• Published 4th Aug 2022
  • 1,471 Views, 19 Comments

Query - ShadowRazer2121

HADES comes back online to a strange world, but doesn’t know what to do.

  • ...

Chapter 9: Voyage

The Waves grew bigger and bigger as the storm pounded against the makeshift craft. It didn't help that the craft wasn't built for any of the current conditions. The rain poured with the utmost brutality as she tried to keep the craft together. Suddenly she had discovered before the storm had hit that her eyesight had increased greatly so she would have a better eye for detail. She saw a wave begin to rise over her and she knew she couldn't avoid it so she braced herself. Before she knew it the wave collided with her sending her into the ocean she tried to swim up but realized quickly that she didn’t know how to swim. She desperately paddled her front and back legs to try and bring her head above water so she could at least take a breath. With her lungs burning she sank deeper and deeper. Until darkness crept in and swallowed her vision she could not hold it anymore as everything faded to black.

Hades was in his usual mood this so-called trip to a ‘museum of history’ was really testing his patience. Mostly due to their guide taking what felt like an hour on each display, pretty much telling the life story of whatever was on the display. He had been forced to go by Twilight because apparently she had been summoned there so she decided to tag along with him. It was at this moment they entered a part of the building and he decided to start paying attention because of the probability of a pop quiz from the teacher was sitting at a 57.2056% chance of happening. If the constant weekly to monthly schedule that she normally did was anything to go by and the fact this was a new subject.

“Now you kids are in luck because we just recently opened a new exhibit dedicated to recent discoveries in the badlands and in the frozen north.” The guide said as the other students started to murmur to one another.

Opening the door Hades’ eyes widened at what lay within. As a man possible plans and ideas were already manifesting in his mind.

“This is our ancient history exhibit that we recently constructed for events that occurred in ancient times. These are some of the discoveries we made in the two locations.” The guide walked over to a podium where a Scarab stood propped up and deactivated. Hades was lost in thought, he noticed the very damaged and decayed state the scarab was in, which made him frown. He knew it wouldn't be able to activate due to its internal components being severely damaged. He came back to reality and noticed they had moved over to another that had a Khopesh that was also majorly damaged but in a slightly better condition.

“This is another one that was discovered at the base of the mountain in the frozen north that started this whole thing. But the next one is by far my favorite one due to how large it is estimated to be.” The guide said that Hades already knew what he was referring to as he moved to the final podium which had a display case. Within the casing was a scaled-down replica of the Horus Titan with a tiny version of a pony that was as big as crum. To these ponies' credit, the scaling was at least right.

“Who here thinks they can tell me how large they think it is?” The guide asked the group as all started shouting random size comparisons from a city to a planet which the second one confused him greatly. With Al this guess he raised his hoof to silent every. Suddenly on the display where the image was, a transparent image of a pony stood then with a slight wave of his horn the pony got really small. A transparent version of Horus appeared although not its actual size just a model. However, the model was only half of the Titan, not the full body which confused him.

It has been measured to be possibly as big as the mountains it lies upon. It is unknown who made these beasts and why or what their purpose was, but the popular theory is that they were used in many aspects of whoever or whatever came before ponies. Although it’s believed that they were mostly used for combat and great battles….” That’s when Hades stopped listening. He was disappointed in the ponies. He thought they would have uncovered the entire Titan by now. His plans were being put on a delay but he knew that he could at least try to see what he could pull from the Khopesh before he departed back to Ponyville. Before he left he knew he would definitely need one thing and that was the override tool on the scarab. Maybe then he could open the cauldron door.

5 Days Earlier

Hades had cautiously managed to get back to the cauldron door that now lay before him once more. He stared at it as if it would tell him how to open it. He had been attempting to use what he assumed was the little corruption trick on the door like he did the machines when he was still a digital construct. He kept thinking of the thousands of ways to get inside. Until one idea made itself known to him.

