• Published 15th Feb 2022
  • 3,065 Views, 166 Comments

The Rebel and The Bookworm (CANCELLED) - qiley

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Chapter 13: School and Duels

Author's Note:

Woohoo I'm back! I've been slowly getting back into writing, so don't expect as frequent updates as before, but expect there to be new chapters every once in a while. I hope you all enjoy the chapter.

As always, feel free to leave a comment! See you all in the next one. :twilightsmile:

“So your first duel’s today, huh?” Sunset whispered to Twilight.

Twilight simply nodded.

“Are you excited?”

She nodded again, still nose deep in her book.

Sunset let out a short cough. “Who are you against again?”

“Minuette,” Twilight mumbled.

“You think you can beat her?”

“Uh huh…” Twilight hummed while mindlessly nodding.

“It’s like talking to a brick wall,” Sunset sighed, laying her head on the desk.

“Brick walls don’t talk, Sunset,” Sunburst commented. Sunset gave him an unamused look which he simply shrugged off.

“You do know I didn’t mean it literally, right?”

“Oh yes I do,” Sunburst grinned, pushing up his glasses slightly. “Just thought it’d be funny to say something like that.”

“Well it wasn’t.”

“I thought it was funny!” Starlight joined in.

“Of course you did,” Sunset mumbled, letting out a long sigh.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Starlight frowned.

Sunset smirked. “Nothing, nothing at all.”

The closing of a book caught all their attention. Twilight seemed to have closed her book and was staring right at Sunset.

“What are you all talking about?” Twilight asked.

“Nothing really,” Sunset answered. “Though, I was trying to talk to you about your duel. It seemed like you were a little busy though.”

“Sorry,” Twilight smiled sheepishly. “The chapter was just getting good so I wanted to complete it without getting distracted.”

“What were you reading anyways?” Sunset tilted her head slightly to get a view of the book. Letting out a long sigh, she shook her. “Why are you reading Canterlot Cannibals Volume VII?”

Canterlot Cannibals?!” Starlight and Sunburst shouted in uniosn.

“Shush!” The teacher frowned, glaring at the group.

“Sorry…” They both apologized with hung heads while Sunset snickered.

Straightening up after a moment, Sunset cleared her throat. “Anyways, do you have a plan on winning?” Sunset paused. “Wait, why am I even asking you? Of course you have a plan! You’re Twilight.”

“Are we just going to gloss over the fact she was reading Canterlot Cannibals?” Sunburst whisper-yelled. “Volume eight at that!”

“Why are there eight volumes?” Starlight tacked on.

“I learned to never question Twilight, even if she does some pretty wacky stuff,” Sunset chuckled.

“Okay… Wait, what’s Twilight winning?” Starlight tilted her head. “Is there some sort of competition going on?”

“Right!” Sunset smacked her forehead. “Starlight still doesn’t know about the duels.”

“Wait, ponies duel here?” Starlight was slightly taken aback. “Isn’t that dangerous?”

“Yes,” Sunset simply answered.

“And the school does it?”

“Yup!” Sunset nodded. “It’s a lot of fun, though I’ve only had an official duel once.”

“So the school hosts duels, and parents are okay with that?” Starlight asked, suspicion in her voice.

“You know, I never really thought about the parent’s opinion of them,” Sunburst rubbed his chin. “They must be, considering that almost everypony participates in them.”

Starlight nodded slowly. “Okay, so what happens at these duels?”

“Do you not know what the world ‘duel’ means?” Sunset cocked an eyebrow. Starlight shot her a glare, but it didn’t affect Sunset one bit.

“Basically two ponies fight using magic until the other is unable to fight or gives up,” Sunburst summarized. “There’s a lot of other nuances, but that’s the jist of it.”

“You’re telling me that ponies basically fight to the death, at a school?” Starlight slowly blinked in disbelief. “You don’t think that sounds, I don’t know, crazy?!”

“Nah,” Sunset simply replied.

Sunburst chuckled. “Don’t worry Starlight, I thought it was a little crazy at first.”

“So why don’t you anymore?” Starlight asked.

“They’re fun,” Sunburst answered. “Plus, they help me practice magic! Being able to apply magic like that sure is useful.”

“Uh huh…” Starlight nodded slowly. “So are there any requirements to participate? Like do you have to be a certain age or grade?”

“You just have to get permission from your parents,” Sunset said.

