• Published 9th Apr 2022
  • 349 Views, 14 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Academy - The Irish Brony

Duels galore as the CMC overcome every obstacle in their way to become the best duelists.

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Ep 1 Session 1: The Next Queen of Games

Author's Note:

I must warn you, a lot of the cards used will be created by me for two reasons. I find it fun to make cards, and for plot convenience. I'll try and keep them as balanced as possible. Thanks for the understanding.


Starlight and Sunburst sit in the stands, looking down at the multiple dueling arenas. Students duel their best against other teachers to see if they get into the Duel Academy.

Starlight is dressed in a purple crop top with a dark purple coat and blue jeans. Her purple and blue striped hair is tied back in a ponytail. Sunburst is in his normal attire of a plain black shirt with blue jeans and his star cape.

"Look's like there are a couple more duels, then we are done here," Sunburst says, pushing up his glasses as he reads the clipboard in his hands.

"We have a very good selection of duelists here today," Starlight replied.

"Good thing no one showed up late," Sunburst jokes. The two chuckle at the witty remark, but unknown to the two a certain mare was running through Ponyvill towards the Academy.

Scootaloo runs through Ponyvill, her athletic body she kept well-toned helped. She was not the prettiest mare to look at, but she had her charm. Her short purple hair is spiked forwards. Her long purple tail trails behind her as she dodges pedestrians. She wears a black crop top with a blue coat, black shorts, and black fingerless gloves. Her old duel disk from high school was strapped to her left arm.

"I hope I'm not going to be too late," Scootaloo thinks as she weaves past ponies in the shopping district. She had slept in on the most important day of her life. Scootaloo jumps over a crate as the duel academy arena comes into view. "I hope to Celestia I get there in time,"

Sitting at the entrance by a table are two mares dressed in pink long-sleeved shirts with the Academy logo on them, and a stallion dressed in all black with shades. The mares look through the papers of applied ponies.

"Mark them no show if they aren't here," The stallion says. The two mares node, but before they can start a voice over the hedge yells out.

"I'm no no show!" Scootaloo yells as she climbs the fence. The ponies look at her in surprise as she jumps down from the top of the fence. She runs over to the table, keeling over from running.

"What's your name miss?" One of the mares asks.

"Scootaloo," She says between breaths. The stallion pulls out a golden gauntlet from a box behind the table and hands it to Scootalo. She looks at it in confusion as she grabs it. The gauntlet looked like it was made out of gold as it reflected the summer sunlight. In the center was a display screen with buttons underneath it.

"This is the new duel disk, just put your deck in this and you'll be set," The stallion says, sliding a black box over. Scootaloo quickly unstraps her old duel disk and puts on the new one. She then places her deck into the black box. She gathers her stuff and runs into the building.

Sitting at the top of the arena is Apple Bloom in her long-sleeved red shirt with a pink skirt. Her thick long red hair was put into a ponytail with her big red bow on top of her head. She watches intently as the last duelist, Sweetie Belle, duels it out with a stallion.

Sweetie Belle is one of the most beautiful mares in Ponyvill. That wasn't that hard when your sister was a designer. She wears a perfectly fitting shirt that slightly emphasizes her chest more than may be needed. The jeans fit a little looser than the shirt. Her main is combed and curled to perfection. She was winning the duel with 4,000 life points to 1,350 life points and two monsters on her side and none on the other.

"Hi Bloom," Scootaloo's raspy voice cuts through the air of chatter from the other students. She leans against the railing behind Apple Bloom's chair. Apple Bloom flinches at the surprise voice before turning around to look up at Scootaloo fidgeting with her new duel disk.

"Scoots!" Apple Bloom's southern and slightly raspy voice yells out in excitement. "You made it,"

"Ya ya," Scootaloo waves off Apple Bloom quickly as she pushes buttons on her gauntlet. "How do you use this thing, it doesn't even have a place for your cards,"

"There holographic," Apple Bloom replies. It then dawns on her to ask. "Don't you have a dual to go to?" Scootaloo looks in surprise as she turns to run.

"Crap!" She yells as she runs down the hallway. Apple Bloom shakes her head and laughs at her friend.

"Sr, we have another duelist," The stallion from the front desk says to Sunburst.

