• Published 9th Mar 2022
  • 969 Views, 7 Comments

Gilda's boyfriend - ALoneWolf

Gilda's boyfriend is something else

  • ...

Guys say hello to.............................

On this quiet sunny filled day in Ponyville, we find Twilight and the rest of the main 6 sitting in a booth inside Ponyvilles famous bakery/cafe Sugarcube corner patiently waiting for their guest to arrive before ordering their food. As the group continued to wait patiently trying to hide their excitement about whom wrote to them that she's gonna be visiting for the weekend, a familiar face and reformed bully................................Gilda griffon. Ever since Dash and Pinkie went over to Griffonstone to take care of a friendship problem with Dashes former friend Gilda, Gilda has since changed her ways and reconciled her friendship with Dash and even started new ones with not only pinkie but other griffon's from her hometown. During her last visit in Ponyville the reformed griffon apologized to every citizen in town for her rude behavior including the one she hurt the most Fluttershy . To make a long story short the shy pony forgave the young griffon and even hugged her which she was quick to accept and return, and that's not all everyone in town forgave her as well and stated that she was welcome to their town anytime. The groups excitement increased more and more at the upcoming visitor including Dash who was just as excited to see her friend again, what's more exciting is the fact that in the letter gilda wrote she also stated that she was inviting a quest as well which made the group especially Pinkie even more happy that they'll not only have their griffon friend spend the weekend with them but that they'll also meet a potential new friend as well. Each member of the group wondered who was the mystery guest Gilda was bringing along? Could it be another griffon or some other creature that they've never even seen before or maybe another pony? As the groups minds continued to wonder they heard the shopkeepers bell ring indicating another customer?visitor causing them to turn around to see who arrived and to their surprise there standing near the entrance of Sugarcube corner stood Gilda Griffon herself looking all kinds of happy.

"SUP DWEEBS?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Gilda cried out with a friendly wave.

'GILDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!" The group cried out before each of them left the booth and brought their Griffon friend into their famous group hug which she was quick to return earning them multiple Awe's from the customers in the sweet shop. After a few minutes the group hug ended and each member of the group greeted the Griffon.

"It's great to see you again darling, you look great" Rarity said.

"Thanks Rares" Gilda replied.

"Welcome back Gilda" Twilight greeted.

"Howdy partner" AJ replied while raising her hat in a welcoming manner.

"I know it hasn't been that long but we've missed ya so badly" Pinkie said in her usual happy tone.

"Hehe thanks Pinks" Gilda replied

"Nice to see you again Gilda" Fluttershy greeted.

"Good to see ya too Shy, and especially you Dash" Gilda replied and then proceeded to give both the shy pony and Dash fistbumps each.

"Great ta have ya here G" Dash said. " So how was the ride here?"

"It wasn't too bad" Gilda replied. " Hehe ya know if I wasn't bringing a guest with me I would have just flown here" after making her statement the group burst out laughing at what Gilda just said considering the irony that she could have just flown here by herself if she didn't have a guest with her. After a good chuckle Fluttershy broke the ice.

"So how's things back in griffonstone?" She asked.

"It's pretty good Shy thanks for asking" Gilda replied. " Aside from Gretta I actually made quite a few friends back there and it's not just me most of the Griffons actually started to give friendship a try, and I actually took a few part time jobs with me working at the local bakery making my acorn scones for the customers , and the other is me babysitting my neighbors daughter Gabby from time to time whenever they're out of town"

"That's nice" Rainbow dash said" Those acorn scones you made were the shiznick, and seriously babysitting? Never expected you to be good with kids G"

"Yeah me neither" Gilda replied. " But the kids pretty cool, she's kinda like a lil sister to me. She's also the same age as Scoots and the other's. If I ever visit again I'll invite her along, I think the 4 of em would make the best of friends"

"Betcha they would, Bloom loves making new friends" Applejack replied. " I'm actually surprised you didn't invite her"

"Yeah I would have Aj but unfortunately she and her families out of town on a roadtrip" Gilda said. " And actually There's something I gotta tell you guy's about the guest I invited with me"

"What is it Gilda?" Shy asked which earned a small blush from the griffon tomboy.

"The thing is.................................................................................He's my boyfriend" Gilda answered which earned her a range of both jaw drops, awe's, and oooooooh's from the group.

"Why Gilda ya sly griffon" Aj said in a friendly teasing tone"

"I knew you were popular with the guys back in flight school G , but I never knew ya had it in you" Dash replied.

" You must tell us about this lucky guy your seeing darling" Rarity said excitedly, cause as you know ponyville's fashionesta never passes out the chance to hear some juicy romantic gossip.

"Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll" Gilda began still blushing. " He's really friendly, has a great personality, treats me like a queen, and he's muscular" As she listed out her boyfriends quirks the groups Awe's increased.

"Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" Rarity said with a sly smile. " Tall, muscular, friendly, and a gentleman? He sound's like the perfect man for you Gilda"

"You have no idea Rarity" Gilda said with a wink. " I tell ya I never expected myself to be the falling in love type, but I must say I'm so happy to have met such an awesome guy"

"He does sound like a nice guy Gilda" Twilight replied. " So when's he gonna get here? I figured that you guys would have arrived together?"

" Oh we did" gilda answered. " He's just putting our bags in the hotel room we're staying in, he should be here in a few minut.................................................... " But before she could say another word, the shopkeepers bell rung again signaling another visitor in the shop. gilda then turned around and quickly recognized the visitor and smiled. " Ah as a matter of fact there he is" The griffon then made her way towards the entrance to greet her boyfriend as the group tries to hold their excitement about who was the lucky guy Gilda invited. could it be another Griffon, or maybe even a pony? But they soon found their answer and soon the groups Jaws dropped at the sight of the creature standing inside the shop passionately kissing their Griffon friend. Each member of the group ESPECIALLY Rarity, Pinkie, Twilight, and Fluttershy instantly recognized the large buff minotaur who was making out with Gilda.

And there stood...................................................Iron Will

After a few minutes the couples make out session ended and they made their way towards the group who looked all sorts of nervous especially given their history with this Minotaur, and soon Gilda broke the ice and spoke.

"fellah's" Gilda began. " I think you guy's know Iron will?"

"Long time no see ponies" Will said in a rather friendly tone which wasn't expected from the egotistic so called life coach, After a minute Fluttershy walked up to gilda and grabbed one of her arms in a firm manor.

"Gilda buddy ole pal" She began. " Can we talk to you for a quick second?"

"Uuuuuuhhhhhhhhh sure" Gilda asked with her eyebrow raised as she was soon dragged to a corner, she then turned back to her boyfriend as she was being dragged away and spoke. " I'll be right Will"

"Ok babe" He said. And soon Gilda Found herself crowded and cornered by each of her friends which made her both nervous and puzzled at their sudden behavior.

"What's wrong guy's? " she asked.

"Gilda you cannot and I repeat NOT date that guy" Twilight firmly said.

"What?" Gilda replied shockingly.

"Gilda you have no idea the type of person Iron will is, he's practically a bully" Fluttershy said.

"Yeah when that big brute showed up in our town a while back he nearly turned Fluttershy into him thanks to his horrible advice and it nearly ruined Me, hers, and Pinkies friendship" As she made her statement the memories of that dreaded day played in Fluttershys head.

"And not only that, he ruined me and my families cruise vacation" Twilight said remembering how the minotaur crashed her family cruise and turned it into a zeppelin themed vacation and making her lose the chance to see the northern stars. However as her friends continued to make their statements Gilda let out a quiet long sigh.

" We're not saying this to ruin your relationship or nothing G" Dash replied. " But ya gotta believe us when we say that this guy is trouble............................................"

"I know" gilda interrupted. earning a confused look from Dash.

"Wait what?" She asked.

"I know how he treated you guy's" Gilda answered.

"You do?" Fluttershy asked. " Did he tell you?"

"Yes, after we started dating he told me about his last interactions with you guys and how horribly he treated you all"

"Then why are you with him in the first place if you know how he treated not only us but everyone he came in contact with?" Twilight asked earning another long sigh from the Griffon.

"Because he's sorry" She answered.

"Seriously?" Applejack asked. " He's sorry? Iron Will, Iron freaking Will is sorry? Beg pardon Gilda but I find that hard to believe"

"Me too" Shy said firmly.

"So am I" Twilight jumped in.

" I know guy's " Gilda replied. " I don't blame you for not believing any of this but it's true, he does regret everything he's done and he is sorry"

"How can you be so sure?" Pinkie asked earning a long pause until Gilda finally broke the ice.

"Because he's the reason I changed my ways" She replied.

"What?" Dash and Pinkie said in unison wondering how in the world Iron Will changed Gilda especially since Pinkie was the one who convinced Gilda to change their ways in the first place after their first visit in Griffonstone.

"Yes it's true" Gilda said and then began her story. " you see....................................................................."