“That’s it?” Starlight asked.

“Yup,” Sunset replied.

Starlight’s face deadpanned. “Seriously?”

“I’m dead serious.”

Starlight sighed. “Well, guess I’m never going to fight then.”

“It’s because of your dad, right?” Sunburst assumed.

Starlight nodded. “You got that right.”

“Your dad wouldn’t agree?” Sunset asked. “Why not?”

“He’s just a teensy-bit overprotective. Just a little though!” Starlight awkwardly chuckled.

“Starlight, I think you might be downplaying how protective he is of you,” Sunburst chuckled. “He almost burnt your house because a bug tried to bite you.”

“Okay, maybe he’s overprotective, but that’s just his way of showing he loves me!” Starlight defended him. “Though he can be a little overbearing at times. You know how hard it was to convince him to come here?”

“I bet it was super hard,” Sunburst said.

“I have to write to him every week and visit at least twice a month,” Starlight groaned. “That’s the compromise we came to.”

“That doesn’t sound too bad,” Sunburst commented.

Sunset nodded. “Not at all.”

Starlight sheepishly smiled. “It’s really not that bad. I was just being a little over dramatic.

“Anyways, Twilight, why were you reading Canterlot Cannibals?” Sunburst asked, his attention back on Twilight’s book.

“Well while I was studying Canterlot’s history, I noticed there were a lot of things missing, so I decided to do my own research,” Twilight said. “I asked Celestia about it, and she directed me to the Canterlot Cannibals series. Who knew that Canterlot would have such a dark era!”

“How many books are there in the series?” Starlight asked, a little concerned.

“There’s sixty four books in total.”

“That sure is a lot of books about cannibalism,” Sunset chuckled.

“Weren’t you asking Twilight about her duels?” Sunburst reminded Sunset.

Sunset slapped her forehead. “Oh, right. We got a little distracted, huh?”

“Just a tiny bit,” Sunburst grinned.

“So Minuette, huh,” Sunset rubbed her chin. “Can’t say I remember anything noteworthy about her.”

“She’s really good at levitation and imbuing magic into weapons,,” Twilight said. “Though that’s really about it. I’d say she’s mediocre at best at everything else.”

“Should be an easy fight then, right?” Starlight chimed in.

Sunburst shook his head. “You never know. Ponies usually have some sort of trick up their sleeve.”

“Speaking of tricks, my opponent’s name is Trixie,” Sunset grinned. “Ponies say she uses lots of things in her fights, like smoke bombs and fireworks.”

“Fireworks? In a fight?” Starlight tilted her head. “How?”

“No idea,” Sunset chuckled.

“She’s that really flamboyant magician, right?” Twilight asked.

“If by magician you mean a street performer, then yes, that’s the one,” Sunset said.

Sunburst nodded. “I’ve heard of her! She’s actually quite tricky to fight, no pun intended.”

“Even if you intended it to be a pun, it wouldn’t have been funny,” Sunset said, smirking. Sunburst simply rolled his eyes at her comment. “Anyways, I have some countermeasures in place.”

“A wind spell for her smoke bombs?” Twilight assumed.

“Of course,” Sunset nodded. “Can’t have her sneaking around after all.”

“So you’re allowed to use tools as well in the fight?” Starlight asked.

“To an extent, yes,” Sunburst said. “There’s a list of banned items in the official rulebook, which you can find at the front office.”

Starlight slowly nodded. “Interesting…”

“Ponies usually just use their magic though,” Twilight informed Starlight. “They think it’s more noble that way.”

“Well no one likes to lose to tricks rather than somepony’s skills,” Sunset chuckled. “Though I’m sure I can see right through them.”

“She’s quite good with actual magic, though, she can’t compare to you two,” Sunburst said.

“Well now I’m excited,” Sunset grinned.

“I’m not,” Twilight said.

“Why not?” Starlight tilted her head. “It’s your first duel. That sounds exciting in itself.”

“Minuette isn’t a hard opponent,” Twilight pouted. “They only aired me with her just because we’re around the same age and both in the advanced class.”

Sunset shrugged. “Eh, at least it’ll be an easy win.”

“But I don’t want an easy want,” Twilight grumbled. “I want a challenge, something that will push me to my limits.”

“Well then you better start climbing the ranks then,” Sunset grinned. “That way you’ll be able to fight the strongest, like me!”

