• Member Since 14th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen 26 minutes ago


I like big ponies and I cannot lie.

Comments ( 42 )

Good start so far. I'd love to see more of this story. Will Fry get back to Earth? Will the Planet Express crew find him and bring him back? Will Santa Claus bring him season's beatings?

I'll see what I can do.

On a side note, he's already having feelings for the ponies. Pony butt indoctrination.

Leela won't be too happy about that. I know she kinda goes back and forth on her feelings about Fry, but when facing the prospect of another woman, or mare(s?) in this case, horning in on her "turf", I foresee a one-eyed mutant trying to go full-on alien kung-fu on some ponies. It would be funny for her to go "HEE-YAH!" while throwing a flying kick. I think I might pee myself if she and Rarity lay each other out with flying kicks.

This is a nice idea for a Fan fic. I like it, it tickles my fancy. Because of his dim wits and pure heat (the way thy where before his Flanderization) would win over every pony and his kind of "observation's" would help them grow in ways thy would never on there own. Maybe thy all become Alicorns and do things right this time around. :twilightblush: :derpytongue2:

The glowing crystal's for lights are a nice touch. Not to mention the Ponies nonchalance about there body's and sexuality. it make's sense coming from a nudists society.:pinkiehappy:

Huh what happens next

I look forward to more!!!

Kiss my cute pony ass!

Probably a tow missile instead of mistletoe :raritywink:

My exact thought upon sewing this: "Yeah, sure, I'll read that" and it's surprisingly decent enough

Leela being jealous could be really funny.

I wanted to give the ponies some tech. They semi-medieval, but sometimes they have odd tech here and there powered by those crystals.

This took me awhile to write, and I had some friends look at it. But good news, I've started a little on chapter 2.

Thanks. I working on it.

And fat pony butt.

Understandable. I am a hit-and-miss writer. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.

sea-foam green

b r u h
her eyes are turquoise

Quite a lot people describe Fluttershy's eyes like that.

well quite a lot of people are wrong
i've seen more than enough pics of Fluttershy to say with confidence that her eyes are a deep-ish turquoise

Fry felt somewhat nervous. A very sultry look was in Pinkie Pie’s eyes as she looked at him. What's worse, Fry didn’t exactly object to this. She was quite pretty for a non-human. Edna was far worse. She was an ugly lobster alien.

Let the record show that Fry does not have very high standards when it comes to aliens.

True. Fry has had his fair share of strange women.

He did freak out when the Mermaid didn't have what he wanted from a woman. The Deep South episode.

Of course, Fry doesn't want to reveal he slept with his own grandma for the sake of his own embarrassment.

Hehehehehehe. This is getting good

That would be rather awkward to confess. Besides, revealing that out of blue would be bad idea to someone who just became your friend.

Thanks for the comment.

What did you like about this chapter, if you mind me asking?

The fact that Fry at first almost found being attracted to ponies weird then he remember he lived in the future for some time and got use to that. I also like how you are making Fry how he is while not making him totally dumb.

Fry forgot he doesn't have the delta brain-wave. To be fair, in the show he often forgot he didn't have the delta brain-wave,unless the giant brains attacked. His brain was able to cobble together a working facsimile of the delta brain-wave, similar to how Leela made her prom dress from carpet scraps and whatnot.

In the show Fry isn't stupid, he's dumb, but he isn't stupid. He mostly suffers from impulsiveness and a lack of self confidence, kinda like if Fluttershy was as bold as Zephyr.

Wel yeah, Fry gets smarter as he gets older. He does become Lars eventually.

By the way, I posted chapter 3.

Once the planet express crew is able to find him, things are going to get all kinds of hilarious.

The professor is going to explain how magic is impossible, then pull out one of his mad science sensor gizmos, notice how a single colored light lights up and say something along the lines that the ponies are using sorcery.

Hermes will probably look at Equestria's budget and make some sort of Jamaica-ism involving a green snake or limbo, then either demand the ponies share their bureaucratic skills or do some bureaucratic shenanigans to balance their budget, probably while a steel drum band plays calypso music from somewhere.

Amy will be her usual klutzy self while shouting in Cantonese, and maybe do something science-y.

Zoidberg will probably have a very strange knowledge of pony anatomy, and probably have an affair with a married crayfish.

Leela will deny having romantic feelings for Fry while being extremely jealous.

Bender will probably wind up looting Canterlot. And when he gets caught, they won't be able to charge him as pony law has nothing on the books for dealing with a construct.

Somewhere in the mix Zap Branighan will show up and probably attempt to blow up the ponies for being too friendly, while making lewd overtures to Leela.

I suppose it could be done. But I feel tossing in too many characters in at once would be a chaotic mess.

I'm definitely thinking about Leela being jealous. Particularly about Fry with Twilight, and her friends smothering Fry with affection.

I have a funny line for the Professor.

Good Lord man! First your own grandmother, now a horse? What in Zombie Jesus is wrong with you?!

As for Leela, if Zapp showed up, I say Leela will reluctantly become part of Fry's herd of pony lovers by kissing one of the mares in front of him.

Zap Branighan: Just like how Leela put me out to stud.

Celestia: Yes Mr. Branighan we've all read your book.

Leela: *rolls eyes and sighs in disgusted frustration* Sorry Zap, but I'm....*looks between Maud, Fry and Cranky repeatedly*...Uh...ah...uh...in love with this pony now. *picks up Maud and plants a kiss on her*

*all the guys cheer and whoop*

Maud: I'm ready for loving you red hot mamma.

This is weird. Nearly everypony I meet wants me to grope their ass,’ Fry thought to himself.

This shit is insane!!!!! This is so far off the usual norm of fanfic that I read that I'm getting shocked by most everything!! But.. and that is a big Butt. I fucking loved this story dude! I am so glad I took a chance on this

I am trying to stay true to Futurama. Lots of wacky stuff happens in that show. So, I want Fry to somewhat infect the MLP-verse with Futuramaverse silliness.

That is excellent man. Keep it up. I look forward to being shocked more

I have an idea on how the Planet Express crew eventually finds him. The career chip that's implanted in his hand contains a locator function that is only active during working hours so that any employers can make sure you're not slacking off

And, I feel like Fry would get way too emotional if he ends up meeting Winona. Remind him too much of Seymour.

Seems too easy. I want them to struggle at least to find him. That way, Fry can mingle with the ponies some more and get up to more silly stuff.

That sounds like a plausible scenario. A good thing to bring up when he meets Applejack again.

This story is just sex, just slap a pony ass or something and get it over with

That is pretty valid criticism there. I have some ideas for the story that does not involve sex but ok.

this story seems to be 80% horny
tbh this feels like a harem anime
and yet, i can't tear my eyes away

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