"Tell him he's late and.."

"Let him duel," Starlight interrupts Sunburst, surprising everyone. She stands up as she puts on her duel disk. "If this slacker wants to duel, then he'll get a duel," She then walks away, leaving everyone in surprise. Starlight with a big grin makes her way to a duel arena as she pulls out her ponytail and lets her hair down.

Scootaloo stands at one of the duel arenas as she waits for her opponent. She tries to finger out how to turn the duel disk on as the door on the opposite side opens up to reveal Starlight. She steps out onto her side of the field. Scootaloo looks up to see her opponent and is immediately surprised.

"You're my opponent!" Scootaloo yells in confusion as Starlight turns on her duel disk by pressing a button on the underside of the gauntlet. The gauntlet lights up, the screen coming to life as five card-shaped holographic projections appear floating in front of the gauntlet.

"You were late, we had to deal with what we had left," Starlight says, drawing five holographic cards as Scootaloo finally turns her's on.

"So that's how it works," She says as she draws five cards of her own and looks at them.

"Since you are the student, I'll let you go first," Starlight generously says as she gestures to Scootaloo.

Scootaloo nods, she looks down at her disk to see a holographic deck sitting on top with a life point counter next to it reading 8000. Scootaloo smiles and draws her first card. She looks at it and grins.

"I activate the card Pot of Greed!" Scootaloo says as she slides it under the holographic duel field. She draws two cards as a big green pot with a wicked grin on its face appears on the field, then promptly explodes. She looks down at her cards as her smile grows on her face.

"Have you ever seen Blue eyes before Profesor?" Scootaloo enquires.

"Please, call me Starlight. And yes I've seen and beaten many," Starlight says with a confident grin.

"Cool," Scootaloo replies with a smile as she pulls a card from her hand. "But have you seen this one before?" Scootaloo raises the card to the sky to reveal it was polymerization. "By combining the three Blue eyes white dragons from my hand I can summon them to the field and bring forth Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon!"

The area above the field starts to swarm with dark clouds spinning into a vortex as three bright white dragons with light blue eyes appear on the ground and fly up into the clouds. Lightning strikes the ground around the two duelists as the polymerization card changes to the three-headed dragon, Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon.

Scootaloo looks at the card and smiles before saying to herself, "That's cool."

Falling from the vortex and hitting the ground with a loud thump is the giant beast. Shaking the very ground it walked on was the mighty three-headed Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon with 4,500 Attack points and 3,800 Defense points.

"I play one card face down and end my turn," Scootaloo says with a prowed smile on her face. Starlight looks up in awe at the mighty beast being brought to life in one turn.

"I can't believe it," Sweetie Belle's soothing and very feminine voice says in shock as she sits down next to Apple Bloom.

"Ya, her most powerful monster on the first turn," Apple Bloom responded, watching intently as Starlight draws her first card.

"I'm more surprised she made it in time," Sweetie Belle says with a chuckle.

"That two," Apple Bloom quickly replies as Starlight smiles.

"We both got lucky this turn," Starlight boosts as she places down a spell card. "First I play Pot of Greed!" Starlight draws two new cards and smiles. "First I'll play the spell card De-Fusion to separate your Ultimate dragon back into three,"

The mighty dragon glows a bright white light before separating into the three Blue-Eyes. Scootaloo looks at Starlight in confusion.

"I still have three monsters with 3,000 attack points on the field," Scootaloo asks more then says as Starlight lays down another spell card.

"I'm not done!" She says, surprising and scarring Scootaloo. "I play the spell card! Spellbook of De-Fusion!" An old-looking spellbook appears on the field with a duel monster car as a bookmark. The de-fusion card on the cover of the book. The crowd gasps as Scootaloo looks at the card on the field in confusion.

"I've never seen that one before!" Scootaloo yells out in confusion.

"This card allows me to do two things when a de-fusion card is played. I get to pay 1000 life points to send half of the monsters used as the material to the graveyard!" Scootaloo looks in horror as the book opens up and shoots a been of light towards one of her dragons, blowing it up. Starlight's life points dropped to 7,000.

