• Published 3rd Feb 2022
  • 14,397 Views, 912 Comments

A Flurry of Problems - MelodyMori

Human wakes up as Flurry Heart and tries to figure out how to either get home or adapt to Equestria

  • ...

Epilogue - Gliding At Midnight

“Well, that dinner could have gone better.” Cadence sighed as she cleaned up before bed, wiping the last of her makeup off at the sink. She couldn’t help but frown at the reflected sight of her altered cutie mark, now with a faint purple splotch behind the crystal heart in a strange mirror of her Aunt Luna.

“What are you talking about? I think it went great, dear.” Shining poked his head into the bathroom, an adorably dumb grin on his face. “I mean, other than the obvious, but still.”

“Shiny, I don’t know how to feel about all this.” Cadence’s ears flicked back as she gazed into her husband’s eyes. “Our daughter is g-gone, and I almost killed her again because I couldn’t handle that.”

Shining stepped into the bathroom proper and pulled his wife into a hug. “Don’t worry Cadance, we’ll get through this together. I know it will take a while to get used to Flurry Heart being...being gone.” Shining kissed his wife’s forehead and nuzzled that same spot. “Celestia mentioned that she wants to make some kind of press release announcing Flurry Heart’s passing at the hooves of that damned changeling.”

Cadance growled slightly, her muscles tensing at the word ‘changeling’. “Yes, she told me too. I don’t like the fact that she’s not letting the public know that it was Twilight.”

“I don’t like it either, but with an alicorn dead I guess it wouldn’t do to shake the public’s faith in their safety anymore.” Shining shook his head in frustration. “It doesn’t help that the assassin escaped custody as well. I promise you, honey, I and my team are going to find that changeling and make sure nopony ever has to deal with her again.”

Cadance couldn’t help but blink owlishly in surprise before narrowing them in concern. “Are you sure that’s a good idea, Shiny? She took down Twilight without a scratch and was able to easily escape custody.”

Shining laughed and shook his head, a small smile creeping onto his face. “I may not be an alicorn, but I can handle myself. I promise honey, I will be fine.” He kissed her on the nose, earning a scrunched nose from his pink wife in response.

Nightshade sighed in some relief as she once again stepped into her abode. Once the door was locked (an oddity in Cloudsdale) and the blinds were closed she dropped her pegasus form. The pain of walking on a limb that she no longer had was getting to her, so while the phantom pain lingered at least she wasn’t walking on a stump.

“For all the poking and prodding that Quick Fix did, he better come through with a nice prosthetic.” She grumbled, walking on her three legs with a bit more confidence than earlier that day.

With a huff, Nightshade passed into her living room to check on her petrified family, all three of them still sitting exactly where they were earlier. Where they’ve been since the beginning of that month. She couldn’t help but let out a tired sigh at the sight, her heart once again slowly breaking.

The changeling let herself flop onto the couch, its cloud cushions cradling her exhausted form in magical softness. There was another couch perpendicular to the one she was laying on, but she preferred this one for no real reason. Her harsh glare spat from her one working eye (and her now mostly blind right eye) to the framed photo on the living room wall showing the happy family on vacation to Sandy Shores.

Nightshade Midnight Strike stood in the middle, her face beaming with pride as she held her son North Star in her forehooves. The colt was trying to squirm out of her grip but thankfully once she flew up a touch to balance holding her foal and standing he calmed down. Her wife Ocean Sky sat on her left, smiling peacefully and holding a glass of wine while Nightshade’s husband and sister-in-law were much less peaceful. Sky Stinger had a foreleg around Lightning Dust’s neck, the headlock allowing him to noogie the younger pegasus at his leisure.

Nightshade let out a small tired sigh, closing her eyes and letting the exhaustion deeply embedded in her form carry her off to sleep. While napping like that was counter to her usual drive, it was needed for the next phase of her ‘errands’. So she drifted off into a fitful sleep, shivering in response to her dreams. Or, more accurately, nightmares.

