• Published 28th Mar 2022
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Prisoner and Savior: Part 2 - efug25g

After narrowly evading capture by the enemies pursuing Princess Twilight and her new friends, she does whatever it takes to help her friends survive and head back to Equestria to defend her homeland from the alien invasion.

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Chapter 33: Victory Celebration in Canterlot

3 hours later after the achieving victory in defending Canterlot from the evil aliens..........

Most of the creatures were able to help the UFF gather all of their fallen comrades outside of Canterlot to uphold a crematory funeral. The Earth ponies and unicorns volunteered to build wooden platforms where they setup funeral pyres ready to be lit. In just 3 more hours of placing the bodies of their dead comrades on top of the funeral pyres, the rest of the Equestrian ponies, their allies, and the UFF all stood by as they bid farewell to those that sacrificed their lives in battle. Even Celestia, Luna, and Chmone paid their respects for their loyal comrades too. So without further a due, Ember gave out the order for her fellow dragons to light the funeral pyres with small jets of dragon fire coming out of their nostrils. Just like that, all of dead defenders disappear into the flames as they all turned to ash in half an hour later.

It's a shame that Princess Twilight Sparkle isn't here to see this since she's still trying to recover from her injuries after her one-on-one fight with Empress Vanista Rantu. However, most of the ponies believed it is better that they don't let Twilight see any of this since it will break her heart over the fact that she lost most of her friends in the battle at Canterlot, other than just her fellow ponies.

After 6 more hours of recovery, Twilight slowly opens up her eyes as she finds herself in her own bedroom inside her Royal Chambers. When Twilight is about to get up, she groaned in pain as she felt a bit of stiffness coming from her head and from her body. She sees that both of her front hooves are wrapped up with bandages, along with a body cast covering up her chest.

When she got out of bed and looked at herself in the mirror, Twilight sees that she has a white dress wrap covering her head. As she looked out towards from her bed at a nearby window, she sees through the window that the sky has turned dark outside of the palace, realizing that its nightfall now. She didn't realize that its already nightfall when she woke up. Is it possible for her to wake up in the middle of the night when every pony is still asleep or is something else going on that Twilight needs to attend to? The only way to answer that is by getting out of bed and to investigate around the palace.

No longer wearing her regal armor, Twilight makes her way to the exit of her chambers only to be greeted by a wailing little green dragon.

"Oh Twilight!! I thought you wouldn't wake up!! We were so worried!!!" Spike wailed as he hugged Twilight in an instant.

"Spike?? What happened? Where is every pony else??" Twilight said, feeling surprised by such an embrace by her right-hoof dragon.

"We all saw the whole thing behind us while we were securing the rest of Canterlot. You just like, hurled a massive orb of magic at that evil creature that sent her crashing into the ground, flat like a pancake. Rainbow Dash was raving with awestruck excitement when she saw you back there. It was amazing!!! But you were badly bruised and out cold when we saw you outside of the palace courtyard." Spike informed in an exasperated tone. "Anyway, they were able to you bring back here to recover. Aside from all that, they're all waiting for you at the great hall!!"

"Okay, then. I guess it's time that I shall give our new friends another honorable reception!!" Twilight said, feeling a bit anxious to see the rest of her friends.

As Twilight and Spike left the Royal Chambers, they both flew past the throne room to see a huge congratulating sight on the other side of the Canterlot Palace.

On the way to the Great Hall, Twilight puts on her crown and her regal necklace on top of the bandage dress wounds wrapped around her head and body. For Spike, he put on his medallion in which symbolizes his position as Twilight's Royal Advisor.

The moment they stepped into Great Hall within Canterlot, Twilight and Spike were both greeted by two rows of cannons shooting out confetti from both left and right as a sign of praise and victorious accomplishment. At the same time, every creature, including all of the fillies, mares, and gentlecolts in Canterlot and in Ponyville, was seen sitting at their tables as they all cheered, raising their hands, claws, and hoofs with their glasses full of apple cider and grape juice. They all have food in front of the table as well, including grapes, oranges, apples, lettuce, pies, pastries, fries, and hayburgers.


