• Published 15th Sep 2012
  • 9,014 Views, 110 Comments

Twilight Sparkle's Final Days - MasterZero

Twilight Sparkle's death is coming near. She says goodbye to Celestia, who gives her one last gift.

  • ...

The Final Journey

Twilight Sparkle groaned as she got up, Celestia's light touching her dull purple fur. Her body was not what it used to be. Not that she was ever a prime physical specimen. No, that was Applejack, or Rainbow Dash...

She turned her wrinkled face to the picture of her friends and a smile pulled at her dry lips. She allowed herself to bathe in the sunlight for a few more moments, before she began to pull the covers off and get out of bed. A purple light covered her glasses and they floated over to her, gently landing on her head. Her magic quickly made her bed for her, as she walked into her bathroom to freshen up.

How long had it been since she could have done with this in a few seconds? Years? Decades? It didn't matter.

"Miss Sparkle do, oh my." The door opened to reveal a white unicorn with a golden armor. He ran over to the mare and placed a hoof, gently, on her back. "Miss Sparkle, you're supposed to ring your bell when you're up."

"I'm supposed to ring my bell when I need help. I appreciate the offer, Helpful Hoof, but I'm not that frail," Twilight chuckled. Despite this, the colt still walked her over to the bathroom and politely stood outside, ready to assist her in whatever needed to be done. He was not needed though. Twilight noticed the young colt awkwardly looking at his own hooves, and decided to break the silence. "How's your father, Helpful?"

"Oh, quite well, Miss Sparkle! That medicine you suggested worked perfectly!"

"I'm glad. Learned it from a wise zebra I knew." Twilight finished up with brushing her teeth and spat into the sink. She checked her mouth, before wiping herself with a towel. "Tell me, Helpful Hoof, what's on today's schedule for me?"

"Yesterday you said you had a meeting with the Princesses, Miss Sparkle. You...said you wanted to say goodbye."

Twilight felt her mind kicking itself. Remembering things was so hard now....She had to struggle to remember basic knowledge she knew as a foal. She didn't let the self-pity go too far though and she walked out of the door with a smile. "Thank you, Helpful Hoof. Just one more thing. You have taken care of me for over a year. Call me Twilight."

"Oh! Uh...Y-yes, T-Twilight. Um...Twilight? Permission to speak freely?"

"I'm not your captain, Helpful, but yes, you may," she teased.

"Thank you. It...It has been an honor to know you! You are Equestria's greatest hero! You...you honor me by saying my name!" Twilight looked at the young stallion and she recognized the spark in his eyes. It was the same spark that Twilight had whenever she spoke to Celestia. Admiration, inspiration, respect, love...

So this is how her teacher felt.

"I just want to say thank you, Twilight Sparkle." The guard bent his head down, and Twilight placed a hoof on his head.

"There is no need. Now then, I am going to Canterlot. Would you be so kind as to escort me?"

"Yes, Miss Sparkle. It would be my honor."

The volunteer and Twilight left the retirement home with smiles on their face. The receptionist waved goodbye with a smile on her face. The other residents did the same when they had their chance to see the living legend.

As they walked out, Twilight turned her head to look at the sign outside the retirement home.

We work real hard and do our best to turn that sad frown upside down!


The two passed the town's center on their trek. The usually bustling part of town fell silent as they saw the hero of millions. Not just of Equestria, but of all those that sought harmony. The old mare looked at everyone, before looking up. She saw the statue that had been erected....five? Eight years ago? She couldn't remember.

Either way, it was still spotless, cleaned at least once a week, usually by volunteers.

Twilight gave an awkward smile to the masses and waved hello. It wasn't like they hadn't seen her before. She took walks outside of the retirement home often.

No...This was different.

Though she may have denied it, the other ponies knew. They could feel it. They would not be seeing her again after this.

So they watched her. Watched the old heroine's every step. They looked at the legend, the messiah, the Element of Magic, the leader of the Elements of Harmony, the last of the six great heroines.

And they applauded.

Where it started, it didn't matter. The ponies of Ponyville cheered for their hero, basking her in thanks and love.

"Thank you, Twilight!"

"You rule, Sparkle!"

"You're the greatest!"

The old egghead blushed and continued walking. Only to be stopped by a unicorn and pegasus.

"Aunt Twilight? We...uh...made you this," Pumpkin Cake smiled.

"We were going to give it to you tonight, but...Well. Here you go," Pound Cake finished, as the mare used her magic to float a batch of cookies in a basket. Red lightning bolts, orange apples, pink butterflies, blue balloons, purple gems, pink butterflies, and a magenta star.