After you ditched me from my visit Dash I Simply just isolated myself away from the outside world not caring about anything. Not friendship, not you or your little friends, or even my fellow Griffon's, I was so vent up with anger and betrayal that I Even considered just packing my bags and just leaving everything behind and cut you out of my mind forever. That is until I met Will, one day while i was about to pack I heard noises coming from outside of my apartment. I then looked out my window to find many of the Griffons in the town square so i decided to see what all the fuss was about. As I made my way to town square, I wrestled through the crowd to find a large stage as big as town hall. I wondered where the heck this thing came from as we weren't expecting any celebrity visit or talent shows or concert's today, but that's when I found my answer and soon Iron will the life coach entered the stage and introduced himself. At first i was surprised as this was the first time I've ever seen a minotaur. Everyone was gathered around as he started to give a seminar about all sorts of life lessons involving motivation and positivity, and I couldn't help but blush and ogle slightly every time he flexed his muscles during a lecture💗 I found that everyone was listening closely to his speeches and was surprised as usually Griffons wouldn't care less about these type of lectures but somehow this hunks words seemed to hit most of the citizens, but the one lecture he gave is what really convinced me and that was forgiveness and second chances. As he gave his next lecture I felt a weird feeling inside my chest and wondered what the heck was going on and I soon found out my answer when he explained the concept of guilt and regret. And that's when I soon found out about the pain in my chest was me regretting what i did to you guys back in Ponyville, sorrow and regrets soon clouded my mind as my past actions started to play in my head. So I listened carefully to his next lecture about forgiveness and second chances cause I knew this was exactly the wake up call I needed. After an hour of lectures about various life lessons the crowd applauded and commended Iron Wills performance as did I, Once the show was over I decided to head over to the cafe to think over everything I just learnt. As I made my way inside I bumped into someone and that's when i found myself face to face with Iron Will, I was surprised to find him her but I soon found out that he decided to grab a coffee and a snack at the Cafe before heading off to the next town. I apologized for accidentally bumping into him which he responded "no worries" and he even invited me to sit with him. After we received our goods we started to chat and get to know each other, I told him how I enjoyed his life lecture show and that it's exactly what I needed. And i soon began to tell him about my past actions and why it took me this long to show regrets for them. And to my surprise he told me about his past actions with you guys as well and how much he was sorry for hurting you guys, as it turns out his lecture about forgiveness and second chances was his way of showing that his regrets for his past actions. After that we began to chat more about our various problems and we soon found that we had a lot in common. After an hour of chatting we said goodbye to each other but not before he gave me some words of advice "Don't be afraid to show your regrets, while it'll be hard to release it just know that it's the only way to show the person you've hurt that your sorry for your actions" After we said goodbye I took his words to heart and knew that he was right. I spent these last few months thinking of ways to apologize and make it up to not only you but everyone else I've hurt Dash, and before I knew it you and Pinkie showed up to take care of a friendship problem here in Griffonstone. A part of me wanted to apologize to you two so badly but for some reason the words just wouldn't come out of my mouth that is until you were in trouble. After Pinkie gave me her little speech about friendship and reminded me of the good times you and I spent together Iron Will's words of advice played in my head as well as various memories of when we were kids. That's when i soon found the courage to save you and to apologize for everything, I was so happy that you guys forgave me and that Will was right about forgiveness and second chances, After you guys left I soon began to turn Griffonstone into a more friendly place. I soon made some new friends and managed to change a few of the grumpy and greedy citizens thanks to Iron Wills advice. Speaking of Will, a few days after you guys returned to Ponyville Will stopped by Griffonstone again to give another lecture about life and I as well as everyone else was excited to see him again. After his performance I walked up on stage and me and him began to catch up , and to my surprise he asked me out on a date and I was quick to say yes. And to make a long story short me and Will officially became a couple, whenever he was taking a break from his shows he would come visit and would treat me to fancy restaurants, dancing, movies, and there were times where I came along with him on his semiars as a special guest, and I tell ya Will was the definition of a gentleman and I couldn't have been happier to have met such an amazing man💗 Then after a year of seeing each other I asked if he wanted to move into my apartment to which he happily agreed to, while it did get lonely whenever he went out of town to give his lectures around Equestria I knew that it would be worth it knowing that I would be coming home to the most amazing man in the world, and i couldn't have been happier.

"And to make a long story short, after I wrote that I wanted to visit and spend the weekend with you guy's I convinced him to come along as well to make amends with you guys. At first he was nervous about coming thinking that you guys wouldn't forgive him for his past actions, but I convinced him using the exact same words he gave to em when we first met and so here we are" Gilda said as she closed off her little story, the main six were in shock after hearing Iron Wills backstory and how he and Gilda met and how his words of encouragement convinced the Griffon to change her ways. They began to wonder if Iron Will truly was sorry for his past actions and regrets how he treated each of them.

