• Published 1st Feb 2022
  • 1,818 Views, 115 Comments

Power Rangers: Harmony - ShootingStar25

All was quiet in the city of Canterlot. For years, this place was peaceful. Nothing major happens, that is... until a force from another dimension makes its presence known.

  • ...

Chapter 17: Deep Dive Pt. 2

Previously on Power Rangers...

In the lair of the Dark Lords, Thorax was at his computer as his scanners were going haywire.

"What's happening?" asked Starlight.

"Our target is on the move. The Tiger Shark zord has struck," chuckled Thorax evilly as the mutant's fingers went at it on his keyboard.

"There's been a distress signal that I've picked up. A sub-to-ship collision off the Atlantic Ocean." said the A.I. as she showed the location of the crisis on the world map.

"The submarine hit a gas line causing a fire to break out below the deck. And the flooding means that the crew can't get to the valve to turn the gas off."

"Applejack, Rainbow, you guys check on the sub. The rest of us will concentrate on the ship. Rachel will stay in radio contact and use the schematic maps to guide us along," instructed Ash to his team through their private channel.

"Ash, Rachel? The only way I'm gonna fit through this is if I take my tank off and do a free dive," said the red ranger.

"What's up, Rachel?" said Ash.

"While you and the girls were finishing up with helping the rescue operation. I ran some scans on the submarine and was trying to figure out what hit it."

"And?" asked Twilight.

"Look at this," said the A.I. as she pulled up the photos on the jet's screen as the teens looked at it.

It was the image of the sub, soon it began to zoom in on a back part of the submarine. Under a normal eye, everything seemed normal. However, Rachel did another scan as it show some hidden marks. There were teeth marks on the sub as it showed that something must have either attacked or collided with the sub. The image of the teeth was put to the side as another image was brought up. The team of rangers was now looking at the thing that caused all of this as it was the Tiger Shark zord.

A jet was shown flying above the blue ocean. Onboard was a group of five teenagers and one of them was at the controls. The others were all seated and they were excited about the most part. After Rachel discovered the source of the submarine incident, she informed the rangers as they quickly packed up and headed in the direction of where the zord was located.

"Here are some things to know about Costa Rica. It's a rugged, rain forested Central American country with coastlines on the Caribbean and Pacific. Ranked as one of the most visited international destinations. Although the country is small and it covers only 0.03 percent of the surface of the globe, it proudly shelters 5 percent of the existing biodiversity in the entire world. Twenty-six percent of the country is composed of conservation and natural protected territory."

"Anything else?" said Rainbow as she felt like Twilight was going on a tangent to which she was getting bored.

"Rugged highlands are found throughout most of the country, ranging from approximately 1,000 to 2,000 meters (3,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level). The Guanacaste Mountain Range, Central Mountain Range, and Talamanca Mountain Range are the main mountain ranges extending the entire length of the country. There are several active volcanoes (Arenal Volcano, Irazu Volcano, Rincon de la Vieja Volcano, and Turrialba Volcano) and the country’s highest mountain (Chirripo Hill) with a height of 3,819 m/12,530 ft."

"Yawn!" said Rainbow.

"With jungles, beaches, and a wide array of terrain and climate zones, Costa Rica is a playground for the adventurous."

"Now you're speaking my language!" said Rainbow with a smile as Twilight rolled her eyes before going back to her pamphlet.

"The Caribbean region stands out for its variety of marine ecosystems and its white- and black-sand beaches, ideal for activities centered around nature and the ocean, including surfing, diving in clear water, basking in the sun, and hiking along the coast."

"Sign me up for some surfin'," said Applejack.

"We're not here for a vacation, girls. We're here to find the Tiger Shark Zord and get it before our enemies," said Ash as he was reminding the girls of their mission. "You've already seen the damage it did before. Imagine what it could do to a place that's populated with tons of people."

"Ash is right. Not to mention that our foes are already one step ahead of us. Which means we need to pick up the pace," said Rachel.

The jet zoomed ahead as the teen pushed the accelerator.

While the rangers were making their way to their destination. Their foes were already on the ground near the location of the zord. The ones who were tasked with retrieving the beast were Thorax, an officer named Ivy as well as some minions. Leading the charge was none other than Chrysalis as she was proving why she was second-in-command. The general promised their leader that she would return with the zord, guaranteed.

