• Published 15th Mar 2022
  • 539 Views, 10 Comments

The baby cakes - Shattering stones

Mr’s cake’s birth was a disaster. She had to do something, because the world couldn’t see what she had made.

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“Mrs cake. Wake up.” Mrs.Cake is woken up to a young pegasus nurse. Her eyes fluttered, and she had no idea how long she was asleep.

“Oh, hello ma’am.” Mrs.Cake rubbed her eye with her hove, and blinked a few times to clear her vision. She wondered how old she was sleeping, since she had given birth. Her legs felt tingly, but she took no notice.

“Well its been a few hours since you’ve given birth. And you had a beautiful…” the nurse looked nervously.
“A b-beautiful baby boy!”

“Boy? I thought i would have twins.well, can i see my little boy? I’ve been asleep for so long.”

“Uh.. well, uh you see Mrs.Cake. Your son.. isn’t like other ponies, and…”

the nurse stopped when she saw Mrs.Cake looking very worried. The nurse felt bad if she were to continue, so she would try to think of a way to put it, so it wouldn’t sound bad or offensive.

“Hes.. special, you know you and Mr.Cake are both earth ponies? Well. He’s actually a pegasus.”

“Oh. Are you sure he wasn’t a mix up?”

“I promise, he… he has a lot of resemblance to you and Mr.Cake.”

“Well i’d like to see him still. If it would be ok.”

The nurse chuckled but put her hove on Mrs.Cake’s.

“Listen Ma’am, we can’t really bring him out. He's under a small operation right now. So we’d like to have him for just a bit, and maybe you can see him later.

“Oh, of corse! Sorry if i sounded rude.”

“You didn’t Mrs.Cake, it’s completely ok.”

The nurse looked at the clock, ears flattened. Mrs.Cake saw her somber expression and looked at the calendar by the door. What? Its been two days? What happened? Was she really out for two days, but why did she feel like it had only been a few hours, and why did the nurse say it was only a few hours?

“It it will be a few minutes till lunch. I should get to my other patients Mrs.Cake.”

“Of corse. I’ll see you in time.”

The nurse nodded and walked towards the door. The door creaked open, and shut closed. She looked to the night stand and saw two things that stood out. A clipboard and a bottle of pills. These where her’s? She took the note book and read about the child she had. It was in a hand writing, only one person could possibly have written, Dr.Wreath. A king unicorn who made anything seem good and helpful, no matter how something seemed bad, but this wasn’t that.

“Mrs.Cake. A blue mare with bright purple eyes and a pink Maine like cake icing. And the yet to be named foal. The foal is like two conjoined foals as one, something we haven’t had in a very very long time. Surgery would be needed, as the foal could die without an operation.” There was nothing else describing what her foal looked like. It said nothing about him being a pegasus, unicorn or earth pony, was it to hard to tell? Mrs.Cake tried not to thing about it to hard. She then looked at the bottle of pills. It read, “melatonin” and more things she couldn’t care about.

She felt her eyes grow heavy, and she didn’t want much to do, as she didn’t have much to do. So she decided to sleep, because she couldn’t do anything else. She closed her eyes and began to fall asleep again. Maybe she would get woken for lunch. Weather she was woke or not, was fine either way, as she couldn’t feel huger as much as she used to.

She looked at the window, a bird built its nest on the windowsill. It was peaceful, but the bird flew off into the sky, the door opened and she turned her head.

“So the operation wasn’t a success, but it wasn’t a failure.” The nurse said as she turned to Mrs.Cake.

“What do you mean?” Mrs.Cake tilted her head.

“Well, he had some breathing problems, but he is doing better, but they should have some medication everyday.”

“Well at least he’s alive.” Mrs.Cake tried to smile.

Mrs.Cake jumped from the bed and to the nurse, her grey-blue gown tugging her back leg. They walked out the door and into a room just down the hall. The room had a doctor wrapping the foal up in a baby blue blanket.

When the doctor stopped, and brought the foal over, she felt warmth, finally being able to see her foal after two or three days. When the doctor pulled the wapping off its eyes, it made Mrs.Cake’s stomach twist and turn. She felt her mouth began to dry, and she stepped back. This was worse than the description on the clipboard. This couldn’t be her son. It just couldn’t.

She stepped back and she felt a hot tear roll down her cheek. This image wouldn’t be getting out of her heady any time soon. It had hooves where it should be, but an extra hove sticking out the middle, but more closer to the right hove. And it had half a mouth sticking from the left side of it’s face, that still opened and closed, in a cooing sound. It’s eyes where pitch white and dripping this weird white substance. It had one wing, that was large and stuck out the middle of it’s back.

Nothing would erase this from her mind. She looked at the doctor who wasn’t looking at her. She wanted a child for so long, and she then feared, that if any children she had looked like this, it wouldn’t be her foals. She didn’t want to be known for a monster of a foal. Maybe she could find a way to do something, and luckily she was staying with a friend in another town, in a hospital that wasn’t with people that really know her. She would try to think of many out comes that could happen, nothing ended nicely.

She took the foal from the doctor and held it close to her. She didn’t want to look at it. She turned and walked outside the room. She walked down the hall and took a quick glance at a zebra with cardboard wings to his sides and sclera almost as dark as black, and pricing on his ears, nose and eye browns. She didn’t look back.

“Mrs.Cake! You need to sign out to leave!” Mrs.Cake turned back to them, and before doing anything with rational thoughts in mind, she ran. She ran with what power in her legs she had. She turned a sharp corner and quickly ran down the stairs, and continued running through the halls. She rushed through the front door, and felt the little sunlight from the clouds covering the sun. She ran to the rights side of the dirt path and ran. She ran and didn’t look back, she turned back and nobody even tried to chase her. She turned back and took a short cut through the swampy forest.

The smell of the swamp was of rosed-lily pads and wet bark. She saw a small shack and saw a single candle lit. She didn’t stop, and continued on a trot. Mushy and wed dirt sloshed under her hooves. Her nose wrinkled, she smelled a sharp smell, she instantly felt fear, and nothing could turn her mind, because she knew this, and she knew what it was. She turned quickly, and ran to the left, and running out, trying to find a trail, any tail.

She heard the sounds of sticks cracking behind her, and leaving rustling. She jumped over a log, and a roar came from behind. But it wasn’t a timberwolf howl, but it was loud and as strong as a timberwolf’s howl though, and she reach to the dirt past and caught her breath as much as she could.

She looked down, and ponyvill was just out of reach. She could feel the thing in her arms begin to move around. She took the short route that would lead her home, but wouldn’t let her be seen by any pony else. She began a trot as she got closer and closer to the heart of the town, Ponyvill.

She got to the back entrance of her house. She prayed nobody will or has seen her. She quickly got in, and was relieved to see nobody was in. She had got to her basement, and looked for a place nobody would find her, or the thing she created. She placed the thing on the ground, and sat by it. She had to think of a way out of this. Nobody would think of her the same if they saw this creature.

She heard the creature breath a shattered breath, and she felt her heart breaking in millions of pieces. She didn’t want to, but she had to. She put her hoof on the creature, and pushed down. She heard the fragile snap of it’s ribcage. It squirms were stopped instantly, and replaced with stillness, that made Mrs.Cake want to gag. She took a sheet from an old oven, and wrapped it up in it. She took it, put it in the trash and took the trash out back. Where all mistakes where put.