• Published 4th Feb 2022
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My Little Pony: One as a Family. "Life in Canterlot" - SaburoDaimando

A human girl learns to live in a world full of ponies, friendship, and corruption

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Arc 3-2: The Wolf's Breath

The Wolf’s Breath

“You won’t get away with this,” Chancellor Cinch said to Coldnelius Snap in defiance. “Once word gets out of your act of terror, every guard in Equestria will hunt you down.”

Chancellor Cinch was still locking eyes with Coldnelius Snap, who was holding Wanda captive. The little girl was crying her eyes out at the presence of the Windigo’s Guild Leader

“A bold choice of words, Governor,” Coldnelius Snap said. “But I'm afraid you know too much. Therefore, I have instructed my cultists to take ya captive and serve as a part of our sacrifice.”

Cinch stood her ground and said “I will never go with you.”

“Cultists,” Coldnelius Snap commanded. “Seize that witch.”

The Windigos Guild marched closer to Chancellor Cinch, who was quick to hold Wanda next to her.

“I dare you to try, monster,” Cinch said as her horn lights up, ready to unleash a counterattack of her own.

Suddenly, everyone hears the sound of a dog growling. They all turn their heads and see Danged Spell in a hunched posture, growling and baring his teeth. He looked ready to pounce.

“’Well what do you know,” Coldnelius Snap laughed. “This juvenile delinquent thinks he’s a mongrel.”

The members of the Windigos Guild laughed at Danged Spell, finding his presence completely ridiculous. But Danged Spell did not flinch. Instead, he took a couple of steps forward, continuing to growl and bare his teeth.

“I got this brat,” one member of the WIndigos Guild said to Coldnelius Snap as he approached Danged Spell. “I mean look. What harm can one mutt do to us?”

As the lone member took out one hoof and pretended to pet Danged Spell like he were a dog, the young proceeded to bite the cultist in the hoof, digging his teeth into his skin.

“AHHHHHH!” The cultist yelled as he shook Danged Spell off his hoof. “That kid bit me.”

“Quit messing around and collar that mutt of a brat” Coldnelius Snap yelled as Wanda looked on at Danged Spell.

“Oh, I will,” The cultist yelled as he took out a whip with the intent on smacking Danged Spell with it. “This is what happens to kids who oppose us.”

But without warning, Danged Spell grabs the cultist by the bottom seams of his robes and pulled him, yanking the cultist and sending him flying through a window. Everyone was shocked to see how Danged Spell dispatched that cultist.

“What kind of devil dog is he?” Another Windigos Guild cultist said, freaking out.

“Forget the blooming Governor for now.,” Coldnelius Snap yelled. “Get that beast of a colt.”

The Windigos Guild charged at Danged Spell, looking to get their ice cold hooves on him. But Danged Spell darted right past them, aiming to leap at Coldnelius Snap.

“Get away you flea-bitten bogey,” Coldnelius Snap yelled as Danged Spell leaped onto the cultist leader and pinned him down, barking like mad in his face. The force of Danged Spell’s knock down was enough to release Coldnelius Snap’s hold on Wanda.

“Let’s get out of here,” Chancellor Cinch yelled before grabbing Wanda by the shirt with her teeth and made a run towards the direction Danged Spell came from.

“AFTER THEM,” Coldnelius Snap yelled before tossing Danged Spell aside with his magic. He then said “Don’t let those two get away,” as he got up and chased after Wanda and Chancellor Cinch with his own cultists following right behind him.

But Danged Spell wasn’t knocked out. He got up from being knocked aside, shook himself off, and chased after the Windigos Guild, barking wildly and growling with his teeth laid bare.

Nearby, Sunset Shimmer, Starlight Glimmer, Moondancer, Sunburst and Abigail were in complete shock, seeing what Danged Spell did and the fact that he’s pursuing the Windigos Guild.

“What...just happened?” Starlight said.

“If that was Danged Spell,” Moondancer said in confusion. “Why did he just behave like a dog?”

“Nevermind that,” Sunset yelled. “We need to make sure he’s alright. Come.”

Without warning, Sunset, Starlight, Moondancer, Sunburst and Abigail ran off in the direction that Danged Spell went down, determined to keep up with the colt who now thinks he’s a dog.

