• Published 16th Sep 2012
  • 654 Views, 18 Comments

A Collection in Snow - Lucky Break

A collection of shorts stories ponies in the winter. An attempt by to author to practice his style.

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Muffins, Mail, and Mothers

It was peaceful in the room of a certain mare early one morning. There was no movement except the slight rise and fall of a lump underneath a blanket on the bed. It was mostly silent as well, with the only sound being the ticking of a clock resting on a bedside table. It did its given task, mindlessly counting the seconds off with a tick, its hands always traveling in a continuous circle that never sped up or slowed down. Its minute hand was reaching the zenith of its journey, and when the hand struck twelve, it would be able to perform it one other duty.

The minute hand reached twelve, and the silence was broken by the alarm clock coming to life with an abrupt clatter. The sound fractured the peace, causing the lump under the blanket to twist and turn in response to being disturbed. The clock paid no mind though as it shook and rattled its way across the bedside table, its alarm pushing it closer towards the edge. Before it could take a tumble to the floor, a grey hoof and leg reached out from under the blanket and took hold of the thundering machine and drew it under the blankets. A moment later the ringing stopped as quickly as it had started, and the hoof emerged with it again, placing it at its customary place on the bedside table.

With quiet restored to the room, the mare under the blankets sat up finally and let the cover slip down off her chest. Underneath was one of Ponyville Postal Service Pegasi, the mare known to friends, family, and co-workers as Derpy. The grey pegasus blinked sleepily and yawned, her mouth opening wide as she covered her mouth with one hoof and raised the other to the ceiling in a quick stretch. She held that position for a few seconds before letting both hooves drop to the bed again with a soft thud.

With a quick jerk, Derpy kicked the rest of the blanket off of her and swung herself out of bed, gingerly placing all four hooves on the floor as to not make too much racket. Derpy almost tip-hoofed her way to the bathroom that was connected to her room and shut the door behind her slowly and carefully, taking every precaution that it made as little noise as possible.

Once inside the bathroom though she relaxed, her shoulder slumping and her ears fell back slightly. She was the only one awoke at the moment, and she would prefer to keep it that way. No sense in the others having to be up when they didn’t have to be. Here in her bathroom, she could take some liberties though. The morning sun was bathing the room with soft light, even though Derpy knew there was still snow on the ground from last night's small blizzard so it couldn’t be that warm outside.

Turning to the mirror above her sink, Derpy whispered,

“Good morning, Derpy.” It responded at the same time, bringing a smile to the mailmare’s lips.

That smile turned into a giggle as she watched one of her eyes roll around for a moment and then snap back to a normal position in her head. That eye had a mind of its own and would move wherever and whenever it willed throughout the day, but it rarely lasted more than a few minutes. Derpy long ago got used to suddenly losing her perception while doing tasks or functions. It had taken longer to get to the names that had come with it as well, but Derpy had prevailed, armed with nothing more than a sheepish smile and cheerful personality.

The pegasus picked up a manebrush and pull it down through her dandelion mane a few times, muttering under her breath as she fought to get out the worst of the snarls that came from her bed head. Soon enough it was in a much better state, and Derpy placed the brush back on the counter. Looking at her mane, she nodded her approval at her style. It was not the height of fashion and society, but it suited her, and that’s what mattered. She picked up her tooth and toothpaste next, applying a generous amount of the gel to the brush and scrubbing vigorously at her teeth in small circles. No one was going to accuse this pony of having poor hygiene. A minute later, and she rinsed and spit into the sink letting the water run as she smiled into the mirror looking over her appearance. It was perfect.

Derpy turned off the water and dried her face and hooves with a towel that was hanging nearby. She left the bathroom and her bedroom quietly, imagining the consequences of what would happen if she didn’t sneak by. As she slipped down the hallway, plastered against one wall, she stopped at another doorway. This door was already open and Derpy took a moment to take a peek inside.