"I will then activate the card's second effect. Wich allows me to spend 500 life points to cut one of the monsters used in the fusion in half," Starlight says, pointing at the middle dragon. Scootaloo gasps as she watches her mighty dragon's attack and Defence cuts in half to 1,500 Attack and 1,250 Defence as Starlight's life points drop to 6500.

"You finished?" Scootaloo asks, fearing the worst.

"Not yet," Starlight replies, causing Scootaloo to flinch in worry. "I play the spell card! Magician's Assistant!" The ground in front of Starlight glows and turns into a summoning circle. "This card allows me to summon one level 3 or lower spell caster type monster to the field from my hand or deck," Starlight explains as the circle glows a bright red.

Scootaloo covers her eyes as a magician flies into the air from the circle. "I chose Apple Magician Girl from my deck!" The glow subsides as a mare with a red magician's outfit and a red staff with a red gem at the end of it as it lands on the ground with a smile. "But she will not be staying around for long, as I tribute her to bring out her stronger older sister, Dark Magician Girl!" Apple Magician shows the peace sign towards Scootaloo as she disappears and is replaced by Dark Magician Girl.

The Magician wears a pink hat with blue outlines. Her shirt is the same colors as her hat with a pentagram on the gem that keeps her breasts up. She also has a pink skirt with a long blue magic staff held in her right hand. The mare has a pretty hefty attack stat of 2,000 and a good defence of 1,700.

Scootaloo smiles as Starlight declares an attack on her weekend dragon. Dark Magician Girl points the end of her staff at the dragon as it accumulates energy. It finally fires out, heading towards the dragon.

"You've activated my trap card," Scootaloo says with a smug grin as she motions to the face-down card. The card lifts up to reveal Mirror Force as a rainbow shield covers her monsters. The attack reflects and destroys Dark Magician Girl.

Starlight grunted in disapproval before yelling out in anger, "I end my turn with a face down!" A face-down card appears in front of her. The ponies in the stands are in shock at what just happened.

"Starlight must be using her own deck," Apple Bloom says aloud to herself as she scratches her chin in thought.

"I can't believe these two, there are almost equal!" Sweetie Belle says, her voice seeking a bit as she leans on the edge of her seat.

"Looks like I mist a lot," a familiar deep squeaky voice says. Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle look to see Button Mash standing on the stairs, watching the duel. He is tall and thin with toned muscles. His crazy light brown hair slightly covered his left eye. He wears a white shirt with a black leather coat and blue jeans.

"You missed the best opening ever!" Sweetie Belle yells in excitement.

"How did your duel go?" Apple Bloom asks as Scootaloo draws her next card.

"I lost," Button says with a bit of sadness in his voice as he watches as Scootaloo shuffles the cards in her hand around.

"Sorry about that, Mabey next year?" Apple Bloom asks, but the two are interrupted when Scootaloo finally calls out her play.

"I first play Fusion Recovery! to bring back my polymerization and one material for fusion from my grave to my hand!" The card Scootaloo was holding out in front of her is Fusion Recovery. A polymerization card and a monster are depicted on it. The card changes into a polymerization as Scootaloo's graveyard glows.

"I bring back my Blue-Eyes and use polymerization to fuse them back together," Starlight grits her teeth and shoots Scootaloo an angry glare. The mighty Blue-Eye's Ultimate dragon returns to the field with a loud roar that shakes the field. Scootaloo looks in surprise at the monster only having 3,750 attacks. Starlight smiles at Scootaloo's confusion.

"What! how!" Scootaloo says before Starlight interrupts.

"One of your monster's attack and defense points were cut in half, meaning your dragon is weaker than before," Starlight says with a smug look on her face.

"But with no monsters on the field, I can attack you directly!" Scootaloo says, extending her arm out and pointing at Starlight. Starlight's smile grows as Blue-Eyes Ultimate dragon charges its three-pronged white lightning attack. The light beams go straight for Starlight. The beam hits her, causing the stands to gasp.

"No way!" Apple Bloom says in shock, but not of the attack. Scootaloo gasps as she sees Starlight still standing with 6,500 life points. Siting on the field now revealed is her face-down trap card, Negate Attack. The card turns into dust as Scootaloo grunts.

