• Published 9th Mar 2022
  • 540 Views, 4 Comments

The End of All Things 2: Through Dark Times - ElmoHater862

When Equestria is sent into ruin and despair, Twilight and friends struggles to not fall into insanity.

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How It All Started

It has been five years. Five years since the elements of harmony and their allies battled against Grogar and the elements of disharmony to save Equestria from certain doom. Five long years since Queen Chrysalis, King Sombra, Lord Tirek, The Storm King, and Cozy Glow, the five evil beings that sided with Grogar, were sentenced to Tartarus for their crimes after Grogar was defeated and banished back into Tambelon along with his castle but were offered a chance by Princess Twilight Sparkle, the princess of friendship who was going to rule Equestria in Celestia and Luna's place, to be redeemed and change for the better by accepting and allowing the magic of friendship into their lives upon their release from Tartarus.

But instead of accepting Twilight's offer to reform and become kind, harmless, nondestructive citizens of Equestria that doesn't harm others or destroy anything to get what they wanted, all five villains ended up becoming even more evil and merciless than they were before, even Cozy Glow who was still a filly, and as a result, wasting and blowing the chance given to them to become good creatures. In fact, they never even got to serve out their sentence in Tartarus.

Just about a few days after their whole ordeal with Grogar and everything that resulted them to be sent to Tartarus with the chance to become good and embracing friendship after being set free, they have managed to break out by attacking several guards that have come to open their cages for a minute to give them their nightly meals, Tirek absorbed their magic while Chrysalis fed on their love, the guards ended up being badly injured by the five, some were even killed, and Cerberus was strong and have learned from his mistake of leaving his post that one time and was very hard to kill, but he was still badly injured trying to stop the five prisoners.

After escaping from Tartarus, the five ex-minions of Grogar have gone into hiding in the Everfree forest for awhile, plotting vengeance against the ponies of Equestria and the other creatures for banding together to stop them and Grogar, planning on destructing all their homes and taking their loved ones from them. They spent a few weeks planning things out. They spent their extra time gathering more dark magic and gathered several powerful artifacts such as the alicorn amulet and even Grogar's bell.

Then, after nearly a whole month, the five have finished planning everything, and even gotten minions who were rouge changelings that have fled the Changeling Hive after Chrysalis was overthrown and Thorax became the new ruler of the hive, and storm creatures that were still loyal to Storm King.

On the day of Twilight's coronation, the five vengeful villains and their new allies confronted their enemies at the coronation ceremony which was being held outside of the Canterlot Castle, which has just been rebuilt by then. Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, Storm King, Cozy, and their armies attacked Twilight, her friends, Spike, the princesses, Discord, and the others mercilessly with the alicorn amulet, stealing magic from ponies with Grogar's bell, and Tirek even managed to drain Discord's magic away from him after gaining enough magic and strength from earth ponies, pegasuses, and unicorns. Celestia and Luna also have lost their magic trying to save their frighten were-about-to-be-former-subjects.

Several ponies, dragons, yaks, griffons, hippogriffs, and even changelings were killed fighting the evil ones, while others were badly injured. Many creatures had to go into the hospital because they were badly injured in the attack, and with their magic and strength taken from them by Tirek too. So many buildings and houses in Canterlot were destroyed, including the newly rebuilt Canterlot Castle. Even worse, the three sirens: Adagio Dazzle, Aria Blaze, and Sonata Dusk, who have just found their way back to Equestria by then with their pendants fully repaired and restored, saw the destruction and mayhem going on in Canterlot and decided to partake in the attack, singing out their sound waves, feeding off the anger and other negative emotions of those that showed hatred towards the other villains. Twilight's coronation ended up being ruined. The five villains that have took part of Grogar's plans and assembled the elements of disharmony have assaulted her so badly. Chrysalis have ripped out her wings and cut off her horn, Sombra beaten her so badly and stabbed her with his dark crystals, Tirek took her magic before choking the fallen princess of friendship badly, Storm King slashed poor Twilight in the face while electrocuting her severely with his newly restored staff of sacanas, and Cozy Glow have managed to beat the living daylight out of Twilight with her bare hooves and magic since she have regained her horn, nearly killing her. And it wasn't long before the sirens came to attack the defeated princess mercilessly with their siren magic as well, burning her severely with their fire breath.