“So, what do you think, Tia?” Luna asked her older sister in almost a whisper, one of her ears flicked back in nervousness. “I must admit, thou...you have more experience with fillies than me.”

Celestia closed her eyes for a few moments, the various options weighing on her mind as she decided which one to take. With barely a moment’s thought, she levitated her teacup up and sipped the calming concoction to help her relax and eventually go to sleep.

“It is quite a predicament Lulu.” Celestia opened her eyes, gazing down at her sister with a warm mix of love and concern. “Hearing and seeing things is not a situation most ponies would wish to be in. Thankfully there has been quite a lot of advancement in the field of Psychiatry, so once Storm has a chance to see a psychologist worst comes to worst we can make sure she gets the help she needs.”

“That is good to hear, sister.” Luna sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “I was worried it was some kind of harbinger of her own fall to her Nightmares, or simply her revival going wrong somehow.”

“I had a similar thought, what with her apparent deal with this... ’shadow figure’.” Celestia sighed, repressing the urge to rub her forehead with a hoof. “Between that and Cadance’s own account it sounds like the Nightmare Forces are making a resurgence. Although why it would make Cadance a Fallen Alicorn but simply turn Storm into a Thestral I do not know.”

“And where did her alicornhood go?” Luna shook her head, taking a sip of her decaf coffee. “This doesn’t quite add up.”

Celestia nodded and gave her sister a calming smile. “All we can do is wait and prepare for the best and the worst. For now, with us having to release Flurry Heart’s death to the public, I have a plan to make sure our Summer Storm doesn’t get too much attention from the press while she acclimates to living in Equestria.”

Starlight let herself into the Castle of Friendship, her body killing her after so long spent observing the Tree of Harmony in the Everfree Forest. Despite what Fluttershy may say, camping in the Everfree wasn’t as fun in the slightest.

“Twilight, I’m back!” She yelled, her voice reverberating off of the crystal walls.

Once Starlight slung her pack off her back she started heading deeper into the castle, a warm bath calling her name. Despite the several minutes it took to find the bathroom, there was no response from Spike, Twilight, or anypony else.

“Huh. Where is everypony?” Starlight muttered under her breath.

Underneath her professional stoic demeanor, Captain Gleaming Spear of the Solar Guard couldn't help but roll her eyes at the newest prisoner she was forced to lead to her new accommodations. One Night Glider, guilty of not just foalnapping but assistance to regicide. As insane as that was Gleaming knew that her Princess wouldn't lie to her, even if no alicorn had died in, well, forever.

The prisoner herself was an unassuming pegasus with a dark coat and light green-ish mane, currently growling around her muzzle and pulling tight against her bonds. While ordinarily, a prisoner of such low ability wouldn't call for a captain of all things to bring her to her cell, the recent escape of the other surviving member of the band meant that more security was required. After all, it wouldn't do if not just Nightshade escaped but also Night Glider.

Gleaming tossed the pegasus into her cell with a grunt, her superior earth pony strength winning out over Night Glider's own pegasus one. The prisoner slid into her cell with a hiss of frustration before laying in her coat, glaring at the guard. Gleaming rolled her eyes and gave a nod at the unicorn guard assigned to watch the cell itself.

"Have a good day, Private..." Gleaming narrowed her eyes slightly as she tried to remember the unicorn's name.

"Private Hope, ma'am." The unicorn nodded before assuming her normal guard position.

Gleaming made a mental note to remember the name before turning around, making her way out of the prison proper.

After a long talk with Celestia about how they can properly help Storm acclimate to her new life, along with writing and sending the required letters, Luna couldn’t help but feel excited to finally get some rest. While her duties usually required her to be up during the night and rest during the day, this week was...special and so required she take a break from her usual schedule. Thankfully her aides were able to deal with the majority of problems that come to her Night Court, while a few days' break from dealing with her subjects’ nightmares wouldn’t be the end of the world.

Before Luna could rest herself, first she had to check on her little raincloud to make sure she was sleeping alright. She gave the door a soft knock, and with no response opened it gently so as to not wake Storm. The alicorn poked her head in and gave a soft gasp at what she saw.

