• Published 4th Feb 2023
  • 353 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Harmony Fallen - DILLYbOd

For hundreds of years harmony ruled the land. Now an old white lie comes back and this time harmony will fall.

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CHAPTER 1 - New Element Bearers

Celestia sat at a desk within one of the private reading rooms of Canterlot Castle’s Royal Library. The small space smelled musty. Old and rotten. The stain used for its walls gave off a vibe of weary drabness. Even the air within the room seemed to be affected as it made the feathers on her wings feel oily and heavy with each twitch of her muscles.

She breathed in the humid air as she placed a book on the desk. She looked at its leather-bound cover, studying its chipped corners and its loose binding. ‘The Elements of Harmony,’ she read to herself. ‘Written by Star Swirl, Continued by Clover’, humming a soft tune, she gently blew the dust off its surface.


Celestia grumbled as she glared at the light fixture overhead. She stared at the single lightbulb, studying its pulsing glow. Listening to its mind-numbing song each time a surge of electricity passed through its filament.

She huffed.

She never liked the invention. She found it needlessly complicated. Having to wire the whole empire to accommodate for it seemed like a waste of time. Well, to her, at least. Her younger sister Luna felt otherwise, while her brother Terren was indifferent to the whole thing.


She shuttered at the memories of tearing up the walls and floorings of historic landmarks just so they could replace oil lamps for electric ones…


Groaning, she rubbed her brow at the base of her horn. “I hate them so much….”

Grumbling, Celestia opened one of the desk’s drawers and took out an ivory-tinted candlestick. Placing the candle on the counter, she activated her horn and lit its wick. Watching the flame dance about, she turned off the lightbulb with a pull of its chain.

Bathed in complete silence and with the glow of candlelight filling the room, Celestia gave a pleased hum as she returned her attention back to the book.

June 7th, 1647.’ The page began. ‘Clover and I are on the eleventh day of our expedition into the Everfree Forest. I have to say the weather here is never a pleasant one… A lot has happened since I last wrote, however. We discovered several new species of plants and observed some wildlife….’ The writing on the page is smudged, about a sentence worth, but the quality returned. ‘Blasted pain… I broke my foreleg… Fell down a small ravine. It was a hard fall, but Clover is a good medic… Patched me up well enough, so we didn’t have to cancel our trip… But I have to say, the whole ordeal turned out to be a blessing in the end… Within a cave on the ravine’s floor, we discovered a crystal tree and on its branches, dangled six crystals of varying colors….

“Still stuffing your face into that book?”

Celestia jumped in her seat from the sudden appearance of the deep-sounding voice. Composing herself, she glanced at the door to the reading room and saw her brother, an alicorn like herself, leaning against the doorframe. His wings loosely hugged his sides. His bright red-orange mane laid flat against the right side of his face.

He chuckled, sending a smug grin her way.

“Terren! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Celestia groaned.

He ignored her cries. “I’m surprised that book is still together after all these years? Especially with how much you’ve read it today alone! I’d expected it to fall apart long ago.” He walked up to her desk and stared at the book’s worn parchment with a skeptical glare.

She rolled her eyes. “I’m glad you’re so caring….” She closed the book sending dust into his face. Stepping away, he shook his head and rubbed his snout with a foreleg. Grunting out a sneeze, he glared at her with his fiery orange eyes. Celestia held a hoof to her lips. “So, how are you, dear brother? What brings you from your chambers anyway?” She giggled.

“You know the answer to that question.” Terren huffed. “Luna thinks the elements will be released tonight, and here I find you sitting in this drab room reading this book!” The moonlight shining through the library’s skylights highlighted his ridged features. “I know you’re nervous about them. You read that damn book every time you or Luna think of them.” He shook his head. “This is the tenth time you’ve read that book this day.”

Celestia blushed, looking at the book. “You’ve been spying on me?” She picked it up with her magic and sat next to him. “You know that’s not a nice thing to do.”

They looked up at the skylights together, gazing at the stars dotting the night sky.

