• Published 15th Feb 2022
  • 150 Views, 5 Comments

Fallout Equestria: Jams of Friendship - Visharo

A great adventure begins with a single thought, "FOR THE GLORY OF JAM!"

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Chapter 5: HUZZAH!

The Jaded Files: The Beginning

Red Lichen, Fresh Strawberry(the pegasus), and I stood in front of the hospital.

When I heard that her name was Strawberry, I gasped with jealousy. Strawberries are delicious and arguably the best ingredient for jams. I demanded that she would get one for me, she protested that she couldn’t go back above the clouds, much to my disappointment. I said she could join us, considering she can’t go anywhere. It took a while but she accepted my offer.

“So what’s the game plan?” Lichen looked at me, a new battle saddle fitted with a rifle and a shotgun.

“Why are we looking for this again?” Strawberry fidgeted with her laser pistol she stole before heading below the clouds.

“We are doing this for the glory of Jam! Also, I don’t know what our game plan is. Just head in and hope for the best?” I shrugged, my revolver bobbed upwards with my shrug.

“Great,” despite Lichen’s sarcasm, we headed inside.

We opened the door and pointed our guns all around us, prepared if anything jumped us. We stood huddled in the doorway, before realizing there was nothing. I shook myself in embarrassment and started forwards.


It was taking a while, because of how slow we were moving, jumping at every sound. A pillar crumbled from the slightest touch, and it took forever to get Strawberry to get out from under a bench.

“What are we looking for exactly? A box or something?” Lichen called out through his bit.

“I’m not sure, I’ve never done business with Ditzy before,” I admitted, “just check everything that looks remotely like jam.”

“Like this?” I whirled around to see Strawberry holding a jar of a green substance with a wing. I rushed forwards and grabbed it from her. I inspected it closely and confirmed that it was jam. I tentatively put a hoof in the jar and took a nibble. Tomato. I thanked her and hoofed the jar into my saddlebag.

“We should look for more…”

“Like those?” Strawberry once again pointed to a faded yellow box and once again I rushed forward. I heaved the crate on its side and looked inside. I squee’d with joy as I saw the contents. Jam!


“What are you going to do now?” I asked Strawberry, our little adventure over. With a jolt, I realized that I didn’t have anything to do either.

“I don’t know, travel the world. Maybe find Rainbow Dash again…maybe I should go back to the Enclave and get a proper Dashite mark,” she shifted to present a sliced strawberry cutie mark.

“Aw, don’t do that. It’s pretty.”

“What about you Jaded? We got the recipe, you’ve made me my jam, I paid you in full, and I got a sick battle saddle!” Lichen grinned.

“I don’t know. Life in Meatlocker is kinda boring, maybe I’ll travel the world as well. I’ve always wanted to do that as a filly. Maybe go to Canterlot, see where I grew up. See if my friend Rainy Days is still alive, I highly doubt it though. She had a filly you know, Puppysmiles I think it was. If they didn’t survive, I’ll find their bodies and bury them, they deserve that much,” my voice cracked a bit. I haven’t talked this much in a long time, “what about you Lichen? Got any interesting plans?”

“I was planning to go to Dise, maybe find my friend there. I haven’t seen him in a long time,” we slipped into an uncomfortable silence. The three of us looked at each other awkwardly.

“W-what if we travel together?” Strawberry looked at us with hopeful eyes. I couldn’t resist! She’s too cute with those adorable strawberry eyes.

“I like that idea, The Travelling Trio! Watch out Equestria!” I stood up and struck a heroic pose.

“Sounds good to me, where should we go first?” Lichen smiled at my antics.

“Hey guys, haven’t you noticed that all three of us have basically the same color palettes?” Strawberry asked in surprise.

We do? I gleaned downwards and we did. My dark green coat, Lichen’s murky green coat, and Strawberry’s bright green coat. Our manes too! My faded red mane, Lichen’s dusty red mane, and Strawberry’s bright red mane.

I grinned at them, “I think this’ll be the beginning of a great friendship!”


Author's Note:

I hoped you like my little easter eggs in this story, if you don't know any of them, that's ok.

Kudos to the other Fallout Equestria authors who made me stay in the fandom.

Comments ( 3 )

in theory, Strawberries can say "I wandered / ran away from home and bla bla" you don't have to get a label. Although it's a bit strange that she's Rainbow's idol(because she is considered a traitor)

Well, the story is interesting but short. There is potential.

very true, but it's only been a hundred years and propaganda doesn't sink in that fast, also RD is one of the most heroic pegasus in that time. Who doesn't want to be like her?

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