"Cookies? In the shape of the Elements? Awww! Pound Cake, Pumpkin Cake!" Twilight embraced the two and they hugged back. "You two have grown up so well...I know your parents would be proud of you, just like Pinkie was, and just like I am."

"We love you, Twilight," the two whispered.

"And I love you. Thank you, again."

The twins said their goodbyes to their 'aunt' and watched her continue her journey.

"You weren't leaving before you said goodbye to your number one assistant, were you?"


Spike had changed much over the decades. He was bigger. Taller. Muscular. He was nowhere near the size of most of the dragons Twilight had met in her years, but he was soon going to rival the size of boys that had bullied him years ago.

It pained her to know that she wouldn't be able to see him at his full size. Still, it brought much joy to her heart to see him acting as protector of Ponyville, when she and her friends could not.

Twilight felt her frail body being embraced by the dragon and she giggled a bit. "Spike..."

"Off to Canterlot?"

"Yep. Want to come with?" She smiled.

The dragon sighed and released her, dropping her gently on the ground. "Oh, you know I'd love to, but I heard there was a fire by Sweet Apple Acres last night. Apple Bloom asked me to help her clean up the mess."

"I understand...."

"Twilight...I...You know you're my best friend, right? I mean, you practically raised me."

"I know, Spike." The old mare nodded her head and closed her eyes as she was once again hugged.

"I wanted to say thanks. For being there for me, for teaching me, and for putting up with my...well...me-ness."

"Spike. I love you for your you-ness," the egghead giggled, rubbing a hoof against his scales. She stroked his neck for a moment, looking at how her assistant had grown, before hugging him tightly. "I am so proud of who you are, Spike..."

"Thanks, Twi...." A drop of sadness landed on the pony's mane and she sniffled. She didn't want to cry. Not out in public. Spike fought back the rest of his tears as he forced himself to release her. He didn't want to. He didn't want to never see her again. But he knew he had to. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye, Spike."


"I believe this is where we go our separate ways, Miss Spark-Twilight."

Canterlot Castle had not changed much over the years. Some new towers here, a new garden there, a few thousand bricks to repair the damage the castle received from the previous year's Equestria-threatening evildoer, and maybe a new fountain or two.

"Thank you for walking me here, Helpful Hoof." Twilight Sparkle walked through the opened doors, but was stopped by the guard's voice.

"Twilight? Is there anything else I can do? I mean, you've done so much for everyone....Is there anything else I can do?"

The elder turned to the young colt and gave a smile that would have made Pinkie Pie proud. "Live. Make friends. Protect them. Live a life worth living." With that, she walked into the castle, the doors closing behind her.

It was amazing how Celestia and Luna had not changed over the years. True, the unicorn knew the two were immortal, but the realizations never occurred to her as a foal. They would never change. Never age. Never die. Luna was stoic, while her older sister had a gentle smile on her face.

"Princesses," Twilight smiled, bowing her head.

"Twilight Sparkle?" Luna's stoic frown died and a beaming grin was reborn on her face. She flew down from her throne and landed on the ground before the unicorn. Celestia followed, slower though, her smile becoming melancholy. "Twilight!"

"Hello Princess Luna, hello Princess Celestia."

"Hello, my dear student."

"What is the meaning of this most joyous visit?" Luna loudly asked. The volume made it easy to mistaken her her tone as angry, but one look on the smile on her face said differently.

"I came to say goodbye."

The smile fell, just for a moment, and when it did, Twilight could see sadness. The same sadness Luna had felt for most of her life, most likely. After all, Twilight was not the first friend to have left her. Still, she was one of the greatest...

A smaller smile replaced her grin and she nodded her head. "I see."

Celestia raised a hoof to gently stroke the the mane of her protege. "You honor us, Twilight."

Twilight groaned as she felt her old body ache from all of the walking. "I can't see how."

"To be immortal and to do good is kind. To be mortal and to do good is something truly amazing. You have lived your life with kindness and benevolence." The older sister looked down at her sibling and asked her a wordless question. Luna replied with a quiet nod. "Which is why we had prepared a final gift for you. We knew you would not leave us without saying goodbye. We have had this gift ready for nearly a week now."

"A gift? Princess, you don't have to! I-"

"NO BUTS!" Luna quickly shouted. She glared at the unicorn, and said, "You have been a wonderful student and a heroine to all of Equestria. You have saved this land countless times. You deserve this final gift. Captain!"

The Captain of the Guard ran into the room at his call and he bowed his head. The strong stallion quickly rose up and asked, "Yes, Princess Luna?"

"We are going to escort Twilight to our private chambers. We will be back momentarily."

"As you wish, my Highness."

Twilight stared at Captain Pipsqueak, amazed that the small colt from Trottingham had grown into such a...stallion. He had a build that rivaled Big Macintosh in his prime, and a stern look of strength on his face. His eyes stared directly forward, but suddenly moved down to see Twilight.

"Goodbye, Twilight," he smiled, before bowing his head and leaving.

The three left the throne room and began their walk to the private rooms of the sisters. Nothing stopped the trio. Nothing except another alicorn.


"Princess Cadence?"

Twilight was embraced once more, and this time she did cry. With her family and friends gone, her only friends were those that shared the gift of a long life. Before Spike, before even Celestia, her foalsitter Cadence had been there.

She was one of the first, and now, she was one of the last.

Twilgiht cried into the forearms of her old friend. She was still just as beautiful as the day of her wedding to Shining Armor. Like her aunts, never ending. No words were needed. No, 'I am proud of you,' and no 'Thank you.' Nothing but the sound of tears.

The music of their pain was enough for anyone listening to know how close the two were.

"May I?" Cadence inquired. Celestia nodded her head and the pink alicorn smiled as she looked at the old mare. "Thank you...."

"May you what?" Twilight asked.

"I want to be there when you get your final gift...If that's okay with you, Twilight."

"Of course! I'd love for you to be there. But I wish one of you would tell me what this gift is."

"The gift you have always loved. Knowledge." The quartet arrived at their destination and Celestia and Luna used their magic to unlock the doors.

Twilight watched them open. She was ready for many things. Scrolls. Books. Her friends brought back to life. Even Discord. What she didn't expect was a group of strange aliens inside the room, awaiting the four.

They were bipeds. Two arms. They resembled Spike in a way. Some of them had fur on their bodies, but it was nowhere near the amount that the average pony had. One of the strange bipeds stepped forward and spoke, and by her voice, Twilight determined that she was female.

"Hello, Twilight."


"Twilight, these are OUR creators," Celestia smiled.

"...Creators? You mean....I..."

"A long time ago, we found this planet being ruled by an angry, malevolent being," the female explained, slowly.

"Discord," another said.

"We saw him hurting and torturing innocent ponies. We wanted to help."

"So, we looked for two ponies with a desire to help others and the traits suitable for leading the land."

"Celestia and Luna."

"You...You made Celestia and Luna into alicorns?"

The woman nodded as she crouched down, to better face the unicorn. "And the Elements of Harmony. In turn, they defeated Discord and locked him away."

"I...B-but what about Cadence?" Twilight stammered.

"Made by the Princesses. A pony they chose to be worthy of godhood."

"I-is that why I'm here? I'm going to be made into an alicorn?" Twilight panted. This was almost too much for her old heart to take. It was....maddening? Improbable? Outrageous? She didn't know!

"If you choose it. Really, we actually came here by request of my daughters," the woman explained. "Twilight, what would you say to seeing the universe? And maybe a few other universes."


"Someone catch her if she faints, please," one sighed.

"Yes. Yes! YES! I-I would be honored! Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, you asked them to do this?" The old mare looked to the two goddesses and watched them nod. For the first time that day, Twilight was the first to hug somepony else. She embraced the two immortals and her tears returned to her face. The hot drops of raw emotion traveled down her face and onto their coats.

"I would hope you would enjoy this gift..."

"The chance to see the universe? To learn things nopony has ever learned? It's amazing! It wonderful! It's...." Twilight stopped and looked to the strange bipeds. "Will I ever be able to return?"

The female beamed and stroked the purple unicorn's mane. "Of course you can. We're not going to force you away. This is a choice, Twilight. What happens now is your decision."

"Then yes. I would be happy to go with you. Will Luna and Celestia and Cadence come too?"

"We have our place here, Twilight Sparkle. We cannot leave the ponies of Equestria," Luna answered.

Cadence hugged her little foal once more, as Twilight released the two sisters. She smiled and pecked the unicorn's forehead. "Have fun, Twilight. If you do choose to come back, know that I'll be here waiting."

"Are you ready, Twilight?"

"I...I suppose I am."

"Here, place your hoof in my hand," the woman said, like a mother speaking to a daughter.

Twilight did so, and felt a strange glow encompass her body. She looked to her mentor one last time and smiled, before she and the bipeds vanished.

"Goodbye, Twilight...."


"Where are we?"

"The outskirts of your solar system. There's your planet, right there."