“No…” Terren chuckled, “I just know my sister.” He gave her a cocky smirk. A smirk he’s trying way too hard to pull off.

Rolling her eyes, she stood and headed out of the room for the library’s exit. On her way out, she smacked his face with her tail, causing him to sneeze once again. Recovering, he followed her with a huff.

They walked down the main hall of the library in complete silence. Only the sounds of their hooves making contact with the tiled floor filled their minds as they passed many aisles of shelves filled to the brim with scrolls and books spanning ancient and modern Equestrian history.

Turning down one of these many aisles, Celestia made her way to a particular shelf. Terren sat back and watched her slip the book into a secret compartment on the fourth shelf. “Will you ever allow our ponies to read that book?” He asked as he heard the compartment’s lock engaging with a solid click.

“In time, dear brother, in time.” Celestia hummed as she headed for the exit with her brother.

The royal night guard standing watch by the library doors saw the royals approaching his position. He quickly opened the doors for them. “Good night, your highnesses.” His bat-like wings spread out as he bowed.

They returned the bow. “Thank you, Iron Wings.” Celestia smiled.

Iron Wings stood from his bow and closed the door behind them.

Cool spring air washed over the royals as they stepped outside the library. Their bodies shivered a bit as they looked around. The castle was quiet this night, well, except for the soft echoing hoof-steps of patrolling guards and late-night staff mulling about their tasks.

Celestia stretched her neck. A redesign for the library’s reading rooms swam through her mind, but she set aside those thoughts for another day. There were more pressing matters at hoof.

“So, you think tonight will be the night?”

Speak of the devil.

Celestia kept quiet as she mulled over Terren’s words. Her eyes never left the tunnel’s entrance that connected to the other half of the castle grounds on the other side of the mountain face. “I’m not sure….” She finally answered.

Terren looked at his sister with a raised brow. “Not sure?”

Exiting the tunnel, they strolled through the royal garden along a slate-laden path. Both of them enjoyed the aroma of flowers that dotted the garden’s grassy fields and the gentle sounds of the river cutting through the grassy lot towards the cliff’s edge. Stepping onto the small wooden bridge that went over the river, Celestia looked over its edge at the water below.

“Why aren’t you sure?” Terren asked.

“Well…” She began. “It’s been eight years since the bearer of Loyalty passed away.” She looked at the willow trees hugging the river’s edge. “Usually, there would be new bearers by now.” She frowned. “It worries me….”

“I guess the world has run out of good ponies,” Terren stated in a snarky tone.

“Terren! Please!” Celestia huffed. “You know the elements! Their other half! The one I fear!” She put her hoof in his face. “You shouldn’t say those things!

“It’s a joke….” He rolled his eyes.

“A joke all too real!”

He tilted his head. “That was in the past!” Before she could interrupt him, he put a hoof to her lips. “A past that will not happen again!” He gave her a stern glare. His orange eyes glaring daggers into her soul.

She dropped her protest and sighed in defeat. “Let’s head to the Chambers of the Elements…. Luna is waiting for us.” Terren watched her step off the bridge and towards a building at the other end of the garden. With a heavy sigh he followed after her.

Entering the main hall of the Chambers of the Elements, Celestia and Terren gazed up at six statues that stand in a simi circle within the center of the room. The statues were made of rich creamed marble and their bases of lapis-lazuli. The sculptures were of six ponies. They towered over all who gazed upon them. Their sitting posture looking down at pondering ponies with judging eyes. These statues were the first ponies to bear the Elements of Harmony.

Celestia eyed the statues’ chests gazing at the carvings of their elements and the shapes they took when they bonded to their bearers those centuries ago. With a hum, she read each of the statues’ plaques that were at their bases.

The first statue to her left was of Kepler, a unicorn stallion who bore the element of Generosity. The second statue to her left was of Knight Wing, a bat-pony stallion who bore the element of Honesty. The third statute to her left was of Gum Drops, an earth-pony mare who bore the element of Joy.

