• Published 10th Mar 2022
  • 929 Views, 5 Comments

A Camera - Miro MM

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The video opens with no audio, Zipp's face is in the darkness. The image is distorted with an intense red, white and black as she seems to be sobbing or in some sort of trance as she stares into the camera. Slightly bleeding from her nose. Very soft and quiet audio distortion slowly creeps in as a tint of green is on her left cheek as she turns her head slightly and closes her eyes as she seems to exhale before the video cuts to a intense distorted shot of Sunny's living room at night, illuminated by only the a lamp, the colors are saturated that give a mix of yellow, red, orange, black, white, and small tints of blue, purple and brown.

The footage is grainy and the camera is still as a shape of a pony can be seen sitting on the couch, after almost a minute the shape starts to move as it is revealed to be Sunny as she limps over the side of the couch. She sits up as she gets off the couch and starts slowly walking towards the camera, wearing that mask as she coughs, her coughs are muffled and the underwater noises are heard slightly in the background as she stumbles and shuffles up to the camera. She shuffles the camera up and grabs it, slight muffled noises of it as she covers her mask with her hoof pointing the camera at her before turning he camera around as she limps towards the darkness of her bathroom and bedroom.

More colors are seen such as green and others. She points around the place, pointing towards the clock showing that time seems to be frozen as she walks towards her bathroom, small lights illumatining the place as she pulls herself towards the bathroom door and grabs the knob with her hoof as she turns it and opens it. The room is pitch black before she turns on the light as there is no color anymore and it is an intense black and white, The audio returns within the second the light is switched on. But very distorted and jumbled. The underwater noises are louder but still muffled and warbling. Sunny coughs and coughs as she coughs up some blood into the sink. Sunny points the camera the mirror and zooms in on her reflection as she starts sobbing underneath the mask. Sunny zooms out and looks back towards the door. She twists the knob and opens it to reveal color in the other room.

Sunny breathes heavily as she walks out the bathroom, pointing at her body to reveal she is back in color as the bathroom for behind her slams shut. Sunny coughs as she points towards the dining room to reveal the lights are on and the masked man is sitting on the other end of the table, looking at Sunny. He is wearing all black expect for his hands as he is also wearing a hood covering his head, only his torn and bloody mask is visible. With a trail of black liquid leading to him from the front door as Sunny stammers and walks towards him. The footage distorts clips and cuts and repeats and mirrors as it overlays into different footage as Sunny is sitting at the other end of the table filming him. Audio distortion rapidly increasing and echoing. The footage distorts heavily as the masked man stands up in a jolt and crawls across the table as Sunny coughs as he pulls out a knife before the footage cuts too black.

The footage returns after a couple seconds with heavy static across the screen as the masked man seems to be looming over a passed out Sunny in the bathtub, muffled music is playing in the background and seems to be "Closer" By "Nine Inch Nails" he brushes his hands through her mane as he seems to have slightly sliced around her face. She is dripping with blood slightly as he spreads his hands through his mask as the black liquid comes from the eyeholes in his mask as he grabs the knife that is slightly covered in blood but more in that black liquid as he rummages through something before slowly crawling towards the camera as the static cuts and disappears in a flash of distortion.

He crawls right up to the camera where only his torn destroyed and cut up mask is visible as he rubs it with the black liquid. the camera stutters and turns glitchy and corrupted as it unfocus and blurs. The masked man crawls back and crawls out of the room. After 20 seconds the footage darkens and cuts as it turns to an intense black and white again with no colors and the song has stopped playing and it is silent again. Expect for the very faint, slow and muffled underwater noises somewhere in the background. Hitch walks in the room coughing as he grabs Sunny and hugs her as she breathes heavily, alive but hurt and wounded as Hitch pulls her out of the bathtub and the video abruptly ends.