“Well you can challenge Amethyst whenever you want,” Sunburst said. “Remember what she said in her duel with Twinkleshine?”

“She did say something about that…” Sunset said, rubbing her chin.

“I don’t know if I could beat her now though,” Twilight sighed ruefully. “I think I’ll just test the waters first with other opponents. I want to develop my own fighting style!”

“There’s the Twilight I know,” Sunset smiled.

“It seems like you two are ready then,” Sunburst said.

“Well duh,” Sunset rolled her eyes. “Twilight and I take preparation very seriously. Twilight especially.”

“That’s great and all, but if we don’t leave now, you two might be late,” Starlight said, motioning to the empty classroom.

“Crap, let’s go!” Sunset exclaimed as she frantically got out of her seat and rushed out of the classroom.”

Twilight quickly followed, leaving Starlight and Sunburst alone in the classroom. They stared at one another for a moment before their giggles filled the classroom.

“I can’t believe it’s Twilight’s first duel!” Cadance clapped her forehooves together merrily. “I can’t wait to see her utterly destroy her opponent.”

“Cady, that’s not very ladylike,” Shining Armor frowned. “And also a little scary,” he added.

“I’m sure Twilight will easily defeat her opponent,” Celestia said. “She is my student after all.”

“Getting cocky, are we auntie?” Cadance smirked.

“Just a tad bit,” Celestia smirked back.

“I’m sure Twily will do great,” Shining Armor said. After a short pause, he chuckled. “Who am I kidding, I know she’ll do great! It’s Twilight after all.”

Celestia nodded. “I just hope she doesn’t go too overboard.”

“I’m sure she’ll know when to stop,” Shining Armor waved his hoof dismissively. “Twilight’s smart enough to know when she’s won.”

“Oh my, sorry we’re late!” A mare’s voice called out. The group looked down to the source of the voice. Walking up the stairs to them was none other than Twilight’s parents, Twilight Velvet and Night Light.

“Mister and Misses Sparkle, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” Celestia greeted them when they were closer.

“The pleasure is all ours,” Night Light replied, both of them bowing.

“Are you just as excited as we are?” Cadance asked.

“More nervous than excited,” Velvet said, taking a seat next to Shining Armor. “I hope Twilight doesn’t get hurt.”

“Everything’s going to be fine, honey,” Night Light chuckled heartily. “Our little Twilight is strong.”

Velvet sighed. “I know, but as her mother I can’t help but be worried.”

“Don’t worry Mrs. Sparkle, Twilight will be perfectly fine,” Celestia reassured her.

“If you say so princess,” Velvet said, still uncertain.

“I wonder where Starlight and Sunburst are,” Shining Armor looked at the two empty seats next to him. “They should’ve been here by now.”

Cadance shrugged. “Probably too busy flirting with each other.”

“More like Starlight trying to flirt with him,” Shining Armor snickered. “Sunburst is a little dense, don’t you think?”

“Mmhmm,” Cadance hummed in agreement, nodding her head. “I should give them a little push in the right direction.”

“No meddling with ponies’ love lives, Cadance,” Celestia grinned. “Unless they ask you, of course.”

“Whatever you say auntie.”

“Oh look, here they come!” Shining Armor pointed down at the two ponies approaching them.

“Who are they?” Velvet whispered to Shining Armor.

“Twilight’s friends,” Shining Armor answered.

“She has friends?” Night Light asked before getting smacked by his wife.

“Night Light!”

Night Light rubbed his sore neck. “Honey, you know Twilight’s personality. Can you really blame me?”

“Your reaction was just like mine, dad,” Shining Armor chuckled.

“H-Hi everypony!” Sunburst stuttered, catching his breath. “Sorry we’re late, we got a little caught up with something.”

“And what would that something be?” Cadance smirked, eyeing the two of them. “You both look a little flushed.”

Starlight tilted her head. “What do you mean by that?”

“Oh, nothing,” Cadance sing-songed.

“Oookay…” Starlight slowly said, taking a seat.

“We ran here as fast as we could,” Sunburst said. “Thankfully we made it just in time!”

As he said that, a guard walked out to the middle of the arena, causing everypony to go silent.

“Thank you everypony. Today’s first match is a special for one of these ponies,” the announcer on the sidelines announced. “This is Twilight Sparkle’s, princess Celestia’s protege, first duel!”

The crowd erupted into cheers at the mention of this, though they already knew who she was.