Up in front, Chancellor Cinch continued to run like her life depended on it. She still held Wanda up with her teeth, hoping not to drop her. Looking back was not an option for the Chancellor. All she could do was focus on staying ahead and not looking back.

“What was up with Danged Spell?” Wanda asked.

Chancellor Cinch threw Wanda upwards before leaping up and catching her with her back. She then lands on the ground and runs again, with Wanda holding on tight.

“That is the Wolf’s Breath Curse,” Chancellor Cinch said as she ran as fast as she could. “A Unicorn who is born with it will always behave like a wolf when a loved one is threatened. They lose all access to their magic, and in some cases, their control. But they gain an increase in physical strength, as well as an increase in instinct.”

“Isn’t there some cure for this...Wolf’s Breath?” Wanda said as she held on.

“No,” Chancellor Cinch replied. “There is no known cure, nor a way to prevent it. Furthermore, no amount of science or magic can understand why it happens.”

“I hope he doesn’t do anything reckless,” Wanda said as she became worried for Danged Spell’s well-being.

“I’d worry more about how those hooligans are going to fare against a Wolf’s Breath Colt,” Cinch said with a smirk. “It’s a shame there isn’t an Alicorn who was born with Wolf’s Breath. Imagine what they would go through if that existed.”

As Cinch rode on with Wanda on her back, the man’s cub said to herself “An alicorn with this….Wolf’s Breath Curse? What if sister Cadance or Aunt Luna had this curse? What if mommy did? But...they’re too nice to have something like that.”

Meanwhile, Sunset, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail were running as fast as they could, trying to catch up to Danged Spell as that colt was chasing down the Windigos Cultists. Starlight struggled to stay with the pack.

“Starlight,” Sunset said as she noticed Starlight was slowing down. “Are you alright?

“I don’t think….I can keep up,” Starlight said as she began to slow down. “Go without me.”

“No,” Sunset said to Starlight. “I’m not letting you go.”

“Just keep up,” Starlight said as she fell behind the pack. “I’ll try to find Twilight and Princess Celestia.”

Starlight came to a stop as Sunset, Abigail, Sunburst and Moondancer continued to chase Danged Spell. Sunset looked behind and was about to call off her pursuit to check up on Starlight. Sure she was concerned for her sister Wanda. But she was also willing to help a friend in need.

Suddenly, Abigail turned around and ran in the opposite direction, running straight towards Starlight. Sunset breathed a sigh of relief, all while Abigail ran up to Starlight and gave her a hug.

“Abigail,” Sunset thought to herself. “You take care of Starlight Glimmer.”

Starlight gave a wink to Sunset as the latter and her companions ran off into the distance.

Not far behind, Abigail was licking Starlight’s face to at least keep her content as the twin-tailed unicorn filly was resting up. As she cuddled Abigail, she noticed a shadow flying nearby. She looked up and saw Princess Celestia and Princess Luna fly down towards her. Twilight Sparkle was still holding onto Celestia by the time both princesses touched down.

“Starlight Glimmer,” Celestia said as she landed near Starlight. “Are you alright?”

“I’m fine,” Starlight said as she got back up on her four hooves. “But those Windigo baddies ran off that way in pursuit of Wanda and the meanie hag. Also, Danged Spell is in pursuit, but…”

“Danged Spell?” Celestia interrupted as she was freaking out over Danged Spell’s actions.. “Why would he do something like that?”

“Well, you see,” Starlight said as she put her left arm over the back of her head. “Danged Spell started to snarl and bark like a dog when those bad Windigos scared Wanda. Next thing I knew, he bit one of them and threw him through a window.”

“A dog?” Princess Luna asked, confused by Starlight’s choice of words. “Why in your name would Danged Spell bark like a dog, sister?”

“I think I know what’s going on,” Celestia said as she figured it out. She turned to Twilight and said “Have you ever heard of the Wolf’s Breath?”

“Wolf’s breath?” Twilight said in confusion. “Is that like Shining Armor breathing down my neck?”

“I don’t know what this Wolf’s Breath is,” Starlight said as she and Abigail walked up to Celestia and Luna.