They were currently trekking through one of the nearby jungles of Costa Rica. The group was following Thorax as the general was holding a device in his hands as he was trying to pinpoint the signal of the zord. They passed more trees and greenery when the mutant stopped.

"What's the problem?" asked Chrysalis.

"Listen," said Thorax.

Everyone remained silent as they listened. Soon the sound of a jet engine was heard. They all looked overhead as a jet was shown. It was none other than the rangers as they had arrived and were flying away.

"The rangers!" said Thorax.

"Seems they picked up that the zord is also here. Let's move out and get it before they do," said Chrysalis as she saw the jet miles away in the distance as it descended into the jungle and disappeared.

The rangers exited the jet as they were welcomed to the sounds of the jungle. All around laid thick shrubbery and trees; the sounds of birds were heard as they looked around.

"So, where do we head to, Rach?" asked Sunset.

"Unfortunately, I can't pinpoint the location of the zord. All I know is that it's within the vicinity of this area. There's a small town nearby as well as a beach. And of course, there's the rainforest we're in. Not to mention the mountain range beyond." said the A.I.

"So, what's the plan?" asked Rainbow.

"Let's start looking here. Based on how far we are from the town, it'll be evening by the time the sun goes down. So, if anything we'll search the rainforest and the mountains for any signs of the zord. If nothing, we'll head into town first thing in the morning." said Ash.

"Sounds good, but what about the jet?" asked Twilight.


"Already ahead of you, Master Ash," said the A.I. She then inputted a code as the jet now disappeared.

"I've put the jet in cloak mode. So no one will know it's there unless they happen to bump into it."

"Then let's get goin'!" stated Applejack.

"Good luck, rangers. May the power protect you," said Rachel to the teens.

The group was now heading in a direction as they entered the rainforest. They walked for a bit as Ash was using his Morpher to pick up a signal from the missing zord they were looking for. As they passed by some bushes, there was an image shown. It was green as it then shined before revealing it was the officer accompanying Thorax and Chrysalis. She had been sent to scout ahead by the two to figure out where the rangers were.

Once she saw them disappear, the mutant turned into a green light as she teleported away. She then appeared before Thorax and Chrysalis as she bowed.

"I've tracked the rangers. It appears they too are looking for the zord," said Ivy.

"Then it's time for Plan B. Thorax," said Chrysalis to her son.

The group was searching through the dense rainforest. Compared to their last adventure, this time the air was a bit more humid. And it could show as the girls felt their hair getting strands and all dizzy. Apart from Aj, who was used to getting her hair all dirty and out of place, the others found it unbearable.

"Ash, can we stop?" said Sunset.

"We can't afford to let the Dark Lords get the zord."

"Yeah, but look at our hairs!" said Twilight.

"What's so bad about it?" said Ash as he didn't see what the big deal was.

"Just five minutes, please!" stated Rainbow.

"Fine," sighed the boy as the girls were pleased.

Just when the girls took a seat on some logs, an explosion went off as they were all tossed to the ground. The teens rolled around as they felt the pain from the attack. They soon lifted their heads as they saw what was in front of them.

"Hello, rangers," snickered Thorax as the mutant appeared with his officer and minions by his side.

"Thorax," said Ash as he started to get up.

"You didn't think we'd let you get the Tiger Shark zord so easily, did you?" said Thorax as he gave the command for his forces to charge.

The girls saw this and quickly got up as the teens began to split up and fight. Ash ducked an attack from a minion as he kicked it in the stomach so that it would bend over. He then front-flipped over the hunched minion as he landed behind and did a spin kick to take out the one in front of him. He then did a standing backflip to avoid a double attack as he now began to fist fight the others coming at him.

Twilight was in between trees as she was ducking her head left and right to avoid getting hit. She ducked down to avoid a double punch as both minions punched the tree and felt the pain. The girl then leaped up and grabbed a hold of a branch as she began to swing back and forth, kicking the monsters away. She then let go and managed to headscissor one of them as they fell.