"What?! Where?"


"H-how did we get here? How are we breathing?! Is it magic? Some sort of alien technology?"

"A little bit of both. For us, traveling to the edge of a solar system is as easy as walking down a street."

"Our race...Sorry, humanity, has evolved to a point where science and magic have blended together to form a single utopia on our planet."

"C-can I see your planet?"

"Sure. It's few solar systems away though, so it'll take a few seconds."

"...This is unbelievable. There's so much out here. Stars. Planets. Can I really see it all?"

"If you choose so, Twilight." One of the bipeds....one of the humans floated over to her and held up his hand. With a simple motion of his fingers, her purple eyes became pure white, much like when her magic went out of control, but this was far different. She saw...something. Like tiny rainbow colored dust particles, flowing like an ocean. They formed inverted falls and parallel horizons. It reminded her of Rainbow Dash, in a way.

"What am I looking at?"

"Quantum foam, the foundation of the universe. Imagine your universe is a sweater. This is the yarn made to create it. Smaller than an electron, visible only at 0.00000000001 yoctometers."

"T-that's small..."

"There are quarks. There are the electrons. Those gamma waves."

"That's not all we can show you, Twilight." A female interrupted her friend and pointed off into the distance. "After you visit Earth, we can bring you to visit a nearby planet called Jupiter. We can visit the cities made there. After that, we can show you the center of the Virgo Supercluster."

"Thank you so much...This...this is nearly unfathomable. I'm surprised I haven't fainted yet."

"Well, that's probably because we're making it so you don't. As long as you wish it, we can keep your heart pumping and your body strong. As long as you choose it, you're effectively immortal."

Twilight's eyes widened and she tried to comprehend the power these strange two legged creatures must have had. After all, they made Celestia and Luna. They were able to see things nopony could. They were able to travel faster than light. Now she finds, they can control her body simply with thought? So many questions ran through her mind...

"How many ponies get this chance?"

For once, the humans seemed quiet. It still didn't take long for one of them, the leader, Twilight assumed, spoke. "This is a very rare chance, Twilight. We only give it to those who have proven themselves as someone truly special. Then, we have to judge whether or not they could accept this much knowledge without threat of insanity. Many ponies could not know what you know now, without going mad from the revelation. The few that are chosen rarely choose to go back to Equestria. Cadence, your foalsitter, was one of the few who chose to return. To be allowed back, means to be turned into an alicorn, though and made truly immortal. Including you, we have only offered this position to eighteen lifeforms from your planet."

"Were any of my friends offered this chance?"

A hand was placed on Twilight's head, and the leader smiled down at her. "Only all of them. Pinkie Pie lives with our fellow humans on Earth. She entertains and assists and in planning celebrations. She's very popular. Rainbow Dash entertains herself by racing between the stars, going from galaxy to galaxy, leaving a rainbow streak behind her. Fluttershy spends her time on various developing planets, tending to the young life. We gave Rarity an entire section of space, all to herself. She forms beautiful constellations for several planets. Applejack? She actually spent much of her time supervising Apple Bloom. It was only until recently the others convinced her she was ready to stand on her own. Now, she usually visits various young civilizations, helping their agriculture. Anonymously, of course."

Twilight was dumbfounded by the answer. She blinked her eyes, several times, before she finally asked, "You...you let them do all that?"

"We watch them. But we trust them, as well. Back on Earth, we don't assume that our neighbor is planning our harm. Same goes to our children." The lead human looked at Twilight and stroked her mane. "You and your friends are truly amazing ponies, Twilight. Never have we seen so many worthy of our gift in a single generation. It is truly something unique, even to beings as old as us."

"And how old are you? If that's okay to ask! I mean, I understand if its not! I meant no disrespect!"

"Do not worry, Twilight. No harm was done. My species is in our ninety sixth millennium, as of now."

"N-ninety sixth millennium?! That's nearly a hundred thousand years! Celestia and Luna can't be older than three thousand years!"

"Amazing, isn't it?"

"I...This is....I don't even know what to say anymore."

"What do you say we start by visiting an old friend? I'm sure Pinkie will be giddy to see you again."

"Yes...That sounds good..." Tears fell down the cheeks of the unicorn as she felt her stomach churn and twist in excitement. "Thank you...Umm...I'm sorry, I don't believe I know your name."

"You can call me Lauren. Come on, I'll introduce you to my friends, before we arrive on Earth."

"Earth...I'm sure Pinkie has a party already set up. I bet she's been expecting me."

"Are you ready?"

"Yeah, I'm ready."