"Look guy's I know Will wasn't the nicest minotaur when you guys first met him, But swear to the sungoddess herself that he truly is sorry for everything" Gilda continued. " I not asking you guys to forgive him , I'm just asking you guys to at least here him out and to give him a chance kind of like how you did me. So will you guys give him a chance" After her lil speech the group then stared at each other and after a moment of debating they nodded their heads in unison.

"Ok Gilda, we'll hear him out and give him our answer after" Twilight said.

"Thank's sparkle" gilda said happily and soon teh group made their way back to the minotaur. " Sorry to keep you waiting babe"

"No prob gilda" Will reassured. " It was only 5 minutes, so shall we sit down?"

"Sure" Twilight replied and then pointed to their booth. " Our booths right over there"

"Awesome" Will said and soon the of them made their way towards the booth and took their seats , as they sat there was an awkward silence between the group as each of em wasn't expecting to be sitting with the Minotaur life coach or that eh was dating their friend, after a few seconds of silence Will finally spoke up.

"How have you guys been?" He asked.

"We're doing just fine Will thanks for asking" fluttershy said politely. " How are your shows going?"

"Pretty good , pretty good" Iron Will answered. " Me and Gilda actually just got back from a show at Canterlot and i even got to invite Celestia herself as a guest star"

"Oh yeah i remember hearing about that" Twilight said. " Must have been a good show if you managed to have royalty as a special quest"

"You know it, I tell ya i never gotten that much applause in my life it felt great" Will said proudly but then his happy expression soon turned to one of sadness and regret, and soon there was another long awkward silence between the group which lasted for a whole minute. Will stayed silent trying to muster up the courage to find the right words to say to the ponies, a part of him wanted to just walk away thinking that they would never forgive him or accept him dating their friend. Suddenly he felt someone lightly nudge him to he side and he turned to find Gilda staring at him with a smile and an encouraging expression on her face signaling him that he's got this and not to worry. That expression alone gave our minotaur the courage to finally speak, and before he knew it.

"Fluttershy, Twilight, everyone............................................................................I'm sorry" Will began as the group stared in shock at the words that just escaped from the minotaurs mouth. " For everything, i was a massive jerk to every single one of you especially to you Fluttershy. My stupid lecture about Putting your hoof down made me turn you into a monster causing you to lash out and bully your friends. I see now that putting your foot or Hoof down was never the answer no matter how much people push you over it was a terrible piece of advice to give and who knows what would have happened if you continued on using my advice, I would never forgive myself if you've lost your friends and reputation all because of my stupid Seminar and for that i am truly sorry Fluttershy and to you as well Rarity and Pinkie Pie" After hearing his apology fluttershy, Pinkie, and rarity felt a bit of sympothy for the minotaur after hearing him sincere words, he then turned towards the young Alicorn and spoke again. " And Twilight I am truly sorry for ruining your families cruise vacation and for making you miss the northern stars. I was so caught up with using my zeppelin plan to achieve more listeners that i didn't think about the families who just wanted a nice peaceful vacation and worst of all I used your status as a princess to draw out and gain attention and followers. That was selfish of me as i was only thinking of my business not everyone else who was vacationing, hell I almost made us crash because of my stupidity and that would have haunted me forever" Twilight was now speechless after hearing Wills apology , she was not expecting this to come out of the mouth of the same guy whom she encountered again a few months ago and like Rarity, pinkie, and shy felt some sympathy for the buff minotaur. " I was a terrible excuse for a life coach and I am truly, truly sorry everyone" will continued. " I don't expect you guys to forgive me as i acted more like a bully than as a life coach , but i promise you guy's I love Gilda she's the best thing to ever happen to me and I swear at the bottom of my heart that I would never and I mean EVER hurt her, and I hope you guys can find it in your hearts to forgive this foolish minotaur someday" And with nothing left to say Will hung his head in shame trying his best not to cry, The main six couldn't believe the heartfelt words coming out of Iron Will of all people not expecting to hear those words come out of the minotaur. His words hit the each of them deep realizing that these were actually and genuinely sincere and that he does regret everything he's done, after a few minutes the group stared at each other and smiled while nodding their head's in agreement.

"Iron Will" Fluttershy began causing the sad minotaur to lift up his head. " We forgive you" She then smiled causing the Minotaur to be in a state of shock at what Fluttershy just said to him.

"Yo, you do? " He asked.