All around the alicorn and the little dragon, they see changelings, ponies, hippogriffs, dragons, and all sorts of creatures from the UFF shouting out Twilight's name in such thrill and excitement. Even the Mane 5, Celestia, Luna, Cadence, Shinning Armour, Starlight, the Pillars of Equestria, and Discord were all happy and excited to see Twilight again after making a full recovery from the siege of Canterlot.

As soon as Twilight turned towards the people from the UFF, she notices that they all have changed their clothes from military to a formal appearance. The moment Rarity looked at Twilight from her seat next to the rest of the Mane 5, she winked at Princess Twilight for she managed to create some experimental fashion designs for her new friends in her Canterlot Boutique, followed by a happy squeal. In fact, Sassy Saddles was also there sitting next to Rarity where she gave the unicorn fashionista a friendly elbow bump.

Zeck, Chmone, Fenirius, and Derek are all wearing ceremonial, marine uniforms which happen to be black, dress clothes with golden epaulets and red linings. Just like their officer uniforms, they still carry their badges on their right, upper chest on their ceremonial uniforms.

For Pamela, Xuliana, Monet and Sonja they're all wearing different lovely women dresses, much to Rarity's delight. When Rarity made the dresses before attending Twilight's Royal Reception in the palace, she left them all glowing with beautiful jewelry and fabric in each and every one of them.

Xuliana was seen wearing a long purple tube top dress reaching down to her ankles, only showing her bare, blue shoulders and her upper, flat chest, showing only the top of her curves. She also has small, blue earrings dangling on the bottom of both her ears and has purple velvet ankle strap heels for her feet. On her chest, Xul is wearing necklace around her neck, which is filled with small blue, purple, and magenta diamonds that Rarity used from her diamond box. When Xuliana looked down at herself over what she is wearing right now, she started blushing like crazy, realizing just how Rarity made her into one beautiful lady.

Pamela is now wearing a yellow, floral sundress that reached down from her bare shoulders to her waist. For her lower half, Pam is wearing a medium-sized green skirt reaching down a few inches above her feet. Her skirt is also embroidered with yellow linings and sewn rubies all around her waist. For her feet, Pam has blue female two-piece dress sandals. Pam couldn't thank Rarity enough for making such a gorgeous design.

Monet is seen with a crown of purple jewelry on top of her head, wearing an sleeveless emerald dress that is highly split. She was giggling at herself when Rarity gave her a free, generous offer in having dress suited for her design. On her chest, she wore a golden necklace with a medium-sized sapphire gem encased in the middle of the accessory. Her feet is seen wearing yellow garvery sandals with knotted straps wrapped around her ankles.

For Sonja Stone, as a human journalist accompanying the UFF, she is seen wearing a simple red, sleeveless dress with a solid, pleated bow flowing around waist as it reached down to her knees. On her hair, she also has a yellow braid tied to the back of her head, making her hair bind together in one medium-length pony-tail. On her right ear, Sonja has a topaz earring hanging on her ear lob. For her left ear, she has a purple diamond earring hanging. For her feet, Sonja is wearing black dress shoes with a flashing red diamond sewn on its top front tip.

When Sonja looked at Rarity and Zeck, she blushed a little, unlike Xul, before chuckling to herself to think that such a pony could create such a fabulous fashion design without hesitation. In fact, Twilight grinned with delight to think that Rarity would actually help all of those new female friends of hers get ready for the honorable reception. Speaking of which, Twilight started to blush too after hearing such praising and cheering for all corners of the Great Hall.


In the next minute of praising the Princess of Friendship, one of Twilight's guards blew out the horn as he ordered every creature in the great hall to settle down from their excited behavior. The moment every creature fell into silence, they let Twilight sit on the throne in front of the entire audience before carrying out her victory speech.