“Wolf’s breath is a curse,” Celestia replied. “It affects Unicorns at birth. When triggered by the sight of someone close to them being threatened, they become a wolf in mind. They lose the use of their magic, and in some cases their control. But what they lose in magic, they gain in physical strength and instinct. Some say unicorns with the Wolf’s Breath are more dangerous than a regular unicorn.”

“Now how do you know about that?” Luna asked with a smirk on her face.

“You’ll find out,” Celestia said before reaching her arm out to Starlight. “Now Starlight. I need you to hop on board. We’ll fly to rescue Wanda and Cinch, along with Danged Spell.”

“And the other unicorns,” Twilight said. “I believe they’re still with Danged Spell, correct?”

“Yes,” Starlight said to Twilight. “They are.”

“Then we have no time to lose,” Celestia said as she lifted Starlight with her magic and placed her next to Twilight. Luna sat down and allowed Abigail to climb up her back and all the way to the top of her horn.

“I’ve felt worse,” Luna said to Celestia.

With a flap of their wings, Celestia took off with Twilight and Starlight holding on. Luna also followed behind with Abigail holding onto her horn. They flew across the evening sky, looking for any signs of Wanda, Chancellor Cinch, the Windigos Guild, Danged Spell, and the other Unicorns.

Back on the ground, the Windigos Guild continued to chase after Wanda and Chancellor Cinch, inching closer to the duo in distress. Coldnelius Snap was smug that he would finally capture the two, all in the name of the Windigos.

“I got you troublemakers right where I want ya,” Coldnelius Snap said. “You will make a fine prize for what the Windigos will bring to Equestria”

Suddenly, Coldnelius Snap heard the sound of a wolf’s bite. One Cultist yelled loud enough for him to fly past Coldnelius Snap, all while this cultist was holding his butt in pain. Coldnelius Snap looked behind him to see Danged Spell running towards them, barking and snapping his teeth.

“Keep going after that blasted Governor and the Man’s Cub,” Coldnelius Snap commanded the cultists. “I got a bone to pick with this mongrel of a kid.”

As the Windigos Guild Cultists continue to go after Wanda and Chancellor Cinch, Coldnelius Snap turns around and faces Danged Spell, who proceeds to stop in his tracks and growls loudly, ready to pounce.

“Come here ya mutt,” Coldnelius Snap said to Danged Spell as he cracked his riding crop. “I’ll smack the mongrel right out of your mouth.”

Danged Spell growled deeply as he stood his ground. The look on his face could tell that he was about to sink his teeth into Coldnelius Snap’s back legs.

Not far behind, Sunset, Sunburst and Moondancer watched from afar, nervous on what Danged Spell was about to do.

“What do you think he’s gonna do?” Sunburst asked.

“Whatever it is,” Sunset Shimmer said. “I think he might be crazy.”

Danged Spell and Coldnelius Snap stared at each other, looking like they’re about ready to attack. Neither pony looked like they were willing to flinch, as they waited for the other to make that big mistake.

“You’ve made a big mistake, you flea-bitten animal,” Coldnelius Snap said as he charged up the ice magic in his horn.

Suddenly, Coldnelius Snap looked up and jumped out of the way as a blast of magic from above tried to hit him, only to disappear upon hitting the pavement. That blast came from Princess Luna, who flew down and attempted to dive bomb Coldnelius Snap. Abigail was no longer hanging onto her horn. Instead, she held onto Luna by the back of her mane.

“Begone foul creature,” Luna yelled as she fired off another blast. “You will not harm these innocent souls.”

“Meddling crow bait ,” Coldnelius Snap said as he dodged another shot. “I’ll blast ya to the ice age.”

As Coldnelius Snap was about to fire off a blast of ice, he felt something sharp at the back of his leg. He turned around and saw Danged Spell had taken a bite right into his leg.

“YEEOUCH!” Coldnelius Snap yelled as he shook Danged Spell off his leg and made a run for it. Danged Spell looked eager to run after him, only to be blocked off by Princess Luna and Abigail. Danged Spell barked at Luna, but the Princess of the Night placed her hoof on the colt’s forehead, causing the youngling to snap out of his trance.