Applejack did several standing backflips in a row as she came to a clearing. She was surrounded as the girl tapped into her gem's power. Soon her arms glowed as they shined to show she made them thicker. The country gal then punched one of the minions coming at her as he flew back a few meters. Several more tried to attack her as she ducked and then began to use her legs to do some roundhouse kicks. Aj then stopped a double overhead attack with her arms as she didn't feel them. The girl smiled as she threw them back using her strength. The girl then saw one of them charging at her as she leaped into the air and spun several rotations over it. She landed and in slow-motion, superman punched the ground as a shockwave echoed around her making the others fall back.

Rainbow was fighting in place as she did several spin kicks to deflect and attack her foes. One of them managed to grab her from behind as she was lifted. The girl elbowed the minion holding her which caused him to release his hold on the teen. She then saw a tree as she ran towards it using her super-speed and then leaped off it to deliver a flying tornado kick.

With Sunset, the foes chased after the bacon-haired girl as she came to a stop. She then back to move her head to avoid getting punched. She then began to fight her section of monsters as she was holding her own. One of them managed to grab her as they kneed her in her stomach. He then tossed her into the air. Ash was occupied with the last of his foes as he did several close combat counters when he saw Sunset falling. The boy grabbed a minion's arm to flip it onto the ground as he used the body to jump into the air and grabbed Sunset. He then landed as the girl was in his arms.

"You okay?" asked the boy.

"Yeah. Thanks for catching me," smiled Sunset as she had a small hint of red on her cheeks due to the fact she was in Ash's arms.

"Look out!" said the boy as the minions tried to attack him while holding his teammate.

The boy spun as Sunset used her legs to kick the monster when they turned. She then got out of Ash's arms but the boy still held her hand as she extended and kicked the monster trying to attack them from their left side. Ash did a kick to take out the one from their right. The boy then pulled Sunset back in as he grabbed her waist and lifted her so that he could punch the next minion as the girl came down with a fist to take out the one behind him. Both then backed up against each other as they were surrounded. Ash then did something that caught Sunset off guard. He hooked his elbows with hers as he leaned forward and began to spin. Sunset was now using her legs to rapidly kick all the foes that surrounded them as Ash kept on spinning.

They picked up speed as the last of the minions were defeated and disappeared. Ash then stopped spinning as he brought Sunset back to her feet. However, the boy was a bit dizzy as he fell with their arms still being linked. Ash's head soon stopped spinning as he saw that he was on the ground with Sunset directly laying on top of him. The girl was pushing her body up against him as she also was coming to. Once she gained consciousness, she looked up and was met with Ash's eyes as Sunset just stared into them. The girl was distracted as she continued to stare into them. She was unaware that she was moving her face close to Ash's as her lips could feel his breath.


"Yeah," said the girl in her daze.

"Get off of me!" said Ash as he could feel some pain. Not so from the girl that was on top of him, but that he was lying on top of some sticks and they were poking his back.

"Sorry," said the bacon-haired teen as she quickly retracted her head and allowed her leader to sit up.

Ash sat up as he rubbed his back, meanwhile, Sunset was turning all sorts of red at how close she was to Ash and his lips. The breath from the boy still resonated with the girl as she could feel the warmth of it on her lips as it made her turn even redder.

Their attention was then brought back as Thorax threw some of his daggers at the pair who did a rollback out of the way and got to their feet. The general then began to engage with Ash as Sunset looked to help her friend. Before she could make it to him, a vine grabbed ahold of her foot as it kept her from moving. She turned her head to see the mutant holding her in place as she was then flung to the side. Sunset went flying into some nearby bushes as she then rolled down a hill and into a rocky terrain with a nearby stream.

"Sunset!" called Twilight as she and the others appeared next to their friend and helped her up.

"I'm fine," said the girl as she got to her feet.

Ivy now jumped down in front of them. Up above, Ash was dealing with Thorax as the mutant officer was dealing with the others. The girls all looked at each other as they nodded. They each stood next to each other as they raised their arms for their bracelets to transform into their Morphers.

"Harmony Gem, power up!" shouted all four girls.

They each shined as a few seconds later, they stood in their suits. They each pulled out their sabers and began to engage with Ivy. They each tried to attack the monster as she used her powers to make vines appear from the ground as they blocked the attacks from the girls' blades. Ivy then made more vines appear from the ground as they wrapped around the girls and lifted them into the air. Soon the monster command it with her hands as she brought them down and slammed the rangers.