“She may be young, but there are rumors that her raw magical abilities are even greater then some of the greatest mages to live!” the announcer said, hyping the crowd up. “Although Twilight is powerful, that doesn’t mean her opponent won’t stand a chance.”

“Minuette is just a little older than Twilight, and is not only proficient in wielding her weapon with magic, but also quite skilled in imbuing it. This is going to be an interesting match everypony!”

With this, the guard then motioned for the two contestants to start walking to the middle. Twilight approached first. She wore a short black cloak with a black witches hat that was a size too big. Her wand swung on her side as she walked towards the middle.

“Aww, she’s so cute,” Cadance grinned.

“Mhm!” Velvet nodded. “Just adorable!”

Minuette approached the middle as well, wearing a small chestplate that only covered the front half of her body. Underneath the metal was cloth, covering the rest. Her mane was flowing as she was not wearing a hat or helmet. Slung on her back was a blunt metal pole with a white crystal etched into one of the ends.

“Why does she have such a long staff?” Night Light asked. “Don’t they use magic, not weapons?”

“Some ponies are better at controlling and imbuing they're magic into things rather than just using spells,” Shining Armor explained.

“Huh, I never thought of that,” Night Light rubbed his chin.

“Why do you think some guards carry around spears or swords?” Shining Armor chuckled.

Night Light nodded. “I guess that makes sense.”

The two ponies met in the middle. The guard, as per usual, listed out all the rules.

“Do you both understand?” He stated, looking at the two of them.

“Yes,” Twilight simply replied.

Minuette nodded. “You got it!”

“Good,” the guard nodded with content. “Return to your designated start points, and start on the referee’s command.”

The two walked to their starting positions, opposite to one another. The guard made his way out of the arena, leaving only the two fighters in the arena.




“GO!” The referee shouted, blowing his whistle.

Minuette was the first to make a move, igniting her horn. A dark blue aura surrounded her staff, causing it to smoothly float in front of her.

“For her to be able to levitate that staff at her age is impressive in itself,” Celestia commented, smiling faintly. “But to be able to control it at that level is an even bigger feat.”

“Maybe she’ll prove to be a good opponent for Twily,” Shining Armor said.

Cadance rolled her eyes. “I doubt it. Twilight’s the strongest filly I know!”

Minuette dashed forward, her staff following closely behind her. As she approached Twilight who simply sat there, she smirked slightly.

“Are you seriously just going to stand there?” Minuette taunted. “You’re making it too easy!”

Minuette abruptly disappeared from sight when she was a few feet away from Twilight. In just a split second, she suddenly appeared to the right of Twilight, bringing her staff down on her at lighting speed.

A light flashed, followed by a loud and ear piercing blast. A giant shockwave flew all around the arena, a gust of wind flowing throughout the arena. Dust covered the arena, leaving the result of the attack a mystery to the crowd.

“I can’t look…” Velvet muttered, shielding her eyes.

“I’m sure Twilight’s fine,” Cadance said, her voice slightly wavering.

As the dust slowly settled, the crowd could make out the only one pony standing. The other was wedged into a nearby wall, not moving. The crowd was silent, holding their breath in anticipation. The dust soon fully settled, shock filling the crowd.

Twilight was standing there, unharmed and unfazed!

“How?!” Some ponies yelled, not able to believe she won that easily.

“What even happened?”

“How is she unharmed? The attack was so quick that I couldn’t even see the staff!”

As ponies in the crowd questioned the outcome of the battle, Celestia simply smiled. Twilight looked up at where they were all sitting, a large smile on her face. She waved at them eagerly and happily.

Sunburst and Starlight sat there, both of their mouths agape. Shining Armor stared at his sister with wide eyes.

Velvet and Night Light stayed silent, looking down at their daughter.

“What happened auntie?” Cadance asked.

“It’s quite simple, actually,” Celestia quietly chuckled. “She simply repelled the attack with a barrier and shot the energy her barrier absorbed back.”

Cadance frowned. “How is that simple? Should a filly even be capable of doing that?”

“No normal filly would be able to do that,” Celestia answered. “But Twilight isn’t a normal filly, is she?”

“No, she is not,” Shining Armor mumbled.

Sunburst rubbed his chin. “Wait, so if Twilight shot back the attack she received, then Mineutte’s attack was that powerful?”

“I don’t believe Minuette’s attack was that powerful,” Celestia shook her head. “Rather, Twilight found a way to amplify it before sending it back.”