"Citizens of Equestria and beyond, I would like to thank the heroes of the UFF for aiding us in driving out the invaders that threatened to take our lands. This is the day where we aided our new friends in making a comeback after suffering under the hands of the very evil aliens that threatened me shortly after the day I ascended the throne in Canterlot." Twilight announced as she used her magic to hold up a goblet filled with apple cider next to her. "Captain Zeck Stone! Sir Chmone! Lady Xuliana Sona!! Please proceed to the front!!"

Upon hearing Twilight's request, Zeck, Chmone, and Xul came out of their seats as they anxiously went up to Twilight before they kneel before her hooves. Smiling with delight, Twilight took out a wide red case that was being held by her Royal Advisor Spike before opening it up. When Twilight put down her goblet on her left armrest, she used her telekinesis to take out a couple of medals and placed them all on the necks of the two UFF officers and the allied Sectanium women as way of congratulating them for helping Twilight defend Canterlot from the invasion. As they felt that the medals are dangling around their necks, Zeck, Xul, and Chmone were all shocked to think that they actually were granted with respect and admiration by the Princess of Friendship in front of every creature in the great hall.

All at the same time, Twilight turned towards one of her castle unicorn maids as she nodded at the mare with a smile on her face. Seeing this, the maid turned towards the curtains. As soon as the unicorn maid used her magic to open up the curtains, it revealed another stained glass window of ponies and friendly aliens fighting against monsters that came from the stars, shooting out magic and firearms at the monsters' ships above them. The window is built to explain the story of how Equestria has made contact with various friendly races of aliens that helped them defend their homeland against a threat that is not of their world. Upon seeing the new stained glass window on the left side of the Great Hall, every creature was startled and awestruck by its art and its features.

"Lets all give it up for these honorable heroes of the United Freedom Fighters and for their acts of bravery. Despite their race and where they come from, they all have a desire to do the right thing not just for me but also for all the innocent creatures that were walked on top of by their enemies. I already proved my worth to them after I helped their friends escape from hostile alien territory. In return, I gave them all a chance for them to prove their undisputed friendship by helping us ponies save Equestria from the Sectanium Empire on the battlefield. I may have drove away the evil alien Empress, though wasn't just me that led all of Equestria and the UFF to victory. It was thanks to their unified power, their commitment, their heroism, and their friendship that gave me the opportunity to do what the UFF could not when facing their toughest foes yet. I wouldn't be standing here today if it weren't for them since they honor us all with their expertise in protecting the innocent!! My power lies within the strength of our friends and our people inside and outside of Equestria!!"

Feeling praised by such a success mentioned from Twilight, all three UFF members felt nervous when they see most of the creatures of Equestria clapped their hooves in front of them before they went back to their seats. Once that's done, Pam and Derek were both feeling satisfied that Twilight gave the rest of their faction the credit and respect they deserve for helping protect Equestria from the invasion. For the rest of the UFF officers and the marines, such as Monet, Belial, and Fernirius, they smiled for a bit as if Twilight sees them as another opportunity to spread friendship across the stars.

"Tonight, we shall celebrate to those who gave their blood and tears to defend Equestria and our allied, neighboring nations!!" Twilight clamored as she raised her goblet up high with her magic. "TO OUR FRIENDS!!!"

"TO OUR FRIENDS!!!!" All of the creatures and humans exclaimed in unison as they all raised her cups of their favorite drinks up high.

In several minutes after Twilight's victory speech, all of the creatures started digging into the food at their table as they laughed and chatted to each other one another. In fact, Zeck wasn't that only one that was able to use the translator when socializing with the ponies and their friends but also Belial and several other UFF captains are able to as well. They couldn't help but chuckle at each other when they socialized with most of Twilight's friends and family. There were also little fillies that wanted to get several UFF officers their autographs, as well as autographs from Princess Twilight Sparkle and Spike.

From within the crowd of celebrating party goers, Xul stood up from the table and walked towards a nearby window.
As Xul looked far beyond the window from the Palace's Great Hall, she never felt so happy over that fact that she is able to find more better friends in Equestria than that of in Sacreus. In her heart, she was living in a dream of harmony and where creatures are able to survive and fight together. When she looked up to the windows leading outside of the palace great hall, Xul imagined if her family were to be living here too.

Mom. Dad. If only you were all here to see this, along with the rest of my brothers and sisters...... Xul thought as she came up to the window looking up to the horizon with a smile on her face.

She closed her eyes once again as a tear fell from her eye. Seeing this, Twilight flew out from her throne to check up on Xul to see if she's doing okay.

As soon as Twilight landed on all fours behind Xul, she walked up to the Sectanium woman for comfort.

"So Xul, did you miss your family after all those years in self-exile?" Twilight asked with curiosity.

Upon hearing Twilight's question, Xul opened up her eyes to see the purple alicorn walking towards her in concern. Though, she couldn't help but sniffle a moment before reply back to Twilight.

"I do, Twilight..... I just wish my people would find happiness too, just like yours did." Xul said as she turned to face the happy ponies partying with the UFF people.

At one of the tables, Chmone, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack are going for a drinking contest with Apple Cider much to Pinkie's bouncing delight. While Pinkie was spectating, Rainbow was drinking as fast as a race car while Chmone and Applejack were getting more and more dizzy after drinking like 5 or 6 glasses of sizzling cider.

Before they knew it, Berry Punch popped up at the table and chugged down a whole barrel of Apple Cider right in the middle of the drinking group.


Just like that, Berry Punch landed right on top on the table face down as the barrel crashed on top of Chmone. Before he knew it, Chmone was trapped inside the barrel unable to see what is around him.

"Hey!! Who turned out the lights??!!! *hick*" Chmone shrieked as he got out from his seat. Not knowing where he was going, Chmone crashed into Applejack as he knocked the earth pony mare off her seat. "Where is everybody??"

"HEY!! WATCH WER YA GOING YA CLUMSY MULE!! *HICK* Applejack screamed as she felt his mass landing right on top of her. "Can somepony get him off me???!!!"


"BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" Rainbow laughed out loud seeing Chmone crash into Applejack with a huge barrel over his head.

In the next second, Chmone started rolling like a log while still inside the barrel nearly hitting a group of intoxicated ponies drinking sizzling apple cider to the fullest, oblivious to the oncoming alien.


Just like that, the barrel broke with Chmone collapsed on top of the ponies up against the wall on the left of the Great Hall.

Upon seeing all of that, every creature started laughing their heads off along with Rainbow Dash. Even Zeck, Discord, and Pinkie couldn't hold it in anymore as they all started bursting with laughter, filling out the entire room with such comical noises.

As for Xul and Twilight, they both giggled to themselves before going back to their conversation.

"You know, you could hang out with us if you like. Some of my friends can show you around." Twilight said as she smiled at Xul.

"I guess its just like what Zeck said. You're pretty impressive for so many things, despite being an alien monarch. I suppose I don't mind hanging around in Equestria for awhile." Xul said, chuckling a bit before smiling back. "I never knew your friends are quite a happy, amusing bunch."

"Well, you've got Pinkie Pie to thank for because she never runs out of ideas to make people happy and laugh." Twilight grinned.

"Hey, Twilight. I do have a request for you." Admiral Wellington said as he came up to Twilight.

"Yes, Derek?!"

"You don't mind if we setup our new military port above your planet's orbit, do you?"

"What do you think guys?!" Twilight asked as she turned to face Celestia, Luna, and the Mane 5.

"Well, I'm not sure that's a good idea." Luna said, still feeling skeptical over what happened in the past when she and her sister made contact with creatures from other planets. "I'm still feeling a bit nervous over these new guests looming over our land."

"Come on, Luna. You should be grateful they were able to help you make it back to Canterlot during the battle taking place yesterday. Besides, they already helped Princess Twilight defend this place from the invasion, didn't they?!" Celestia said to her younger sister. "If they didn't intervene in time, Twilight would get locked up again in enemy territory and we wouldn't stand a chance to save her anymore."