The girls hit the ground in pain as the vines were still wrapped around them.

"Time to cut these weeds," said Applejack as she turned her hand and her ax appeared in her hand.

With one quick motion, the farm girl managed to cut the vines holding her. She then did the same with the others as they were free.

"Thanks, Aj. Let's see how this plant likes it when the heat is turned up!" stated Sunset as she made her bow appear. "Harmony Bow, Flare Blitz!"

Sunset pulled back the string of her bow as a red arrow of light was shown. The girl released it as the arrow flew forward, it then caught on fire. Ivy saw it as she moved out of the way. She then made more greenery attack the rangers as they were flung back.

Back in the forest above, Ash was dealing with Thorax. He had managed to morph into his suit as he was dodging the general's attacks. Thorax threw his charged-up daggers as the boy saw them coming. He pulled out his saber and began to deflect them by swatting them away as they exploded around him. The teen then managed to block an attack by Thorax as both were held in place as they glared at one another.

"Just because you got a head start, doesn't mean you're gonna get the zord first!" declared Ash.

"I wouldn't be so sure, Ash. Cause like it or not, we know where the zord is. In fact, we should be getting it right about now." stated Thorax with a snicker.

The boy and mutant general glared as they tried to push the other back. Down below, the girls were still dealing with Ivy as they ducked and were trying to hit the officer. With the other three distracting the monster, Sunset had gotten into position as she had a clear shot. The girl pulled the string of her bow as she aimed.

"Steady... steady..." spoke the girl.

Just as she was about to release, behind the girl, the stream began to make a whirlpool. A water sprout was shot as something came out. The girl noticed it at the last second as she turned and was attacked. Sunset hit the ground in pain. The others and Ivy saw this as they were also attacked in a flash. Both Thorax and Ash noticed their allies on the ground. Soon a sound was heard. They looked up at the stream as a figure jumped out.

The figure jumped from the body of water as it had stripes and fins. A set of razor-sharp teeth was shown. It landed back in the water as it resurfaced for a bit. The creature let out a sound as it slapped its tail on the water as a tidal wave formed. It rose from the stream as it was headed toward the girls and Ivy. They all felt the attack as they were in pain.

The animal let out one final sound before it dived down into the water. Its figure then was shown swimming along with the current in the distance.

"Girls!" shouted Ash.

The yellow ranger looked back in front of him as he saw Thorax was gone. He looked back below as he caught the tail end of Ivy disappearing in a flash of light. The boy then jumped down as he made his way to his team. The rest of the rangers were on the ground as they soon demorphed out of their suits.

"Sunset! Are you alright?" asked Ash as he was by the girl's side and demorphed.

"Yeah... nothing but bruised," grunted the girl as she sat up with Ash's hand on her back.

The boy helped her up and then helped the others.

"What was that?" asked Twilight.

"I think we found it," said Ash.

Thorax and Ivy managed to escape as they appeared in another part of the rainforest. Awaiting them was Chrysalis as she saw the state her son and officer.

"What happened?" asked Chrysalis.

"The zord," stated Thorax.

"That means it must have moved from its last location," said Chrysalis.

When they saw the rangers' jet overhead, she instructed Ivy to scout ahead and see if she could spot their foes. Once she affirmed they were also looking for the Tiger Shark zord, she came up with the plan to have Thorax and Ivy distract them while she trekked on to the location where the zord was. But once she arrived at the location, the signal was lost. It then reappeared on the scanner.

With the piece of info that Thorax relayed, she now knew where the zord resurfaced.

"Where is it now?" asked Chrysalis.

"It disappeared again. It dove into the stream," answered Ivy.

"Then it can only mean that it's headed toward the beach. Into the town below," said Chrysalis as she pointed outwards to a small town. "That's where the stream of the rainforest connects."

"Then we need to move," said Thorax.

"No, the sun is going down. No doubt the zord will be resting soon. Tomorrow, we head down into the town and to the beach. Once we find the location of where it's hiding, we'll strike. And then take it." stated Chrysalis. With that, all three mutants disappeared.

Our group of rangers made it back to Rachel and the jet. With the sun about to set, the teens decided to call it a day. They entered the jet as Ash and Rachel healed the team from their bruises. Now that they knew that the zord was here, it meant they had to get it first.