[6 months ago]
Eclipse base:
Location: Unknown
Status of Titan… inoperable

Hades was the equivalent of anger if he could even feel such a thing. The red glow Hades emitted intensified greatly as he watched for what might have been the millionth time, the entity destroying the fully operational Khopesh in the ruins of what the Eclipse troops called the Gravehoard. As did some research reviewing the final moments recorded on every soldier that had been lost to the entity that posed as Gaia’s creator. She was an enigma to him. Unsure how she could have survived so long. As he continued his research he noticed that as the entity fought the troops he commanded, he noticed something on the end of the entity’s weapon and for the first time he was amused but not impressed. An override module was attached to the end of the weapon that she now put on her back.

[End flashback]

Hades needed an override tool but he didn’t know where to find a Scarab which had one that was fully operational. He figured he would need to locate the Titan he originally arrived in this hellish place, but there is no telling where it could be. He decided he would leave this rotten town in search of one but he would have to plan it out carefully so as to not get caught. He quickly turned around and started running back to Ponyville. He had an idea of where he might learn the Titan’s location.

After reaching Ponyville he quickly made his way to the library and up to his room opening the nightstand and levitating a piece of paper that had plans to send them to a historical Museum. It must have been an act of fate, but that’s when Twilight came into the room.

“Hades, your lun….” She was cut off by a piece of parchment being aggressively shoved in her face.

“Sign it.” That was all Hades said as he left for the kitchen for he was hungry. Which was another problem he had to face.

Twilight pulled the parchment from his face and looked at it and her eyes glowed. Before she could do anything spike came in and said that she got a letter from Princess Celestia and that she was needed. She looked at the date of the school trip and it said 5 days from now. She had Spike write a letter to tell the princess of her arrival time.

Hades had waited long enough, as waited for the perfect moment to leave the group, he snuck off to the Scarab to grab the Override module. As he entered the room his eyes caught the image of a map on the wall that he never noticed before. He noted it had pins in the map with photos of where each machine was located and dug up. He also took notice of the Titan's location. It was located in a place called the Frozen North. Unknown to him he was being watched. He decided to jump up and take the map as it might come in use, but mostly due to the fact it also showed the map of Equestria as well. He put it in his saddlebags as he set them down to climb onto the scarab. As Hades looked around he found some useless parts but also found that the heat sink was still in good shape so he could use it to keep warm in the frozen north. While the heat sinks were designed to cool certain components of the faro robots he could reverse their original purpose and create a heating unit while removing the coolant. With the idea made he removed one of the small components that caused the cooling process to start and stowed it away in his bags. while he looked he jumped down and went to the drooping tail and instantly found the override module. A grin appeared on his face as his plans started to align. With this, he would finally be able to access the cauldron. Hades quickly stowed it away as he quickly ran over to the Khopesh and jumped to the top of the ancient rusting machine. As he examined it more closely he noticed its partly intact state and he began to wonder if it could be made operational with a few minor repairs or rewiring. While he wanted to quickly attempt such a thing he still wasn't ready nor anywhere near prepared to even attempt to take any action against the ponies. Especially, while the elements of harmony still remain at large. He didn't even know what they were. Were the weapons? Magical objects or totems? Or were they ponies with weapons? He had to consider all the variables.

Continuing his search Hades found nothing of importance and thus decided he had spent enough time away from the group. There would be no doubt that they would be wondering where he had gone if he didn't return soon. With that made in his mind, he made sure to remember this as to try and come back to attempt repairs if such a thing was even possible. As he walked over to return back to the ground. He felt a small stinging sensation as he looked down at his foreleg he saw a small gash that was drawing blood although not a noticeable amount. He gave it a small frown as he just continued and hopped down off the Khopesh. When he landed he felt the sting on his hoof although to Hades it was more of an Irritation than a hindrance. As he composed himself he grabbed his things and the parts he had acquired and headed back to the group.

Present-day, Throne room

Twilights entered the throne room and bowed her head.

