• Published 1st Mar 2022
  • 2,258 Views, 26 Comments

Majin Buu - ImTryingToLearn

  • ...

What the FUCK?!

I was supposed to die.

I had a terminal disease.

One that had no treatment to even slow it down.

So, the doctors offered me an escape; instead of delaying what was impossible to delay by any medical means, they offered to end my suffering.

I accepted.

I hated the suspense of waking every day, knowing it would be my last.

I also hated the idea that all I had was a few days at most, even if I rejected their offer.

So, I took their offer, a medically assisted suicide.

They promised it would be painless, and that's all I wanted.

A painless death.

Maybe I was a coward for taking the easy way out; who knows?

I didn't care.

I had no family.

Everyone I had ever loved had died a long time ago.

So, I had no one to mourn me.

My friends, I suppose, but in all honesty, a friend is not someone I would prolong my suffering for.

So, I took the easy way out.

And, the doctors did their thing.

Or so I thought.

I felt like I was dying while they were killing me, and like advertised, I felt no pain; for a brief moment, I felt like I was truly dying, and for an instant, I swear I did, but then, I felt a pull, a strong one.

I wasn't sure what was happening.

But after that pull, I felt better, tired but better.

Perhaps that was the bliss before the end like the doctors had described.

If I ever wake up, I will slap silly every single doctor in the hospital.

They promised something and delivered something, far, far, far worse.

An eternity in nothing but Darkness.

I mean, one moment I was dying, and the next? I was surrounded by darkness with nothing but my boring thoughts to keep me company.

"But... aren't you calling yourself boring?"

Shut up, imaginary Wilson, I'm having a monologue!


As I was saying before, my clear proof of my mental state decaying interrupted.

I was going to slap those doctors if I ever woke up.

I mean, an eternity with nothing but my imagination? That was torture.

Then again.

Maybe Christianity was right.

I opted for killing myself.

Therefore, this is my punishment.

If that was the case, well, I was royally fucked.

Though, if that was the case, hell... was underwhelming.

I mean, sure, being alone with nothing but Wilson is torture, but no hell like torture. If anything, it was going to the DMV without an appointment type of torture.

"Soon, soon you will wake up!"

Wait... I heard someone! People! I have so much to talk about... oh, wait. I can't talk.

I want to cry, and if I could, I would.

"And with you, I will rule this world and everypony!"

Every... pony? That's an interesting goal, I suppose, quite specific, but a goal nonetheless.


Evil laugh? Really...

Maybe this voice was also one of my creations, like Wilson.

At this point, I can't really tell.

"King Sombra," someone new spoke, a new voice, it sounded scared almost.

King Sombra? God, is my teenager self creating this shit? Edgy much.

"What? Plebian?!" The stereotypical edgy villain growled.

"The princesses are coming!" The scared one stuttered.

That... doesn't sound threatening at all. If this is a product of my imagination, I need some work; this feels like a Barbie scenario.

Oh god, was I imagining a barbie scenario? Or worse?! A Disney princess one!?

"Good," The Edgy villain cackled in delight; I could almost feel him doing the evil rubbing hands things.

Well, if this is a Disney scenario, Mr. Edgy was about to get his ass kicked.

"Move the egg to the vault," Mr. McEdgy ordered with a growl, "We can't risk the egg getting hurt," The egg? Wait a minute, was I a fucking egg? Was that emasculating or cool?

"Yes, my king," The guy that was obviously here out of his free will stuttered.

"Time to meet the princesses," Mr. Edgy McNugget laughed, as I felt my entire world being turned around, over and over and...

Oh, I was being rolled; that made sense.

So, I was an egg.

And I was being rolled.

Ok, I decided, this is emasculating.

Sadly, after being rolled to what I assumed was the vault in my imagination. I was once again in total darkness, without a single person around besides Wilson.


Shut up, Wilson!



Wait, was that Mr. Edge?

That's all I get?! Him screaming no?!

Come on!

First, interesting shit that happens in God knows how long, and all I get to hear is someone shouting no! like fucking team rocket!?

"Something is happening,"

Wilson, I swear to God, I will imagine a fist to slap you with it... wait a minute, Wilson is right, I can feel something, it almost feels like being wrapped in something... odd.

I don't know how I knew this, but I felt like I was trapped in not one but two veils of darkness. Don't ask me how I can feel that; I myself question my sanity because of that, but Wilson brings a very interesting theory, he thinks someone just put a blanket over me, or the egg... or...

I need therapy.

"No amount of therapy will fix this,"

Wilson, I warned you!


"My sweet, sweet monster," McEdgy was back! Though his voice sounded almost strained. Ohhh, he was recovering from his humiliating defeat at the hands of what I assume were two barbies with several college degrees; I wonder... when will Hasbro make a Barbie that says fuck to higher education. "Soon, you will be my ultimate slave, my trump card against those two!"

Hold your ponies, you pony-loving bitch.

Your what?!

"He said slave,"

Wilson, for the love of God, it was a rhetorical question.

"Oh... my bad,"

"My weapon! my tool! my slave!" Edgy roared.

Hell no!

I had no idea how long it has been since McEdgy came back, but every... fucking... day... he would repeat the same THING!

"I'm not looking so bad now, aren't I?!"

Wilson, I swear to... never mind, you have a point.

"I do!?! I mean, of course, I do!"

As I was saying.

Every day, at every hour, the pony-loving bitch I had as my roommate would say how I was to be his supreme slave, his ultimate weapon.

I was tired of hearing him plan his revenge and how he would defeat Celestia and Luna once he recovered his power.

Names I felt were familiar to me in some way.

"It's time!" Fuck you Edge Lord.

"The veil that surrounds us is breaking,"

I blinked, wait... can I even blink, you know what, I will say I can, anyways, I blinked, as I indeed felt the veil of darkness that surrounded my first veil of darkness be removed.

"Now, all I have to do... is hatch you, my little slave,"

Fuck my life.

"Wake up!"

I can't sleep, you moron; I'm just trying not to think!

"I know, but look! something is changing!"

What do you mean by...

As if answering that question, rays of light invaded my once totally dark environment. Something indeed was changing but, what?

"Wake up my slave, and destroy those who oppose me!" Oh, I had almost forgotten Edgy was a thing, is what I would say if he GAVE ME two minutes of alone time!

I... was awake?

One moment Edgy McMuffin was shouting at me.

And the next, I was in a cave, staring at nothing in particular.

I could see the cave, I could feel the cave under my hooves, I could... wait a minute.

I could feel the cave under my WHAT?!

"You are as monstrous as I imagined!"

"Shove it, bitch, I'm dealing with something," I growled, going back to my initial panic.

I could feel the cave under my WHAAAT?!

"...What?" Edgy muttered.

Why did I have hooves?!

I looked at my feet, or rather hooves, pink hooves, and blinked as hard as I could, but no matter how many times I blinked, I still had hooves.

Wait... AM I PINK?!

Hooves pink, check.

Chest pink, check.

WHY WAS I PINK!? In a panic, I frantically whipped my head around, trying to find a mirror of some kind around the cave to see how I looked. However, instead of finding a mirror, I found my head had continued past the point of humanly possible things; by that, I mean, I had done a 360 turn with my head.

"Holy Faust!" Something that seemed to scare Mr. Edgy, can't blame him for that one.

However, I remained calm and composed... for about one second, "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!?"