• Published 21st Mar 2022
  • 184 Views, 13 Comments

Silverspoon in Manehattan - Shadowblade93

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The streets of Manehattan were bustling and Silverspoon rode in the family car, on the way she saw two of her classmates, one was named Acid Drip, she was mostly a cyborg even half of her face and ears. Acid Drip had become that way during an acid attack when she was younger by her bullies; Acid had learned to cope with her new appearance overall.

The other was likened to a dragon-pony hybrid with wings and soul-less eyes. Her ears and wings had pets that were translucent. This filly was named Ember Flame to spite having blue not red or orange highlighting her. These two were misfits. Whilst Silverspoon was in with the popular rich kids if the rough city.

Silverspoon hated Ponish Class, what made it worse was group projects were assigned and that also included her partners. She usually got left with the lazier ponies of her class and doing all of the work. "Silverspoon you will be with Acid and Ember Flame for this project." Stuck with the misfits Silverspoon thought she'd die! When the pair join her at her desk block she nervously fumbled with her hooves.

Research was bad enough, but how to work with these was beyond her. "So....Silverspoon, I know we're considered lower class and not very bright...but for a research project and considering you're from Ponyville and all maybe we could do something from your hometown?"

"Look Acid Drip! I want to lay something down now, you both pull your weight on this project!"

"Listen Silvy! Don't snap at her you'll pay!"

"Or what Blank Flank?" Acid grew quiet, and didn't say a thing for a few moments.

"I know I can't do anything much....well no special talents that is. I've lived in this city and have been in this school for months! I am right now two grades behind cuz' I can't get past math."

Ember Flame spoke next, "We have tried like hell to make friends but can't or haven't. Just give us a chance....please?"

"Silverspoon closed ber eyes, and pictures Diamond Tiara and the CMC and even Babs Seed and how they were all friends now; so why not these two? "One chance to prove you can work hard!"

The trio wanted to do a paper on the Princess of friendship herself. They got the okay from all sets of parents to travel via train on a weekend trip to visit Twilight Sparkle: Princess of Friendship.

During the lunch hour as she waited for her new companions she heard a commotion and a saw a crowd gather. Trotting over after standing up went to see what the fuss was about. She saw a large colt pounding into Acid Drip. Acid was on bottom and losing badly. Ember Flame stood unmovable as her friend was getting beaten to a pulp.

"Dude! What the fuck did I do to make you want to pulverize me?"

"You walked into this school you piece of metal!"

"That all dip shit?"

"Gimme one reason I shouldn't end you?"

"For starters Savage-North, prison for murder and might I add that it was your father's careless that caused my accident a few months ago."

"You're just a worthless pegasus, we unicorns use our knowledge and power to better the world." Acid Drip pushed the colt off and tried to stand only to be magically slammed onto the floor where Savage-North had a friend of his drag the terrorized Ember Flame into the conflict. "Now watch what true power can do!"

Acid was powerless as she endured watching her best friend receive a pounding. Ember Flame tried to get airborne, but she was yanked down by her wing and she felt it break as her dragon-like tail was broken in three places by a blueish aura. No one jumped in to help, finally, Silverspoon had to react.

Silverspoon tackled Savage-North and socked a hoof into his wind pipe stubbing him. She then tore into his friend who retaliated by hurling Ember Flame at her. Silverspoon felt guilt as she ducked and saw the filly slam against a table ribs first. The colts stood as the voice of the principle was heard.


Silverspoon sat with her new study partners and friends. The trio looked comical with their battle injuries as they still poked jabs at each other and then regretting those jabs. Saying their farewells went to their homes.


Knuckles Mac Shadow sat in the Teachers' Lounge and the group discussed the fight in the cafeteria. "What the new filly did was so out of line, but shit! She did what was right, she stood up for someone."

"Yeah she Lucky Star, for a kid from Ponyville she will survive in this school."

"I agree with you Eight Ball, So Knuckles Shadow....did that filly do decent enough to be let off as easy as she did?"

"Well.....my own kids I had to ground once for the exact same thing. However, I will have to say that she did good. What I don't get is why I was called in? Not to be rude but I have a nation of Threstrals to run."

The principle, a mare named Lacey Elm walked in at that moment and threw in her two cents. "I for one think that those boys should be expelled. Pity I can't, damn bastards parents pay me and that covers my bills.those boys are spoiled ass fucks! Their bitch mother is a fucking whore! I saw her in the park with another stallion and were pretty......intimate. their father should be jailed for negligence when his factory almost killed Acid Drip....now she's a genius when it comes to chemistry and and the sciences. Ember Flame is a smart but her strengths lay in athletics. Back to the topic at hoof. Silverspoon should have been able to walk, but due to circumstances which I am sure she picked up, I had to give her and her new friends four hour detention after class for a whole fucking month! Who in Celestia's sunrise want a kid to suffer that much when it's their own that deserves it?" Knuckles decided to keep silent as Lacey Elm stormed to the freezer and pulled a tub of double-griffon chocolate ice cream. "Knuckles you're that new sub we called in to teach history right? Just warning ya, be aware of the time and don't go over." Knuckles simply nodded and the group broke up to head home.