“What did you do that for?” Danged Spell protested “He’s going after Wanda and big mean Cinch.”

“I’m sorry I had to do that,” Princess Luna said. “But you’ll understand why.”

Sunset, Sunburst and Moondancer ran up to Danged Spell, who despite being back to normal, was in a bad mood.

“I’m afraid he has a point, Auntie,” Sunset said. “Who knows what that cultist is up to.”

“Oh don’t you worry, darlings,” Luna said to the unicorn younglings. “Knowing my sister, she’s a far worse animal than you all realize.”

“Far worse animal?” Sunburst said as he was confused by Princess Luna’s choice of words. “What does that even mean?”

Luna gave a chuckle, and said “Oh, you’ll find out.”

Down the road, Cinch was running as fast as she could with Wanda hanging on for dear life. Until Cinch had to skid and come to a complete stop. In front of them was a dead end. They were trapped. Wanda and Cinch turned around, and there were three cultists, ready to grab them both and haul them off.

“Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide,” One of the Windigos Guild members said. “You’re both property of the Windigos.”

“I hope you know how to fight, Man’s Cub,” Cinch said to Wanda. “Now is a good time to show off your antics.”

Though Wanda was afraid, she knew what had to be done. Without a second thought, Wanda leaped off Cinch and held firmly on the ground. Both Wanda and Cinch looked ready to fight back.

“Oh, so the two want to fight?” Another Cultist said. “Come on. Give me your worst.”

And with that, Cinch fired a blast of magic and it hit the cultist right in the face, sending him flying right towards the ground.

“I dare you to try that again,” Chancellor Cinch said as she charged up for another spell. The Cultist got up, scarred by Cinch’s magic blast.

“You’ll pay for that,” The cultist said as he and his companions began to march towards Wanda and Cinch.

Suddenly the sound of a wolf growling echoes through the streets of Canterlot. Both Cinch and Wanda began to relax as the cultists became confused.

“Is that the dog colt again?” One cultist said.

“I’d like to see him try to bite us,” Another cultist said. “I’ll rip his teeth out.”

“Oh that is no dog colt,” Cinch told the cultists as she let out a smug smirk. “Instead, your worst nightmare is right behind you.”

The Windigos Cultists turned around and they saw Princess Celestia approach them. But something was off. She was hunched over, showing her teeth and growling like a wolf. The Cultists began to quiver in fear.

“That’s Princess Celestia,” One cultist said.

“But what’s she doing in that position?” Another said.

“Oh horse apples,” The third said. “I think she’s taken a cue from that mongrel.”

Princess Celestia immediately leaped at the center cultist and pinned him down, barking at him like mad and causing the cult member to freak out yelling.

“GET OFF ME YOU RABID CUR!” The cultist yelled out as he struggled to move.

The other cultists began to fire off blasts of ice magic at Princess Celestia with the intent on freezing her. But Celestia leaped out of the way as the ice hit the cultist, pinning him to the ground with cold ice.

“Run for your lives,” One of the other cultists said. “She’s after us.”

Princess Celestia sprinted towards the other cultists, barking wildly as the cult members ran for their own lives. As they ran off, Celestia stopped in her tracks and blew a puff of air from her nostrils before turning around to face Wanda and Cinch. The cultist next to them ripped a portion of his cloak from the ice before getting up and running off.

“I thought there was no Alicorn that could have this Wolf’s Breath,” Wanda said to Cinch.

“I lied,” Cinch said to Wanda. “Princess Celestia is the only Alicorn who bears the Wolf’s Breath Curse.”

Princess Celestai walks up to Wanda and Cinch. Her Wolf’s Breath trance had disappeared, and what was once a vicious wolf had returned to being a kind, gentle soul.

“Are you both alright,” Princess Celestia said to Wanda and Cinch.

“Thanks to you,” Cinch replied. “And ironically, thanks to that young colt who came to our aid.”

Celestia turned her head towards the back corner behind her and said “You can come out now.” Without warning, Twilight Sparkle and Starlight Glimmer came running up to Princess Celestia.

“Mommy,” Wanda asked Celestia. “Why do you have this Wolf’s Breath Curse?”

