to take a page from Fluttershy’s book. Twilight, what exactly did she do by offering to be Discord's friend?”

“Basically she just accepted him as he was, all his quirks, all his crazy powers. I’m reluctant to admit it, but the rest of us were less understanding of that method and did not really trust him to behave… in a small way we were right, but in a very big one Fluttershy was right because in the end Discord valued his new friendship with Fluttershy too much to want to lose it,” Twilight explained to the pegasus.

“And wasn’t that reformation a bit enforced on Discord?” Cadance wondered. Her sister-in-law nodded. “In this case, Sombra is actually volunteering for it, for some reason.”

“Right, I need something to write with,” Dew Doe said, starting a little when Twilight suddenly produced a scroll and a quill. The purple alicorn was grinning.

“Sounds like you want to make a list. You talk, I’ll write,” she offered. The pegasus chuckled and nodded.

“First of all, we need to do what Fluttershy did - just accept Sombra, powers and all. We should treat him like we would treat any other pony living in our house, but we also need to get him to understand how we want to be treated in turn,” Dew Doe started counting up, everything dutifully noted down by Twilight Sparkle.

While they were doing this, Celestia and Luna returned. The Celestial Sisters both arched their brows when seeing Twilight writing and Dew Doe listing up what very much sounded like a reform plan.

“Am I hearing right? You have decided to go ahead with it?” Princess Celestia asked unsure, prompting the others to look at the newly arrived alicorns.

“We’ve decided to at least try, I think,” Private remarked and eyed the blue pegasus next to him. She was nodding with a sheepish smile.

Celestia and Luna gave each other a look before returning to their previous seats, looking now seriously at the four other ponies.

“Very well. Sombra made it clear that his offer is genuine. He’s agreed that we can monitor things and even be ready to intervene if we find anything objectionable,” the Sun Princess explained. “But I want reports, regular reports. Weekly, by you two, Private Iceland and Dew Doe, and only you two. If either of you can’t make it, Luna and I will assume something has happened.”

End chapter 1