• Published 10th Mar 2022
  • 357 Views, 2 Comments

Goated - ItsYaBoiSatan

A story about some goats that may or may not have entered Equestria for some unruly or comedic means

  • ...

2 MorroW

Author's Note:

"This is the true introduction, be prepared."
-im back, Sorry im literally the slowest person ever sometimes,

So ya see, that cat from earlier was actually important, I was jus' being sneaky and didn't tell you, 'Shhhh!', "Huh?", Annoying "Hush, they're walking through the doors right now."

Anyway, the cat from just now was Snoopin' around the Magical Mystery Tree, with a 'Little Miss Prim' trailing loosely behind and a Fluffy Alpaca Friend also making his way. Both looking to bring the Trouble, and make it Double.

First exploring the rightmost doorless doorway, a small kitchenette makes itself known, but honestly Lil Prim 'N company ain't very hungry. So they move on to the inside of what looks to be a large living area, lined with quote unquote, Da Tallest Bookshelves You've Eva Seen.

Naturally this all took place on the first floor.
Until it wasn't anymore, because the cat decided to wonder her way up to the second. The others were deemed to follow because 'Follow the cat, why not?', seemed to be the best mindset at the time.

At the end of an unnecessarily tall staircase, they met a hall, with a seemingly endless row of doors stretching across it. It was perpendicular to the staircase.
"Jesus!, This place is a whole lot bigger on the inside."
the little scout said,
She shrugs,
"Probably bull-," *Meow*

"Hey!, Ninja, Shut the- *Meow* -up, Hey!, stop interrupting my curse words."


She sighs,
"Oh My *Meow*, please just shut up..."


"I'm Done."
She starts reaching for the cat, only for the cat to run away.
"Get back here you little *Meow*-er!, Ughhh!!!"

Cue Benny Hill chase scene...

So Lil Miss was Chasing Ninja down the hall, with an alpaca close behind. Ninja suddenly entered an open door, only to exit a door on the other side of the hallway. This continued until every door had been opened and shut. Needless to say it was very loud, so it wasn't unlikely that a little dragon would soon wake up

Cue end of Benny Hill chase,

The Stock Record Stop Sound Effect plays as a door opens on the scene of a little girl about to punt a cat like a football, and a very Derpy looking Alpaca eating a rug that they probably found in a storage closet nearby.
Quite a sight to behold for a 3 foot tall dragon that's probably fed up with this shit already.

"Uhhhh, this isn't what it looks like?"
She says unconvincingly,

"UUHH!, Twilight!, You Might wanna come see this!"
one purple flash and a second of realization hits them.

They've been caught causing a ruckus, so she starts running. Taking a sec to line up a serve, she punts the cat out of the nearest window.
"Lets get outta this Bitch!"
and they were skedaddling out,

then they hear someone,
and it does not sound like a good idea to stick around.

They're going down the stairs, when the door is surrounded in a purple aura. And it shuts, leaving them inside at the mercy of whomever owned this estate.
"Tell me why you're hear?"
*huff* *huff*
"Please, I need to know..."
clearly out of breath from chasing them.

Well they were cornered now, so its not like they had much of a choice in whether or not they would be answering questions,
"We kinda came to look for Mr. Shalkowski and his goats, hope it isn't too much of an issue. we'll be Here, in this world until we get him back."

Twilight felt a chill down her spine, as if it wasn't an end goal as much as a statement.
"I saw one of them too, It was a goat, i'm actually looking for them right now. Well I mean, I was before I went to sleep tonight."

She smiled a little bit too widely at that,
"Well maybe I can help you look later, i'm gonna conduct my own search. Try and find something of value, or information, whichever comes first."
She gestures to the giant double doors with her hands, "Can you open this now, Please and Thank You."

"Sorry, but not yet, you're the first actual lead we've had, you know something about these creatures."
She poofs a paper and quill into existence
"I'm gonna have to ask, do you mind if I ask a few questions before you go?"