“My darling Wanda,” Celestia replied. “I was born with it. My mommy and daddy knew I had this curse. But they also knew that there was a responsibility to my gift.”

“Am...Am I in trouble?” Wanda asked Celestia.

“No,” Celestia said as she kissed Wanda on the forehead. “You’re not.”

“Considering what happened,” Cinch said to Wanda. “I think you’re off the hook, Man’s Cub.”

“Cinch,” Celestia said. “Thanks for keeping Wanda safe.”

“It’s just another day in the office,” Cinch joked. “If it’s not a bunch of crazed fans obsessed with Ogres and Oubliettes or having to put up with the morons in the Senate, it’s a bunch of no-good Windigos Guild cultists.”

Right next to Celestia, Twilight and Starlight looked at each other and smiled.

“Well now we know Wanda and Cinch were safe thanks to Princess Celestia,” Twilight said.

“And with her at our side,” Starlight said, “We don’t have anything to worry about.

Suddenly, both Twilight and Starlight were violently yanked away by an ice cold aura. They yelled loud enough to get Celestia, Wanda and Cinch’s attention, where they saw Coldnelius Snap hold up both fillies with a grin on his face.

“Twilight, Starlight,” Celestia yelled as her iris in her eyes began to fade.

“Okay ya rotten queen,” Coldnelius Snap said to Celestia. “Give me that Man’s Cub, or these two will get the tip of the iceberg.”

Celestia hunched back into a defensive stance as she growled at Coldnelius Snap.

“So,” Coldnelius Snap said. “You’re a mongrel as well, eh? Won’t do ya any good if your daughters got cold plates of meat.”

“You’re as low as they come,” Cinch yelled at Coldnelius Snap. “When this is over, I will stuff you in a cell at summer temperature.”

“You’re a big meanie,” Wanda yelled as she looked ready to cast a spell.

“Aww,” Coldnelius Snap said, amused by Wanda looking to fight back. “The lil' tyke wants a fight. I wonder if it meant losing your close friends, Man’s Cub” With that, Coldnelius Snap held Twilight and Starlight close to his head, and began to charge up his horn with cold magic.

“TWILIGHT! STARLIGHT!” Wanda yelled as she stood there helpless. “NOOOOOOOOOOOO!”

Suddenly, he felt a bite at his hind leg again. Coldnelius Snap looked down and he saw Danged Spell sink his teeth into that leg.

“YEEOUCH!” Coldnelius Snap shook his leg violently, focing Danged Spell to let go as the Cultist leader made a run for it, dropping Twilight and Starlight to the side. Danged Spell retaliated by simply barking at the coward of a cultist as Twilight and Starlight jumped towards Wanda, who gave the two unicorns a hug

“You’re both alright,” Wanda said as she embraced Twilight and Starlight.

“Don’t think that this is over, Governor,” Coldnelius Snap yelled as he made a run for it. “The next time that we meet, I’ll bring you the coldest nightmare you will ever experience.”

Danged Spell and Princess Celestia proceeded to bark at Coldnelius Snap as he ran off in the distance. As the Cult leader had disappeared, Princess Luna walked up behind them, smiling as she had watched these two drive off the cultist leader.

“Okay you two,” Princess Luna joke. “Enough of these dog gone shenanigans.”

Danged Spell and Princess Celestia shook their heads, snapping out of their wolf-ish trance, just as Sunset Shimmer, Sunburst, Moondancer and Abigail ran on in. Sunset, Sunburst and Moondancer stopped and approached Princess Celestia while Abigail ran up to Wanda and jumped up to give Wanda a hug.

“What just happened, mommy?” Sunset Shimmer asked Celestia.

“That is a story I must tell all of you,” Princess Celestia said to Sunset, Sunburst and Moondancer.

As Celestia gathered the other unicorn younglings together, Danged Spell looked at both Wanda and Cinch, and looked shameful. He walked up to both individuals, who were having a conversation together.

“Where did you find that cat?” Cinch asked.

“I….” Wanda said. “It was being attacked at the school grounds. I couldn’t let some mad crows peck at it.”

“You at least have a knack for cats,” Cinch replied. “And I happen to be a fan of them.”

As Cinch and Wanda turned their head, Danged Spell walked up to them as if he were in trouble.

“What is wrong with you, young stallion?” Cinch asked. “You saved us from those hooligans. You should be thankful.”

“No,” Danged Spell said. “I originally came to tell you...I’m the one who threw that water balloon at you. By accident.” Those words were enough to surprise Chancellor Cinch.

“It was you?” Cinch said, confused by Danged Spell’s confession.

“And I never intended to hit you.” Danged Spell replied. “I was just having a fun time with Wanda, especially after she proved to be a great friend, and one who is willing to save the life of anyone, even if it wore her out. If anyone deserves the scorn, it’s me.” Danged Spell proceeded to turn his head in shame.

“No child,” Chancellor Cinch said as she put her hoof on Danged Spell’s head. “If anyone needs to apologize, it’s me.”

Cinch turned to Wanda and looked at her with a solemn face.

“Early ago,” Cinch said to Wanda. “I accused you of hitting me with a water balloon. It was my own natural reaction as I had little trust in you. But because of my own intolerance, I did not see the full picture until your friend confessed to being the one responsible. But that is not the only apology you’re getting from me. I was also unaware of those hooligans that were in our path. And as a result, I put you in grave danger. I am terribly sorry.”

Wanda looked at Cinch in confusion as the Chancellor put her hoof around her cheek and removed a small tear from her eye. The man’s cub has been through alot today. Nearly losing Abigail to savage crows, wearing herself out from saving the cat’s life, getting in unintended trouble with the Chancellor, and nearly taken captive by a group of cultists. The only thing Wanda could do was give Cinch a hug.

“I…” Wanda said as she cried. “I accept your apology.”

As Wanda continued to hug Cinch, Sunset walked up to Danged Spell. She was a little shaken by Danged Spell’s actions. But at least the situation had finally been taken care of.

“You gave us all a scare,” Sunset said to Danged Spell. “But you’re officially the coolest cat in the books.”

“Thanks,” Danged Spell said. “But it was more canine, not feline.”

Celestia walked up to Danged Spell and says “I think we better tell your parents the heroic deed you pulled.”

“Am I going to be in trouble?” Danged Spell asked.

“No,” Celestia replied. “But I’m thinking of enrolling you in a special program in my school for your curse.”

“She has a point, young one,” Cinch said as Wanda let go of her and the Chancellor walked up to him. “Though I would have been a bit harsh on you with that water balloon, you at least proved to be willing to help those in need. Even if it was reckless.”

Later, as the sun began to set on the horizon, Celestia, Luna, Cinch, Wanda, Abigail, Sunset, Twilight, Starlight, Sunburst, Moondancer and Danged Spell were walking down the streets of Canterlot. It had been a long day since Wanda began her first day at school. But for everyone, a lot has been accomplished.

Wanda walked up to Danged Spell and said “You know, for a pony with an attitude problem, you were a real help.”

“Yeah,” Starlight said to Danged Spell. “The way you bit that meanie was funny.”

“I had my doubts about you,” Moondancer said to Danged Spell. “But you’re actually 20% cooler than I realize.

“Never thought I would have a colt friend who can stand his ground,” Sunburst said to Danged Spell.

“Thanks for saving my sister,” Sunset said to Danged Spell. “In the end, you are a part of our friendship, and Friendship is Magic.”

Danged Spell just smiled and said “Well hey. I can definitely say that our friendship has gone to the dogs.”

Everyone else let out a collective groan and said “Danged Spell” before laughing.

“Aww come on,” Danged Spell joked. “At least I was trying to be optimistic.”

To be continued in….

The Wolf’s Promise

Author's Note:

The Wolf's Breath curse was something that I came up with for Danged Spell. As stated, it's a curse that causes the host to lose all sense of magic, and have the instincts and manners of a wolf. What they lose in magic, they make up in terms of pure strength.

Also as demonstrated, Princess Celestia also bears the Wolf's Breath curse, as the only Alicorn to do so(Compared to Princess Luna and Princess Cadance). But those two might not be the only bearers of the Wolf's Breath Curse.

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