"Yes we do" Fluttershy answered still smiling. " We see now that your a changed man, your not that minotaur you used to be he would have never apologized. I realize now that your not such a bad guy after all, you actually have a heart of pure genuine gold as big as your muscles"

"Amen partner" Applejack jumped in with a respectful grin. " It takes a real man to face someone he's hurt emotionally and to apologize to them, and it takes a lot of guts to own up to your past actions and to make up for them, and ah respect dat"

"Me too" Twilight replied with a smile. " Don't get me wrong I was pretty pissed that you used me as a side show attraction for your seminar and you practically ruined my family vacation. But after hearing your words I can see now that your truly sorry for what you've done and regret all of your past actions, and like Applejack I respect that as that is the definition of friendship"

"It sure is" Dash said with a smile of her own" Like Shy said the old Iron Will would never apologize or show regrets, but you sir have shown genuine regrets and you had the guts to walk up to us and apologize like a man and I respect that as well. That took a lot of guts and you sir have a lot of guts, I can see now that your not such a bad guy after all and I see now that everything Gilda described about you is true and i see now why she fell for you, and if Gilda likes you than I no we like you too Iron Will" After hearing Dash and everyone else the minotaur couldn't help but shed tears of joy, happy to know that the ponies he hurt have forgiven him and excepted him as not only gilda's boyfriend but as their friend and he couldn't be any happier.

"Than you girls" He said with a sniff. " Thank you so much" And before he knew it the main six got up from their seats and brought Iron Will into a group hug which he was quick to return and soon Gilda joined in on the hug happy that her friends have forgiven her boyfriend for his past actions and she along with will couldn't have been any happier. as they hugged the customers inside of the sweetshop couldn't help but Awwwwwwwwwww at the sight of new friendships and reconciliation causing a slight annoyance from the Griffon.

" Oh ya'll mind your own business💢!" She said in annoyance causing giggles among the group and patrons. After a few seconds the group hug ended as will wiped the tears from his face and spoke.

"Now what do you say we get this weekend started and order our food? I'm starving, hehe even my pecs are hungry" Will said with a smile and showed off a little by bouncing his pecs earning him multiple giggles from the group and they soon made their way back to their seats as Gilda couldn't be any happier to have 6 amazing friends and such an amazing boyfriend and that they've officially reconciled with one another, No doubt the young Griffon couldn't have been happier to have been blessed with 6 friends and an amazing boyfriend.

Author's Note:

This here is another ship that i wish got more fanart and attention from the fanon:heart:

Anyways hope you guy's enjoyed this lil story, again this wasn't on the list this is just something I had in my head that i wanted to do while I took a short break from dictators of Ponyville. But don't worry Dictators of Ponyville will continue soon😉 Until then i hope you all enjoyed this Gilda x Iron Will story and I'll see ya guys next time:twilightsmile:

Question: What ship name do you guys think would sound good for Iron Will x Gilda?

Comments ( 7 )

"Yeah when that big brute showed up in our town a while back he nearly Fluttershy into him thanks to his horrible advice and it nearly ruined Me, hers, and Pinkies friendship" As she made her statement the memories of that dreaded day played in Fluttershys head.

"And not only that, he ruined me and my families cruise vacation" Twilight said remembering how the minotaur crashed her family cruise and turned it into a zeppelin themed vacation and making her lose the chance to see the northern stars. However as her friends continued to make their statements Gilda let out a quiet long sigh

Oh yeah I remember all the reputation that he had and it wasn't too pretty

"Flutterhsy, Twilight, everyone............................................................................I'm sorry"

You misspelled Fluttershy

This was actually not bad of a story and a very interesting shipping between Iron Will and Gilda but nevertheless it was a pretty good one although there was a couple of sentence are missing some . So I'll probably check on some of the sentence because some of them looks like it was like fast but anyway it was nice to see Gilda seeing the main six after season 5 she change her ways and even get along with the other ponies and apparently she found somebody who actually cares for her and the girls were pretty excited for her that she found somebody but what they not expected it was another creature that did not have a good reputation Iron Will and of course the girls would not too happy with him after what he did but Gilda explained that he was sorry and he felt bad for everything that he did to Twilight and her friends so they give him a chance to say his piece but then the main six forgave him for his past mistakes which it was nice to see that the Redemption can be a long way but it'll be worth it in the end this was a pretty good story keep up the good work

Thank you I'm happy you enjoyed the story:twilightsmile:, and yeah your right there are a few errors that I should go back and fix:twilightblush: This is one of my fan shippings that i wished got more attention from the fanbase especially since I felt Gilda and Iron will would look cute together:heart:

You knew the boyfriend was gonna be Iron Will?

Yeah. I don't know why, but it kinda just popped into my head when she was describing him.

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