"I place one card face down and end my turn," Scootaloo says as Starlight, now with a big grin on her face, draws her next card. Starlight looks at her cards and thinks. Her smile grows on her face before she places a card face down.

"I place a card face down and a monster in face-down defense and end my turn," She says as a sideways face-down card appears in front of the face-down spell or trap card.

"That's it?" The CMC all think at the same time. Scootaloo draws a new card before declaring another attack. The Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon charges another beam and fires on the face-down card. The card is destroyed and sent to the grave. Starlight smiles as her face down reveals itself.

"Thanks! now you activated Zero Force!" Starlight says, motioning to the trap card. Scootaloo's eyes widen in fear. "All monsters on the field now gain 0 attack points, so say goodby to the mighty Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon's attack points!" Scootaloo watches as three red rings go shooting from the card and heading to her dragon. They latch on to the three-headed beast. The monster's attack points drop to zero as the dragon struggles against the rings, screaming in pain.

"I end my turn," Scootaloo says with anger in her voice.

"One card, that's all it took!" Button Mash says in surprise as Starlight draws a new card. She looks at it and smiles as she goes to place the card down on the field.

"I play Lemon Magician Girl in attack mode!" Starlight yells out. Scootaloo, preparing for impact, as a dark magician girl lands on the field with 800 attack points and 600 defense points. Her outfit is black with a yellow lining. "Leamon! strick her Blue Eyes!" The Magician Girl lunges forward toward the dragon.

She slashes her wand across the dragon's chest, causing a yellow mark to appear, and quickly envelops the dragon before exploding. The wind from the explosion blew back Scootaloos hair as her life points drop to 7,200.

"I end my turn," Starlight says, crossing her arms over her chest. Scootaloo draws a new card and looks at her hand.

"Looks like Scootaloo has been backed into a corner," Sweetie Belle says. "Unless she gets lucky, she's done,"

"Don't underestimate her Sweetie Belle," Button replies with a big grin on his face. The two look at him in confusion. "Just look at her smile," Button says, pointing at Scootaloo. The two fallower his finger to the big smile on Scootaloo's face.

"I play Card Lottery!" Scootaloo yells out as a giant lottery machine appears in front of her. "Now if I get a seven, I get to draw two cards for each one!" Scootaloo explains as the handle on the machine pulls down. The three slots spin to life as everyone watches intently.

The first slot stops and lands on 5. Scootaloo starts to sweat as the fate of the duel now rests upon luck. The second one stops on a 7. Scootaloo sighs as a small smile forms on her face before she draws her two new cards. She looks down at the new cards as everyone watches intently at the third slot. The third one lands on a 6. Starlight sighs, knowing Scootaloo only got two extra cards.

Scootaloo smiles at the hand she got before looking up at Starlight. "I play polymerization to fuse Crystal Dragon and Dark Dragon from my hand!" She yells out as the sky once again is covered in turning dark clouds. Two dragons fly up into the dark swirling void. One dark as night, and the other with shiny crystals, refracting light across the arena.

"Come to the field! Dark Crystal Dragon!" Scootaloo yells, placing the card on the field as the giant dragon land with a thud. Shaking the ground it stands on. The giant crystal dragon was now black as night with bright blue eyes. Starlight looks up at the dragon with fear in her eyes. The mighty dragon has an attack of 2,500 and a defense of only 1,500

"Next I play the card, Dragon field!" Scootaloo says as the surrounding arena is surrounded by mountains. "This weakens your monsters by 800 and increases mine by 700!" Scootaloo explains as her dragon gains a boost from 2,500 attacks to 3,200 attack points. Starlight's eyes widen as Scootaloo raises an arm and points to the only monster Starlight has on the field.

"Now! attack! with dark light beam!" Dark Crystal charges up the attack in its mouth, light leaking out of its jaw. It opens its mouth and releases it towards the magician. It hits, the magician screaming in pain as it's destroyed, sending all the attack points to hit Starlight. She covers her face from the bright beam of light as her life points drop to 3,300.

"Told ya," Button says as the group watches the smoke clear.

"I'll end my turn," Scootaloo says as the lottery machine starts glowing red.

"You forgot about the side effect," Starlight says, glaring down at Scootaloo.