Storm was curled into a ball, shivering and whimpering in her sleep. Luna cautiously stepped over to her adopted daughter to see what was going on, what was bothering the thestral filly.

“いいえトワイライト、私の心が鼓動している、あなたは何の話をしていますか?” Storm muttered under her breath, her strange Apple-like drawl faint as she mumbled a language Luna did not recognize.

“That sounds like Neighponese...odd,” Luna muttered under her own breath, reaching out a hoof to pet Storm’s mane, hoping that soft touch would help alleviate what was hopefully just night terrors.

In response, Storm flipped over and wrapped her forehooves around Luna’s outstretched hoof like it was a lifeline saving her from drowning. Luna couldn’t help but frown a bit at the situation before simply shaking her head at her own foolishness. With some creative use of her horn and imprisoned hoof, she was able to nudge Storm over enough in the bed that there was room for the much larger alicorn to fit herself.

Luna used the newly made space to lay down in the soft guest bed, her wings outstretched towards her daughter. She used her embraced hoof to pull Storm into the soft embrace of her wings and other forehoof, wrapping her in a protective hug. Storm quickly buried her muzzle into her mother’s chest tuft, still shivering a bit but otherwise much more relaxed. Her breathing softened, going from the fast rush it was before to a much more leveled amount.

Luna let out a soft breath and nuzzled Storm’s mane, happy that her foal was much calmer and hopefully get some rest. Hopefully, these night terrors weren’t a frequent issue, but if it was she knew that they would get through it.


Author's Note:

As with many things, all good things must come to an end. Or for this a partial end, as this is less of a proper epilogue and more of a bookend to the story of Storm turned to Flurry Heart. It didn't feel proper to continue Storm's story under the same title, after all, now that they are no longer Flurry Heart but now a Thestral with a southern drawl.

I am planning on posting the first chapter of a Storm of Emotions, the sequel, sometime next saturday so keep an eye out for that.

I hope you all enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. As the first fic I've (mostly) completed in years looking back fills me with a bittersweet feeling. Happy that I was able to write to completion, but also sad that it is finally ending. But hey, it is the nature of the game. See you all next week!

Comments ( 57 )

Well done for finishing this. Now the question is what happens next and who, what why etc. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing this stroy with us.

“And where did her alicornhood go?” Luna shook her head, taking a sip of her decaf coffee. “This doesn’t quite add up.”

that is a good point since storm was flurrys rencarnation she tecnincly still had it. I wonder if storm will accend and suddenly have twice the power as she will get back her old alicorn power and the new one from accending. I mean if it was removed we likely would have seen it as in the show it was shown that magic has a physical form kinda and full on removing alicorn magic seems like a thing that would be seen so maby it is sleeping

“What are you talking about? I think it went great, dear.” Shining poked his head into the bathroom, an adorably dumb grin on his face. “I mean, other than the obvious, but still.”

Not helping, Shining. :ajbemused:

“Shiny, I don’t know how to feel about all this.” Cadence’s ears flicked back as she gazed into her husband’s eyes. “Our daughter is g-gone, and I almost killed her again because I couldn’t handle that.”

Well, love makes you do odd things, sometimes.

Comment posted by Chrome Masquerade deleted Jun 7th, 2022

"No, Twilight, my heart is beating, what are you talking about?"

Sad that such a great story is over but glad that it was made, good job there.

Luna let out a soft breath and nuzzled Storm’s mane, happy that her foal was much calmer and hopefully get some rest. Hopefully, these night terrors weren’t a frequent issue, but if it was she knew that they would get through it.


But that will be a different tale. I take it. And may it be one just as good.

Put shortly, I'm giving this a full 10 on the :yay:itude meter! Here's hoping that Summer Storm's new life will be interesting, but not as dangerous as her last.

The poor guy has been through a lot lately and he is clinging to Luna because she didn't try to force anything.

I'm kinda sad that this ended, but as you said, all good things come to an end.

Though it did leave me with the feeling 'complete'.

Aye, a good end leaving room for more.