Twilight Sparkle was in a very terrible condition and on the verge of death by the time the medic ponies managed to save her and get her safely to the Canterlot Hospital since the bad ones haven't attacked it yet. Twilight's friends and family spent several hours in her hospital room sobbing, crying their eyes out over her, fearing she would not make it, even Applejack who have normally only cry on the inside. Celestia and Luna shed tears as well, being unable to hide it from the others. They have swore that if they ever defeat their enemies again, they will ensure to give them the punishment of a lifetime and ensure that they'd never see the day of light again for what they have done to their former pupil and would-have-been-successor while Starswirl the Bearded also swore to get revenge on the sirens for taking part of Twilight's terrible assault. Even Discord was crying his heart out over Twilight, even if he was the lord of chaos and never gotten along with Twilight too well in the past.

It took about a few months for Twilight to recover physically, but it wasn't so easy because they had to take her to a hidden hospital after the Canterlot Hospital was attacked by a whole mountain group of gruesome storm creatures that were aided by the three sirens. But even when Twilight did eventually healed on the outside, she have long lost herself mentally. Her horn and wings had to be replaced with a more weaker horn with only so little magic and metal wings that doesn't let her be able to fly much. The burnt marks and the bruises and cuts given to her during the fatal assault done on her have healed just fine, but scars were left all over her, a large scar was left across her left eye.

Twilight Sparkle was now nothing more than a cold, angry, bitter pony that show no mercy to anycreature that tries to attack her. She barley even have any good and love left in her, and she was only becoming worse each day. After recovering from the attack on her that fatal day, she have spent the past five years trying to find a way to get back at the ones that have made her become this way, but wasn't having much luck, much to her anger, frustration and rage. She was beginning to slowly lose her sanity.

She was not the only one either, so many of her friends was also beginning to fall into the dark side from seeing their homes being burned down into ashes, blown up into smithereens, or tore down into the ground. All their families were also losing their compassion which were being replaced by hatred. Canterlot wasn't the only one that have been attacked, all of Equestria was being destroyed by the five evil ones that have aided Grogar in his insane plot to destroy Equestria right before being sentenced to be imprisoned in Tartarus with their given chance to not only be eventually let out of Tartarus, but to see the light, atone for their sins and crimes and reform while accepting the magic of friendship into their live and join Equestrian society as kind creatures, a chance that they blew because they all chosen to stay on the dark path, be even more evil and escape so they can seek vengeance, the Dazzlings and the non-reformed changelings and menacing storm creatures. For the past five years, Equestria was slowly being sent into ruin. So many villages and cities were torn down, a lot of houses, buildings and cottages were destroyed, many shops, restaurants and other businesses were closed down because it wasn't safe anymore. Many trees were chopped down, plants were destroyed, and all of nature was slowly beginning to go extinct, and all the rivers, lakes and oceans were badly polluted, the skies were severely polluted, making them dark and even scary. Even the Everfree forest was destroyed.

Sunset Shimmer have returned to Equestria upon learning what was happening, and she blamed herself so much for not being able to find a way to prevent it from happening in the first place, or stopping the Dazzlings from returning to Equestria and taking advantage of the destruction and mayhem that were caused by the other evil ones, that she actually have gone into despair and has attempted to commit suicide a couple of times. She was sent to the hospital each time she tried to end her own life out of grief and miserably. Sunset was placed under suicide watch for the sake of her safety and well being.

Equestria wasn't the only one that was being destroyed. All the other nations like the Crystal Empire, the Changeling Hive, the Dragon Kingdom, Yakyakistan, Mount Aris, Seaquestria, and many other places around the world were being attacked as well by the menacing, gruesome evil ones. Sombra have conquered the Crystal Empire after attacking Shining Armor, Cadance, Flurry Heart and the Crystal royal guard, imprisoning them and enslaved the crystal ponies while destroying so many of the crystal homes and buildings and taking the Crystal Heart and hiding it very well underneath his cave, while Chrysalis attacked the Changeling Hive and turned it back into her horrid empire, forcing Thorax and a couple of other changelings that decided to side with him and repel against the demented changeling queen to flee and go into hiding. Many ponies and creatures mourn in silence in their hidden sheds for those that were killed in the attacks. Everycreature was so frightened of the evil ones or being so blinded by anger and hatred that they all gone their separate ways, refusing to talk to one another ever again. The sirens were able to feed off the negative energy of those consumed by rage, thus making themselves become stronger.