This was her daughter’s room. It wasn’t extremely well furnished, but it was cozy. Two beds were set up in the room with each accompanied by a desk and bookshelf at the side. It was easy to tell where one-half of the bedroom ended, and the other began as her little Dinky’s drawings and toys covered the floor and wall on her side, while Sparkler's half was more reserved, with only a couple piece of crumbled up a paper littering hers.

In her hoof was a fairly large muffin with red and blue berries sticking in it, it smelled heavenly even cold. Derpy made a batch last night and set them aside for her breakfasts. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, and the Cakes may be all great bakers, but no one could outdo Derpy when it came to muffins. Each bite was like eating a cloud that exploded with sweet flavor, and on more than one occasion Derpy had been asked to sell her recipes. Each time, Derpy had stubbornly refused, and many ponies have left dejected or mumbling curses under their breath. These muffins were for the enjoyment of eating something good, not profit.

With the kitchen cleared and muffin acquired Derpy tip-hoofed out the kitchen, past the living, and to the front door. She placed each hoof slowly with not one movement out of place; the floor to the front was notorious for squeaking in protest at the slightest weight. Derpy had been doing this for a while now and knew where each of traitors laid in wait. Avoiding them was a breeze to the mailmare, and she made it to the front door undiscovered. There her saddlebags hug on a pedestal, and Derpy flipped them onto her back soundlessly with a practiced ease. She then opened one flap and set her muffin inside the satchel, closing it again and was about to turn her attention to the front door when something caught her eye.

There was something else on the hook though, a scarf and a note attached to it. Derpy took the note in hoof and read it quickly before her eye decided to play a trick on her.

It’s getting cold, and it’s even colder in the sky. So stay warm with this scarf. I made it, and Dinky said she put a spell on it so you won’t get cold. Hope it helps.


Dinky and Sparkler

Derpy sniffed once, feelings of love and affection almost overwhelming her. If they had she would have taken the day off and tackled those two in bed, not letting them go until she cuddled them into the mattress. She couldn’t do that though, it wasn’t cheap raising two girls on her own, and she needed every bit she could. Still, she took an extra moment to wrap the scarf her neck. It was grey and pink, and frayed at the end, but Derpy wouldn’t have traded it for Equestria.

“Bye Dinky, bye Sparkler. Momma loves you.” And with that gently closed the door behind her.
In their room, Dinky and Sparkler, each opened one eye and looked at each other sleepily.


“Yeah Dinky?”

“Momma’s silly.”

“I know, but I still love her.”

“Me too.”

Comments ( 7 )

-Muffins, Mail, and Mothers-

What are these... feelings?!?

I loved this one. Perhaps a tad too much detail for my taste, but I loved it just the same. I'm kind of a fan of scenes like this one that focus more on a moment in the life of a character.

I noticed a few typos and missing words, but they were few and far between. :twilightsmile:

dawwww so cute the feels they hurt :derpytongue2::derpytongue2::heart::heart::heart::heart:

1282806 Gah, for some reason it didn't tell me you replied. Sorry this is late! :fluttershysad:

You're right, showing everything can get tedious. I agree with 1282793 's comment about setting the scene vs. action. I'll add that showing is most effective when describing a character. The reason, as I pointed out, is that telling is almost always vague. "Rarity was upset." What does that mean? "Rarity let out an anguished cry as she swooned onto her chaise, which had magically appeared a second earlier." Or, "Rarity glared at her younger sister and ground her teeth, biting back the stinging words she wanted to scream." Showing us what 'upset' means for this character in this situation helps us draw closer to what she feels and make that connection, and it's that connection that makes us care about what happens to her next.

Sometimes, like in the example I just gave, this will mean more words, but not always. The rewrite you did with Spike was about the same length as the original but a lot more visually descriptive.

This is something all writers everywhere have to work on. I agree that it's a skill learned with practice and time. :twilightsmile:

1300469 These aren't so much chapters of a single story as just a collection of shorter pieces. I think the description describes it pretty well.


Don't worry they don't have an order right now. So read them however.


Whelp, just gonna have to keep practicing till I figure it out. Also I submitted this story completely without outside proofreading. Its a challenge for myself to improve my grammar and such.

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