The sun rose as it signaled the start of a new day. Before they headed out, Rachel managed to find out that the stream in which the Tiger Shark zord disappeared was connected to the beach down to the town below. This meant, that the team of teenagers was going to head toward the place in hopes that they could find it.

The group exited the plane as they headed down the mountain into town. It didn't take long as they arrived. All around, people were walking about and talking.

"Amazin'!" said Aj as she took in all the sights and smells that the town produced.

They arrived at the town square as some market stands were shown. People were communicating and talking as they made purchases.

"Some rules. One, don't leave anything valuable unattended. Also, try not to draw too much attention to yourself." stated Ash.

"It says here, that Costa Rica´s territory is so small that it encompasses only 0.03 percent of the planet´s surface but is still within the top 20 richest countries in biodiversity on Earth in terms of species density. That means that it is possible to find more species in 1,000 km2 in Costa Rica as in the same area in huge countries like Brazil or Colombia," said Twilight as she had her pamphlet out and read some info as they all walked.

"Anything about those volcanoes?" asked Sunset as she pointed in the distance.

"Counting every location or crater where an eruption has occurred within its borders, Costa Rica volcanoes boast a stunning 112 sites throughout the country. Most Costa Rica volcanoes and their surrounding areas have been made into national parks. One of the most popular is the Arenal Volcano, which last erupted in 1968. Until then, it was assumed that the volcano was just another peak of the mountain range. The mountain and surrounding area were declared a national park in 1994. Thermal hot springs are now the area’s main attraction, most of which boast nearby trails and numerous lookout points. Currently, Arenal Volcano only releases gases in crater C and has fumarole activity in crater D. Seismic monitoring of the volcano indicates that volcanic activity remains low and external manifestations have been reduced to a minimum."

"Alright, come on, let's focus. We need to get to the beach to find the Tiger Shark Zord before the dark lords can get their hands on it," stated Ash.

"So, which way, then?" asked Rainbow.

"Hmm," said Ash as he began to think.

He noticed a nearby vendor as a man had just finished making his latest sale. He then began to speak as the dialect was one that the girls didn't recognize. Ash approached the man as he began to speak.

"Perdóname, sabes dónde se encuentra la playa?" asked Ash.

"Sí! Está justo al final de la calle. Gire a la izquierda en el museo. Luego camine hacia el paseo marítimo." answered the man.


Ash then turned to the girls as they had their mouths open.

"Come on, it's this way," instructed the boy as he began to walk.

The girls followed their leader as they were shocked by what went down.

"How... how... what did you do?" asked Sunset.

"I just spoke the dialect that is used in Costa Rica. I simply asked where the beach was and he pointed me in the right direction," said Ash as he didn't think much of what he did.

"Marry me," muttered Sunset.

"What was that?" asked the boy as he didn't quite hear what the bacon-haired girl said.

"Nothing!" said Sunset as she quickly recomposed herself.

The group of teens began to follow the directions given to them. They passed by the museum that the man mentioned as Twilight couldn't help herself. The rest of the girls soon wanted to explore as Ash sighed and followed them. The teens were now learning about the culture of Costa Rica as well as the rich history it inhabited. The tour of the museum lasted a few hours as it required Ash to literally drag them all out and back on their path.

They soon came to the boardwalk that was mentioned as they arrived at the beach. Upon first glance, they saw tons of people roaming about the sandy beach. There were some kids building sand castles, adults laying in their chairs sunbathing, and even some teenagers swimming in the ocean. Under normal circumstances, the teens would jump at the chance for a beach day, but right now, they had bigger priorities. Compared to their last adventure on retrieving a zord, they had to be cautious. With this many people around, it would be careless to morph.

Just as they were about to step foot, they were called at. One of the lifeguards pointed at the sign next to him as it showed images of beachwear. He then pointed at the nearby shop as that got the message across. A few moments later, the group now stood out as they were wearing some casual beach clothes. They now entered the shoreline as they looked around.

They scanned the area to see if there was any evidence of the zord being present, but nothing.

"What's the plan, Ash?" asked Rainbow to their leader.

"Take these," said the boy as he handed the scuba device gear to Aj, Dash, and Twilight. "Search the ocean and the nearby coral reefs. If the shark zord is here, find its nesting ground and contact us."