“Twilight defeated her in one move, and she wasn’t even on the offensive,” Sunburst said in disbelief.

“Our filly is that strong?” Velvet asked, looking at Night Light.

“You betcha,” he grinned slyly.

A whistle echoed throughout the arena.

“The winner of this match is Twilight Sparkle!” The announcer shouted. “That concludes our first match of the day.”

The medical team had already rushed Minuette out of the arena and towards their tent, leaving only Twilight and the announcer.

“Ms. Sparkle, I have to say, that was one impressive, and might I say flashy, way to win,” the announcer chuckled. “What exactly did you do?”

“I just repelled the attack with a barrier,” Twilight answered very simply.

“There has to be more to it than that,” the announcer said. “There’s no way a simple barrier could create such a powerful shockwave. I almost got launched out of my seat!”

Laughter filled the crowd.

“Well there is more to it, but I don’t want to say,” Twilight smirked. “A magician doesn’t reveal their secrets, do they?”

The announcer nodded his head. “Very wise, very wise. Well, will we at least be seeing more of you? We didn’t really get to see you use any spells!”

“I plan to continue doing duels!” Twilight chirped, smiling.

“Well that’s that, folks!” the announcer said to the crowd. “The next match will start in a bit, so feel free to grab a snack at one of our stands outside!”

The majority of the students stayed in their seats, chatting amongst each other about the duel.
It displayed just how powerful Twilight was.

“Although the duel was short, it was enjoyable,” Celestia smiled.

“The suspense really added to it,” Cadance nodded in agreement.

“I still can’t believe Twilight won that easily,” Starlight mumbled. “I mean, she used one spell. One spell!”

“You and me both,” Sunburst weakly laughed.

Celestia smiled at their comments. “Well let’s hope Sunet does just as well.”

“We all know Sunset is strong, but defeating Trixie in one spell?” Sunburst shook his head. “I don’t see it happening.”

“Trixie is indeed a difficult opponent,” Celestia nodded. “I’m sure Sunset will have a little bit of trouble.”

“What kind of magic does this Trixie use?” Shining Armor asked. “I’m not really familiar with a lot of the fighters.”

“She’s a little similar to me, not specializing in one type of magic but rather spreading her attention to others,” Sunburst said. “Though she’s stronger than me by a large margin.”

“She also uses a lot of tools, like smoke bombs and fireworks, in her fights,” Cadnce added.

“You’ve watched some of her fights?” Sunburst asked.

Cadance nodded. “A couple. She puts on quite the show sometimes.”

“She is amusing to watch!” Sunburst agreed.

“I’m looking forward to it then,” Starlight said.

“Sunset? Who’s that?” Night Light asked, tilting his head.

“Sunset is Princess Celestia’s other personal student,” Shining Armor explained. “She’s also one of Twilight’s friends.”

“Twilight has three friends?!” Night Light gasped.

“Honey…” Velvet smiled, one of her eyes slightly twitching.

“Sorry!” Night Light quickly apologized before promptly shutting his mouth.

“Ahem,” Velvet cleared her throat, taking her glare off of her husband. “Well any friend of Twilight is a friend of ours. What does Sunset look like?”

“Just take a look down at the arena,” Celestia said, prompting them to turn their attention back to the center. Their eyes landed on the orange mare walking in from the side.

Sunset wore the same outfit as her first duel: a hooded black robe with a steel chestplate.

“I still can’t believe Sunset had that band custom made,” Cadance mumbled, her gaze on the metal band wrapped around Sunset’s head.

“Well I can’t believe she actually bought a high-grade ruby,” Sunburst said, his attention on her staff. “She didn’t even use it against me! I can’t imagine how screwed I would’ve been if she did.”

“Oh it’s starting!” Starlight said, causing them to look at the guard in the center.

“Welcome to the second match of the day everypony!” the announcer said, catching everypony’s attention. “Who would’ve thought we’d get back-to-back matches with Celestia’s personal students? What a lucky day!”

“Since Twilight already fought, we all know who’s next,” the announcer paused for a second. “Sunset Shimmer!”

Some ponies the crowd cheered, but none of them matched Cadance’s shouts.

“YEAH! DESTROY HER SUNSET!” Cadance yelled, pumping her hooves in the air.

“Cadance…” Celestia sighed, shaking her head.

