• Member Since 20th Jan, 2015
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"Only the most subtle of references." -No fanfiction writer ever


While most Apples fall somewhat close to the tree, this is not universally true.
Some Apples land on a hillside and try to roll away from the Tree as far and fast as they can.
This is the story of Lady Alice Careen (née Apple), who thought that distance made her better, when really it only left her ignorant.

An entry for Bicyclette's 1000 words contest (group / info) in the "Humo(u)r" category.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 31 )

That was a good story.

I do occasionally wonder if some poor sap ever made the mistake of bragging about their kid in the vicinity of an Element-bearer's family. Point being, I got plenty of good laughs out of the way you put that same thought into story form. Kudos!

Haha! Very funny, I loved this one.

I'm imagining it with the Shies. Obviously the parents are too accurately named to say anything, but then Zephyr just bursts out laughing.

"My sis stared down a cockatrice. You know, the things whose stare is their main weapon?"


"The dragon doesn't really count as staring down because she couldn't look into both eyes at the same time while standing on its snout."

And that's STILL small potatoes compared to semi-reforming Discord.

Quite agreed.

Definitely a VERY amusing one-shot. Definitely liked the thought of some stuck-up rich relative trying to rub their success in the noses of their relatives only to find those relatives end up beating her out. Though I have to wonder how Discord takes Fluttershy already being married (given what he TRIED to do to a gal that was just a friend to Fluttershy). I guess Mac is lucky that Discord considers him a friend.

And if Cousin Alice reacted that way NOW, imagine how she would take one of Applejack's five best friends becoming ruler of Equestria (and thus, Applejack becoming that close to Equestria's ruler).

That might not be on the horizon just yet (we don't know when this is set), but having been personally invited to share refreshments with Princess Celestia after the Grand Galloping Gala would definitely be a eye-opener.

Yeah. That's definitely a very good point.

HA. Nice. I LOVE stories where some stuck-up egotistical byay gets richly deserved comeuppance.

Two legs or four, pony or the North end of a South bound horse. A Karen is a Karen. :rainbowlaugh:😁

I was half expecting Alice to see Celestia just casually hanging out in the Apple Family reunion, based on all those stories about Celestia and Granny Smith being friends.

Although thinking about it, the mention of Griffonstone probably certainly means this is post-Gabby, which puts it at the last quarter of season 6 or later.


Quite true.

Yeah. That would certainly put some icing on the cake.

Fun to imagine that Smith genuinely doesn’t suspect anything and still keeps winning.

Hey, if Mac gets three, Shy should be able to have two! ;p


Yeah. That's a pretty valid point.

I like how you subtly inserted some herding in there. Nice.

Granny just loves her grandkids.

Howdy, hi~!

This was a super fun piece and yeah, the Apple family is rather accomplished between Mac, AJ, and Apple Bloom. Super fun, and loved the writing style on this.

Thanks for the read~!

But who is big Mac's third wife?

Spike could do it for twilight and shining armor at the same time.

11230892 Sugar Belle, I assume. In this continuity, if we're going by which mare he knew the longest getting first shot...

Ramshackle? We ain’t got no sheep or chains here.

"She lies! Free us!"

Pride goeth before an aneurysm, as they say. If poor Alice had just stayed in touch with the family, she wouldn't have gone down this rabbit hole. (Also, I love the idea that Apples can detect one another through ESP. Alice may have only meant it as a joke, but it's a lovely idea.) Thank you for a delightful bit of schadenfreude. Best of luck in the judging.

The noise held no charm for her; it only further served to remind her why she'd left the day she turned thirteen.

hehe, guess Applejack leaving the farm to live fancy as a foal was just following family tradition

Unwillingly back, of course. She’d forgotten the date and strayed close enough to her backwater hometown that some erstwhile relative managed to detect her Apple heritage with their sixth sense and dragged her back to the dreaded Reunion.

haha, i guess in this world it would be evidence Pinkie wasn't related to the Apples, since they would have all had that Apple sense about her. but also, really does sound like something they would have!

"Who?" asked another fossil, somehow her cousin despite being decades older.

cousins are fascinating, aren't they? i've got a few like that myself!

"Lady Alice. You know, Empire's girl."

dang, love these fancy Apple names! very fitting

"Ah know, but his filly's here. Cousin Ally's finally come home to roost!"

i can imagine her just detesting that nickname thoroughly, haha

"Ramshackle? We ain’t got no sheep or chains here." Smith swept her foreleg out.

hehe, understandable misunderstanding

"Nope! Jus' the opposite! Me an' Granpear buried the hatchet an' he wrote my three youngins inta his will. When the old coot finally kicks it, they'll be gettin' another thousand acres each!"

dang, the Apple Family is really well-set!

Wealth was clearly not going to be a battle she could win, so she chose a new arena. The one thing they valued over dirt and apples. Family.

kind of want a supercut of every time the Apple family's said the word "family" in the show

"You know, my eldest son got married recently. Fine mare, her father's in oil."

"Sounds slippery. Shame we missed it. Ah musta misplaced the invitation." Smith’s face brightened.

hehe, love how Granny Smith breezes past the slight

"Naw, they'll be there too. The three of them worked it out and decided Marble and 'Shy got ta go first cause they knew him longer."

pfft, and hey, if we're making all the classic Big Mac ships happen simultaneously, should throw Cheerilee in there too!

“My daughter, Ambrosia, recently graduated from Princesston University.

love it. love Princesston University. i hope i remember to steal this

It had to be a fluke. The filly probably threw herself over a mud puddle so the princess wouldn't step in it or something.

i do love how little renown the Mane Six have for having officially saved Equestria dozens of times over apiece

No need to mention he was working for his father as a glorified coffee fetcher.

ugh, and he'll prob be brought in as a nepotism hire later, hate that!

"Oh yes, with a coupla her friends. Some kinda fancy consultancy-whachamacallit. Most of it goes right over my head."

hehe, a consultancy is a fun way to characterize it

"Huh. Heat musta got to her head. Always was a fragile one. Weak constitution. S’why they had to send her off to the city where life's cushy and easy. Can’t handle country livin'.”

oof, glad that Lady Alice wasn't conscious to register this insult on top of injury. dang, you really destroyed her so thoroughly that it went all the way down to her own self-narrative about how she became herself in the first place! just hilariously thorough. great stuff!

I love that there's no indication of whether Granny Smith is trolling or not. Uncertainty allows for the best of both jokes.

Oh I like the girls' nonchalance.

I like the fact that they aren't even mad at her, they're just happy to see a cousin again after so long

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