"Uhhhhhh, yeah i'm gonna haf-ta say no."
Twilight is flabbergasted by this.
"Sorry, maybe i'll come by tomorrow and we can talk about it."

Twilight looks pleadingly at her,
"i'd really prefer if you stayed, you know, just for a little while..."
The glow on the door strengthened a bit,
"two minutes, then you can go about your business."

Lil Miss was un-amused,
"i gave you my answer, right?"
she starts tapping her foot.

Twi is feeling like this isn't going as planned,
she looks around anxiously,
"one minute."

Miss Prim looked like she was contemplating it,
She wasn't,
"No Means No."
It was kinda funny though making this lady get like this though.

This was turning out to be a not very productive morning,
"30 seconds?"
Twi asks in a very meek voice,

Yeah this is pretty funny,
"I'm really sorry but I gotta go, got some errands to run and stuff. Your getting desperate, i'm getting bitches, so I'm outta here."

Now Twi was just frustrated.
"There's that word again, okay, one question?, who and what is Bitches?, then you can leave."

And now shes grinning mischievously,
"Alright Horse Lady, I'll answer your one question."
She takes a step forward and puts a hand on her hip well pretend holding a microphone in her other hand,
"Term: Bitches, Definition: A derogatory term past used for Female's of the Canine Variety."

Now Twilight was just confused,
"Then whats the current definition?"

She walked, Right, Fucking, Into, It,
"You!, Peace Gigga!"
Lil Prim then Smacks the Hell outta the Ginormous Double Doors, causing them to both fly off their crystalline hinges.

Twilight stares dumbfounded as the scene lays out, The doors fly out into ponyville stopping just short of somepony's house. Lil Prim Flips her off with both fingers before running out screaming "Stranger Danger!" and "No Means No!" in a very childish voice.

She starts to hope nopony is up yet,
He starts walking down the stairs nonchalantly,
"Take a Note to Princess Celestia."
He already has the quill on the paper when she says,
"We have a problem on our hooves."

So that Cat, The Black One, The Gigga. She was flying through the air, but that was only until she wasn't.

Shattering the Discord mural, Ninja lands on all four paws, breaking all four legs and dying. Only to revive through a very grotesque process of bending and rebuilding the primary structures for living.
"8 left..."
She continues walking forward like nothing happened,
Moving amongst the shadows and pillers alike.
Bobbing and weaving around guards and maids that pass by every so often.
Surprisingly never being seen once, Ninja manages to make her way over to a celestially themed ornate looking door, covered in small designs of lunar extravagance and constellations alike.

The door was exceedingly easy to open, as is, there was no lock. But this was probably planned considering the floor was creaking.
"Who goes there?"
Not an unexpected question,
Ninja meows loud enough for Luna to know who has arrived.
Luna steps into the room from her balcony,
"A Small feline?"
"However did you find yourself in my bedchambers?"

Ninja starts talking much to Luna's dismay.
"I've arrived in the most efficient manner possible, and I need to relay a message to your majesty, someone is looking for Meilek, she WILL arrive looking for him here, at some point, Don't Tell Her."

Luna adopts a very serious look on her face,
"Well this is quite the unexpected development, we'll make sure to keep his location secret."
She tries to ask a question of her own but is rudely interrupted,
"Listen when I say this, The Little One is not who they seem."

Ninja starts to back away into the shadows behind her,
Luna stops her just in time,
"Before you depart, tell me, will you return?"

No, not yet,
"In due time."
Only when She is most needed.
She backed away as the door opened, the sun had risen now.


Meliek smacks his dry lips together,
"Good morning me."
"Niko, Naya?"
"You guys there?"
There was no one else in the bed,
No response,

"Meliek please relax I am here, there is no need to live in fear."
Zecora spoke from around the corner,

Meliek starts to get up out of the bed only to see zecora walk in with a small saddlebag attached to her side,
"Meliek It hurts to say that the goats have left this morning, but they are just looking, so don't be mourning."
He shifts uncomfortably, he wasn't used to this. Was he?
"Anyways, we have much to do, I've been out foraging and need you to too."
zecora gestures for him to follow her with a hoof,

So he follows blindly, little does he know what hes getting into. they round a corner and sit by the cauldron. Zecora pulls out the bowl they used last night. In the light without the haze its much easier to discern the markings, it looks very tribal almost sacred. It fits the aesthetic of Zecora's homestead well, and probably her original home as well.
She sparks it with what looks like a homemade matchstick.