“What? I’m just showing my support for a friend,” Cadance smirked.

“Sunset’s performance in her previous match was impeccable. She showed everypony that she’s someone not to mess with, that’s for sure!” The announcer simply ignored Cadance’s cries, going on with his little spiel.

“Her opponent, however, also put up quite the show in her previous duels,, literally might I say,” the announcer smirked. “Welcome back, the Great and Powerful Trixie!”

A small portion of the crowd cheered at the announcement of the magician. Trixie walked in flambolantly, waving her hoof at everypony.

She wore a purple cloak and witch hat decaled with stars all over it. It was her usual attire for the duels. Alongside her clothes, a wand with a purple gem hung by her side.

“Trixie is quite the difficult opponent as some of you might know, so I’m sure we’re in for quite the treat!” The announcer finished as the guard approached the middle. Sunset and Trixie beside him, he recited the rules.

“Do you both understand?” He said to both of them.

“Yup,” Sunset said.

Trixie grinned. “Of course I do.”

“Good,” the guard nodded with content. “Return to your designated start points, and start on the referee’s command.”

As the two returned to their starting positions, the guard walked back to his post. A few moments passed as the referee got comfortable in his seat. Finally, he started the countdown.




The referee blew his whistle, signifying the start of the match.

Trixie immediately reached into her cloak and pulled out a smoke bomb.Throwing it on the gounrd, it clouded a majority of the arena in smoke.

“Oh no you don’t!” Sunset said, her horn’s glow like a beacon in the night.

A strong gust of wind spread outwards from Sunset, causing all the smoke to disperse at once. The arena was now as clear as before.

Trixie clicked her tongue. “I see you’ve come prepared, but don’t think that’s the only trick up Trixie’s sleeve!”

Igniting her horn, Trixie suddenly closed the gap between the two of them with a blink. With a second cast, she froze the ground underneath Sunset, causing her to slightly lose her balance. Trixie wasn’t done just yet however. A chunk of ice appeared above Sunset and descended towards her.

“What an amusing strategy,” Celestia commented. “She’s drawing Sunset’s attention to the ice beneath her, upping the chances of the ice block hitting her right on the head.”

“Casting that fast is impressive,” Shining Armor said.

Sunburst nodded. “That’s why she places quite high on the ranking list. Mix that with her effective use of her tools, and you have one scary opponent.”

“It doesn’t seem like Sunset’s struggling too much right now though,” said Celestia, smiling.

With a glow of her horn, the ice melted below her almost instantly. Just as the ice above her was about to strike her down, a barrier appeared between her and the ice, causing it to shatter into small pieces.

“What the hay?!” Trixie shouted in disbelief. “You actually saw through Trixie’s attack?”

“It’s similar to something I did before, so yes,” Sunset grinned.

“Well let’s see how well you handle this,” Trixie quickly recovered from the shock, igniting her horn once again.

“Don’t think I’ll let you have all the fun!” Sunset smirked deviously, disappearing from Trixie’s vision. Trixie frantically looked around her, trying to figure out where Sunset teleported off to.

Appearing above her with a fully lit horn, Sunset shot a barrage of lasers downwards. Trixie reacted to the noise of Sunset’s horn, looking up at her. Teleporting again, Sunset appeared behind Trixie whose whole attention was on the lasers above her. Shooting a few more lasers from behind, Trixie had to deal with attacks from two angles!

“Is it me or has Sunset’s casting gotten faster?” Sunburst asked

“It’s not just you,” Celestia confirmed. “She certainly has become more proficient in multi-casting.”

“She’s multi-casting?” Starlight tilted her head.

“Indeed,” Celestia nodded. “You see Sunset is able to shoot those lasers out right as she reappears, right?”

“Oh, right!” Starlight slapped her forehead.

Trixie was able to block the attack from above her easily, but by the time she saw the other, they were already just mere inches away. Stumbling out of the way, a laser was able to find its mark on her back leg.

“Owww,” Trixie cried out, regaining her composure. Looking at her left hindleg, she frowned. “That hurt, you know!”

“That’s the point?” Sunset snickered.

Trixie shot a glare at her, her frown deepening.

“Sunset was able to get the first hit in! Though it only seemed to scrap her, it is bound to affect Trixie’s performance,” the announcer said.

“What does he mean by affecting her performance? Isn’t it just a measly hit on the leg?”

Cadance asked. “That shouldn’t really affect her, right?”

“Trixie’s expression should say it all,” Celestia simply said.

Cadance squinted, trying to make out Trixie’s face. Sweat trickled down from Trixie’s forehead. Her brows were furrowed and would occasionally. Overall she looked a little stiffer than earlier, indicating something was off with her.

“What’s wrong with her?” Cadance frowned, still not getting how Celestia meant.

“She’s most likely in some sort of pain due to that laser hitting her,” Celestia explained. “Though it may have seemed minor, I’m sure Sunset’s lasers carry a lot of weight. It must’ve felt like being stabbed at the least.”

“Seriously?” Cadance asked, her mouth slightly agape.

“Seriously,” Celestia nodded. “And since she’s in pain, it will affect the way she behaves the rest of the match. She’ll most likely be on the defensive and constantly pushed back. If she doesn’t do anything soon, she’ll eventually lose.”

“Sunset sure is scary,” Cadance mumbled.

Noticing Trixie’s grimace and now passive demeanor, Sunset sprung into action, taking the offensive. Shooting a few more lasers in her direction, she suddenly disappeared again, blink right next to Trixie.

“Seriously?” Trixie groaned, blinking away just as fast Sunset appeared.

As Trixie appeared in a new spot, Sunset was right next to her already. Swinging her staff down on Trixie, Sunset grinned. “Seriously.”

“How?!” Trixie cried out in frustration, summoning a barrier around her to block the attack.

The impact of the staff left cracks all over Trixie’s barrier, but failed to push through all the way. Seeing an opportunity, Trixie expanded her barrier, pushing Sunset back a few feet away.

“I’ve gotta admit, that was cool,” Sunset commented, stabilizing herself.

Trixie grinned. “Heh, thanks.”

“But let’s see if you can block this!” said Sunset before she continued her assault. Running towards Trixie, she ignited her horn.

“I wonder what Sunset has planned,” Starlight mumbled. “I mean, she’s just running right at her. Wouldn’t it be safer to teleport to close the distance?”

“Sunset’s probably trying to conserve the rest of her stamina,” Celestia said. “She’s been throwing all kinds of spells out, so it wouldn’t be surprising if she’s also running low on gas.”

“Just not as low as Trixie,” Sunburst added, to which Celestia nodded.

Trixie threw out an occasional laser to try and stop Sunset’s advance, but it was to no avail. Sunset would easily side-step it, closing the distance quickly. Trixie clicked her tongue as Sunset was just a couple feet away.

“You leave me no choice!” Trixie shouted. “Trixie didn’t want to use this now, but it seems I’ll have to.”

Trixie’s horn started glowing, growing brighter and brighter by the second. Seeing this, Sunset instinctively slowed down her approach, becoming wary of the other unicorn. A ball of magic formed on the tip of Trixie’s horn, growing larger and larger.

Staring at the large ball of magic, Sunset gulped. Steeling herself, she ignited her horn as well.

“Hey, that spell looks kind of familiar,” Sunburst said, rubbing his chin. “I just can’t put my hoof on it though…”

“I can,” Shining Armor solemnly said.

“Me too…” Starlight chuckled awkwardly.

Sunburst’s eyes grew wide. “Wait a minute, that’s the spell Starlight used. The one that blew up the garden!”

“Oh?” Celestia hummed, a small frown on her face.

“Shouldn’t we stop her? Large area destruction spells are against the rules,” Shining Armor said.

“We’ll see how it plays out,” Celestia said. “If there’s any sign of endangerment, then you have permission to act. Otherwise, just be ready to summon a barrier.”

“Yes ma’am,” Shining Armor saluted.

As the ball of magic grew and grew, Sunset simply stood there, staring at it. Eventually, the ball stopped growing, resting calmly on Trixie’s horn.

“Take this!” Trixie shouted, throwing it in Sunset’s direction.

“It’s now or never,” Sunset mumbled to herself, a magic shield appearing in between her and the ball.

“You think that little shield will be able to stop-”

Trixie stopped mid sentence, her jaw dropping. When the ball came in contact with the shield, it was sent flying upwards due to the slight angle. Flying straight up at neckbreak speeds, it disappeared into the sky.

“Here it comes!” Shining Armor shouted, suddenly summoning a barrier around the whole arena. The spectators looked around them in confusion.

Suddenly, an explosion filled the sky, followed by a massive shockwave that managed to shake Shining’s barrier. The ponies watching looked up at it in awe and shock. One could only imagine the damage that would’ve done if it hit a pony directly.

The shockwave eventually died down, causing Shining Armor to put down his barrier. All eyes were back on the arena where the two ponies simply stood.

“You. Huh. What?!” Trixie sputtered out, trying to form a sentence. Looking up at the sky and back at Sunset frantically, she couldn’t say anything. Suddenly, Trixie fell backwards, fainting.

Sunset chuckled. “I guess that’s one way to win.”

The announcer shook his head, breaking out of his daze. “A-And the winner is Sunset!”

“She won, just like that?” Cadance asked. “A little anticlimactic, if you ask me.”

“Thank you for putting that barrier up, Shining Armor,” Celestia smiled, ignoring her niece’s comment.

“Just doing my job, your highness,” Shining Armor said.

The announcer trotted next to Sunset as the medics placed Trixie on a stretcher and took her back to their medical tent.

“Sunset, that was quite the match,” said the announcer, chuckling. “If it wasn’t for that mysterious barrier, I’m sure the whole arena would’ve been destroyed! Though, seeing how you easily deflected it, I'm sure you weren’t nervous at all.”

“Heh, yeah…” Sunset rubbed the back of her neck, smiling sheepishly. “Not even a bit nervous.”

“Speaking of which, how were you able to redirect it so easily? That takes a lot of finesse.”

Sunset shrugged. “I kind of just did it out of instinct I think. I knew it was win or lose at that moment, but I wanted to challenge myself, so I took the more risky option.”

“Risky option? What do you mean by that?” asked the announcer, tilting his head.

“Well I could’ve easily just teleported behind her and canceled out her magic with another spell, but I really wanted to try and push myself this time around,” Sunset explained.

“A spell to cancel out magic? That’s quite impressive!”

Sunset smiled. “Well it’s still work-in-progress, but I can use it to an extent.”

“I’m sure everypony is excited to see you in your next match, so I hope you’re back soon!” the announcer said, finishing the interview.

The next match started shortly after, though the crowd thinned out slightly. Sunset and Twilight emerged from the crowd, going up to join Celestia and company.

“Congratulations you two,” Celestia greeted them with a smile.

“Thanks, teach’,” Sunset grinned.

“We’re so proud of you Twilight!” Velvet said, giving her filly a big hug. “Even if you scared me half to death.”

“Mom!” Twilight tried to pull herself from her bear hug, but didn’t have the strength.

Night Light chuckled. “Your mother is just showing how proud she is of you.”

“Twily, you did great out there,” Shining Armor noogied his sister right after her mother released her.

“I can’t catch a break,” Twilight huffed, accepting her fate.

“How was your first duel viewing?” Sunset asked, taking a seat next to Starlight.

“That looked so fun!” Starlight grinned. “I really want to try it now, but I know how hard that’s going to be.” Letting out a long sigh, she hung her head.

“Just trick him somehow,” Sunburst suggested.

Sunset gave Sunburst a look. “I’m surprised you’re the one who suggested that.”

“What do you mean by that?” asked Sunburst, cocking an eyebrow

“Just surprised, that’s all,” Sunset said. Turning her attention to Cadance, she grinned. “Speaking of being surprised, I almost jumped when you yelled, Cadance.”

Cadence smiled sheepishly. “Heh, I was just a little excited.”

“A little?” Shining Armor asked while simultaneously releasing Twilight.

“Yes,” Cadance simply said.

“How about we go get some donuts to celebrate Twilight’s first duel and Sunset’s win?” Night Light suggested. “I know a great place!”

“I would love to come, but unfortunately I have some business to attend to,” Celestia smiled weakly. “Maybe next time, Mr. and Mrs. Sparkle.”

“Of course, your highness,” Night Light said. “How about the rest of you?”

“Well it doesn’t seem like we have a choice,” said Sunset who was standing next to Twilight.
“Sounds good dad,” Shining Armor said.

Cadance nodded. “I’ve been craving donuts recently.”

“Can we come?” Sunburst asked, smiling awkwardly.

“Of course!” Velvet said. “Any friend of Twilight is ours, remember?”

“Thank you!” Starlight and Sunburst both said in unison.

“Alright, let’s go!” Night Light said, leading the way out of the arena.

Following behind him, they all made their way to the donut shop to celebrate Sunset's and Twilight's victories.