"What you and Sunset?" asked Twilight.

"We'll keep an eye out here. With this many people, morphing isn't a good idea. Not to mention, if the zord attacks then we'll need to be ready. We'll search the nearby caves in case it's hiding there." said the boy.

With a nod, the team began to initiate their plan. The trio soon suited up as they had the scuba gear on and dove into the water. Ash and Sunset now began to walk along the shoreline as they were going to explore the nearby caves. The pair made it to a secluded part of the beach as they entered the cavern.

Under the water, the girls were shown swimming about. They had some flashlights on the top of their scuba gear as they turned it on. The deeper they descended, the darker the place got. A coral reef was shown with tiny fishes and other small creatures swimming about. Next to the reef, there was also a small cave. It was nothing but dark as a set of eyes glowed.

The girls were scanning the area when several fish swam in front of them. They communicated with hand motions as Twilight told AJ and Dash to check the next sector. They nodded as all three girls were getting dangerously close to the cave as the eyes pulled back into the darkness. Back on land, Ash and Sunset were exploring the nearby caves in hopes of seeing if the zord was here. The girl saw her leader as she took this moment of them being alone to say what she wanted to say.

"Thanks, you know, for saving me the other day," spoke the teen.

"Don't mention it, Sunny. I just did what any good teammate would do," said Ash as he climbed over some rocks and looked around.

"So... what happened back there? You know, with you speaking Spanish?" asked Sunset as she wanted to know how her leader knew the dialect.

"As I told you all before, I'm from a different dimension. And there, everybody can speak different languages."

"How?" asked the bacon-haired teen.

"Well, we have a genetic ability that simply by looking or hearing at a form of language, it implements it into our brain for storage. It's a unique way that allows us to not only be fluent in almost any language spoken but to expand our knowledge. So as for me speaking Spanish, I simply looked at the sign above the town and read it. Soon my whole brain was flooded with the dialect and I could speak it at will."

"Wow... that's incredible... You're... so amazing," said Sunset as her eyes were daydreaming while looking at the boy. "How do you make me want to marry you even more?"

"What was that?" asked Ash as he didn't hear that.

"Nothing!" shouted Sunset as she got rid of that thought.

As the pair kept on exploring the cave, their friends under the water were encountering something. The trio arrived at the coral reef as they scanned it and looked around. They saw small schools of fish as they turned from the girls and swam into the dark cave next to them. A few seconds later, some skeletons of fishes were shown floating out of the dark abyss. This got the attention of the girls as they swam over to the nearby cavern. They looked at each other as their eyes told the message.

They each then turned back to the cave and shined their flashlights in it. Small spotlights shined on the dark cover of shadows as they moved about. Soon a growl was heard, then something shot past them rapidly. The girls were thrown by the momentum and force that the water created from the figure swimming quickly. They tumbled in the water as they soon found their balance and looked out. They saw the tail end of a creature, a striped pattern on the back. But the thing that stood out was the mechanical growl that was heard.

The girls knew what the creature was as they each began to send a signal on their Morphers.

"What's up?!" said Ash as he and Sunset lifted their Morphers to their mouths.

Before the girls could speak, there was a scream heard.

"SHARK!!!" shouted a voice.

The two teens ran out of the cave and looked back at the beach. Emerging from the water was none other than the Tiger Shark Zord as it took out a small sailboat. The people on it saw the fin of the zord and immediately jumped right before the shark ran through it. The people on the beach saw the creature's fin as they began to run for their lives. The lifeguards also began to book it as the entire beach was now running to safety.

"Get back here, guys!" instructed Ash to the rest of his team.

He then looked at Sunset as she nodded. Both took a step into the cave as they began to morph.

"Harmony Gem, Power up!" shouted both teens.

They were shown on a split-screen as they began to transform. They traced the symbol of their gems as they recognized them. The teens then began to be encased in their suits as they landed on a platform. They lifted their heads as their helmet and vizors configured as they each did their pose with their zords behind them.

They each appeared on the beach as the last bit of people left. They saw the zord continue its rampage as they looked to calm it down. Just as they were about to take a few steps, they were attacked by some small daggers that exploded upon impact. Both rangers were tossed to the floor as standing before them were Thorax and Ivy, along with more minions.

"Thanks for doing all the hard work for us, Ash," snickered Thorax.

