• Member Since 23rd Apr, 2020
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago


A pony of mystery in the darkness. Or I forgot to take the lens cap off. (They/them is fine.)


"You think we should pay you to argue?" a pony asked.

Photograph of woman in business suit by Moose Photos. Used by permission.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 13 )

And that’s how I learned about the programmer socks meme.

Going by some background characters, Equestria doesn’t appear to be the paradise you present here, but this is a most amusing concept. Thank you for it.

Paradise is what you make of it.

Your...'people' don't have enough arguments already, so you have to pay people to make more arguments for you?

Presumably, that's to win arguments

Well, who is going to sell you clothes if you don't pay for them, cheapskate?
I don't think fantasy settings even have lawyers, it's a dead-end job basically, you are better of being an adventurer

Disagree, give them a little more protection and there, all good.

Have a nice day.

Wow, Mila is NOT a good lawyer if she can't even properly explain why it's a bad idea for people to represent themselves in court, or why lawyers are necessary at all. "I get paid to argue" is such a bad way of explaining what a lawyer actually does.

Worst lawyer ever, how did she expect to get anything out of Rarity without signing a contract? Sounds like it was more in line with the "influencer" idea that you should get free food for making an instagram post.

"Your...'people' don't have enough arguments already, so you have to pay people to make more arguments for you?" Celestia smiled. "That sounds lovely. To have so few arguments in your world, you actually want to PAY people to make up the shortage." She smiled. "I take back everything negative I said about your world before. It sounds like a wonderful place. I really have no idea why you ever left."

Yes, that is lovely. :rainbowlaugh:

She probably took one semester at law school, dropped out, and now pretends to be a lawyer.

More like got expelled lol. Nobody is getting through a semester of law school with an attitude like that.

Mandatory Disclaimer: Not a lawyer and my only experience with the law is a nightmare where I get arrested for murder and the Phoenix Wright games and a fangame that has proper objections in it.

But "getting paid to argue" is a naive way to explain being a lawyer. Being a lawyer is all about representing your client's best interests at heart and ensuring a fair ruling can be made.


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