As They hit the bowl, and pass it back and forth, exchanging little tidbits of info.
"these herbs right here are not hard to find, after we are done collecting, they shall bind."
Zecora, grabs a book out of her bag, it has a picture of what looks like a fern plant on the front,
"This is the book used to find what I need."
She starts flipping pages until she lands on a particularly blue flower.
"Help me get these, and you, I will feed."

Meliek nods his head in agreement,
"I think I can do that, just gimme a second, or some water."
Zecora gets up out of her chair, and fetch's a bowl of water.

When she returns, she also has a cloak.
"Listen Meliek and listen well, These flowers can put you through hell."
"So can meddlesome ponies, they don't always mean well."
"Take this cloak to conceal your true identity, then return to me with flowers a plenty."

With that she takes both bowls back, finishes the burning one off, and trots off to go do zebra things. Meliek on the other hand dons the cloak, and it doesn't really fit. like, at all, but that's okay, its not like there's anybody casually strolling through the forest right now.
He makes his way out the door to look for flowers, only for zecora to stop him,
"Meliek whatever you do, do not stray from the path, it keeps you safe so you can laugh."
After that little missing tidbit, he was gone.

trudging onward's, keeping her words in mind he stuck to the path. His head was just barely concealed with the cloak rapped around him, only the tip of his nose was visible from underneath the hood. As he walked along the path, many different flora and fauna made themselves known, But it all becomes a blur as he walks by without a second glance. His eyes are searching for only one flower in particular, Poison Joke, but he doesn't know that.
A Cardinal flies past him overhead and he thinks nothing of it.

"So, you think we should do anything."
Iniko contemplates,

The lankier one replies with a snide remark,
"Nah, shes their problem, until she finds us."

The stocky one keeps the conversation going,
"Y'know its kinda funny we can just sit in this bush and remain undetected for so long, like, you think someone would have found us by now."

"That actually makes a lot of sense, why hasn't anyone found us yet?"
She replies while simultaneously not noticing the rustling of the leaves behind the both of them.


"No Not right now, i'm busy discussing how we haven't been found yet."
who is this?,

"Oh My God, please Don't scare me like that again."
It's just a special one.

Niko jumps in aswell.
"Naya, you might wanna look at this, shes looking at the bush."

She already knows,
"Yeah, Shes looking right at me, and somewhere off in the distance?"

Niko Repeats,
"No, SHE is looking at the bush."


Naya finally answers the Special pony looking at her,


"Yes you can have a muffin, just please stop giving away our position."
She conjures up a muffin with magic,
"Now. go away, please and thank you."
That seems to satisfy the muffins for brains pony distracting them. She trots off with that and Little Prim seems to keep watching her.

Or so she seems to keep watching the derpy pony, As her eyes slowly retract back towards the bush followed by the alpacas vision.
She calls to them, as if she knows.
"Helllllooooooo!, anybody in there. if your watching me i wouldn't be surprised, I am kinda Amazing."
she was still atleast a good ten meters away,

Iniko was having trouble believing this, she was going to find them already,
"c'mon Naya we need a distraction or something."

Naya keeps her demeanor much calmer than her brother,
"What we need is some magic, shut the fuck up for a second."

The child starts her countdown of destruction,
"1 2 3, get off my father's apple tree."
Still stepping closer,
"Or, YOUR IT!"
feet away from their ingenious hiding spot,
Primrose says as she pulls back the cover of the bush, only to reveal nothing at all

She scratches her head in confusion,
"I could've swore i saw a pony sticking their head in here."
Letting go of the brush she was still holding onto with her other hand, she puts a finger to her chin in thought. That's when she notices that she's been caught up in her own thoughts, and she's gathered a crowd of curious ponies.
"Hey!, What's the big idea, can't you see I'm busy walking here!"