In the base Twilight and several other survivors they were staying in, which was all black and dark, barely any light, Sunset Shimmer had to be taken in again as she have just tried to pull another suicide attempt.

"Sunset Shimmer have just tried to commit suicide again this morning," one of the medical pony doctors explained.

"UGH!!!!" Twilight screeched, scaring the doctors a bit. "This is the third time this week!"

"We understand that you are going through a lot princess, in fact, we all are going through bad times right now," one of the nurses said softly. "But Sunset is putting herself through a lot of stress, she wouldn't stop blaming herself for what have happened to not only you, but to all of Equestria and beyond."

"Well, we gotta do something about it!" Twilight growled. "We can't let her keep doing this to herself! Especially with all those monsters out there destroying everything!"

"We're doing all we can to help her," another doctor said calmly. "But she is being very stubborn and does not to listen."

"Keep trying!" Twilight ordered coldly. "Sunset is one of my friends, and I would hate to lose her due to suicide and having to give her a funeral!" she them stomped away.

"Of course, princess," a third doctor nodded in reply, bowing her head. "We'll do whatever we can."

They all looked towards the room with Sunset in it. The yellow amber unicorn was strapped on her hospital bed. The doctors and nurses all feared for the worst for her. She wasn't the only patient either, there were a whole lot injured ponies and other creatures that have gotten hurt so badly by the rampaging villains and their forces. Some creatures even had bones sticking out due to the assaults. So many doctors and nurses had to work real hard together to care for the injured, while spending their extra time trying to save Sunset.

Apple Bloom sighed sadly as she sat over in front of where her home once stood, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle by her side. Sweet Apple Acres has been destroyed, all the trees has been chopped down including the apple orchards and many other plants. Smog covered up the sky. The house and the barn has both been burned down. The CMC shed tears. They have grown a bit by then and were older.

"Ah can't believe this is happening, girls," Apple Bloom said, coughing badly because of the awful pollution done to the once beautiful, clear blue skies. "Sweet Apple Acres is gone thanks to those rotten, no good vermins."

"Me neither," Scootaloo sighed. "All our homes has been brought down into ruin by those terrible monsters!"

"Why are they doing all this to us?" Sweetie said, tears streaming down her face. "We have done nothing to them, and our friends and families didn't deserve this either!"

Apple Bloom held Sweetie close to her, comforting her. "Don't lose hope, girls," she spoke softly, but firmly. "Good always beats evil, and one day, we will defeat those villains and restore Equestria, and the rest of this world, back to how it used to be."

"I sure hope you are right, Bloom," Scootaloo said as they walk away from the ruin remains of Sweet Apple Acres. "Those creeps have caused us so much pain and trouble, and they are only getting more evil!"

"Well," Sweetie said, wiping away her tears. "Rarity and Princess Luna always did told me that as long there's light, the darkness shall never win."

"Exactly," Apple Bloom agreed. "Ah have a feeling that one day, everything will be better, and our lives will be back to normal."

"Hopefully," Scootaloo replied. "I'm not sure how much longer I can take any of this."

The three walked around Ponyville, seeing the destroyed houses, cottages and buildings. It felt like a ghost town because there were no pony around but them. They approached the Ponyville Schoolhouse which was also wrecked down. The trio of friends sighed in pure sadness, seeing the rubble of their old school. They have vowed to help rebuild it back to it's former glory once the evil ones were all defeated. But for now, there were nothing they could do but mourn like they had during the past five years.

Suddenly, a swarm of menacing changelings approached them, all have sneering, threatening looks on their faces.

"Well well well well well! Look what we have here!" A changeling with brown hair who was obviously the leader and was black and had holes all over his body and wings which were dark, eerie green like Chrysalis and all the other non-reformed changelings. "A trio of unwelcome trespassers!"

