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A Flaming Trail

It was the next morning and Sunny was reading the news paper aloud "and in the final round the buzzard wasps won in a divisive knockout" then said to Swift "what do you say we go to the arena tonight see a few rounds"?

But Swift then said "no that sport is a mockery of the great art of bending you will not see it".

Sunny then said "seriously".

Swift then said "until you master your fire bending I want you to stay on the island".

Then Sunny said "Is that why you have the white lotus watching me 24/7".

Swift then said "yes let go get started" as they walked Sunny looked out to the city "so my mother informed me that you've never been able to fire bend before".

Sunny then said "the other elements came so naturally".

Swift then said "its simple avatars always have trouble with the element that is opposite to there personality for Flash it was air bending you see" as he got a fire in his hand "the way the fire moves like its dancing"?

Sunny then said "yep I'm as opposite to fire as it gets".

Then they arrived at the training field and Swift said "this is it" as he showed her a metal great with many open pipes under it "this is your first step" then pulled a nearby lever and flames started to come out of the pipes "you need to quickly study the movement of the flames and find your way threw fun fact in the older days these things were powered by bending alone" Sunny then tried ,and tried but couldn't seem to get it later at night she was trying to burn a news paper but still nothing then she heard a radio and sneak over where she saw three white lotus guards listening to a pro bending match she then got on the roof the gazebo they were in and listened where she heard team names like lemurs and player names like Hitch then the radio shut off and they saw swift holding a plug and he said "Sunny I told you no".

Sunny then said "for the record you said I can't see pro bending matches you didn't say I couldn't listen to them".

Swift then said "you know what I meant". The next day Swift had Sunny try to balance on a post but she still couldn't get it then tried meditating "you need to remember embrace freedom" Sunny then giggled a little "is something funny"?

Then Sunny said "your telling me to embrace freedom but you wont even let me listen to the radio and forget leaving the island".

Swift then said "Sunny please look at spark he's able to meditate peacefully".

Sunny then looked at him and said "actually I think hes asleep".

Swift then said "what? well at least he has the relaxing part down just keep trying".

Sunny did but then said "no good I'm gonna go get drink".

Later at night Sunny had enough and sneaked out to the pro bending arena but then a janitor spotted her and said "hey this is an employees only area what where's your ticket"?

Sunny then said "um well".

As a red guy walked over spotted her then went up and said "oh there you are" the said to the janitor "its okay she's with me".

Sunny then said "ya I'm with him".

The janitor then said "okay but try to keep track of her".

Then the janitor walked away and Sunny said "thank you".

The red guy then took her to the area where they get ready and said "bet you didn't think you would get a seat like this I'm Sprout by the way".

Sunny then said "Sunny, nice to meet you".

Then a yellow guy came in and said "sprout you need to stop bringing your crazy fan girls back here".

Sprout then said to Sunny "this is my brother Hitch".

Sunny then said "wow Hitch heard about you on the radio".

Hitch then said "come on sprout were up".

Then they went up with a guy who was a water bender and after they won Sunny said "wow that was incredible say Sprout that air bending move do you think you could teach it to me"?

Sprout then said "of course I'm just not sure how my air bending would translate to your water bending but will figure it out".
Sunny then said "no problem I'm actually an air bender".

Sprout then said "oh sorry I didn't mean to assume I just figured from your water tribe getup that your a water tribe girl".

Then Sunny said "no you were right I'm a water bender and an earth bender".

Sprout then said "I am really confused right now".

Then Hitch said "your the avatar and I'm an idiot".

Sunny then said "both are true".

Then Sprout said "no way the avatar" Later Sprout was showing her his move "wow your getting the hang of it".

Then Sunny said "thanks".

Hitch then said "well Sprout when your done I'll be upstairs".

Sunny then said "upstairs?"

Sprout then said "ya we live in the attic but its no problem".

The next morning Sunny was back at flame Island trying the field of flames again but she got mad and wrecked it with earth bending Swift then said "do you know how hard that will be to replace!?"

Sunny then said "what I'm just angry" then stormed off".

Later that night swift and his family were having dinner and Melody said "where's Sunny?"

Then Swift said "honestly Melody I am at my roots end with that girl I don't know how to get threw to her".

Melody then said "just give it time".

Swift then looked at his kids and said "you must promise me your teenage years will not be like this".

Ember then looked up from her book said "I will make no such promise".

Meanwhile Sunny went back to the arena and saw Hitch and Sprout then asked them "is something wrong?"

Hitch then said "ya our water bender is a no good no show".

Sprout then said "and we can't compete without a water bender".

Sunny then said "well how about I join in".

Sprout then said "doesn't that seem unfair"?

Then Sunny said "not if I only bend water".

Sprout then said "well lets get you suited up".

Later they were on the field but Sunny was not very good but at one point she mistakenly earth bent and the announcer said "what that water bender did she just earth bend"?

Meanwhile on flame Island Swift went up to the Wight lotus guys and said "have you guys seen Sunny she's not in her room"?

Then on there radio the announcer said "you've got to be kidding me she's the avatar folks Playing in a pro bending match".

Swift was angry and said "I'll get her myself".

Back at the arena the coach said "the avatar will be aloud to continue grated that she only bends water".

Sunny got knocked out of the ring and then saw Swift standing there and she said "oh what are you doing here I thought you didn't like these matches"?

Swift then said "Sunny I tried to be gentle but you've pushed me so far".

Then Sunny said "we can talk later right now I have a match to Finnish".

She then went back in the ring but then she was easily avoiding the other teams attacks and the announcer said "wait a minute folks this the avatar is moving like a different player altogether".

Swift saw this and said "well I'll be".

The announcer then said "and I't looks like the skunk bears are out of juice but the lemurs are still juicy".

Then they won the nest day on Flame Island Swift had some natives helping rebuild the training area and Sunny went up to him and said "hey I think I need to apologize for my behavior".

Swift then said "no I should apologize I kept telling you to be patience but I lost my patience in the process you were right I shouldn't have made you stay on the island".

Sunny then said "that's a good thing because I kind of joined the Lemurs pro bending team for good, well I need to join them for training bye".
Swift then face palmed.

Author's Note:

That's another one done oh and by the way I wanted to paint sprout in a more likable way please leave your thoughts in the comments but for now ghost out.

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