After sighing for a moment, Luna couldn't come up with a decision just yet. However, since Zeck saved her from making a reckless move against the Warriors when the enemy soldiers intervened, Luna felt like that it may be the time to reconsider her negative viewpoint of the creatures from the UFF.

Of course, she didn't want this country to fall prey to any selfish nation like the Storm Guard. It's bad enough that Twilight was forced to rely on a group of creatures that she didn't have any control or command over. However, since they already treated Twilight nicely for several weeks now, Luna has to reach a verdict to pay them back. So, without further a due, Luna makes only one response to Admiral Wellington.

"Please, Luna. It will be a matter of time before they come back stronger and if they attack our lands again, we need to at least stay one step ahead of them." Twilight pleaded the dark-blue alicorn mistress.

"Okay. Okay." Luna said, finally accepting Wellington's request.

As most of the UFF officers cheered with their hands raised with their drinking glasses, Ash finally makes her appearance with every pony and UFF member looking straight at her. Despite showing her true colors to her former allies, the female Mandor is still being escorted under heavy guard by Tempest Shadow and Flash Mangus. Though, upon seeing her in her sights, Twilight orders both of her guards to stand down before making a personal discussion with the Mandor.

When Twilight walks up a couple of feet towards the Mandor, she sees Ash now wearing a plain red T-shirt and brown pants with dark-green shoes for her feet. Ash couldn't help but feel pretty nervous about what will become of her fate now. However, it wasn't long before Fluttershy was able to consult her all the good things that Twilight has done apart from the so-called superior Sectanium race. As of now, Ash took a deep breath before facing the Princess of Friendship one more time.

"So Ash, have you finally learned your lesson?" Twilight asked as Zeck raised the translator behind her.

"I do. I'll accept what punishment you think is fair because I don't have any excuse for what I did."

"Fluttershy, what do you think?" Twilight asked as she turned to the yellow pegasus.

"Well, she still has a lot to learn outside of the small area that she was working in. So, maybe you should try to make some arrangements first before she gets punished." Fluttershy said, addressing some suggestions to Twilight.

"In that case....." Twilight replied before making her decision. "Ash, since we haven't really met just yet. I'll still give you another chance to make up for the mistakes you made with the Sectanium fiends."

"Are you sure about that?" Ash asked, with her eyebrows lifted up out of anxiety.

"Since you didn't leave with the Empress after their defeat and for some very valid reasons, you might as well start over with me and my ponies. If you promise me that you be nice to my friends and my subjects, I won't have you sentenced to community service while working in the Rock Mines that Pinkie's family owns." Twilight added in.

"I understand, your highness." Ash said feeling satisfied in accepting a better resolution, than rather getting punished right off the bat.

"So tell me, Ash, are the other Mandors really proud of themselves when allying with the Sectanium Empire?!"

"Not really. When the Empress reached out to our planet, we tried to repel against their advances. But just like with the other races, we green-raced creatures are no match against the aliens superior in battle. So, our ruler made a deal with Empress Vanista in trading some of our technology to them in exchange for the lives of my people, as well as sending in our Army reserves to back them up." Ash said, briefly. "Of course, we did send in some of our scientists to deal with the Red Virus but it was fruitless. So, we had no other option but to submit to them just to avoid being enslaved."

"Then I guess you need help too." Fluttershy pondered. "We will find a way to work something out with your people one day. That is, if you'll accept our friendship first."

"Thank you so much, Fluttershy." Ash said as she bowed to both the pegasus and alicorn up front. "I won't disappoint either of you."

"Good to hear." Twilight and Fluttershy replied in unison as they both smiled at Ash.

As the lights in the Great Hall turned off, the dark room is soon filled with neon lights moving in several directions before all of them are pointing at the stage that Pinkie Pie is on. Behind the pink earth pony, a huge trapdoor opened up with pink smoke spewing from it, nearly filling up the entire room as ponies and creatures were all exclaiming with excitement and interests.



