• Member Since 3rd Jun, 2019
  • offline last seen May 31st



Celestia warns her sister that Derpy might not be the best choice for a mate. Luna isn’t the type to care how different a pony is but how big their heart is. Unfortunately not everypony can see past some obvious differences.

Written for Bike’s Crackship Contest

Thanks to my friend who preread, SleeplessB.

Chapters (3)
Comments ( 14 )

Why'd you name one of your stories SleeplessB?

This story is exactly what I want to read in a crack-ship: something that initially sounds ridiculous but works surprisingly well when played straight. And bonus points taking Derpy's neurodivergence seriously instead of being a cheap joke. I don't know what to say, other than have a muffin, of course.

Amazing story. Love this pair and im hoping for a sequl in the future

They will appear in some fics in the background. I don’t have a sequel planned yet. But maybe I could be motivated. I do love the pairing.

Apparently, mountains are less dense than her. :rainbowlaugh: Ah well.
I have difficulties seeing the necessity of having Fancy and Fleur involved at all. The thought process started with my mild dislike of them being antagonists, although they were shown to be more decent than a couple of other nobles. From a purely narrative standpoint, I think whatever they contributed here could have been relayed by Celestia as well. It would feel less like 'besmirching' those two. But that is, of course, just my personal opinion, seeing as I'm rather fond of those two in more benevolent roles.
Let's move on.

I firmly believe that we - humans, that is - are capable of good deeds. Capable of being good, in general. And with the very same certainty, I believe that this is not our primary nature. We might be capable of it, but it is not our first instinct. Deep down, humans are self-serving. Everything we do that does not directly profit us takes effort to accomplish.
So, whenever someone says 'x has a dark side', at least in the privacy of my own thoughts, I'm like: No. X is dark, like everyone else. He just tends to work hard, displaying his light side.
I'm no exception. I can be petty. Vindictive. Spiteful. Luckily, I don't seem to have much affinity for hatred. Little mercies, I guess.
The reactions of these ponies feel excessive. It scratches at the immersion, but doesn't quite break it yet. But it makes me question the state of this world. These ponies are supposed to be the social elite. The 'higher class'. A circle where manners and self-control are given more weight. They display very little of that. Maybe because they've gotten away with displays such as this too many times. Maybe they've grown complacent. They sure are disrespectful and I cannot imagine that they are stupid enough, short-sighted enough, to not expect this reaching Celestia's ears. Of course, Luna shouldn't rely on her sister fixing things for her. I'm talking about the nobles' perspective exclusively. They don't take Luna seriously - okay. Stupid, but okay. But do they really expect her sister to sit idly by and keep her mouth shut to appease them? That would mean levels of arrogance that are high enough to certainly break believability.

For a moment - just a moment - I liked the idea of Luna just shutting those doors and bringing down the roof. Of course, that is horrible. Excessive, too. Maybe she should just pick one of them. Just one. A single spell, turn him to ashes. With everyone watching. A demonstration, a reminder to be respectful.
She wouldn't do that, I think. It certainly would have been utter overkill.
It was just... a very, very spiteful, vindictive moment. And for the duration of that moment, I reveled in thinking about how those ponies would react. Paling faces, distorted in silent screams of terror. Suddenly becoming aware of just how fragile their lives are. Of how fragile their bodies are. Realizing that maybe, just maybe, it isn't exactly a wise life choice to stand before a dangerous force of nature, ridicule it and laugh in its face. That maybe, just maybe, there would be consequences for such a misdeed.

What draws out most of my anger is the powerlessness that is evoked by knowing that one cannot fight society. A collective mind can change, but it takes years, decades, maybe centuries. And you're supposed to just sit tight and wait it out. And what little can be done feels like nothing at all.

You unraveled everything in ten minutes!

If she managed that with so little, then that's a rather pathetic display for this society, is it not?

Heh. Duna. The sister vessel of Tuna, I presume. Love the name.

And I whole-heartedly agree with this.

there were a lot of cute details and clever ideas here: Luna realizing that she's Derpy-proofed her chambers without knowing, Derpy pointing out that "returning" has a different meaning in the context of the postal system, and the status of their relationship being even more ambiguous due to Derpy being Derpy. those were very fun!

It had been given the nickname the twilight room long before her protégé had proven worthy of a crown.

a cute little detail, i like it

“That’s amazing! Both Princesses live in the same house! I thought you would be old enough to live on your own.” Derpy exclaimed as she bit into her first muffin.

this part was good stuff! Derpy's a great character to obliviously poke at the Royal Sisters' whole deal

“We’ll use protection!” Derpy cried out. Luna choked on her muffin.

this was funny!

This sort of behavior was what Luna would expect from a sports event or a highschool not a play on Briddleway. Had society lost its manners?

i do have to agree with Luna there

“Look out! Crispy Cream! The phantom’s behind you!” Derpy couldn’t help but shout out in fear. Luna internally groaned.

augh, can't take Derpy anywhere!

this was a stronger chapter, since your Derpy and her Derpy shenanigans are actually pretty good. Derpy interrupting a play due to her misunderstanding, then Luna using the moment as a soapbox to tell off the crowd in a way that the play's actors have to incorporate into the performance was a great idea for the plot. but i think i figured out what feels off about the other characters that bothered me in the first chapter as well. their disapproval is unsubtle in a way that robs the story of its immersion, and thus its dramatic weight. just more subtlety and nuance in both the interactions and the narration, and you'll have a really great fic in your hooves!

“Mmmm muffins from the stars are tasty.” The pegasus rolled on her back still draped over her princess. She cooed again and sighed back into the depths of slumber.

aww, a very cute Derpy moment

A muffin floated its way towards its doom but didn’t know it. The world was safe and happy around it, in it’s magical bubble. But the fate of happy muffins is inevitable. Especially around a hungry pegasus. The muffin's only regret was that it never saw Prance. Then a pair of hungry jaws snagged from its telekinetic cocoon and it was pulled into the depths of oblivion. And excitement.

this was clever but, unfortunately, a bit tonally off from what the rest of the story is trying to do. i definitely understand why you'd want to keep this in, though, since it is fun

“This is Duna,” Fleur announced proudly. “This is the vehicle for the change you wanted. I sent a scroll to Pinkie Pie and Rarity. I told them what happened. They organized this in a day. I don’t know how.”

and this was a fun way to make the ship name diegetic. "different" as the pony term for what we would call "neurodivergent" is actually a pretty nice touch that fits with how Maud uses it canonically.

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