With the plan made by Chrysalis, the dark lords decided to let the rangers find the zord. They figured it would go berserk and result in the entire beach being evacuated. Then they would make their move and intercept the rangers from getting to the zord first.

"Now, we'll take the zord if you don't mind," said Thorax as he gave the command for Ivy and the minions to engage.

Both Sunset and Ash got up and began to battle their foes. The red ranger began to cartwheel several times in the sand as she stopped and pulled out her saber. She then began to fight back as ducked and used her legs to kick them away. She then jumped into the air as she stepped off the shoulders of one of the mutants and activated her phoenix wings on her suit. The girl soared a bit as she landed and took out two minions and rolled through to continue to fight.

Ash was ducking and grabbing the arms of the minions that tried to attack him. He dragged them to the ground and punched them. He then did a corkscrew as he avoided the next set of attacks before starting to spin and kick his foes. He took out some minions as he was grabbed by his shoulder and turned to which he got kneed in the chest by Ivy before being tossed. Ash was able to turn that into recovery as he tumbled to his feet and then did a bicycle knee to Ivy's face as she stepped back. The boy then pulled out his blaster and began to fire while moving about the battlefield and mowing down the rest of the minions.

Thorax then leaped into the air as he engaged with Sunset as the girl was taking several shots to the chest before being flung to the ground.

"Sunset!" said Ash as he appeared by the girl's side.

Thorax then took the moment to throw some of his charged-up daggers in between his fingers as they soared through the air. Electricity was flowing through them as they were about to make contact. Soon mirage-like images of a rhino and owl were shown as they blocked the daggers to protect the teens. They managed to block it as they disappeared. Ash looked to his side as he saw Twilight and Applejack in their ranger suits with their sabers in hand.

"Nice timing," said the boy as they appeared next to him and Sunset.

"Where's Dash?" asked the red ranger.

"We told her to head for the shark zord, while we provide you backup," stated Twilight.

"Then let's finish this and go help her out!" stated Ash as all four began to fight together.

While the four rangers were dealing with the two mutants, Rainbow had made it to the small cave that the zord was at. She was informed by Twilight to follow it while they went to help Ash and Sunset. The girl was in her ranger suit as she emerged from the water. On the rocky terrain was the zord as it was beached. It was still dangerous despite not being in the water as it could cause harm to the girl if she wasn't careful.

"Alright, big guy. Don't want any trouble, just let me help you," said Dash as she began to approach the zord. It looked at the girl with its eyes as it held a demeanor.

"Funny, 'cause I want some," said a voice.

Rainbow looked behind her as there was Chrysalis. The general had been watching what went down on the beach when the zord attacked. She instructed Thorax of her plan to distract the rangers and keep them on the beach while she went to retrieve the zord. Granted, she didn't expect Rainbow to not be with the others but given that she was alone. She wasn't sweating.

"Now then, step aside. That zord is mine," stated Chrysalis.

"Like hell, I'm doing that!" said Rainbow as she took a fighting stance.

"So be it," smiled the general.

Her hands glowed as magic flowed through and shot out a beam that hit the girl. Rainbow fell as she felt the attack. Chrysalis then began to walk to the zord as her hands glowed. Just then some sparks went off around her as she covered her face. She looked to see Rainbow lying on the ground with her blaster in hand. Chrysalis merely smiled as she began to fight with Rainbow.

The blue ranger kipped up and started to swing at the general as she merely ducked and got some shots in on the girl. Rainbow was pushed back as she then made her lance appear. The girl spun her weapon around as she and Chrysalis began to do several acrobatic moves to the side as they continued to fight. The general kept on firing her magic blasts as Rainbow was using her speed to avoid them. She raced to a wall and jumped off of it to activate the wings on her suit.

"Charing Lance!" shouted Rainbow as she did one of her finishing moves in the air.

The girl was coming at Chrysalis as the general put her arms up in an X-formation as she took the attack head-on. It pushed her back as her feet dragged along the ground. She was pushed back a few meters but remained on her feet. She smiled as she moved her arms in a quick motion and fired a powerful magic beam that hit Rainbow as she couldn't protect herself. Dash let out a scream as her weapon flew from her hand and fell to the floor.