“Princess I came as soon as I got word from the guards that the matter became urgent,” Twilight said as she rose to meet her mentor's eyes which had always been filled with care now replaced with concern and worry.

"Indeed, we were unaware of the severity of the situation until our investigation had concluded. Only then did we urgently send for you." Luna spoke as she then turned to her sister.

"What is the situation I promise me and my friends can get it done." Twilight said with a smile, but that smile faded when she looked at the two leaders.

“It is...regarding a possible threat to Equestria that is unlike anything faced before.” Celestia said as she looked to her sister for help in explaining the possible situation. However, Luna without even talking knew no other way of saying it. Luna decided to simply say it as she stepped forward.

“Me and my sister have foreseen a threat unlike no other. So powerful in fact, that If this threat is not located or stopped, then it may as well be the end of all Equestria, even the world if the elements aren't strong enough the stop it.” Luna said as Twilight's eyes widened and the guards, who were present, lost their composure and also showed slight signs of fear in their faces, but quickly gathered their composure.

“B…but nothing is that strong aside from discord, even then he would never.” Twilight was running through her mind trying to think of anything that could be strong enough, but she couldn't think of anything strong enough to do such a thing or as to a reason why. What would such an individual stand to gain from the ending of everything?

“We......do not yet know who or rather, what it is, all we know is that it is associated with this symbol.” Luna continued as she showed Twilight a piece of parchment with the symbol in question. Twilight Couldn't believe her eyes. It Couldn't be him.

Aloy felt weightless. Is this what was after death? Her thoughts ran rampant and a headache began to form. Then something hit her. She quickly reached for her spear but felt nothing as she only had started to send herself spinning and tumbling in the weightlessness of her current situation. Once she had managed to get control over her movements she managed to finally look around and see that she was underwater. After a moment it finally clicked inside her head that she was underwater. and she quickly held her breath. She frantically looked around for her things and saw everything caught on some coral. She as quickly as she could as she headed to her gear, but she was barely moving. Her lungs burned from the constant movement of her muscles and lack of air reaching her lungs. it wasn't long before she gave up and took a deep inhale of air. Aloy felt her muscles and body relax but she was still fully conscious. She raised one of her talons to pinch herself, only to feel pain. So she wasn't dreaming and she wasn't dead. Aloy looked down and to her surprise, she didn't see her legs only saw fins and flippers where her legs used to be. She floated there in utter amazement although her shock didn't last but a couple of seconds.

After practicing the movements for a bit she could somewhat move around although not quickly. Aloy quickly headed to grab her gear and made sure nothing was misplaced as she made sure everything was secured around her. With one final check, she turned to make her way to the shore when she stopped. She didn't know where she was. with a talon to her ear, a holographic map appeared and she saw that the shore wasn't but a few miles away much to Aloy's surprise. With a marker set, she headed toward the shoreline where she would make landfall and maybe find another Tallneck so she could get a better lay of the land.

A bipedal figure stood staring at a screen as a view of the huntress turned Hypogriph was now making her way toward the beachhead where she would hopefully be able to make it to the cauldron before it was too late. She knew the huntress would be able to make it to Canterlot within the next few days and would take a few hours from there to the cauldron entrance. The Figure hoped that the security systems would last that long. With a flick of a wrist, another view appeared showing a certain colt acquiring an override module. The figure was greatly off-put by this revelation. As he watched the colt make his way back to the group an alert appeared and it deeply troubled him.

Unit K-FAS-4106

Status...Booting up

Running Diagnostics Checklist

Weapon systems integrity at 4.76%

Restarting main Functions....

power core now at 77% and charging...

All systems working at minimal capacity....

Systems are a go...Khopesh Unit 4106

Now Active

Author's Note:

Sorry if this chapter feels all over the place this one """maybe""" rewritten into two separate chapters in the future until that decision comes to enjoy the mess that is this chapter. I hope you all enjoy it all the same. its gonna get juicy soon.