To her right, the first statue was of Clover, a unicorn mare who bore the element of Magic. The second statue to her right was of Axiom, a pegasus stallion who bore the element of Loyalty. The third statue to her right was of Copper, an earth-pony stallion who bore the element of Kindness.

Bowing for the statues, she gave them a smile and headed towards the door leading to the room that housed the elements.

Terren only nodded at the statues then looked at the walls on either side. Pictures of other element bearers that came after them adored the walls. Giving them a slight nod as well, he followed after his sister.

Entering the last room of the chamber, Celestia and Terren saw their younger sister Luna standing by a chest made of blackened iron, laden with priceless gems over by the back wall. She eyed the chest and the six colorful crystals floating within. Blue standing for Joy. Red standing for Loyalty. Green standing for Kindness. Yellow standing for Honesty. Purple standing for Generosity. White standing for Magic.

Sensing Celestia’s and Terren’s presence, the usually quiet elements began to get excited. They tapped against the thick glass of their ornate cage with renewed vigor.

“They seem to be active tonight,” Terren smirked as he walked up to the chest standing beside his sister.

“Hello, brother…” Luna looked up. “And you too, dear sister. Welcome!” She returned her attention back to the elements. “Yes, they are! You should’ve seen them a few minutes ago.” She tapped the chest’s frame with her front right hoof. “I surely thought the glass would’ve given out!”

Celestia stood to Luna’s right. She stared at the elements, watching as they tried to search for a way out from their captivity. Their magical aura licking the glass, studying its structural makeup. “Maybe tonight is the night….” Her words were cut short as the elements vibrated violently against the glass, moving the chest forward by two inches.

The royals stared at the chest with wide eyes.

“Tia!” Luna gasped with excitement. “They’re ready! They have to be!” The elements simultaneously threw themselves against the glass, causing a loud ping to ring throughout the room. “Sister! Brother! We must release them!” She looked at her siblings with glee.

“She’s right. It's time, Celestia.” Terren put a hoof on her shoulder. “They haven’t been this active in a long time.” The elements, frustrated with their situation, threw themselves at the glass once more. “CALM ELEMENTS!” Terren growled at the crystals. “Your time will come!” The elements let out a metallic hiss at his words.

Celestia stared at the elements as they licked the glass with their aura once more. “I guess you’re right….”

“Tia!” Luna grabbed her sister’s hoof. “Let’s open the chest!” She pulled on her arm.

Celestia pulled her hoof away. “Hold on, sis….” She looked over her shoulder. “Guards!”

Two guards rushed into the chambers. “Yes, your highness?” They bowed, speaking in unison.

Celestia affirmed the bow with a nod. “Alert the guards and the castle staff. The elements will be released tonight.”

“T-Tonight!? Ow…” The guard to Celestia’s left sputtered before the guard to her right smacked him upside the head.

“We’ll do so your highness.” The guard on the right replied, giving a bow before they both left the chambers.

Not long after they left, the bells sounded off, ringing their thunderous melodies throughout the castle grounds. The Royals heard the rumblings of the castle coming to life as its staff and guards moved about, preparing for the arrival of Equestria’s new element bearers.

With the castle consumed in its task, Celestia turned her attention back to the elements. She noticed that they’re glowing brighter than before. She could feel the heat radiating off the chest. “Luna?”

“Yes?” Luna smiled at her sister.

“Shall we?” Celestia smiled.


They stood over the chest and unlatched the lock… A shockwave reverberated throughout the room, shaking its foundation. The elements shot out of the chest, rocketing out of the chambers and into the night sky. Officials, guards and staff halt what they were doing and stared in awe as they watched the elements soar across the sky.

Celestia, Terren and Luna stepped out of the chambers and onto the grounds of the garden. They looked up at the night sky, watching the elements’ part ways, heading towards their destinations.

“Within the hour, we’ll have our new bearers.” Luna smiled.

“We should prepare ourselves, I’m sure their families will be in shock,” Celestia commented watching the elements’ colorful streaks fade into the night.

Terren laughed. “Shock, now that will be an understatement!”