Many towns ponies recoil from the suddenness of her yelling, except one of course.
"What's the big idea!?"
A particularly blue pony with rainbow hair, that's who,
"What's your big idea?, Nopony's seen anything like you before, are you the thing the princesses were talking about?"

Well that's unexpected, someone who challenges prims holy conquest for goats.
"I am the big idea, I have plans, you little ponies can get in the way of that. I am looking for the thing your so called 'princesses's' we're talking about."
Finger quotes included.

The rainbow hued horse sensed the sarcasm quite unsurprisingly,
"Hey!, Watch it, no pony badmouths the princess."

"Oh, Puh-lease!, if anything i'm doing them a favour, you can relax your bisexual horse mouth."
She finishes off and starts to walk away,

Only to be stopped by another horse, this one was very orange. This is a very cringe fact, especially considering she had apples on her ass and not oranges. Like nothing beats a good apple and all, but Orange's are king in the citrus fruits department.
"Now hold on there sugarcube, we all got things to do, but you don't have to try n' be a stick n' tha' mud, just come with us we can get all this trans-die'mensional phooey outa' tha' way."

She last thing applebottoms was expecting was a smack in the face,
But that's what happened anyway, and she was off running.

Applejack was sprawled out in the grass unconscious,
Rainbow was dashing after her as soon as the events unfolded,
"Hey!, That was so Not cool!"
Dash wasn't having trouble with apprehending the mischievous thing,
"Get back here you little... little whatever you are!"

Until she got into the crowd, Ms. Prim was very good at weaving between all the different ponies in the way. Keeping her distance, she lunges away from dash into a nearby alleyway. Going between the buildings she was able to lose sight of her for a split second, which was all she needed. Jumping into a dumpster, she fishes the Shotgun off her back. Barely taking a second to load it with the shells she had stole.

Dash passes above the trashcan so quick, she barely had a millisecond to react to her approach, She stuck her head out and pointed the boom stick her direction, from behind she would hit the ground before she would notice the death in tube that awaited her. Only when she pulled the trigger, did she realize her mistake.


"Jesus Christ That's loud!"
But her target did not fall, she only yelled out in pain.

Dash started turning,
"Sweet Celestia That hurts!"
Only for her words to fall on deaf ears, her own.

"Shit!, I grabbed the fucking Blanks!"
Turning back around and leaving the alleyway, she noticed that the other ponies had begun to panic. Virtually causing a stampede, but that wouldn't stop her, this was a welcome distraction. She entered the crowd again, only to be stopped by a pair of blue hooves and wings tackling her to the ground, this wasn't gonna be fun.
"What in Tartarus did you do!"
She began laying down a flurry of blows on the unknown escapee,
"Why?, why are you running from us?"
Ms. Prim engages with her an impromptu wrestling match to get dash off of her, being a child it wasn't easy, but she eventually got on top of rainbow.

"I need to find someone important to me... And all you little ponies are trying to ask me questions!, trying to stop me!"
She smacks her across the snout, putting her out cold,
"But I won't have it."
The Fight had been ended, and with it the rest of the stampede.

They were all likely inside shitting themselves, but that's still up to debate.
Primrose stood up to walk over to her companion alpaca, still sitting there as dumb as ever,
"What do you think of this?, Bitch Maker?"
He was staring off into the distance, seemingly lost in thought.
*Blows Raspberries*

True Dat,
"Excellent observation, It was too easy. Somethings not right here."
She feigns a thinking posture, She's a thinker after all.
"I think we need to have a talk with these 'so called princesses's' of theirs."
Well, theres only one way to start finding magical pony princesses's.
Wandering Aimlessly, until helpful information is found.
With that said she began walking aimlessly around Ponyville.
Hopefully finding something useful, not even Paying attention to the Pink mare following her from behind.

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