"It's just 100 life points per card, no big deal," She replies as the wind from the exploding machine barely disturbs her smile. Her life points dropped down to 7,000.

Starlight draws her next card and looks at it. She smiles before sliding it under the duel field as a black curtain with arms appears on the field. "I play Dark Magic Curtain," Scootaloo's eyes widen as the curtain reveals the Dark Magician. A tall thin stallion with purple fur and dark purple main. His eyes glared daggers at Scootaloo with an intense attack points of 2,500. "All I have to pay is half of my life points, but that's nothing at this point," Starlight explains as her life points drop down to 1,650.

Scootaloo scoffs at the magician. "You forgot the field spell, it lowers your monster's attack to 1,800," Scootaloo mocks as she crosses her arms over her chest.

"Not if I play these two spells," Starlight says, taking Scootaloo by surprise. Starlight empty's her hand onto the field. "The first spell is Mystical Space Typhoon!"

"No," Scootaloo says to herself in fear. A big gust of wind swirls around the field. Scooatloo covers her face as the mountains, once standing tall, now crumbles to the ground.

"Next comes Magic Formula," Starlight says as a magical spell book equips itself to Dark Magician. The Dark Magician grabs the book and pretends to read it as his attack points start to rise up to 3,200. "This raises my Dark Magician's attack up 700 points, plenty to attack your dragon." Scootaloo's eyes widen as the Dark Magician point's his staff at her dragon. "Now! Dark Magic Attack!" Starlight yells, pointing at the dragon.

The dragon is shot with a dark ball of energy and explodes. The wind pushed against Scootaloo, moving her clothes and hair. Her life point's dropped to 6,300. "I'm done," Starlight says before Scootaloo draws her next card.

Scootaloo looks at her card as her eyes widen. Her normal confident smile followed shortly after. "I play Burden of the Mighty!" Scootaloo says, sliding the card onto the spell card field as a nest of 7 eggs appears on the field. Starlight flinches as the eggs hatch into little birds and fly over to her side. "For every level, your Magician has, he losses 100 attack points!"

The birds peck and slash at the Dark Magician. He tries to fight them off as his attack lowers back down to 2,500 attacks. "Now I play Death Dragon!" Scootaloo places the card down, causing the entire field to fall under dark smoke. Two red eyes form over Scootaloo, with a low growl rolling over the battlefield coming from the fog. Death Dragon has a measly attack of 1,500 but a good defense of 2,000.

"And for every dragon in the graveyard, she gains 200 Attack points each," Scootaloo says as Starlight's eyes widen in horror. Scootaloo raises her arm with the duel disk into the air as light beams jump out from the disk and towards the dragon in the dark. "With three blue eyes, two Ultimates, Dark and Crystal dragon, and finally one Dark Crystal Dragon! She gains 1,600 attack points!"

Everyone in the audience watches and waits as the mighty beast in the dark starts charging a fireball in its mouth. Her attack points rise slowly to 3,100 "Death dragon, attack! with Multan fireball!" The fireball shoots out and hits the Dark Magician, destroying it and dealing to Starlight 600 points of damage. Taking her down to 1,050 life points. Starlight covered her face to avoid blindness from the bright light.

"I end my turn," Scootaloo says as Starlight lowers her arms slowly back to resting position. She stares at the ground in shock as she draws her final card. She looks at it and sighs before announcing to the audience.

"I end my turn!" Everyone gasp at once. The world holds its breath as Scootaloo draws her next card. The only sound coming from the card being pulled out of the gauntlet.

"Thanks for the great fight Profesor," Scootaloo says, getting Starlight's attention. "I think I'm going to like it here," This gains a genuine smile from Starlight. She nods for Scootaloo to call the last attack. Scootaloo nods back before yelling out, "Death dragon! Attack with Multan fireball!"

Death dragons mouth charges another fireball pointed right at Starlight. The fireball shoots out of its mouth and hurtles right towards Starlight. She closes her eyes and looks down as the fireball hits her. Her clothes and hair blow back as her life points drop to 0. The world is in shock at one of the best duelists in Ponyvill was defeated by a newcomer.

"She did it?!" Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom both yell. Apple Bloom in excitement, Sweetie Belle in confusion.

"That's my Scoots!" Button says, fist-bumping the air.