The element of Joy flew through the warm night sky, over the high desert plains of the Appaloosa Basin. It passed the towns of Dodge Junction and Appaloosa, until coming up to the settlement of Rock Cove, a small geode mining village nestled in the foothills. Blinking in a rhythmic fashion the element of Joy soared down to its gravel streets and hovered quietly through the slumbering village.

Feeling the pull of a worthy individual, the element buzzed as it flew towards the individual’s location. Arriving at a worn and tattered two-story home nestled in between two others of a similar style, the element studied the home’s exterior looking for a way in. Seeing one it twirled in place as it floated up to the opened second story window and into the house.

Once inside, the element found itself in a small bedroom, a child’s bedroom due to the number of toys lying about. Further studying its surroundings, it saw a desk in the corner of the room. A dresser sat under the window, its top just kissing the window’s trim. Over by the bedroom’s door was a toy-chest made of oak. Blinking, the element looked down as noticed a queen-sized bed. To its surprise, four earth pony fillies slept under its covers.

Buzzing, the element hovered up to one of these fillies.

The filly it looked down upon was no more than eight-years-old. Her fur was a bright pink. Her magenta mane long and straight like a razor’s edge. The element of Joy hummed as it watched the filly chew some of her mane. The element tiled its body. It found her behavior quite entertaining. Is glow blinked softly as it scanned her aura. Feeling her spirt bursting with joy and wonder, the element’s glow began to brighten. Washing out the room in a brilliant blue hue.

The eldest of the fillies stirred from the light. With a groan she sat up and rubbed her eyes. “Who turned on the light?” Her eyes went wide as she saw the element of Joy hovering over her baby sister. She stared in awe at the hot arching jets emitting from its crystalline body. “MA!” She cried out. “PA!” The element hearing her cries hissed out an awful melody. The filly covered her ears as she watched the element slam into her sister’s chest.

The element of Honesty hovered around the outskirts of Ponyville, where farmlands and orchards lay. Buzzing softly, it made its way to an apple orchard. Stopping at its gate, it looked up at the sign overhead. ‘Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres!’ It blinked twice as it bopped up and down. Buzzing to itself it floated up to the porch of the humble plantation home and through a hole in the screen-door.

Once inside, the element floated around the abode, studying the décor of the living room. To its left, a fire weakly burned in the fireplace. The element of Honesty listened to the fire crackle. It added a calming ambiance to the static night. Enjoying its warmth, it turned around and looked upon a young earth pony couple sleeping on the couch. The stallion slept on his back, while the mare slept on his chest. Floating up to the couple, it scanned them. Sensing the mare is eight months pregnant it let off several rhythmic buzzes.

The mare stirred in her sleep.

Silencing itself, the element eased away from the couple and up the stairs.

Floating down the second story hall, it passed two other doors before turning right and entering into a medium sized bedroom. On either side of room is two twin-sized beds. Sleeping in the bed to the element’s right was an earth pony colt no more than eleven-years-old. Sleeping in the bed to the element’s left was an earth pony filly no more than nine-years-old.

The element of Honesty floated up to the filly and studied her. The filly’s fur was a bright-cream-orange. Her wild mane was a rich-blonde. Her round cheeks were covered in white freckles. Feeling that her spirit was filled with honesty and strength the element shined bright, washing out the room in its yellow hue. Bright arching jets of yellow sparked out from its core. With a high-pitched hiss, it slammed into her chest.

The element of Generosity made its way through downtown Ponyville. It weaved its way through the mass of Germanic-styled homes and shops dotting the hilly landscape. Coming up to a three-story apartment several blocks from the center of town, it zipped around the building, scanning for an opening. Finding none, it buzzed a sigh. Determined however, it flew up to the roof and hovered around the air-ducts. Using its magical aura, it lifted one of the air-filters and slipped in.

It traveled through the metal maze, gently floating up, down, left, and right until it finally came up to the room of the pony it was looking for. Gently opening the vent’s hatch, the element of Generosity entered the kitchen. It hummed as it floated down the hall until it came up to the room at the end of the hall.