Chrysalis approached the girl as she grabbed and lifted her. Her hands charged up once more as they hit Rainbow dead in the chest. She let out a scream from the attack and was then thrown to the side by the general to which she crashed into the wall and fell to the floor.

"Now then," said Chrysalis as she looked back at the zord.

The Tiger Shark zord had been watching the fight between Chrysalis and Rainbow as it could tell the general was nothing but trouble. It growled as it bared its sharp teeth at the mutant. Chrysalis wasn't intimidated as her hands glowed. She chanted a little saying as she thrust her hand out. The magical properties swirled around the zord as it roared once more before it infused with the creature's body. Soon the eyes of Tiger Shark zord changed to that of blood red.

"No!" said Rainbow who was still on the floor with her hand stretched out.

"Take care of her!" commanded Chrysalis.

The zord her the command by the general as it began to make its way towards Rainbow.

"Emerald Smash!" shouted Applejack as she powered up her ax and struck the ground.

It made the entire earth shake as it caused Thorax and Ivy to lose their balance and fall to the ground.

"Let's finish this!" said Ash as he informed the others.

Just as they were about to deliver their finish maneuver, a sound was heard. They looked to see emerging from the water was a figure as it was a person. Rainbow was thrown from the ocean onto the beach in front of her friends.

"Dash!" said Sunset as they checked on their friend.

"Are you okay?" asked Twilight.

"Yeah, battered and bruised, but still kicking," grunted the girl as she got to her feet.

At that moment, a flash of light appeared as Chrysalis was shown standing next to Thorax and Ivy.

"Chrysalis!" said Ash with disdain in his voice.

"Nice to see you, Ash. But unfortunately, we have to make our exit. Let's go, Thorax!" said Chrysalis as she teleport her and her son away.

"What about me?!" shouted Ivy as she was left behind.

"Full power!" shouted Ash.

The mutant turned around as she was face to face with the rangers. All five now stood as their bodies began to glow. They felt the power of their weapons up as a light shot from each of them as it was rainbow-colored. The lights now held the mutant in place as she couldn't move. They each began to slide towards the mutant as they had finished charging up. Each of the girls did an attack as they passed by their foes.

"Charging Lance!" shouted Rainbow as she was the first one to slide by as she did her attack.

"Meteor Spike!" shouted Applejack as she slid by and swung her ax upwards.

"Blitz Flare!" shouted Sunset as she pulled back on her bow and shot an arrow of red light.

"Shield Splice!" said Twilight as she did her attack sliding by the mutant.

The scene now changed as it spun around the monster, Ash was now in the air as his weapon was charged. It froze for a few seconds as he resumed the attack and dealt the final blow to their team finisher.

"Harmony Blade, Strike!!" shouted Ash as he did a downward slash on the pair.

They appeared behind Ivy as she stumbled a bit. The attack caused her to fall to her knees as the rangers weren't done.

"Put them together!" instructed Ash.

"Harmony Cannon!" said all the rangers as they combined their weapons and took their position.

"Oh, shit!" said Ivy in her last moments looking up.

"Fire!" shouted all in unison.

The trigger was pulled as a sphere of rainbow-colored energy was shot out and headed toward the monster. It hit Ivy as the rangers turned around with their weapons in their hands as they each did their victory pose. In the background, the monster fell to the ground as an explosion occurred.

"Good work, everyone," said Ash to the girls.

"Rainbow, did you get the zord?" asked Sunset as they all gathered around their friend.

Rainbow looked as she saw the excited looks on her friend's face. The girl sighed as she put her head down. She then spoke as they all had their eyes go wide. In the case of Ash, the boy was angry.


"Yes. Good. Very good, Chrysalis. I knew you wouldn't let me down." said the leader of the dark lord.

"But of course, my liege," said Chrysalis as she smiled and bowed her head to show respect.

"With this zord, the rangers are one step to being destroyed. And then... THE ENTIRE WORLD!!!" shouted the leader as his voice echoed throughout the throne room.

He then let out the evilest and most maniacal laugh as it was the creepiest thing heard. In his hand was the shape of the Tiger Shark zord as it then changed. It showed the zord hovering about as it growled. Its eyes were still red as it showed that it was on the side of the villains and was looking to help them bring about destruction and chaos. But more importantly, the extinction of the Power Rangers.