Apple Bloom snarled furiously at the menacing changeling who was laughing. "Elmo!"

"Hello there, young filly with the bow tie on her head," The brown haired changeling known as Elmo greeted coldly. "Snooping around here uninvited with those two little brats that you call your friends, I presume?"

"You and your wrenched allies won't get away with this!" Scootaloo growled, getting into a fighting position. "We will fight you down to the ground for everything you have done to us!"

"Oh really?" Elmo sneered at the tomboy pegasus. "And just how are you gonna do that, huh? You don't have a lot of friends, almost everypony is either too frighten to face us or too busy being consumed by hatred and grief to even try making amends with each other and getting back together! Besides, you can't even fly!"

"That's not true!" Sweetie argued. "We have plenty of good friends who would look out for us, even our ex-bully, Diamond Tiara!"

"I may not be able to fly yet," Scootaloo snarled back, getting ready to fight. "And I know not a lot of ponies and creatures want to work together right now because you made them become that way, but I can still put on a good fight! Come on you big bully! Show me what you got!"

So she attempted to attack Elmo with all her might, but the menacing brown haired changeling managed to knock her out with a massive blast of magic, sending her onto the ground.

"SCOOTALOO!" Apple Bloom and Sweetie cried before glaring at Elmo.

"Wow, all that good effort, and she still was no match for me!" Elmo laughed.

"Ya will pay for what ya did to mah friend, you demented lunatic!" Apple Bloom hollered.

"Yeah right!" Elmo taunted. "The only way things will go south for us again if Twilight Sparkle somehow manages to get everycreature back together again to defeat us. But so far, she isn't having that much luck, even with all the determination she has because of the anger and rage she is harboring against us."

"What shall we do with them, General Elmo?" Another changeling asked menacingly.

"We'll take them back to the hive for now so we can feed on their love and let our queen decide what to do with them," Elmo suggested. "Although they will make such a fine meal for the sirens too because of all the anger they have inside them."

"We are not going anywhere with you creeps!" Sweetie cried as she kicked Elmo in the fore hoof, making him hiss in pain before running with Apple Bloom who carried the unconscious Scootaloo on her back.

"STOP THEM!" Elmo roared while holding his injured hoof.

The other changelings followed the CMC in pursuit, trying to catch them. Apple Bloom and Sweetie gasped at the changelings flying after them, trying to run faster to get away from them.

Suddenly, Zecora came out of nowhere and fought off the changelings with a staff that she have found out in the remains of the Everfree forest after having to flee from her hut because storm creatures came to attack her home. She wore green slime paint on her face.

"Begone, you foul beasts!" she growled. "I shall not let you bring harm to these poor fillies!"

The changelings tried to fight Zecora, but she managed to chase them away with her strength and spear. Apple Bloom and Sweetie thanked her gratefully. Zecora held Scootaloo close.

"Thanks, Zecora," Sweetie said. "That was close."

"Yeah!" Apple Bloom agreed. "We would have been captured for sure if ya didn't come to our rescue!"

"No need for thanking me, girls," Zecora said firmly as she held Scootaloo. "We should bring her back into my base so that I can tend to her. Then we can come up with a plan to stop those wrenched creatures."

"Agreed," Apple Bloom and Sweetie nodded in unison.

They then begin running as fast as they could back to Zecora's hidden hideout, taking Scootaloo who was still out cold. Not knowing that Elmo was growling after them.

"Blast that stupid zebra!" he sneered quietly. "One way or another, I will make her pay for interfering and I will have those three fillies!"

He then begin flying back to the hive, the other changelings following him in pursuit.

Author's Note:

Yeah, I have decided to write a sequel to Boltstrike58's story, The End of All Things, where the five minions of Grogar stays bad and seeks revenge and retribution against the ponies and their allies, making the Mane Six and friends struggle to fight back and defeat them again without losing their sanity, while also having to deal with their minions and the Dazzlings as well, and saving Sunset Shimmer from committing suicide. I hope you will like this story, and I will write and upload one chapter at a time. :pinkiehappy: :moustache: