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Episode 29: Forever Free Family Pt 5

Fleur De Lis came in for a landing on the Castle of Friendship’s balcony, where she found her sister Sparkler pacing back and forth, waiting for her. “I got your letter sis.” Fleur said. “You said it was urgent?” She asked.

Sparkler took a deep breath. It was the day after she awoke from being knocked out by the Tree of Harmony. Once she came to and came to her senses, she sent a letter by Spike’s firemail directly to her sister, telling her they needed to talk. “I did.” Sparkler responded. “A few days ago I was summoned by the Tree of Harmony.” She told her.

Fleur gasped. “The Tree of Harmony summoned you? For what purpose?” She asked.

“Apparently to warn me of an incoming grave danger that only I can stop.” Sparkler responded. “But that’s not important right now. The more immediate concern is what ELSE that tree told me.” She said.

Fleur’s eyes widened. “A grave danger approaches?” She asked.

“Yes. But again, not the immediate concern.” Sparkler reminded Fleur. “That tree told me something else, and it concerns both of us.” She said.

“What is it?” Fleur asked.

“Fleur…We have a cousin, living in the Everfree Forest.” Sparkler told Fleur.

Much like Twilight and Moondancer, Fleur’s eyes widened and her jaw dropped. Only in this case, it was an act. Because she knew full well that it was true. “What?!” She asked. CRAP! She knows!

Sparkler, falling completely for Fleur’s act, nodded. “Yeah. A cousin, in the forest.” Sparkler responded.

Fleur’s mind raced. Many questions forming in her mind. But she asked out loud the questions that kept up her act. “How could ANYPONY be living in that place?” She asked. “It’s crawling with monsters.”

“Zecora the zebra lives in the Forest.” Sparkler told her, referring to the Zebra she had met some time ago.

“Could SHE be our cousin?” Fleur asked.

“No, the tree gave me a description, and Zecora doesn’t fit it. She’s a kid, about 8, and more importantly, she’s an ALICORN.” Sparkler explained. “Fleur, there’s ANOTHER Alicorn out there!” She exclaimed.

Fleur wanted to send Melody Frost a Horn Pulse to warn her that Sparkler was now aware of her existence…But something stopped her. Something that she was not expecting. A desire to bring their family together. It was stronger than the obligations Clear Cut told her she had. “Did…Did the tree say where in the forest this cousin was?” She asked. “And did she give you a name?”

“Melody Frost, but it didn’t tell me where.” Sparkler responded. “BUT, I finally mastered a new trick. The Alicorn Sense Celestia has.” She said with a smile. “And what’s more, we managed to figure out how to target specific areas. So if I just target the Everfree Forest…” She lit her horn and concentrated. Locating their cousin after a second. “...And we got a hit.” She announced. “Come-”

“Sparkler!” Exclaimed Pinkie Pie, who suddenly landed on the balcony…Without any sensible means of actually GETTING up there.

Sparkler jumped a bit. “Pinkie. What’s going on?” She asked.

“My Pinkie Sense told me you and Fleur were going to meet your cousin. Mind if I set up a ballroom in the castle to throw a welcome party for her?” She asked.

Sparkler blinked, before chuckling and shaking her head. Of COURSE Pinkie would sense it. “Sure.” Sparkler said. “But you might want to wait for Twilight and Starlight to come back from their friendship mission.” She said, Twilight and Starlight were called that morning on a Friendship Mission in Canterlot. So Twilight said she’d take the chance to warn Celestia and Luna of the impending danger.

“Of course Silly! After all when Twilight marries you this cousin will be her cousin-in-law.” Pinkie said. “Anywho, I got a party to plan.” She said as she bounced into the castle, past Moondancer. “Hiya Moondancer! Have fun with Sparkler and Fleur in the forest.” She said.

While Moondancer watched Pinkie bounce into the castle, Fleur and Sparkler noticed Moondancer come. “Oh. Hi Moondancer.” Sparkler responded.

“Hey Sparks. Fleur. Nice to see you again.” Moondancer responded.

“Moondancer.” Fleur acknowledged.

“Have you told her yet Sparkler?” Moondancer asked.

“Just did. We were just leaving now, if Fleur is able.” Sparkler said.

“Oh I’m definitely coming.” Fleur responded.

“And so am I.” Moondancer said.

“You are?” Sparkler asked, noticing that Moondancer had saddlebags on her.

“If you’ll let me. Been wanting to go on an adventure with you.” Moondancer responded.

Fleur and Sparkler looked at each other. Fleur shrugged. “Up to you.” Fleur said.

Sparkler thought for a moment, before nodding. “Be our guest.” Sparkler responded.

Moondancer smiled as she lit her horn, and cast a wing spell on herself, making beautiful butterfly wings appear on her sides. “Always wanted to fly. I assume we will be flying there yes?” She asked.

“That’s right.” Sparkler said. “If we walked there that’s plenty of opportunity for monsters to get us.” She explained.

“Then what are we waiting for?” Fleur asked as she spread her wings. “Let’s go.”

Sparkler and Moondancer spread their own wings. “Let’s fly.” Sparkler said as the three ponies took off.

“Harmony said WHAT?!” Frost shrieked. She and Clear-Cut were within the chamber which housed the Medley Table, and Clear Cut just told her what Harmony told him.

“Yeah. Not only did Harmony reveal to her that there was a threat coming that only she could defeat, but she also made Sparkler aware of YOU.” Clear Cut responded.

“Harmony knew the master plan. She MUST have known.” Frost said. “Why would she say that to her?”

“Because there is no reason to keep her in the dark.” Said a familiar voice as an astral projection appeared before Frost and Clear-Cut.

Frost and Clear-Cut turned their heads to look at the projection, they recognized it as Harmony, the conscience of the Tree of Harmony. Frost’s expression turned to a glare. “Why in the world would you out me?” She asked. “You know the Master Plan.”

“I do.” Harmony responded. “That does not mean I agree with it 100%.”

“Do you not–” Clear Cut started before Harmony cut her off.

“I’m gonna stop you right there Clear-Cut.” Harmony said. “I am fully aware of the Master Plan, Sparkler’s true destiny, all of it. And my response is utter confusion. You want her in the dark until you tell her in two months. When it would be better to have her on alert so she has a better chance of fulfilling her destiny?” She asked.

“It’s so she won’t agonize over it and live her life peacefully for as long as possible.” Clear-Cut responded.

“And keeping her in the dark about her family? What’s your excuse there?” Harmony asked.

“I had my orders.” Clear Cut said.

“So no excuse then.” Harmony deduced. “No reason why Sparkler can’t know that she has more biological family. She already knows she’s adopted, and meeting her family does not constitute her learning of her true destiny.”

“It’s a risk.” Frost responded.

“And what reason would she have to question you if you do not give off the impression?” Harmony countered.

Frost and Clear-Cut stayed silent, Harmony continued. “Frost, you want to get out of that orphanage correct?” She asked. “You want to be with your biological family again?” She asked.

Frost hesitated, before nodding. “Yes.” She admitted.

“As I thought.” Harmony responded. “Sparkler has been through a lot since birth. She grew up without ever knowing that her biological family was out there somewhere. Did ANYTHING negative happen when she found out Fleur was her sister?” She asked.

“There was a risk.” Clear Cut said.

“But did anything negative happen?” Harmony asked again.

“..No.” Frost and Clear Cut responded.

“And that was because Fleur never said anything. Frost has an advantage of never having met her before. So she’s even less likely to be mad.” Harmony said.

“Where are you going with this?” Clear Cut asked.

“Sparkler knowing who her biological family is will not negatively impact the Master Plan.” Harmony said. “If you don’t want to tell her about Aqua Blossom, fine. She’s miles away anyway. But Frost, both you and Fleur are HERE, NOW. You can give Sparkler what she’s always desired. To feel like she belongs. True she has found that in Ponyville but still. It will put her at ease knowing that she is not the only Alicorn in her family.” She explained.

Clear Cut and Frost looked at each other, each pondering Harmony’s words. “...I suppose you have a point.” Clear Cut finally admitted.

Harmony smiled. “With all that in mind. Cool your wings and just be happy that SHE’S happy.” She told them. “Because at the end of the day, Family is what matters most.” She said.

Clear Cut took a deep breath. “Alright. You’ve made your point. I guess we were overreacting a little.” He said.

Harmony nodded. “Glad we agree. Now, Frost, Sparkler, Fleur, and their friend Moondancer will arrive shortly. They know you’re here in the Castle of the Two Sisters. I suggest you make yourself findable.” She said.

Frost took a deep breath, let it and, and nodded. “Ok.” She said, nervousness mixed with excitement creeping in. “I hope I can convince one of them to take me in…” She said.

“I have no doubt one of them will.” Harmony said. “Now go.”

Frost nodded. “Right.” She said as she left the chamber.

Clear Cut watched her go, and turned back to Harmony. “PLEASE do not tell Sparkler anything else related to any of this.” He pleaded with her.

“I have already told her all she needed to know at the moment.” Harmony responded as she disappeared. “However, I WILL tell her if you do not in 2 months.” She warned.

Clear Cut nodded, understanding completely.

In the upper levels of the castle, Sparkler, Fleur, and Moondancer landed in the Castle throne room. “Your sense told you this cousin of yours was here?” Moondancer asked.

“Apparently.” Sparkler responded. “If I had to guess, this cousin is exploring.”

“Can’t say I blame them.” Fleur said. “This is a Historic Place.” She said.

At that moment, all three of them heard the sound of rocks falling. They turned their heads, and saw a little gray Alicorn Filly, age 8 by the look of it.

For a moment, nopony made a sound or moved, until Sparkler made the first move. “Hello there.” She said as she approached the filly. “Are you Melody Frost?” She asked.

Frost, for the briefest moment, second guessed her decision to finally reveal herself. But her desire to get out of the orphanage won out as she nodded. “Yeah?” She fake asked, remembering to keep up the charade that she didn’t know full well that they were coming for her…And that she had no idea who they were because of what Sparkler said next.

“I’m Sparkler. This is Fleur and Moondancer…And Fleur and I are your cousins.” Sparkler said.

To be continued…

Author's Note:

We'll find out the outcome of this meeting next time when we begin the second of three collaborations between The Harmonic Medleys and famous musical artists. But before that, let us head BACK to EQG Sparkling Harmony for their Christmas special.

Also, Harmony is a badass. Nopony will tell me otherwise.