In just one minute, a platform rose up from the open trapdoor as a group of dark pony silhouettes appear before the crowd holding musical instruments. One with a cello, one with a DJ set, one with a piano, and one with the speakers in front of her. Before they knew it, all of the ponies on the stage with Pinkie reveal themselves to be Vinyl Scratch with her DJ Set and Player, Octavia Melody with Cello, Rara with her grand piano, and Songbird Serenade who is holding mic with her wings!! Upon seeing their favorite musicians, every pony started cheering and clapping their hooves all at once.

"This song we all wrote is dedicated to honor Princess Twilight's Return and to honor our new heroes of Equestria!!!" Serenade announced as she laid the mic in front of her before starting the song with Pinkie Pie.

Pinkie Pie grinned with delight as she came up to the stage at the left of the Great Hall, making her announcement loud and clear.

"IS EVERY PONY AND CREATURE READY TO PARTY??!!!!!" Pinkie Pie smiled as she raised her hoof up to the ceiling. "HERE WEEEEEEEEE GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!"

As the song starts, the ponies behind Pinkie Pie and Songbird started playing their music instruments while Vinyl Scratch started scratching her records on top of her DJ set with her hoof while staying rhythm with beat.

"Almost heaven, West Neighagra......
Blue-ridge Mountains, Saddlebrook River....."

As Pinkie sang the first lines of the song, Twilight flies up next to her before carrying out the next part of the song.

"Life is out there, older than the trees
Younger than the mountains
Flowing like the breeze"

As Twilight, Pinkie, Rara, and Songbird sang together in the next part, two pillars of purple mists spewed out from both sides of the stage while the other ponies and creatures started cheering on throughout the progressing song.

Take me home......
To the place.......where I BELONG!!!

The crowd started woooing for the three ponies as they all clapped their hooves together in such spectacular encore.

West Neighagra......
Mountain Mamma......
Take me home......Pony Roads

Xul and Pam couldn't help but laugh together as they both clapped their hands to themselves as they cheered for Twilight's beautiful singing voice in the next phase of the song.

All my memories....Gathered around her......
Miner's Lady....Stranger to blue waters......

At the top of her singing voice, Twilight spreads out her wings as she flew up to the ceiling while looking up with joy, with her mouth wide open and with her arms stretched out as wide as the sun.

Dark and dusty....Painted on the SKYYYYYYYYY!!!
Misty tails the moonlights
With tear drops in my eye!!!

While up in the air, Twilight glided across the great hall as she left behind a magical trail of misty rainbow colors coming out of her wings as she circled around before landed back on top of the stage. At the same time, Xul and Zeck could feel the mist showering them from above. For Xul, she made a slight blush upon seeing the mist on lay on top of her lovely bare shoulders and on her chest before she smiled at Twilight.

Pony Roaaaaaaads....
Take me home.....
To the place......where I beloooooooong.....
West Neighagra.......Mountain Mamma
Take me home.....Pony Roads!!!

As the song swells further with Songbird and Twilight in a vocal tone, the room went dark once again before it lit up with small spotlights illuminating the stage with a bright blue moon. Behind the musician ponies, Twilight, Songbird, and Pinkie, an image of the Crescent Moon rose up against the wall, letting out a serene, bright, blue background screen that is shooting out from a nearby projection on one of the tables at the right corner of the Great Hall. Feeling delightful by such an illuminating background, Twilight carries out her singing vocal range further.

"I hear the voices from the night that she calls me.....
The Dream Realm reminds me of my kingdom far away.....
Flying down the road, I get the feeling that should've been home....

While the singing intensifies with a soothing voice, the ponies and creatures all started clamoring with awestruck with encore. With the night still early, every creature and pony was singing to the beat while celebrating their victory to the fullest. For Pam and Xul, they both smiled peacefully as tears of happiness came down on their cheeks as they looked up towards the music stage.

Take me home......
To the place....... where I BELONG!!!
West Neighagra......
Mountain Mamma......
Take me home......Pony Roads....
Take me home......Pony Roads!!

Author's Note:

The song that Pinkie, Twilight, and the band of pony musicians sang is based off one of John Denver's greatest hits.