Entering through the opened door, the element was quite surprised at the room’s tidiness. It was rather spotless, well, except for the desk in the corner of the room covered in art supplies. Eyeing the mass of paper, glue, glitter and, crayons piled on the desk it hummed at the filly’s hunger for creativity. Floating up to the bed beside the window, it looked down at the sleeping eight-year-old unicorn filly. She slept soundly in her bed. Her spunky rich-purple mane laid flat against her face. Her white fur reflected the moonlight shining through her window.

Feeling a strong connection to her spirit, full of giving, the element shined brightly, illuminating the room in a purple hue. Bright arching jets of purple sparked out from the element’s core. The filly began to stir. Her limbs began to tremble under the bedsheets. The Element let off a hiss as it slammed into the filly’s chest.

The elements of Kindness and Loyalty flew high above the grand cloud city of Cloudsdale that floated above the snow topped mountains of the north. The elements dove down and soared through the towering Roman-styled cloud-made skyscrapers as they meandered towards the city’s suburbs.

Twirling as they flew, the elements made their way to a home on a street corner. Studying the cloud constructed home they flew up to one of its windows facing towards the front yard. Peaking in they saw three pegasus children sleeping by the coal-fireplace. Several board games, eaten snacks, black n’ white film reels and a bulky film-projector surrounded them, like guards protecting a castle.

The elements looked at each other. They buzzed at each other for a short time before the element of Kindness twirled happily in place. Nodding at its fellow element, the element of Loyalty flew through the cloud home.

A soft poof sound went off as the element of Loyalty made its way through the dense cloud wall of the home. Spinning around it blinked and saw that its companion was nowhere to be seen. Flying up to the window it looked out and saw the element of Kindness struggling to break through. Rolling its imaginary eyes, it flew through the wall once more and grabbed its fellow element and pulled it through.

Shaking off the clinging bits of cloud, they gave each other a little nod as they made their way on over to the trio sleeping by the fire. Floating above the children they looked down upon them and studied their features.

The pegasus on their left was a nine-year-old filly. Her canary-yellow fur contrasted vibrantly against her pink mane and tail. Sleeping in the middle was a six-year-old pegasus colt. His dull aquamarine fur was frizzy from his content dream. The pegasus on their right was an eight-year-old filly who was sleeping on her back. Her wings and limbs twitched about as she dreamt her night away. The elements tilted their bodies, studying her prism mane and tail. It was a curious sight to behold for sure.

Looking at one another the elements gave each other a nod and blinked as they floated above the children. The element of Loyalty hovered over the prism maned filly, while the element of Kindness hovered over the canary-colored filly.

Both elements shined bright as they sensed a strong connection with these fillies. Their glow consumed the room as it illuminated it in a hue of red and green. Bright arching jets of electric red and green danced across the elements’ bodies.

“Kids…. I told you to turn off the projector….” A pegasus stallion with a prism mane like one of the fillies stated with a yawn. “You better get back…. To…. Bed?” He stared at the scene in front of him with wide eyes. “Sweet Celestia!” His body went numb as he watched the elements slam into the fillies’ chests.

The element of Magic flew through Equestria’s capital city of Canterlot. Its wispy white colored magical aura left a soft graceful trail of light across the midnight sky as it searched for the pony it sought. Coming up to an eight-story apartment building, the element flew up to the seventh-story. It hugged the building as it flew up to the corner of the building. Looking through one of the corner windows, it saw the pony it was looking for.

She was a nine-year-old unicorn filly who slept soundly in her bed. Her dark-purple mane was unkempt from her constant tossing and turning which was limited due to the number of books on her bed forcing her to sleep close to the edge.

The element let out a soft hum as it found the filly’s hunger for knowledge amusing.

Blinking rapidly the element of Magic turned around and looked towards the westerly horizon. Five pillars of light shined towards the heavens. Red, blue, purple, green, and yellow. Blinking for each pillar, the element of Magic looked at the filly once more and let out another hum. Touching the window, it teleported into the room.

The soft pop and the glow of the element awoken the filly from her sleep. She rubbed her eyes and let out a soft moan. “Daddy?” Mommy?” She looked at her surroundings, her heavy eyes struggled to make out any detail. “Wha?” She stared in wonder, excitement building within her. “It’s! It’s!”

Sensing that her spirt had a strong connection to the raw power of magic itself, the element of Magic shined bright washing out the room in a brilliant white light. The filly put her hooves in front of her, trying her best to block out the harsh glare of the light. Reaching its apex of its ritual, the element let out a hiss and slammed into the filly’s chest.

Celestia stared at the element of Magic as it developed into its final shape over the filly’s chest its bonded to. Moving her gaze from the element, she eyed the wires hooked up to the filly. The bulky heart monitor sang its mechanical melody as it kept track of the filly’s heart rhythm.

“Your highness?” A doctor wearing a blue medical shirt spoke as he bowed.

“Y-Yes?” She replied, her gaze never leaving the filly.

“I wanted to let you know that the children are stable, but it is unclear when they’ll awaken.” The doctor picked up several folders from a nearby table. “I have to say, the elements did a number on them.” He too looked at the filly the princess was looking at. “Should I tell their parents.” He asked with a sigh.

“No….” Celestia looked at the doctor. “There is no need. We’ll tell them ourselves.” She smiled. “Return to your chambers for the night, you’ll need the rest.” The doctor bowed and exited the room.

Terren who was watching the six fillies with dull eyes from the corner of the room finally spoke. “So?” He walked up to Celestia and Luna. “What do the two of you think of our new element bearers?” He stared at the element of Magic’s pulsing glow.

“I find it interesting that the elements have chosen children of all ponies.” Luna quipped as she stared at the filly bonded to the element of Loyalty. “However,” Her smile faded. “I can’t think of a reason as to why they would have done so?”

Terren sighed as he looked at the filly bonded to the element of Honesty. “Well, all I know is that it’s going to take longer to train them into Equestria’s defenders.” He looked at the filly bonded to the element of Joy. “But I do prefer a blank slate….” He looked at Celestia. “What do make of it?” She doesn’t respond. “Celestia?”

“I’m concerned….” She finally looked at her siblings. Her eyes are drenched with tears. “What are the elements thinking? Young minds are easier to corrupt!”

Luna rolled her eyes. “But Celestia, them being young is a good thing!”


Luna cowered under her sister’s tone, but she recovered none the less as she stared at her with a new resolve. “Sister, hear me out. With them being so young their minds will consume all that we teach them without question.” She worked a smile. “Think of the possibilities!”

“P-Possibilities?!” Celestia narrowed her eyes.

Lune gave her sister a half-hearted smile. “With them so young, they’ll have an advantage the other element bearers never had. They’ll start at a younger age, developing their skills sooner. Dear sister I believe they’ll be the greatest element bearers Equestria has ever seen!”

“Luna?” Celestia looked at her sister in shock. “I don’t doubt that but still….” A wave of anger flooded her thoughts. “You know the elements, their darker side!” She snarled. “Don’t be naïve!”

It was Luna’s turn to return the growl. ‘Tia! I know of their dark side! We all do! But with our teachings and indoctrination, they’ll succeed!”

Celestia shook her head. “Luna….: She looked at her brother. “Terren, tell her that she’s wrong!”

He pondered their discussion as he kept his eyes on the element of magic. Granted young minds were easier to corrupt, but on the other hoof, they wound have longer to learn, to be able to control the magic…. Maybe this time he thought. “I have to agree with Luna.” He sighed.

“What?” Celestia looked at her brother in disbelief.

Terren glared into Celestia’s eyes. “Young minds are easier to corrupt, I give you that, but like Luna said, with our guidance, they’ll become the strongest element bearers… Heck, they might even match our magical strength.” Celestia’s eyes trembled as her mind soaked his words. Not being able to speak, she lowered her head in defeat. Terren placed a hoof under her chin and lifted her head. They looked into each other’s’ eyes once again. “I know you're worried, but let the past go. This stress you’re bringing upon yourself will only drive you mad!”