Good choice to end it here! A lot of stories just keep on plowing forward even after dramatic element changes, calling it here makes it a lot easier for people who like one half but not the other to get on/off and separate their feelings for the two.

Very cute ending.

Great ending can't wait 4 book 2 thank u

Good story. And can't wait for the sequel

Look at all these threads! So many plots going on...

This feels like this story has just begun....

Very good story. I liked it a-lot.

Woo! Nice end/beginning.

very reasonable and sweet ending, still a pity for some way that storm wont back to an alicorn, without the eternal live, it may be a problem for luna to think about. and storm himself, already knew his human body has away, but Themis as storm's lover is alive still, so im wondering will she be written a plot on the sequel again.

anyway, excellent work! hope to witness the next book comes

I am planning on posting the first chapter of a Storm of Emotions, the sequel, sometime next saturday so keep an eye out for that.

IMO you should post another chapter in this story announcing the upload of the first chapter for the sequel so those who tracked this story will know the sequel is up.

I liked this story a lot. Keep up the good work, I look forward to the next!

Great story! I'm looking forward to Storm of Emotions!

Cool story! :moustache:

Hopefully Nightshade also gets a good ending in the sequel.

Aww, well that sucks. Maybe I could be King, then? If I'm gonna be royalty, might as well take it to the extreme.

She tried less lethal things first, remember?

That was my thought. When you get to the end, tell me if you think my version is better or worse than the actual events. It gets wierd

Pffft, everyone forgot about starlight

Shit dont give him ideas lol

Read this today and loved it! Great work.
I'd there a sequel planned?

Already exists! Storm of Emotions. Glad you enjoyed it.

Cop shows don't always follow real laws. Their was a case like this a while back were a cop shot a person that was in the cross fire it was deemed 3rd degree manslaughter and the officer was found guilty and was given 2 years prison 1 year service to the community and was fired. I will look for the case and when I find it I will edit this comment and add a link.
And yes this was in the usa

In looking for the case, I found multiple case were the officer was fired or cleared so it seems to be based off state for most of it or person killed.

Thinking of giving this a go since it sounds really neat and I like the premise, but I've seen countless times these stories have been ruined by an endless misunderstanding plot contrivance leading the main character never being listened to. Is that going to happen here? I don't mind spoilers since if it does happen I'd rather find out now rather than later.

I down voted this.
You took two good stories and smashed then together, ruining both. See my other comments for more details.

“いいえトワイライト、私の心が鼓動している、あなたは何の話をしていますか?” translation 👇

“No Twilight, my heart is beating, what are you talking about?”

found this story and read it in one sitting just wanted to say i loved it :scootangel:

Well, that was alright, I guess. The plot kind of went wild in the end, though, but overall an enjoyable read.

Pony racism nearly destroyed all of ponykind multiple times. It nearly let Equestria fall to the three villains at the end, but it also very honestly created an ice age and then later on sealed away an entire form of energy between seasons four and five.

Can you imagine if the hatred between the left-wing and the right-wing in America got so bad that electromagnetism just stopped working? Ponies basically managed to do that in a weird way.

There is nothing more powerful than the darkness that exists within a pony's heart.

I read more and I dislike the story, sorry.

Fair enough, thank you for at least reading it until the end!

A beautiful story. I can't wait to read the sequel when it's done. You're doing wonderfully

All in all, a good story that had no strong resolution. What kept me intrigued from the get go was the drama that was building up from the multiple plot points. Be that from Twilights punishment for killing flurry, Storms sanity falling apart from having the memories of two creatures within them and Cadence's and Shinning's reaction to the death of their own child by their own FAMILY. All of these could have led to many interesting points that instead of being worked on and finalized just fell flat because everyone just said "this is fine" and stayed as is without anyone talking it out in the story. While it had an amazing start and middle area, it just left me wanting something more from the ending.

Every story has a beginning and an end. I'm glad I was satisfied after reading it. I hope that in the next part, we will get more answers.

I liked this story even thow it is a bit tragic

and every time boy to filly never girl to colt

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