“But nothing!” Terren frowned. “The past you fear so much will never happen again! Honestly Celestia, after three-hundred-and-fifty-years of element bearers, nothing like you fear has happened ever since…. Then. And it will never be so!” He lowered his hoof and walked to the door. “So, drop this childish fear and act like the mare you are!”

Luna looked at her brother with a raised brow. “Um… That was a little harsh…”

“No… It wasn’t Luna...” Celestia looked at her brother. “He’s right, every time new bearers are chosen, I let worry overtake me… It’s stupid really… I’m just…”

Terren sighed. “It’s time to let go of that part of your life.” He gave Celestia a playful smirk. “Leave it to the dust of history.” He waved his right front hoof out in front of him.

“Yes… Leave it to the dust of history…” A sly masculine voice chuckled.

The Royals looked to their left and saw the head of a grey furred pony hovering over the filly bonded to the element of Kindness. “Discord! What are you doing here?” Celestia huffed.

Discord looked at her and sighed dramatically. “Oh, Celestia why so rude?” His whole body materialized showing that he’s an earth-pony, all be it a magically gifted one at that. He rolled his bright yellow eyes as he hovered up to Celestia. “You know tonight is a momentous occasion!” He stroked his white beard with his left front hoof. His short white mane and tail flapping about as he hovered around her. “You shouldn’t be rude to your guest.” He booped her snout with a hoof.

Celestia moved her head away. “What are your plans?” She huffed as she gave him a disapproving frown. “Already have plans to taint their young minds?”

Discord rolled his eyes as he gingerly floated on over to the filly bonded to the element of Honesty. Placing his hoof on the element, he let out a drawn-out sigh. “No…” The element glowed. “You know I’m the god of chaos. I pull harmless pranks on ponies and make some of their lives a little chaotic… Oh! There, I said it…” He giggled. “So, no… I’m not here to do what you think I’m going to do!” He smiled as he removed his hoof from the element. With a laugh, he floated on over to the filly bonded to the element of Magic. “I just want to see who will be Equestria’s new protectors.” He watched as the element of Magic grew over the filly’s chest like roots of a tree.

“Are you finished?” Terren asked as he watched the god stare at the filly with his yellow eyes.

“Almost!” Discord held up a hoof as he’s drawn to the filly bonded to the element of Loyalty. He stared at her prism mane. He chuckled. ‘What a strange mane color…’ He messed with his mane, ruffling it to cause it to turn prism as well. The royals looked at the god with raised brows. Not liking the look, he turned his mane back to its original color. Looking at the royals, Discord smiled. “They’re so young! It will be easier to indoctrinate them. I bet you’re thrilled!” He laughed.

Terren and Celestia looked at each other uncomfortably. Luna however, walked up to the earth pony. “Yes, we are. These will be Equestria’s finest element bearers the world has ever seen!”

Discord smiled at the young royal and rustled her flowing sapphire mane. “They will indeed…” He teleported next to Terren and Celestia and pulled them into a hug. “Well, I’m off, I have some ponies to mess with over in Manehattian.” He teleported outside the room. Manifesting a top hat and cane as he smooshed his face against the window and waved them a goodbye before teleporting to his destination.

The royals stared at the window for a few seconds before tearing their gaze from the glass back to their new element bearers. “Well, we should tell their parents that they are well.” Celestia quipped heading out of the room. Luna followed.

Terren stayed put.

“Aren’t you coming, brother?” Luna asked.

“No… I’ll stay, just in case they wake up.” His sisters nodded as they left the room.

Alone, Terren listened to the heart monitors sing their melody. Each filly slept the night away. Their elements slowly fusing themselves to them. But soon the quite atmosphere began to fade as a soft moan left the lips of the lavender-colored unicorn filly. Her face contorted into a pained frown. Terren walked up to the filly and looked down at her, watching her element flicker. “Show your worth filly! Show your worth…”